The Wizard World: 123 Shock 2

~. <>-~ 123 shock 2

“Angel, as a third-class apprentice, has met the requirements to be promoted to a wizard, and here I distribute to him a branch of Yasu water allocated by the academy.” Liliana said with a smile or a smile Crying with a horror expression, he reached out and took out a pale golden liquid from the robe, which was filled with a vulcanized crystal bottle exactly the same as the water of Yasu previously obtained by Angele.

Seriously put the water of Aso into the hands of Angele.

“As the thirteenth official disciple accepted by Liliana. I hope you remember that you will never get lost in strength and emotion.”

“Yes.” Angele took the water of Yasu respectfully.

“I wish you success.” Liliana said in a deep voice, “You and I have to leave today without finishing the experiment.” Her eyes fell on a bald black robe with red wine not far away. Man. “Getz, you better be careful, if I accidentally plant in San Diego, I have no good way.”

A smile appeared on the corner of the bald black robe. “Thank you mentor, I will come back to this soon.”

“That would be the best.” Liliana turned and took a few steps, her body suddenly turned into countless black smoke, and disappeared.

The bald black robe also gradually became translucent, and finally disappeared directly in place.

“The mentor is getting more and more cautious now.” A blonde and black robe woman giggled.

“Speak carefully,” the masked black robe aside said quietly. “We shouldn’t comment on the mentor everything.”

“Huh ~” The woman took a sip of wine without comment.

A group of people divided into several pieces, each standing together and discussing in a whisper.

A short time later, after a brief conversation, some of the black robes drank red wine in one sip, dropped the glass, and then turned into a mass of black smoke and dissipated in the room.

Soon there are only a few people left in the room.

Angle was standing in the center, and no one actively spoke to him at all. These wizards can come, more than just find an opportunity to get together and exchange information and resources with each other.

Liliana also organizes such parties under various excuses every time. So the official introduction of Anglo is just an excuse.

As a third-class apprentice, Angele was inconspicuous among a group of wizards. Most of these black robes did not pay much attention to him. It would be nice to be able to give him a drink.

Angele didn’t care. Carefully close the third water of Aso.

“Angelio, isn’t it?” A pale-faced old man came over and actually spoke. “Although I don’t know if you can be successfully promoted, even if your qualifications are not good, but you can reach the promotion standard at this age. You really deserve us all to meet again. I am Daniel Curtis. You can call me Daniel directly. You collected some medicinal materials from the instructor at a high price? I still have some here, do you still need them? “

Angele smiled back politely. “Of course, as long as it’s not too precious, I can’t afford it.”

“Then what price can you pay? Or don’t you use the magic stone?” Daniel seems different from other black robes, but he has a taste of talking with Angele on an equal basis.

“You can make a price.” Angli was a little fond of him. However, he did find that the black robes around him showed a slight look of contempt after seeing him talking to Daniel. Obviously, this Daniel should be the worst in this group.

“So, the magic stone is one thousand. Although the materials here are not very rare, they are not too bad. It should be enough for your price. Anyway, as a pharmaceutical refining agent, you don’t feel bad. “Daniel said with a smile.

Angel nodded slightly. “I’m fine, set a trading time.”

Daniel smiled: “I brought all the materials back to the college. I came back this time by myself, but it wasn’t just other people who projected with a contact lens.”

After the formal introductory ceremony was over, Angele traded materials with that Daniel directly after the reception, and brought the two lower apprentices back to the dormitory room.

Five thousand magic stones. At a cost, there are only more than two thousand. Anglican can’t help but lament the speed at which the wizard is burning money.

After returning for so many days, he was all preparing for the promotion. Even the three people who had calculated him in the woods that day were ignored for the time being. It was not too late to solve it after being promoted to a wizard. Now he is also very difficult to openly violate the rules of the college and directly kill the three. But after becoming a formal wizard, it will be different. There are many ways.

A thousand magic stones. It is a pile of various materials for half a room.

Angel also bought medicine containers from the pharmacy these days.

The materials for the configuration of the Nightmare Elixir have been collected for a long time. The reason why he bought so many materials is just to hide people’s eyes.

In addition, in addition to the water from Yasu allocated to the college, Angliel also arranged rooms for third-class apprentices to qualify for. But he was hungry and refused.

