The Whispering Verses Chapter 2290: Math problems

Margaret looked really exhausted. Miss Sylvia asked Shade to sit next to her, so the blonde princess tilted her head and leaned directly on Shade’s shoulder. Sylvia The young lady sat opposite the two of them.

The young witch knows that there will be a long time in the future, so there is no need to hold on to him all the time:

“It looks like you’re not busy this afternoon either, Shade.”

She picked up the porcelain tea cup and said jokingly.

“Yes, I am still tracking down vampires with my friends. I don’t know yet whether the investigation will yield results, but at least I learned a lot of interesting things during the investigation.”

He answered while taking the tea cup from Margaret:

“I have received definite news that the Thirteen-ring Light Chaser is most likely in Moon Bay. He is investigating the elven legend. It’s really strange. How did he determine Emilia’s race?”

The young witch smiled:

“It seems that Bella’s ‘revenge’ action needs to be more cautious, but this is not a big problem. [Light Worshiper Training Group] Except for the thirteen-ringed one, there is only one twelve-ringed one, and the remaining Even if we can’t beat the 13th ring, it’s still okay to delay him.”

Xia De nodded and did not talk about these troublesome things:

“Are you still adaptable here? Is there anything I need to deal with?”

“Oh, Shade, you are so busy yourself, why do you still want to help us?”

The blonde princess asked softly:

“Go and do your own thing. Teacher Sylvia and I have no problem handling the things at hand. If we really need it, we will come back to you.”

The black-haired witch even said:

“Xia De, do you want to see the business account books? This time I really made five or six years of pocket money at once. Although it is not comparable to Carina and the others’ wealth, at least you don’t have to be stretched to do things in the future. .”

As he spoke, he really wanted to get up and get the account book, but was stopped by Sha De:

“Forget it about the accounting books. If there are dividends or the like, you don’t have to give them to me. Just continue to invest in production.”

Miss Sylvia showed an expression of “You really would say that”:

“Currently, this business is mainly spread in Willendale and surrounding areas, and the only place farther away is Yuewan. It’s not that I don’t want to make more, it’s just that the factory can’t produce it.”

Margaret also smiled and said:

“Xia De, you would never guess how popular this product is. Even my mother and sister asked me privately if I could produce stockings exclusively for the royal family.”

As he stood up, he said shyly:

“I didn’t expect you to come over in the evening. Wait a moment and I’ll put on Teacher Sylvia’s latest products.”

Then he quickly left the room holding up his skirt.

“Girls nowadays are really unreserved, but this is the real witch. It is always right to know how to grab what you want.”

Miss Sylvia said with a smile, walked around the coffee table and sat next to Shade, her black eyelashes blinked a few times:

“Miss me? Shade.”

“Of course, do you need me to prove it with a kiss?”

The witch smiled and hugged him:

“It’s not necessary yet, because I need your mouth to tell me now where you and Bella have progressed? If you are willing, demonstrating it will definitely be more direct than speaking out.”


Xia De glanced at the door:

“Margaret will be back soon.”

Emma Sylvia smiled:

“Don’t worry, she won’t be back for half an hour. I set a lock on the box where the important items are placed, and she has to solve my math problem to open the box.

I bet Margaret would be embarrassed to come back and ask for answers, especially since you’re here too. From what I know about Her Royal Highness, she needs at least thirty minutes. ”

Shad suspected that this was all planned by her in advance, but she didn’t allow him to think too much. The enthusiastic lady had already kicked off her shoes and curled up on the sofa.

At this time, ordinary black fabric wrapped her legs. Of course, she would not wear that kind of private clothing all the time. She noticed Shade’s eyes looking down, and the corners of her mouth turned up in a smile. With a casual move, and with some fluctuations in the space, a pair of black fabrics that were supposed to be in the box were teleported to her hands at a fixed point.

The great witch of space showed a proud expression, and she put the thing in her hand into Shade’s hand:

“Tell me, what’s going on with you and Bella? When we were chatting about you last night, her behavior was really interesting. The witch who believes in fate is still trapped in fate in the end. Luowen. Help me put them on while saying that. Of course, don’t forget to take off the original pair first.

Oh~ I almost go crazy with jealousy when I think of Carina getting such treatment every day. ”

No matter what happened in the study room, when Margaret, who had finally solved the math problem, came back, Shade and Miss Sylvia were still sitting across the coffee table facing each other. Both of them were holding teacups, and there were several cookies missing on the coffee table.

