The Whispering Verses Chapter 2710: Memory

Chapter 2709 Memory

The young man in the oil painting is riding a pure white luminous unicorn facing the darkness. Otherwise, the background is dim and unclear. This is obviously depicting the scene where the two of them were in the coffin yesterday morning.

The witch is quite proud of this:

“Simple composition can reflect painting skills. I have rarely painted such simple oil paintings in recent years, but it seems that my level has not deteriorated.”

Miss Danister had already come to the two of them and asked with a smile:

“Flora, don’t you feel something is wrong about this? You turned into a unicorn and Shade rode on your back. Don’t girls try their best not to let others know about this kind of thing? Why did you still draw it? ”

The red-haired girl and the witch have lived together for nearly two months, and they have a very harmonious relationship with each other, so she can say this.

The witch doesn’t care at all:

“Being able to transform into a unicorn is my pride. It is proof that I am a master of transformation. As for Shade, that is a small problem, and you won’t tell others, right?”

Everyone shook their heads, and Miss Winslet folded her hands in front of her chest and continued to watch her work:

“The first picture is Shade throwing the moonlight wheel alone, the second picture is the dance between Shade and Miss Bayas, and the third picture is Shade and me. Oh, I didn’t even think that six people formed After painting, what is the effect of putting them together?

I am so happy to see so many stories and get to know you this fall. Shade, what are the plans for today? ”

“Margaret has investigated the whereabouts of the professor who was during the renovation of the Golden Concert Hall. He is now in Vista City. But before looking for the professor, I want to see if there is still something in this soul. Memories remain.”

He took out the soul core, and the three of them returned to the sofa and sat down together. The witch checked it:

“Why is it so much more complete than yesterday?”

“I have found the soul dedicated by York Brontë in the coffin, and the paradox worm has been solved.”

Then the witch nodded:

“No problem, I can help explore his memory, but I need to prepare, Charlotte~ is here to help.”

While the witch was preparing for the ceremony, Miss Danister also told Shade about the church’s actions yesterday. Yesterday evening, after the church received the black market letter and learned the secrets of Bronte, the Mourners, and the Dead Apostles, the church immediately sealed off the Bronte Manor and controlled everyone with blood ties to the Bronte family.

At the same time, Margaret also said this morning that Baron Bronte, who is an army staff officer and is actually Theodore Bronte’s eldest son, has been controlled. The investigation against their family will continue for a long time. The church will not let them go free until it is sure that the family’s bloodline is completely correct. However, their newly born descendants will also continue to be monitored to prevent generational inheritance.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the note that Shade asked Miss Bell to write mentioned that “it is suspected that the Bronte family knows about Theodore Bronte’s immortality. Otherwise, Theodore Bronte’s death cannot be explained.” Bronte was able to exploit the identities of different generations of the family,” so the entire Brontë family is now suspected of being a “heretic.”

This is a very serious accusation. Therefore, in the current undercurrent, the official reason for the arrest of the Royal Army Staff Officer and his family is “suspected of conducting illegal occult research.” This is a serious crime in both Delrayon and Carsonlik. Even if the rest of the Bronte family is proven innocent afterwards, I am afraid that the family’s title will not be preserved.

Of course, Shade doesn’t think they are innocent either.

The Bronte family is the traditional aristocracy of Ximu Town, and their arrest is bound to cause quite a stir in Vista City. Shade was curious about who among the local people who knew the secret of the tree hole several generations ago would be the next to jump out.

Reading the soul’s memory is not difficult. The difficulty this time is that only the purest core part of the soul is left. But fortunately, the great witch of death still has some skills. After getting ready, Shade also stood up to help seal the doors and windows, while Miss Daniste cast a spell to block the outside world’s perception of the room.

After everything was ready, the furniture in the living room was temporarily cleared, and the complex ritual matrix was arranged on the floor. After lighting the blue candle, the temperature in the room dropped significantly, causing the cat to bark unhappily.

Then the frozen soul was transferred to the bowl containing the magic potion in the center of the ceremony. As everyone approached the wall, the witch enveloped the ceremony venue with the aura of her life ring, and the soul suddenly emerged from the magic potion. The medicine flew up, and then a series of pictures were displayed.

Even the great witch of death cannot read all the memories of this soul at this time, so these pictures are only the most profound part of the soul’s memory.