Now that he doesn’t have time to adjust to the new strange environment, he might as well attack the wizard in his room, where he is familiar.

And this time, Angele saw the upper level of the college for the first time. He and two other apprentices, who were also preparing to impact the wizard, were together in a small study room, summoned by the dean of the college.

Angel also talked with the other two people along the way, and unexpectedly learned that the entire college’s structural framework.

In fact, the colleges answered by Ram are mainly managed by two deputies, and the following are the leading mentors of each department. Then there are ordinary wizard mentors. Next came third-class apprentices, lower apprentices.

The real dean has always been a ghost, and it’s good to appear every few decades. This academy is not so much a place for wizards to cultivate as a habitat for the black wizards. The upper level of the college does not seem to value the younger generation as much as other organizations, but more like an organization that guards something.

But Anglia doesn’t have the energy to think about it now. The question of formal promotion was his most important consideration.

Angele stayed in the room for the next ten days, trying to deploy a nightmare potion.

With the precise calculation and analysis simulation of the chip, his dispensing success rate far exceeds that of a general pharmacist. Even if it is a medium potion such as a nightmare potion, there is almost a 10% probability.

The configuration of a nightmare potion may be complicated for others, but slightly easier for Angle.

After fifteen days …

Angele was standing at the table in his room, holding a small bottle of bright red liquid in his hand, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

“Finally succeeded.” He whispered to himself, shaking the vial in his hand slightly, the original red color of the liquid inside suddenly changed suddenly, and turned into a sea-blue light blue.

Angel shakes again, and the vial liquid turns back to brilliant red.

“It’s a wonderful potion, it’s a nightmare potion.”

After more than ten consecutive days of configuration, he finally got a small bottle of nightmare potions, these doses are enough for his promotion in the simulation.

“Then, then, it’s time for the last level.” Angele felt a little excited.

“Zero, what about the defensive spell improvements I want?”

“Spell model has been successfully revised and improved, refer to high temperature field, metal spell model, twisted barrier. Simulation runs: 19 times. Successes: 19. Failures: 0.”

Angel nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

He took a crystal clock from the bed and out of the package. Watched the time.


“Although the rooms of the academy are protected by protective spells, but …” Angliel suddenly stopped speaking.

“Finding miniature high-energy creatures approaching.” The chip’s prompt sounded suddenly in the ear. At the same time, within the range of Angler’s vision, a black dot flashed across the floor of the room.

Angele stayed calm, sweeping the dark spot with the light from the corner of his eye. Amazingly a tiny black bug.

The round body is only the size of a fingernail, it’s black, and its six legs get up very fast.

The energy particles attached to the door did not react at all, and the shape of the bug was immediately reminiscent of Instructor Liliana. The shapes of her beetles were exactly the same as this bug. Without a chip, Presumably he couldn’t detect it at all.

Angele still maintains the movement on this hand, but the small bottle of nightmare potion slips silently into the sleeve of the right hand.

“Everything is ready, it’s up to the end …” Anglo whispered to himself, his face downcast. “I hope it will be successful …… hmm …” He sighed and started packing up the mess on the table.

The black bug heard Anger’s voice and paused slightly, then quickly dived into the shadows of the room, and then disappeared into a plume of black smoke.

Angele was slightly relieved.

“The last time Black insects came to investigate, it should not come again for a short time. For so long, once every two days, the tutor valued me as an ordinary third-class apprentice …” Ange The corners of the columns slightly raised. “Although I don’t know what the reason is, the two-day interval is enough.”

He took out the nightmare potion again, put it on the table, and placed the three Aso waters one by one.

Standing quietly at the table, Angele picked up a water from Yasu.

“The soul is the immortal destination.” He said the mantra gently.

A click.

The vial on your hand opens slowly and automatically. Together with the other two on the table, the lids are automatically opened together.

Angel flashed a fortitude in his eyes, raised his head, and drank it.

Pick up the next one, drink it, and add another one.

Along with the nightmare potion, Angele drank all four potions in one breath. Quickly pack the four empty bottles into the package.

Angele hurried to sit on the bed with her knees crossed.

The medicament is drunk from the throat, like burning fire, burning from the mouth to the stomach.

Close your eyes slowly.

Boom! !!

A grayish-white flame suddenly burned on him.

“I will succeed …..”

~. <>-~

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