The Wizard World: 046 On board 1

Ten minutes later, the fleet slowly docked, and most of the ships docked elsewhere in the dock, lowered their boarding boards, and began unloading. The long-awaited workers rushed up, and began to move one by one strong wooden boxes from the ship. Some well-dressed businessmen also came down from the boat and chatted casually with the receiver at the dock. Wait for unloading and loading.

The last ship of the fleet docked slowly at the sea lane where Angele was. On the side of the ship, some half-big boys and girls were leaning out to look over, while they were talking to their companions and laughing from time to time. Most of these boys and girls are luxuriously dressed, and their faces are more with a touch of arrogance and distance.

Her boring, the boarding board was lowered and placed on the sea. The red and black wooden boards seemed to be soaked with oil, and they were more than half a meter thick and seven or eight meters wide. They looked like city gate boards, and they were engraved with steps. For people to board.

At the ship’s side, several strong sailors crowded a middle-aged man to the entrance of the board and shouted down. “Start boarding!”

The crowd on the waterway suddenly became crowded. Go up the boarding one by one. Angele nodded his teacher Adolf. Also walked up in the crowd. Stepped on the boarding board.

“Don’t forget to find Nancy.” Adolf whispered at last. The sound just made Angle heard. “She will take care of you.”

Angele squeezed into the crowd and nodded hard at the instructor. Follow the flow of people on the merchant ship. He noticed that there were many young people of his age in the crowd. Among the dozens of people who came up, seven or eight were seen. Most of them looked calm, and the surrounding crowd seemed extremely calm. At the same time, his eyes were staring, and he paused for a moment among young people the same age as them.

These are most likely wizard apprentices like me. Angle guessed.

After entering the ship, most of the cover people dispersed consciously, and they will disembark after the loading is completed. Only a dozen young people left in place to look at each other. The covermen walked away, and they looked exceptionally conspicuous.

On the left side of Angele is a beautiful red-haired boy who looks seventeen or eighteen. Standing with a blond boy, looking around at people around.

The girl near the ship’s side on the right is a girl wearing a white princess lace dress. It is estimated that she is only fourteen or five years old. Although she is beautifully dressed, her face with acne always gives people a taste that does not fit clothes . The girl looked arrogantly from side to side.

Of the more than a dozen people, two are the most prominent. One was a young man wearing a white noble uniform with a golden ponytail, and a golden fencing decoration on his waist, not a cross guard, but a hemisphere guard. The teenager has a handsome face, his chin is slightly raised, and he is used to the appearance of always being the core of the crowd.

The other is a young girl with a beautiful and serious appearance. Long blond hair tied into a ponytail behind her head gives an extremely serious feeling. The upper body is a white tube top, exposing a white slender waist, and the long, round legs are tightly wrapped in water-milled white trousers. Most noticeable is the forearms of her hands, with a pair of silver-white metal armrests. The girl didn’t feel how hot her dress was, so many teenagers around her couldn’t keep looking away from her again and again.

Angele recognized the girl. Nancy, the teacher Adolph had mentioned to him would take care of his companions. It is also one of the well-known figures in the college. Her father is said to be a Grand Duke of the Andean Union, and her mother is a princess of a small country. The family history is so prominent that anyone can humiliate themselves. Because I learned Angmar under Adolf’s door when I was a kid, and formed a good friendship with my mentor. Also respects Adolf. Promise to take care of Anglia on board this time.

Angel looked at her while Nancy saw him. The girl’s gaze glanced at Angell from top to bottom. Then strode over. “Are you Angelo?” She asked coldly.

“Yes, are you Nancy? You’ve heard your name at the academy.” Angele said with a little respect. As soon as Nancy was getting closer, the chip in his brain sounded an alarm. This suggests that Nancy has a powerful source of radiant energy. According to analysis, the possibility of demonizing items is more than 79%.

This made him startled. That’s why I quickly lowered my posture. He used the Enchanted Ring and he knew how powerful the enchanted items were. Even if he is the peak of the Cavaliers, he is likely to be killed in the face to face. Because he has no resistance to spell power.

“It’s Nancy, I’ve heard your name.” The blond-haired ponytail came over with a smile. “I’m Eli von Neumann. You must have heard of me.”

