The Whispering Verses Chapter 1825: “Create space”

Chapter 1825 “Creating Space”

Seeing that the time was not up, Shade and Megan went to Shade’s room on the third floor to wait. During this period, Shade knocked on Dr. Schneider’s door again. Unfortunately, the doctor still had not returned.

When it was 6:20, Xia Decai and Megan went to the restaurant on the second floor together. At this time, the Foran brothers had arrived. Ms. Helena Green was still in the kitchen urging the chef to prepare dishes, while Mr. Solon Green was chatting with the Foran brothers.

After Shade and Megan also sat down, two brothers from the [Mirror Association] wearing black coats also came together.

They politely brought a gift – a bottle of wine. They were a little overwhelmed when they were welcomed by the enthusiastic Ms. Helena Green. This was in contrast to the “vicious and murderous” ring magicians of the illegal organization. “Unblinking and full of conspiracy” has a completely different impression.

“Good evening, everyone and relatives.”

It was also at this time that they finally said their names. The elder brother of the twins is “Wood Edwards” and the younger brother is “Glass Edwards”. They are the grandsons of the eldest son of the fourth generation, so they are older than Ms. Helena Green, the granddaughter of the youngest daughter of the fourth generation. However, they seem to be meeting elders in front of the female hotel owner.

Of course, Charles Folan and Eric Folan, who chatted with them, were both curious about what happened to their cousins’ eyes, but Wood and Glass only said that it happened many years ago. Accident:

“Years ago, I met a very powerful man who could fly, breathe black fire, and was as tall as 10 feet (about 3m)!”

Xia De was a little doubtful whether they were talking about doctors.

The atmosphere of the party was very harmonious. Although the descendants of Edwards who did not know each other met for the first time, they had no direct conflict with each other and had a common enemy. Therefore, once they talked about the things they learned from their fathers, A well-known family story can often resonate with others immediately.

Three pairs of sixth-generation twins sat opposite each other on both sides of the long dining table. Megan and Audrey, the only elders, sat in the main seat, and Shade sat next to her. Of course It was very crowded, but Meghan and Audrey were happy to do so, and it was naturally difficult for other “juniors” to raise objections.

The Green siblings had prepared sumptuous food in advance. The servants and chefs knew that this was their employer’s family gathering, so naturally they made the best preparations.

In short, when the dinner started at 6:30 and many Edwards toasted with Shade, everyone was in a good mood.

As an elder here, Meghan took the initiative to say when toasting:

“Although the family has experienced so many things, it can still spread to what it is today. No matter what happens in the future, please remember this moment. When my father and your grandfather and grandfather took a boat under the night, When I escaped from my hometown shrouded in thick fog, I must have hoped for this day, and hoped that the descendants of the family could reunite in Green Lake and commemorate the place where they grew up. ”

At this point, even the great witch lost control of her emotions. She probably thought of her father again:

“Let’s thank Aunt Maria together, thank her for leaving this store, and thank us for being able to reunite here.”

“Thank you, grandma/aunt, for being able to reunite here!”

The cups were raised upward together, and everyone except Shade paid homage to the soul that was still floating in the Green Lake area.

After sitting down, Megan cast a spell to seal the space, and then Shade told the information he got from Mr. Nicholas Green.

The Fulan brothers here have already been connected with the Church through the cooperation between the Rosicrucian Society and the Orthodox Church, while the Edwards brothers are members of the illegal ring warlock group. If Shade tells this information, more secrets about the Edwards family will inevitably spread to other people’s ears, but this is exactly what he hopes.

The Green siblings were a little excited and sad when they heard the news about their father who had turned into a ghoul. On the other hand, they learned that their father/mother was not dead and had become cultists, the Edwards brothers and the Fu brothers. Brother Lun was shocked and confused:

“Why would father/mother do this?”

As for the thirteen keys, everyone here already knows. After Shade shared the news and everyone thanked him, the Fulen brothers said that they had found clues to a key. The church was helping to prepare forging materials, and the Edwards brothers from the “Mirror Association” He even took out a small key that had been forged.

In this way, Megan and Audrey have four keys in total: the blacksmith, the mineralogist, Bad-Eyed Barry and Durut Giles, one key in the hands of Mr. Green, and the two twins have two keys in total. , the Green siblings also found clues to the keys from their grandmother’s relics. In this way, the whereabouts of eight of the thirteen keys have been determined.

