The Whispering Verses Chapter 2389: Lion Armor of Light

Even the wind in this sand sea was scalding hot, but compared to the first time he came to the Lijin Sand Sea, Shade felt that his tolerance for the sun and light was significantly stronger.

Last time, he just felt that he could absorb some sunlight like Mia, whose tail was on fire. At this moment, he even felt that his whole body was absorbing sunlight spontaneously, and slowly converted it into his own spirit.

“It shouldn’t be an illusion, right?”

[No. 】

“So is my soul talent too high, or is this body just too powerful?”

Random thinking will make a boring and painful journey seem very short. After a while, Shade saw a familiar temple standing in front of him.

His steps became faster, eager to enter the temple and feel the shade for a moment. But after continuing to walk quickly forward for dozens of steps, Shade’s steps slowed down again.

It’s not that I’m in danger of being unable to move forward, or that I’m not feeling well and unable to move forward, but that the skylight that was so strong just now is becoming dimmed little by little.

The heat wave that left people with no place to hide also disappeared as the light gradually weakened. The weak wind in the sand sea even brought a slight chill, which made Shade, who was sweating profusely, couldn’t help but shiver.

“What’s going on?”

He looked up and saw that the sky, which was unusually bright just now, was quickly filled with the halo of the setting sun, as if time was accelerating. In the blink of an eye, the light was more dazzling than the noon sun, and it turned into something strange. orange-red sky. There were no clouds in the strange sky above the sand sea. However, as the sunlight weakened, the originally white sky began to change colors completely in violation of optical laws.

The twisted orange-red color made Shade want to vomit for a while. He looked down at the glowing golden gravel under his feet and realized that it was not only “during the day” that was dangerous here.

Most of the pain in “daytime” comes from physical torture, while the “twilight” scenery at this moment turns into psychological pain caused by the strange sky.

Shad has never seen such a weird “twilight” scene, but this means that this is the third time he appeared in the fifth era, 4260, and he will finally encounter the rare “dark night” scene in the desert. .

The dazzling sun during “daytime” can now be looked directly at during the extremely short “twilight” stage. The sun was currently its normal red color, but it was inexplicably cast into a dirty gray halo.

It did not fall in any direction, it was still hanging above the head as before. Therefore, the strange orange-red color in the sky at this moment is definitely not caused by the setting sun.

This dusk stage passed very quickly. When Shade officially entered the Sun Temple with the wave of the excited mermaid Miss Sandel, the dusk was almost coming to an end.

The dim skylight did not make the interior of the dilapidated Sun Temple dark, because as soon as Shade entered it, he looked up and saw the set of golden lion armor stored on the altar deep in the temple. The rectangular box is emitting a soft and sacred golden light.

The strong miraculous element surprised Shade, and although the light emitted by the box was not comparable to the sun, it was enough to illuminate the interior of the temple. Looking at the companions again, Miss Sandel, Granny Siam Nord, Miss Knight and the barefooted Miss Meister all welcomed Shade safely at this moment.

I don’t know how long it has been since Shade left last time. Thanks to Shard’s material support, the appearance of Siam Noord’s mother-in-law and the three ladies has not changed much, except that Miss Sandel’s left wrist is wrapped in a bandage, and Miss Knight’s standing posture makes her right leg seem to be in some discomfort.

Xia De released little Mia first, and then sat down to talk to them. After the cat returned from the toy form to the cat form, he immediately recognized where it was. It first looked at the glowing armor box, then jumped on Shade’s shoulder and looked outside the temple.

Obviously, the cat was disappointed that it wasn’t “daytime.”

“Welcome back, Mr. Hamilton!”

Compared with the visible fatigue of the old elf, Miss Knight seemed sleepy and couldn’t open her eyes. The mermaid girl was much more enthusiastic, and she took the initiative to introduce the current situation.

Looking at her appearance, her spirit is obviously a little abnormal. This kind of excitement should not appear in a girl who has been trapped in the desert for a long time:

“A long time has passed since you left. During this time, we have been preparing for the next time we leave here together. But now it seems that most of these preparations are no longer needed.”

Because it is now the “night” stage outside, although the night in Shahai is very cold, at least it will not be like “daytime”, and neither the serial warlocks nor the witches can move for a long time.

“But we also encountered some things after you left. The first thing was that someone appeared nearby and found us.”

“The sixth person??”