Nancy turned and nodded. “It turned out to be Lord Elli, the son of His Highness Am.” A little respect appeared on her face. With her status, she had to pay tribute to the person in front of her.

“It’s Prince Am’s second son …” “No wonder it’s so familiar.” The boys and girls who boarded the boat around couldn’t help whispering.

And at this moment when Alligator was approaching, he received another chip prompt, and there was another Alligator with a powerful radiation energy source. Obviously, both people have demonized items.

Although their enchanted items are not as damaged as Angliel’s ring, theirs should still be intact. Being able to use it means that the strength of these two people is much better than Angele and others without demonized items. Angele has seen the deterrent power of demonized items. The strong enemies he encountered at the time, the two knights, turned around and ran away immediately after seeing the ring, but still could not escape the doom of death. Under that kind of strength, maybe only the big knight can have a little resistance. But this possibility is also minimal. The power of spells is too powerful.

Ali and Nancy chatted casually. Then a few prominent young girls gathered to participate in the conversation, but most of them respected the two. These arrogant and excellent youngsters on weekdays also looked a little bleak in front of the two.

A group of people probably know each other. On the side deck, the young Chinese girls who appeared on the side of the ship also came under the guidance of a man in a black robe. The man in the black robe had dark eyes and was wrapped in the black robe. Except for opening his face, he could no longer see the exposed skin.

“Malua got on board, do you know the rules?” the man said lightly.

A group of teenagers stared at each other. That Aili stepped forward. Salute to men. “Yes, sir. Test your qualifications first, and then wait quietly to disembark.”

The man in the black robe nodded. “Although the rules are simple, some of you are always uneasy. There are no hostile countries and no hostile families. So pay attention when you see others.”

“Okay, fifteen of you go to the fourth floor lobby first.” He pointed to the cabin entrance on his side.

Nancy glanced at Angle. “Follow me,” she said lightly.

Angel also knows that at this time, Nancy with the demonized item is indeed qualified to take care of him. He nodded and followed her.

The group entered the cabin one after another. The teenagers and girls on the previous ship stood on the deck and watched their actions, whispering and laughing from time to time. One of the beautiful twin sisters was very eye-catching, and a few arrogant teenagers also made the zero chip sound an alarm. Obviously there are also demonized items.

I don’t know how many countries this ship has passed. It is estimated that all the talents gathered in this country are talented. He also noticed that most of the teenagers who boarded the ship were wearing Chinese clothes. Obviously the family history is not bad. It is estimated that this is also a monopoly of knowledge on civilians. Children of ordinary civilians, even if they are gifted, are not eligible for boarding.

If he had not been recommended by Adolf, he would not be eligible to board the ship.

Entering the cabin, following the stairs all the way down. Soon, under the leadership of the Heipao people, fifteen boys from the port of Maluya came to the lobby on the fourth floor.

A beautiful oil painting hangs on all sides of the mahogany wall. On top is a huge crystal chandelier, densely lined with candles, but none are lit. In addition, the entire hall was empty and there was not even a chair or table. Everyone walked on the floor, making clear footsteps.

The man in black robe walked to the middle of the hall. Turned around. “A third-class apprentice, is there anyone under the age of eighteen? Please stand behind me if there is one.” The words behind him seemed a little mild. Obviously, even this apprentice did not want to offend too much.

Four of the fifteen people left immediately. Standing behind the black robes. Among them, Ali and Nancy are listed prominently, and there are two. One is the princess princess skirt that I saw earlier. One was a dark-haired boy with an indifferent face. His appearance was ordinary and inconspicuous, and his clothes were simple.

“Report your age.” The man in the black robe said the temperature had been much better.

“Ali, 17 years old.”

“Nancy, 16 years old.”

“Kamen, 16 years old.”

“Gade, 14 years old.”

His …..

A gasp sounded around me. All eyes were on the ordinary dark-haired boy.

Even the black robe man is no exception. It took a while before he converged on his face, staring at the dark-haired boy Guardian. “Are you really only 14?”

“Yes, it was only last month. What’s wrong? Question?” Gade answered blandly.

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