The Wizard World: 102 Home 1

Following the small town’s road, Angele quickly returned to the previous town of Meditation.

The town is still silent, and the houses on both sides are silent. .

A faint white mist floats in the air. Even the sun failed to disperse the mist.

Angele slowly walked on the main road in the middle of the town, glancing left and right.

These wooden houses are very quiet and can’t hear any sound.

Flopping fluttering …..

While flapping wings, a black crow flew over the roof on the right, stopping on the eaves, and red eyes Mumu looked at Angele.

This crow doesn’t bark, but just stands on the eaves so quietly.

Angle glanced at it, stopped paying attention, and walked towards the end of the town.

creak ….

The sound of some harsh fence doors opening, Angele frowned and moved lightly into the gray-white stone brick building.

Out of the small building, the three carriages are still there, and a total of four horses are still unconscious. They seem to be sleeping soundly. Next to one of the carriages, the driver Tom was leaning on the carriage and slept soundly.

Angele walked over, squatted down, and shook Tom’s head.

“Hey, Tom, wake up, wake up soon.” Angele shook it hard, at the same time stretched out his fingers and nudged it behind Tom’s right ear.

“Oh …” Tom groaned and opened his eyes stupidly. “Master … how are you here?”

“It’s time we left,” Angle exclaimed. He stood up and walked to the two black horses. He also stunned behind his ears, quickly. The two black horses slowly woke up.

“Gone?” Tom froze and reacted immediately. “Okay. Okay, I’ll get ready now!”

“The host here is asleep, and everyone around him is asleep. You should be ready, we will leave right away. This place should not be stayed for a long time.” Angele always felt an uncomfortable feeling here. But it’s impossible to say.

He has been in this town for so long. He has never seen any other townspeople except the owner of this hotel. When he asked for directions when he was in town, Tom asked.

Tom responded, and felt that there was no human voice around, a bit creepy, and he fought a cold war, hurriedly preparing for the supplies on the road.

Angel turned around in the courtyard alone. Swinged around the other two carriages. He didn’t know what happened to the other three. Is it dead or not? The situation was weird at the time, and the two small doors they ran in did not lead to a place at all. So for the other three, Angele was clueless. And the princess was so anxious that she had no chance to ask her. But looking at her, it is likely that they encountered other dangers besides the giant clamp warrior.

Angele shook his head. No longer thinking, while Tom was preparing things, he stepped out of the courtyard and walked to a wooden house on the left, ready to see what was going on inside. Ask two local residents about the situation.

Along the courtyard, go to the left. It is a small wooden double-storey building surrounded by a wooden fence. The entire house was built using rosewood. It looks like it’s a long time ago, and it’s a bit shabby.

The fence door is locked. Angele turned over and easily jumped over the half-height fence. Entered the yard.

The yard is full of weeds. It seems that the owner does not take care of it often.

Angel slowly walked to the door, reached out and pressed it against the red wooden door, and nudged gently.


After a crisp sound, the door slowly opened, and a hint of black mist slowly returned to the fingertips of Angliel. This is a simple use of negative energy for corroded wood bolts. Of course, if it is a complex door lock, there is no way to open it.

The mahogany door has just opened, and a scent of dust suddenly strikes.


Angele couldn’t help but cough twice. A finger bounced and a breeze blew up in the room, blowing a lot of dust out of the door.

Wait until the dust is almost gone before Angele enters the room.

“What’s the matter …” As soon as he entered the room, he froze slightly.

The whole house is empty and empty. There is no one. There are only neat wooden tables and chairs. There were brown bows and arrows on the wall, and the fireplace was covered with thick spider webs.

Angel slowly walked into the room, and clicked on a spoon that fell to the ground,

What about the expected sleeping neighbor?

Angle narrowed his eyes. Suddenly his face became ugly. He turned and ran out of the house, and went to the surrounding houses one by one to investigate.

After half an hour …..

“What the **** is going on …” Angliel’s forehead slightly began to cold sweat. Although his body became hot due to exercise, his heart was cold.

All houses! all!

It’s all empty!

No people, no residents, not even corpses or mice. Just an empty piece, except dust.

“So where did I feel when I entered the town? Where did the people I saw go?” Angle felt a little bit furry.

He is standing in the middle of the streets of the town, and goose bumps are all over him. The white mist around was hazy, and it seemed to have a mysterious and strange atmosphere.

“Hiss ….. whee …” He took a deep breath, trying to prevent himself, and walked quickly toward the hotel.


“Tom !!!”

With a creak, Angele pushed open the fence and walked into the hotel yard.

“Tom! Come on, we must leave here at once!” he shouted.

