The Whispering Verses Chapter 291: Cat in a bottle

“No, no, of course I am willing to go to the opera. I am just curious. Although the curfew has been lifted next Saturday, aren’t places where people gather like this open under control?”

Of course, the subsequent impact of the evil god’s arrival will not disappear so easily, so Shade is curious.

“The royal family requested the opening. This seems to involve a conflict between the church and the royal family. I don’t know very clearly. In short, Shade, do you accept the invitation?”

Miss Louisa asked again.

“Of course, I haven’t seen the opera yet.”

Xia De nodded, and then asked suspiciously:

“The thing you said you were going to do at the Queen Maria Opera House is not to collect relics, is it?”

“Where are there so many relics for me to collect? Do you think they are things that can be encountered casually?”

Miss Louisa asked with a smile, and then explained:

“I’m going to pick up the goods. I asked someone to bring back some sensitive things from abroad. There won’t be any surprises. Shade, the number of recorded relics does not exceed five digits. We are not chosen by fate. Where do people often encounter relics? ”

“Speaking of which, Miss Louisa, do you know that an angel-level (level 1) relic went out of control in the town under Tobesk? This proves that the danger is actually very close to us.”

Xia De has put little Mia aside. The cat’s body temperature is higher than that of humans. Holding it in Xia Tian is like holding a small stove. He is now holding the water glass again.

“Speaking of relics getting out of control…”

The blonde female writer glanced at Shade, with a smile in her green eyes:

“My friend Princess Lesia is now in Coldwater Port. She wrote to tell me that there has also been a bad incident of relics getting out of control in Coldwater Port City. It is said to be a sage-level (level 2) relic with a strong curse. That It’s a batch of mermaid statues.”


Xia De, who was drinking water, choked:

“Any more news?”

“Lecia said that the first group of people who were cursed were all dead, but the last person was not killed by the curse, but by gunfire.”

Miss Louisa said while observing Shade’s expression. Shade lowered his head and wiped his mouth with a towel, not noticing that she was looking at him.

“Are you interested in this matter? There is also some news. It is said that the church believed that the dock dispatcher who died after being shot was very valuable. Maybe the strange rituals he arranged really caused something, so he investigated the cause of his death. Divination.”

Xia De nodded. He was carrying the [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny] and was not afraid of divination at all:

“I guess something should be divined?”

“Because I was worried about the interference of the relics, I specially asked the diviners from the local Seer Association to help this time. I also used a large-scale ceremony to assist, and even used a clerical-level relic to assist.”

Miss Louisa said softly.

[The twenty-sided dice of fate] can interfere with fate, but there are no other ways to clear the fog.

“So what’s the final result?”

he asked.

Miss Louisa lowered her voice and said:

“The divination was very vague, but we still got a few important clues.”

She glanced at Shade’s expression, put the pen in her hand into the gap of the notebook, flicked her wrist and said:

“The fact that the murderer came to the dock dispatcher’s home has a lot to do with the seemingly ineffective pentagram ceremony.”

Shad indeed decided to investigate after seeing the blood stains on the ceiling.

“The murderer comes from the ocean.”

Shad did crawl out of the sea.

“The murderer comes from afar.”

Shad indeed traveled from the distant Tobesk to Coldwater Port City.

“The murderer uses the power of the evil god.”

Shad indeed used the spell “Underwater Breathing” from the [God of the Deep Sea Drowned].

“Before the murderer went away, his body almost merged with the fish.”

Shad did indeed hold a fish and travel through space.

He was very surprised that the divination was so accurate. Although he knew that the church still had no way of knowing that it was him, he was still a little worried. Xia De hesitantly explored:

“So the church believes that the murderer of the last deceased was…”

Miss Louisa smiled and shook her head:

“These details are not very clear, and the divination is not 100% correct. The church just makes guesses.”


“The murderer is a terrifying fish-man from the deep sea who was favored by the evil **** and summoned by a ritual.”

Miss Louisa carefully observed Shade’s expression and felt a little disappointed when she saw that Shade had no expression.

At this time, Shade had turned his head slightly to look at the window. Outside was the dim dusk scenery, which made him involuntarily think of the vampire’s words of sublimation.

“It turns out that this information can be pieced together to piece together such outrageous news.”

Xia De sighed softly in his heart.

He has decided not to go to Coldwater Port in the near future. As a detective in Tobesk, he thinks it is better not to get involved with the troublesome things in the distant city.

Of course, the most important thing is that the sage-level relic is out of control and has no profit for him. Only if he goes crazy will he go all the way to Coldwater Port just to put himself in danger.

