The Whispering Verses Chapter 2516: Dating

Chapter 2515 Dating

In short, after bidding farewell to the returning girls at Yuewan City Railway Station on Saturday morning, Shade threw away his glass slippers and returned home.

The glass slipper happened to be in the second room on the second floor of the house. Fiona, who had changed into a maid dress, was looking at the room with a handkerchief in annoyance:

“Xia De, don’t you have any room in your house that needs cleaning?”

The big tail drooped on the carpet, and the red dragon girl was a little at a loss:

“It’s okay anyway. I want to tidy up this place, but your maids don’t seem to have left any work for me.”

She probably misunderstood the identities of Carina’s maids, but Shade did not correct him:

“Fiona, you are here as guests, you don’t need to work in my home.”

He forcibly took the handkerchief from Fiona’s hand. The red dragon girl did not insist. She put her hands behind her back and nodded. She seemed happy no matter what Shade said.

In addition to the corridor, there is also a door on the wall between Room 2 and Room 1 connecting the two rooms. When Shade and Fiona returned to Room 1 together, they saw little Mia lying lazily on the window sill basking in the sun, while Miss Feliana was standing in the living room, looking up at the painting hanging on the wall. Colorful “Mermaid” oil painting.

There is no need to worry about the oil painting fading after being framed, so its color remains exactly the same as when Shade first brought it back from Green Lake.

No one has ever noticed anything wrong with this painting so far. Shade is curious about what Miss Feliana will say, and she is indeed different from everyone else:

“Have you seen the mermaid?”

“Yes, I have met many times and she has helped me a lot.”

Shad said softly, Miss Feliana nodded, and then stopped continuing the topic. Although Shade still wanted to talk to her about “desire”, since what he got was not a warning, there was no need to ask.

The two ladies said they would stay in this era for about a week, and since they came on Sunday, today is Saturday, which means they don’t have much time left.

Today’s group study meeting will probably be held on the train. Shade is the only one absent, so he has no other important matters today. After returning home, I tidied up a little, then took Miss Feliana and Fiona out, and as planned, we visited the city of Tobesk, known as the “Pearl of the North”, with them.

The prosperity of Tobesk City is somewhat different from that of Yuewan City. Perhaps in the eyes of demigods and thirteenth-level witches, the prosperity of the two is far less than the place where they really live, but at least they and Xia When walking together in this ancient but modern steam capital, both of them showed great interest.

Wander the Silver Cross Avenue and introduce them to the Yodel Palace and the Cavendish family, and then talk about the history of Delrayon; then enter the Prophet’s Association to find Vice President Mark and take out the [Foundation·Light] request During the appraisal, he jokingly asked the two ladies if they wanted to perform divination here.


Miss Feliana, who was dressed particularly young today, said, Shade was startled, and then looked at Vice President Mark, who was looking at the cards like a dragon looking at treasures:

“Louvia is on vacation. Vice President Mark, can you arrange for a trustworthy fortune teller?”

“So what do you want to divine?”

In the familiar fortune-telling room on the second floor, Luvia’s colleague Rachel Geller, a female fortune-teller with a third-level ring, asked the blond lady across the table who was so beautiful that she was ashamed of herself. The latter looked at her with a smile. After a moment, Shade stood aside:


Miss Geller glanced at the rumored “Duke’s Lover” and remembered the ambiguous relationship between Luvia and him that was widely rumored in the association:

“We are really in trouble now.”

After the visit to the Prophet’s Association, Shade held hands with Miss Feliana, and together with Fiona visited the dessert shops, clothing stores and bookstores on both sides of Silver Cross Avenue. Shade gave Miss Feliana a new beige sunhat, and Fiona got a red woolen scarf.

But lunch was not eaten on Silver Cross Avenue. Near noon, Shade took them in a carriage and went to the “Three Cats Hotel” that he was most familiar with in the Psalm Square in the north of the city.

Although the female owner of the hotel, Mrs. Sangmei, was also stunned by Miss Feliana’s appearance, she still made the same joke as before:

“Detective Hamilton, this time you brought two girls who are different from before? They are so beautiful. It reminds me of myself when I was younger.”

The two witches had no objections to having lunch in a place like this. During lunch, Shade specifically asked them if they were interested in such a “trip”, and they both said that was fine.

“However, Shade, your home is much smaller than I thought.”

Fiona said this, and pointed out the most unreasonable point:

“There are so many witches around you. If one day everyone wants to live in your house, even if you add the attic, there won’t be enough room for each person.”