Shad immediately looked to the left and right, but there was no more corpse or unconscious living person in the temple.

“Not a normal person.”

Grandma Siam Nord said a little tiredly:

“I can’t tell what it is. At first everyone thought it was a new companion, but after it appeared, everyone became tired faster and the loss of memory became more serious. Fortunately, Meisi Miss Te discovered the danger in time and drove the thing out of the temple. It kept wailing after being exposed to the sun, begging us to let it in again. Finally, it turned into a black mist and disappeared.”

Xia De then looked at the “God of Mist”. The light brown-skinned lady smiled and nodded to him:

“I happen to have a secret technique for that kind of thing.”

“Miss Sandel, were the injuries to you and Miss Knight caused at that time?”

Shad continued to ask with concern, the female knight calmly retracted her right foot, and the mermaid girl shook her head:

“That’s the second thing. In order to collect ritual materials, my mother-in-law Siam Nord and I went out again. The experience of going out was not problematic, but we seemed to have brought back an invisible thing. That thing continued to absorb Mental power, and it can also transform itself.”

After saying this, he looked around cautiously:

“If it weren’t for the fact that when that thing gets close to your armor, it will show some of its color. If we want to get rid of it, we will definitely pay more than the price of this minor injury.”


Shad, who was holding the cat, looked at the box that was emitting light again. At this time, it was completely dark outside the temple. Although the temple itself seems to be able to block those cold winds, and even without door panels and window glass it would not make the place frighteningly cold, the silent dark sea of ​​sand still makes people feel creepy.

“We are fine, it’s just that the wounds caused by the invisible monster are difficult to heal. After being treated with the holy water you brought, these are minor problems.”

The blue-haired mermaid girl also shook her hand to prove it, and Miss Knight also said softly that the injury to her foot did not affect her movement.

Although Shade can stay in the Lijin Sand Sea for an hour this time, in addition to looking for the third compass fragment this time, he also needs to rely on the compass to find the “Heart of the Oasis”.

Time is actually not very abundant. Now that Shade has arrived, the ladies who are ready to leave this “sanctuary” together will set off in the direction pointed by the first two compasses.

The last thing before departure is that Shade needs to recycle his armor. The armor was still on the altar, untouched by the ladies who had stayed here since Shade’s last departure.

Now that the dazzling sunlight disappeared, the moonlight coming in from the gap in the temple roof illuminated the glowing box.

Of course the moonlight in the desert is not normal, but at least this abnormality is within Shade’s tolerance. It is only three or four times stronger than the moonlight in Moon Bay last night.

Xia De briefly checked the box. The original ordinary items were now attached with four elements due to long-term exposure to the sun in the sand sea. Among them, the miracle element is stronger, but I don’t know if it can still maintain the current level of elements after leaving here.

The “smiling sun pattern”, “sword and shield”, “golden cat” and “woman’s face surrounded by curved patterns” on the side walls of the box are all glowing, making the box more gorgeous and extraordinary.

And when Shade carefully opened the box, the golden lion-shaped armor standing in the box was indeed glowing. Although the box itself blocks sunlight, the rich traces of elements on each component of the armor are no worse than those of the box itself.

“Miss Gothe said that she will come to visit me at the end of this month or the beginning of next month. I will remember to thank you for this gift then.”

Xia De thought to himself and took his hand away from the warm armor parts. At this time, Miss Meister’s voice came from behind. She was dressed in a “dancer” dress that saves fabrics. She would be cold in the desert at night:

“I’m curious. It’s obviously a large cat-shaped armor, but why do you keep insisting it’s a lion?”

The three of Siam Nord’s mother-in-laws are still making final arrangements. Most of the supplies will be turned into toys by Shade and put away soon. However, they only carry light necessary items and personal valuables.

“Actually, I still think this is a lion and not a cat. And wearing ‘cat armor’ is really annoying. Well, people with reputations would not do this.”

Shad replied, patting the head of little Mia who was trying to touch the armor.

Miss Meister chuckled behind him:

“Actually, isn’t a cat the best mascot for you? Don’t you like your cat very much?”

“Of course it’s okay if you wear a cat pendant or carry a cat with you, but in terms of armor, a lion is obviously more majestic than a cat.”


The cat on his shoulder suddenly meowed. Although Shade didn’t know what it meant, he patted it a few times and the cat calmed down.

PS: It’s actually “Light Cat Armor”.

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