In addition, the Fulan brothers and the Edwards brothers also have unique news to share with everyone.

The first is the information the Fulan brothers received from the church:

“Didn’t the church have a large-scale island landing operation some time ago? Although they failed to find the entrance to another island, they accidentally discovered ancient traces on the island. That was before the ancestors betrayed the Prophet Association many years ago. Combined with the ancient ruins that exist on that island, the church believes that there were civilizations and ancient religious orders on that island in the long past, not just back to the fifth era. traces.”

Eric Folan pushed up his monocle:

“The Zhengshen Church hopes to understand how those ancient people traveled between the two islands by looking for traces of that ancient religious order. This will help find a way to enter the other island. The Godcaller has proven. ”

He glanced at Shade. Except for the ordinary Green siblings, everyone here guessed that Shade was the “God Summoner”, but no one took the initiative to say:

“The Godcaller has proven that although the ancestors are strong, they are not enough to be enemies of many Thirteenth Rings. As long as they can find a way to enter another island, the church can bulldoze Green Lake with its numbers.”

In the material world, only the Five Gods Church has this confidence. Even without uniting the three major colleges, the number of thirteen rings in the church itself is quite astonishing.

Then the two brothers from the [Mirror Association] shared the information. As expected, the [Mirror Association] had more fragments of poems, and before the two brothers came to the party, the “Mirror Hidden Man” should have allowed them Carry out a certain degree of information exchange:

“We still don’t know how the ancestors determined the information about the ‘space chosen ones’, but according to the fragments of poems in the possession of the association, the space chosen ones are probably the entire Edwards family.”

Wood Edwards said, his left eye is wearing an eyepatch, but the seriousness of his expression can be seen only by looking at his right eye:

“Based on the content of those fragments, excluding the unimportant parts, the most critical characteristic of the chosen one is: uniting into one. The ceremony location has relatively strict requirements, which the association is still interpreting.”

This Shad knew that the ceremony required taking place in a stable space outside the material world.

“The specific content of the ceremony requires the creation of space.”

The ring warlocks present heard this and frowned. Of course, it’s not that “creating space” simply can’t be done. The actual creation of space is, of course, something that can only be accomplished by God, but if this concept is broad, then it only requires “opening up” rather than “creating”.

Although this is also quite difficult, there are ways to do something similar. For example, extending the space that was originally a fixed size, for example, Sister Devlin mentioned making portable space alchemy props like making steam bombs. Even opening up subspace to seal evil objects is also a type of “creating space”.

If this concept were broader, even mythical locks and words of sublimation could be included.

“Since it is a ceremony for the chosen ones, the ‘creation of space’ you mentioned should not be a magic trick like the ‘space extension spell’ that space geniuses can use. Although it is impossible to achieve true creation out of thin air. The world is so powerful, but it’s not easy to imagine.”

Megan analyzed, Wood Edwards nodded slightly:

“Yes, aunt. So Your Excellency, the Hidden Mirror Man, believes that our ancestor did not take the initiative to step out of the island because he was busy with this matter and could not get away. It is very likely that he has found an idea. Once he succeeds, I’m afraid that’s the day when he invites us descendants to return to the family.”

Everyone at the table looked thoughtful. What Shade was thinking about was the string of Gilal stones with the property of “creating space” that he took out from the “God’s Gift Box” this week. Those stones It may come in handy in the future.

[If I remember correctly, those stones seemed to be taken out of the box by the cat’s tail, not you. 】

“Well that’s not important.”

In short, this family dinner went very smoothly, and the atmosphere was relatively relaxed and pleasant.

The sixth generation descendants of Edwards have officially promised to help each other and will try their best to prevent the conspiracy of their common ancestor in the next family affairs. Brother Fulan will inform the church of Brother Edwards’s attitude, and the [Mirror Association] will compromise because of this, giving up the idea of ​​creating a conspiracy in Green Lake, or going to the island to explore alone.

This is related to the fact that the “Mirror Hidden Man” had a bet with Shade on the night of the lunar eclipse and lost. Although it is an illegal group of ring warlocks, this thirteenth ring warlock actually has an amazing spirit of contract. Of course, he will never show up and admit that he lost.

As for the only fifth-generation descendants present, Megan and Audrey, the witch agreed to help her nephews in the tone of an elder. She was the one with the highest rank and the oldest generation among all the people present, so she was naturally regarded as the leader of the group by the descendants of the sixth generation.

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