Except that Margaret could not notice for the moment, there were more things in Shade’s pockets and the fabric on Miss Sylvia’s legs had been changed, nothing had changed here.

“Teacher, your box is locked. I finally opened it with great difficulty.”

The blonde princess pretended to be aggrieved, but when she walked to the coffee table, she lifted up her skirt again, exposing her feet and the area below her knees, and then turned around to let Shade see those beautiful pairs of breasts. Flesh-colored fabric with semi-hollow textures of different thicknesses.

“Very beautiful.”

Shad praised softly, Margaret sat down next to Shad again, and put Shad’s hand on her lap in a natural movement:

“Yes, this is the teacher’s favorite work, but the idea of ​​using the thick and thin layers of silk fabric to form patterns was proposed by me. What were you talking about just now? Is it about the chosen one, or the next plan?”

She just asked casually, but Miss Sylvia still winked at Shade and asked Shade to answer.

Outlanders have always been good at dealing with emergencies:

“Math problem.”

He said with certainty:

“Yes, amazing math.”

“What math problem?”

The princess still remained curious, while Miss Sylvia looked at Shade with a pursed lips and a smile, and was also curious about what he would say. The young witch was not afraid that her students would know what she and Shade had just done. She just thought it was interesting.

“Well, the solution to the system of equations.”

Xia De continued to nod his head affirmatively:

“Miss Sylvia believes that the solutions to multivariate equations have been explored, and the remaining fancy solutions are just to show off skills, not at all to explore the essence of mathematics.

But I mentioned the sequence first, and then the ‘determinant’. Determine the number of unknowns in the system of equations, and then extract the coefficients before the unknowns in each equation. Form a determinant of the form (number of unknowns) × (number of equations), and then.”

He took out his notebook and gave a brief explanation. After he finished writing the final answer and verified it with the answer obtained by the normal solution, he briefly talked about the relationship between “matrix” and determinant, and the rules of determinant transformation. , the significance of determinants to the determination of multivariate space volume and coordinates, and the significance of determinants to multivariate calculus solution methods.

If it weren’t for the fact that “quantum mechanics” is most likely not applicable to this world, Shade would even like to talk about the impact of determinants and matrices on quantum mechanical calculations. Although it has been more than a year since he came to the new world, thanks to his improved memory, he has not forgotten any of the knowledge he learned in his hometown.

In fact, the concept of “determinant” has been proposed in this world, but it has not received much application and research so far. Foreigners at the beginning of time travel had the idea of ​​relying on mathematics for a living. They not only participated in several forums and lectures, but also read books on this subject, so they had a certain understanding of the development of mathematics in this world.

As for what he said, Margaret was confused from the beginning, but Miss Sylvia’s eyes became brighter and brighter. When Shade finished speaking, she reached over the coffee table and grabbed Shade’s hand:

“Xia De, can you stay with me tonight?”


Of course, Shade didn’t stay the night in the end. But before leaving, he used the thaumaturgy of the Moon Library to reveal part of the knowledge in his memory on the books, and then Miss Sylvia directly printed the contents of those pages through “reading and writing”. on the paper.

Xia De is very worried about this young witch and will stay up all night tonight.

Margaret persuaded Shade to stay for dinner, but Shade declined her invitation because he still wanted to visit Miss Benenice and Sirius.

However, Margaret sent Shade to the downstairs of the manor and kissed Shade before letting him leave:

“I’ll see you tomorrow night, Shade. I’ll find a way to dance with you.”

The blonde princess waved goodbye to Shade. When she watched Shade throw the glass slipper and disappear into the sunset, she had infinite longing for the banquet tomorrow night.

“Mia, let’s go to Yuewan for dinner!”

There was no one at home this evening. Shade went upstairs in three steps and then picked up the cat lying on the back of the sofa. Before the cat could react, he took it to the basement. .

But since he had Shade’s company and dinner, the cat had no objection to following Shade out in the evening. So one person and one cat walked out of the dragon’s nest and took a carriage to the Goethe Hotel in the city.

Because it took some time to go around in such a circle, when the carriage stopped in front of the most luxurious hotel in Yuewan City, the gas lamps on the street had already turned on bright yellow light.

The best hotel in the “City of Fortune” is certainly extraordinary. The Goethe Hotel is located at the Wucha Road intersection in Shangcheng District, east of the city, next to the “Yuewan Bank” and one street away from the Dawn Church. At night, every window in the hotel emitted a bright light, almost lighting up the entire intersection. This scene was amazing even in the steam age.

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