Miss Louisa didn’t mention that seaport city again after that. She just casually sighed that her friend Princess Lesia is very bored in Coldwater Port City. It would be great if she could have friends to visit her. alright.

Unfortunately, Shade didn’t have enough clues and couldn’t figure out what the blonde writer meant.

During the subsequent break, he also talked about the story about the two ghosts in the cemetery, which quickly diverted Miss Louisa’s attention. She listened quietly to Shade’s experience in the rain in the cemetery, and then looked at the Moon Dancer:

“Xia De, you know that I plan to serialize a detective collection in the newspaper after the exam week. I have decided to use this story as the opening chapter… Don’t worry, the specific plot will not be exactly the same, I won’t let that old lady see it.”

With the touching story, she easily temporarily left Princess Lesia behind.

Due to the night curfew, Miss Louisa cannot stay here for a long time. After having dinner together, the blonde girl left, not forgetting to remind him to remember the exam next week.

Xia De took advantage of his free time at night to sort out his tax returns. The end of the month is coming soon, and he needs to file a tax return with the Tobesk Tax Bureau. A legally operated detective agency cannot evade taxes.

But five minutes after the blonde girl left, there was a knock on the door downstairs again.

It was not dark yet, so Shade couldn’t guess who would visit him at this time.

After opening the door downstairs, what I saw was Priest Augustus. The dim sunset behind him coated the priest’s body with a layer of gold.

Behind him was the crowded Saint Teresa Square, where a flock of pigeons stopped to be fed by people. Shade has always felt that the life of the pigeons living in the square is probably more comfortable than that of little Mia living in the house:

“Priest? Why do you have time to visit me? Please come in.”

With the cat behind his legs, Shade enthusiastically invited the priest to come in. When the two of them sat down at the coffee table covered with ledgers and contracts, the priest seemed to be in a very bad mood. He didn’t even notice the obviously low temperature in Shade’s house:

“Shadow, do me a favor.”

When the priest came to the door, he was carrying a wine bottle wrapped in newspaper. The straw rope was tied around the outside of the newspaper and eventually extended upward to become a handle. Coincidentally, the page facing the outside of the newspaper was a photo of the mayor of Tobesk giving a public speech three days ago.

If Shade remembers correctly, that speech was related to this summer’s military recruitment campaign. Fortunately, the all-out war is now over, and the kingdom is no longer recruiting troops on a large scale. Shade does not have to worry about suddenly receiving a recruitment notice one day, and then directly carrying his luggage and heading to the front line.

“No, I am an agent of MI6 and I am part of the Royal Army. The recruitment notice is completely useless to me.”

Thinking of this, my mood suddenly became very good.

The old priest with a grimace tore apart all the layers of newspapers on the outside of the bottle. Only then did Shade see that inside the dark glass bottle, there was actually a pure white wine bottle smaller than Mia. s cat.

But no matter how small it is, its body will inevitably deform when it is squeezed into that wine bottle. It was impossible to tell whether the cat inside was alive or dead. It was stuffed in the bottle with its eyes closed and motionless.


The orange cat that was originally lying on the sofa jumped up. This cat has always been quite repulsive to its own kind. Shade heard about Xiaoqiao’s bad reputation when he first picked it up at the pet shop. Later, after he was taken to St. Teresa Square for a temporary stay, Shade would definitely hear Xiaoqiao when he went home to hug other cats outside. The orange cat screams “viciously”.

“I’m curious, priest, how did this cat get stuffed in?”

Shad stared cautiously at the wine bottle filled with cats.

“Don’t look at the joke, Shade, you must have seen that this is not a cat at all.”

The priest grabbed the corked wine bottle and shook it vigorously a few times. So the “white cat” melted into the bottle and turned into more than half of the bottle’s milk-like liquid.

Xia De was greatly surprised. Although people joked that cats are liquids, what happened before him was a bit too exaggerated. Mia stood on the sofa in horror and looked at the bottle, then at Priest August, and then rushed to hide behind Shade.

The cat probably misunderstood something and mistook Priest August for the cat murderer.

“What is this? A relic?”

Shad comforted the timid cat, then reached out and touched the dark brown glass wine bottle, but felt no trace of the whispering element.

“Where can one encounter a relic so easily? This is a magic potion, or in other words, a precursor to the potion… Just think of it as a semi-finished product.”

The old priest explained that he saw that the liquid had the tendency to turn into a cat again, so he picked it up and shook it again:

“Magic potion – [Cat in a Bottle], humans can turn into cats in a short time after drinking it.”


The orange cat behind Shade poked its head out to look at him, its pointed ears pointed and its big amber eyes staring at the wine bottle.