But the whole courtyard was quiet, no sound came out.

Angel suddenly snapped, he had a bad feeling.

Swipe left and right, the two black horses beside the carriage are still standing there, spraying white steam from the nostril from time to time. Tom didn’t know where it was, and he shouldn’t hear Angell’s shout at such a small place.

Angele slowly touched the dagger around his waist, gently pulled it out, and held it in his hand. Lightly and quickly walked around the house and walked to the backyard.

The backyard is a place like a kitchen. You have to come here to prepare for supplies. You have to buy wheat for horses and everything.

Crossing through some thick trees. A small vacant lot appeared in front of Angele.

On a clearing. A conjoined room was built next to the small building. With a chimney on top, it should be the kitchen.

Angel made a circle inside. Shouted for a while, and saw no trace of Tom at all.

“Damn !!!” he whispered. Knowing that this place can no longer stay. Quickly hugged some horse bean feed or something, and hurriedly returned to the front yard.

Stand over to the parking space.


With a shake of the reins, the two horses slowly walked out along the open courtyard. He drove quickly to the main road of the town.

“Tom is missing too …” Angele’s scalp was numb, “I just saw him …”

“What about those people we met here more than a month ago? It’s clear that what we eat and drink this month is real. And what about the hotel owner? It ’s thick dust, that ’s the thickness that at least accumulates for many years … ”

Angel’s thoughts flowed. The more you think, the more weird.

“Drive!” He shook the reins again, and the two black horses suddenly accelerated. Pulling the carriage quickly ran.

After ten minutes ………

The carriage drove away from the town of Moth. Cross the fork and run quickly in the direction you came.

Angel was sitting in the parking space, and the cold wind blowing on him made him awake slightly. My heart calmed a lot.

The dense woods on both sides quickly became sparse and tall pine forests. Blocks of off-white stones also gradually appeared on the ground.

Angele remembers this, this lot was when he first came here. Where the bright squirrel was encountered.

He couldn’t help looking at the wood on the left. Expecting to see the little squirrel again, I don’t know why. Suddenly he felt an oppression and desire to see a living creature.

The wheel of the carriage whistled. Soon, a squirrel sitting on the grass with two legs paralysed appeared in his field of vision, holding a nut and squirming.

“Call …” Angele quickly stopped the carriage. Turned over and walked towards the squirrel.

“Hey. Are you here again?” The bright squirrel greeted familiarly, looking up at Angele. “How’s it? Any gains?”

Angele smiled reluctantly. “Okay, it’s done.” He crouched in front of the squirrel. The faint sense of panic in my heart faded as quickly as the tide.

The heavy depression also slowly began to dissipate.

“How about the elders in our woods who want to see you? Go?” asked the squirrel.


“Well, in fact, I want to buy some of the things you sent last time. We live in the woods next to the main road, and the purpose is to facilitate business.” Squirrel said briefly.

“I don’t have a lot of snacks …” Angele hesitated.

“It doesn’t matter. Mosquitoes are small but also meat.” The squirrel waved his paws boldly.

“Okay ….” Talking to the little squirrel, Angelle suddenly felt a lot easier.

“You follow me.” The little squirrel bite the nut. Get up and walk to the woods.

“What about my carriage?” Angelle frowned.

“My companion shows you.” The little squirrel pointed at the carriage.

Angel looked back, just to see a little black squirrel standing on the top of the carriage. Waving this way.

“Allen goes well” The little guy pulled a small handkerchief and waved here.

Slap! !!

A nut hit the kid’s head precisely. The black squirrel fell down in response.

“Go to your sister and go !!! I’m not dead yet!” The bright squirrel said fiercely and patted his paw, “Well, let’s go on.”

Angele held back a smile, “You’re called Allen.”

“That’s my nickname.” Allen shrugged.

One person and one mouse quickly submerged into the woods.

“Allen! I want to break up with you !!!” The cry of the black squirrel came from behind. “And my sister too!”


Across the woodland, Angele followed Alan quickly to a large lake.

The white mist is permeating the blue lake. The whole lake is very huge. When I look at it, I can’t see the other side. Like a sea.

A brown wooden table stretches far into the lake. Underneath are high wooden feet supporting the bottom of the lake to maintain the weight of the entire wooden platform. It’s like a bridge to the center of the lake.

As soon as Angli was walking to the lake, he was a little speechless standing outside the wooden platform.

At the end of the wooden bridge, a white cat is standing with its legs upright, looking down at the lake with its hands, and booing, it has a vicissitudes of vicissitudes. I don’t know what I’m feeling, but it seems that there is a fishing rod at his feet … (To be continued …)

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