Shade touched little Mia who was also brought out. The cat was waiting for Shade to feed:

“There is a lot of money in Tobesk, so it is difficult to buy a house in the city center. However, if all the gold and silver I have on hand are liquidated, it will actually be enough to buy a small manor outside the city.”

Mainly because yesterday Miss Sylvia gave Shade a large amount of money alone and claimed that it was a dividend from their business.

“But I prefer the current house. If I need a room in the future, I can find a way to open up a new room based on the existing space. You also saw the hidden ‘No. 3′ on the third floor. room’.”

That is, after the Green Lake incident, Shade added a new potion and alchemy workshop to his home.

“The space environment in your home is very strange.”

Miss Feliana, who tasted the mushroom fish soup very elegantly, said, and while Shade’s heart skipped a beat, she added:

“The space there is extraordinarily stable, even more stable than most places we have seen in our time.

This may be related to the special “doors” you mentioned in your home. Those “doors” are like nails that firmly fix the space. Therefore, ordinary thaumaturgy, such as ‘Feliana’s Glass Greenhouse’ and ‘Mexius’ Mansion Magic’ cannot open up extra space in your home, but relics should be fine. ”

She looked at Fiona:

“Remember to write Shad a list of relics that would add extra space to his home.”

“Yes, teacher!”

The red dragon girl who was just saying that the chef at the “Three Cats Hotel” was not as good as herself nodded and said, but she needs to carefully observe No. 6 Saint Teresa Square before she can come up with a better plan. .

After lunch, Shade took them to the Xiacheng District Theater not far from the Three Cats Hotel to watch a performance by the “Jasmine Opera Troupe”. Then they took the carriage arranged by Carina and went out of the city with the witches to Carina Manor. Then they each rode a horse and the three of them spent this ordinary late summer afternoon in the countryside.

Shad did not ask the maids to follow him, but turned the picnic tools and food into toys and took them with him. So in the afternoon they not only had afternoon tea in an apple forest and talked about the local water and soil and the growth of fruits and vegetables. As the evening approached, they even had dinner beside an unnamed creek under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The sumptuous dinner was obtained by Shade using thaumaturgy – [Fiona’s domestic servant]. This was not the first time that he used gems in exchange for food, but this time the dinner was so sumptuous that the three of them Not a single cat could finish it.

Fiona is very interested in this thaumaturgy:

“What is the principle of this thaumaturgy? Are the food prepared in advance summoned, or are the wishing genies connected and asked to help prepare the food?”

“Miss Feliana, what do you think?”

Shade smiled and asked the blonde witch. She was sitting sideways on the soft cushion on the tablecloth. Her slightly curled legs were covered by her skirt, but she could still see her brown women’s cloth boots and Black stockings over boots.

The sun has now sunk to the end of the western horizon. Under the last ray of sunlight, not only little Mia’s hair, but also her blond hair seems to be shining.

Because there was no one nearby, Fiona on the side had also freed the big tail. The tail with crimson scales lay casually on the tablecloth. Only when Shade looked at it did Fiona move her position awkwardly.

Miss Feliana answered the question with a smile:

“I think this is a thaumaturgy related to time.”

“Time! Teacher Feliana, what exactly is it?”

Fiona asked again, but the older witch did not answer, but looked at Shade who had his back to the sunset. She seemed a little absent-minded and melancholy at that moment, and finally she just said this:

“It’s a good day, Shade.”


Shad snapped his fingers, and the candles on the candlesticks that had been delivered with the dinner lit up. Then he waved his hand again, and the translucent bright red butterflies flew out from his hand, but they did not stay away but scattered around them.

Then, Shade pinched his fingers, and the intensity of the surrounding light, which was originally dim, gradually weakened, until it was completely night. This does not change the brightness of the world. Shade does not have this ability yet. He only briefly affects the surrounding light.

Finally, he popped out a little silver starlight from his fingertips, and the silver light fell into the creek behind him. As the stream flows, the starlight spreads in the water, until dots of silver-blue light appear in the entire stream, as if the stars have fallen around them.


Fiona sighed at this scene. Although she was better than Shade, she could not have imagined the scene of having a candlelight dinner next to the stars at night accompanied by red butterflies.

Miss Feliana still looked at Shade tenderly:

“I mean, thank you for hosting me. I feel sorry for Britney even more now that she can’t come with us to visit you.”

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