“Priest, can you actually prepare this kind of magic potion?”

Xia De asked with admiration.

“Of course not, what are you thinking? I am only a second-level magician. Even few people in St. Byrons can make this top-notch magic potion that can change the body of a magician. I bought this from the black market. I got the expired potion and wanted to study it as part of my course report. But after I got it, I discovered that not only was it expired for at least thirty years, but there was something terrible mixed into it.”

The priest’s face became serious:

“Look carefully, is there something like black velvet inside the white liquid?”

Xia De picked up the wine bottle, shook the liquid that was about to condense into a cat, and looked around for a while before he saw:

“Yes, it does.”

“This is a mixture of curses. This thing exists in the potion. I am worried that sooner or later, this potion will give birth to something more terrifying. So, I used some methods to perform an exorcism in the church.”

Although Priest Augustus is not a church magician, as a senior clergyman, it is impossible for him to not know any exorcism techniques.

“Does it work?”

“It works. When I first got this bottle of potion, at least one-fifth of the contents were black. At that time, I thought it was mold, until I discovered that there was something strange when it came into contact with our Lord’s Holy Emblem. I realized it was a curse after reacting, but I can only do this. I still remember Louisa saying that you can also exorcise demons, so I want to ask you for help. If it doesn’t work, I can only hand it over to the academy. Handled.”

He pointed to the bottle, and Mia Cat and Shade looked at the contents inside with great interest. When the milk-colored pure white liquid gradually formed into the shape of a cat, it did not change its shape like plasticine, but first started to shape from the internal organs, which looked very disgusting.

“Exorcism? No problem.”

Xia De looked around, stood up and picked up his coat from the hanger at the door. Holding the bottle in your right hand, wrap the coat around your right hand:

“Priest August, please don’t look directly at my hand. Silver Moon!”

The bright light shines through the black fabric, but because it is blocked, it is not dazzling.

“If the consumption is not big, try a few more times.”

The priest touched his chin and suggested, Shade nodded, and then the clothes in his hand continued to glow frequently. He didn’t know what was enough, so he counted twenty times before stopping.

Put the wine bottle in front of your eyes and observe that there are no traces of black in the white liquid, but there are some black solid precipitates at the bottom of the bottle. They look heavy and you have to shake the bottle vigorously to make them float, but they don’t dissolve.

“Is this okay?”

He handed the bottle to the priest. The old priest looked at it for a long time and finally smiled:

“Very good, that’s it. The liquid in the upper layer is the expired semi-finished potion, and the solid below is the curse combination. After I separate it, I can use it as precious casting materials… I have very good curse spells, thank you for your hard work, Shade.”

“It’s just a small thing. Oh, priest, actually I also have something to ask you. I want to try to prepare some joy potions and eternal sleep water next week. I need your guidance. I wonder if you have time?”

“The practical content of potions class in the first grade? Of course, it’s very simple. Go to the church and see me on Wednesday morning. Bishop Owen just wants to talk to you.”

As he stood up to say goodbye, the curfew time was coming soon and he couldn’t stay long.

“Wednesday? Okay.”

Shad stood up and Mia immediately followed.

Going downstairs with Priest August, the two talked about next week’s exams and the Feast of Holy Prayer.

The old priest also had a headache about the exam, and what he complained about was not the exam itself:

“I get a headache when I think about exams. I am already this age, but I still have to take exams. When I was young, I never thought that such a thing would happen.”

“So when you were young, how did you think you would spend your old age?”

Shad helped Priest August open the door, and the priest put the hat on his head:

“Have some savings of your own, and then with the help of the church, find a job in the government welfare department that can pay you without working, preferably with a weekly salary of more than half a pound. Have a house of your own in Tobesk , drink tea and read newspapers every day, maybe raise a cat like you… Look, Shade, how do I feel that you have achieved what I wanted for myself when I was young?”

At this point, the old priest himself laughed. He reached out and patted Shade on the shoulder, then walked out of the door.

The afterglow of the setting sun has reached the roof of the house opposite the square, and the bright golden light in front of him made Sha De subconsciously narrow his eyes. Priest Augustus walked away towards the sunset, while Shade stood at the door holding the door and looking at his back:

“It would be great if I could be as handsome as Priest Augustus when I grow old.”

When the priest was young, he envied Shade’s current life, and the young Shade envied the life of the old priest. This made Shade think more about life in a foreign land.

【What are you thinking? 】

Xia De closed the door gently, shutting out the sunlight and the square.

“Even in this world, having a house of your own is the most important symbol of a successful life.”


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