After a series of rapidly flashing pictures, the first continuous and stable picture appeared, in which the young Theodore Bronte was talking to a middle-aged man sitting behind the desk. The picture was based on Theodore Bronte. Bronte’s perspective.

Shadow didn’t know the middle-aged man, but Miss Bell did:

“This is Theodore Bronte’s father, and there are still his oil paintings in the Bronte mansion today.”

After saying that, she closed her mouth, and Miss Winslet tried to make the sound louder in the picture.

“Father, so time travel is real!”

The young man’s tone sounded very excited, while the expression of the middle-aged man wearing an old-fashioned dress in the dark study room was a little gloomy. He put down the quill in his hand:

“Theodore, don’t try to travel through time unless the most urgent situation is the destruction of your family. There are more secrets in this world than ordinary people like us can guess. Traveling through time does not mean that you have mastered time.

The notes left by our ancestors emphasized many times that traveling through time means being cursed by time. I won’t tell you this until you are sixteen this year. I hope you can keep this secret in the future and tell it to your eldest son until one day our descendants need to use this power to save the family. ”

The middle-aged man looked at his son with an excited expression. He knew his son too well:

“Our family currently does not have control over tree holes, but even if we find those terrible tree holes, do not use them. Theodore, all I can give you is advice. Traveling through time rashly will bring more disasters than benefits.

Most of the traditional families in Ximu Town have more or less secrets, but guess why no family has suddenly become rich or powerful so far? ”

The young man continued to ask his father excitedly:

“Father, then you tried”

“No, I won’t try. The ancestors left warnings that some bugs will be attracted by people who use tree holes. Judging from those ancient legends, the origin of Ximu Town seems to be related to these tree holes. Regarding what responsibility we seem to bear.”

The voice gradually became quieter, and the scene ended here.

The red-haired girl then said to Shade:

“The Bronte family should have ancient information about tree holes.”

“I just don’t know if the church can find it. I don’t think Theodore Bronte lived for so many years and thought he was immortal, and would put those materials in their home, but he doesn’t seem to have any divination talent. It seems Let’s see if the Prophet’s Association can help find that information.”

A series of discontinuous images flashed next, and then a second image with sound appeared.

This time the picture still has Theodore Bronte as the main perspective, but there is no second person in the picture. He was walking quickly through a narrow cave similar to a burrow, moving downwards. After a few minutes of useless footage, he reached the bottom of the cave and smashed the stone wall with a pickaxe.

A stone tablet appeared in the ruins of the stone wall, but it only flashed by, because Theodore Bronte immediately looked at the coffin behind the stone wall that was locked by a rusty rune chain. .

“Wait a minute, can you look at that stone tablet again?”

Xia De asked, and the witch controlled the screen to play backwards. The full picture of the stone tablet was displayed in front of everyone, and it was written in Elvish language. Although the picture is very dark, Shade successfully translated the above content:

“The general meaning is that a witch assisted the Nightsong elves in sealing the monster called the ‘Mourner’. The elves buried the sealing coffin here and set up rituals around it to prevent anyone from accidentally

They recorded this incident and hoped that no one else would touch the existing seal. And if there is an accident with the seal, they ask the latecomers to go directly to the Great Witch of Death in the Witch Council. There should be a record of this incident in the Council, and the Great Witch of Death will re-seal the monster. ”

After Shade finished speaking, everyone looked at Miss Winslet, who looked a little embarrassed:

“A lot of the records of the Parliament were lost during the Witch Emperor War at the end of the Fifth Era and the subsequent era changes. Those elves probably left the records when the Parliament was in its heyday, and they did not expect that the Parliament would be like this in the future.”

She was embarrassed to continue talking.

Then the scene continued. Since the outer seal set by the elves was seriously damaged, Theodore Bronte directly came into contact with the coffin after successfully cutting off the rune chains.

Some black mist seeped out from the cracks in the coffin lid, and then the scene ended abruptly, and the witch explained:

“The power of the mourners is very special, and it itself is not allowed to be recorded. Unless directly observed, its true existence cannot be known.”

Then a series of pictures flashed by, and the picture was fixed on Theodore Bronte reaching out to grab a woman’s neck, and then strangling her to death.

The red-haired girl showed an unbearable expression:

“What is this, who is this woman?”


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