The Whispering Verses Chapter 1683: Deep sea fall

To be honest, on a rainy night, the environment in the water is actually better than on the water. After all, it doesn’t rain in the water. Once you adapt to the environment and water under Green Lake, moving with [Underwater Breathing] is no slower than running on the ice.

The group of water ghosts gathered under the water had already surrounded Shade when he entered the water again. However, as the witch detection badge glowed again, the water ghosts were “melted and burned” layer by layer, and the incomplete Bodies littered the nearby riverbed.

Even if those special undead individuals that have been strengthened can break through the damage caused by the power of the Death Angel within fifty feet to the undead, after being severely weakened and facing the moonlight slash, Shade can still easily defeat them.

Underwater vision is even worse than on the surface. Shade is not sure how many water ghosts there are this time, but the number he perceives has exceeded four digits. Just thinking about the origin of these corpses makes his scalp numb.

The most important target, Bali, who turned into a water ghost, hid himself in the group of water ghosts from the beginning. While the soft holy white light was purifying the besieging water ghosts layer by layer, Barry continued to shoot dark ice that was infected with the whispering element at Shade. However, after the water ghosts were quickly consumed, he finally lost his patience. Waiting for the opportunity, he took the initiative to swim towards Sha De.

The transmission of sound under the water will be hindered, so the two of them didn’t waste any time. Barry still maintains his human form, but is as flexible as a fish in the water. He quickly entered the range of fifty feet around Shade, but because of the whispering element of the relic, he was not weakened as much as other water ghosts.

Dense ice appeared around him as he swam towards Shade, and then quickly shot in Shade’s direction. Shade had already been exposed to these ice lings with whispering elements just now, and knew that they were not something that could be easily carried away. So he waved the long staff in his hand under the water. After the flying shadow ball collided with the ice, the gravel continued to fall deeper into the water.

The ugly water ghost got closer and closer to Shade, the hatred on its alienated face was undisguised, and the chill made the water become colder and almost frozen. But Shade is not afraid at all. Now is no longer the time for him to become a ring, and face Dorothy together with the scales out of control and become weirdly weak.

“Chains of great sin!”

Bubbles flew out of his mouth and floated to the lake above. He summoned a black chain to wrap around his body, and then the primordial fire spread along the chain, making the chill that intruded on his body completely disappear. It was to put on a simple flame chain armor for him:

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

“[Chains of Sin] have no effect on me.”

He thought to himself, and then he swam toward Bad-Eye Barry without fear, holding a stick in one hand.

Two figures, one on the left and one on the right, showed extremely fast speeds in the dark water, and chains of white bubbles were pulled out from behind their bodies while swimming. The moment the ice-white and flame-red figures collided with each other, a fountain-like spray of warm water mixed with ice cubes arose on the ice, even making everyone in the chaotic water battlefield look askance.

In the distance, in the direction of the central island filled with white mist, a figure wrapped with a large number of tentacles was approaching. The witch in the rain shouted a warning to welcome the new enemy.

Under the water, Shade endured the stench and hugged the water ghost in front of him. The long staff in his hand turned into a thunder gun, and penetrated the pale relic heart of the water ghost Barry – of course, the relic. It’s not that easy to destroy. The huge ice spike formed by the water ghost Barry’s right hand also penetrated Shade’s left chest – due to the effect of [Heart of Stone], Shade only felt a lot of pain.

The scorching chains of sin bound the water ghost, making it unable to break free from the long staff dancing with silver-white thunder. The water ghost’s bubbling evil eyes also stared at Shade, making it impossible for him to easily break free from the shackles of the ice spikes. .

The flames on the Sin Chain melted the water ghost’s ice and burned its nearly semi-elemental body; and the ice spike turned from the lake water also released cold air from the wound to freeze Shade’s body. . What’s more serious is that the hollow indifference in his heart caused by being stared at by the “Unknown Remains” flooded into Shade’s heart again.

The whispering element of an out-of-control relic has a much stronger impact on normal people than a relic in a contained state. Even now, Shade still felt dizzy, as well as indescribable madness and indifference to everything in his heart.

He knew that he still loved everything around him, but he felt that it was no longer important. The conflicting psychology made his mental power even more restless. Shade was also affected by the relics, drifting gradually towards the abyss of losing control.

So, now he can only get rid of the water ghost in front of him as soon as possible, and contain or try to stay away from that **** heart.

The bubbles moved upward, and the water ghost and Shade “embraced” each other, falling deeper into the lake together.

The hatred for Shade in the eyes of the water ghost Barifish seems to be hotter than the flames on Shade’s iron rope:

“Do you know? It took me twenty years! Twenty years to get to this point! Twenty years, how many twenty years can a living person have? I gave up the hope of being promoted to a ring warlock. I was sent by the religious group to come here incognito, and after twenty years of dealing with those stupid villagers and brainless gangsters, I finally had the business I have now, and I have obviously reached the end. One step, I have always made no mistakes, why, why do you show up?”

The reluctance and hatred in those words almost turned into a physical curse. Shade could fully understand his reluctance and knew how desperate he was at the moment.

After being plotted by Megan, merging with the relics was probably not his idea, but a choice made by the two black-robed ring warlocks “voluntarily” in order for him to make up for his mistakes.

Now not only the fusion relics, but also himself have become undead. He has worked hard in Green Lake City for so long, but finally ended up like this. Shade understands his hatred for himself, but the enemy is the enemy:

“Have those people you killed and used for experiments said these things to you?”

The thunder gun continuously destroys the body structure of the water ghost, but after the flesh and blood are destroyed, ice will replace it. Shade was affected by the relic, and his mind gradually became abnormal. Barry, the water ghost, was definitely not having a good time at this time.

Bubbles are rising upwards from both the water ghost’s mouth and Shade’s mouth, but they both have the ability to breathe underwater. Both of them know that as long as they can survive the other party, they will win, and they both firmly believe that they have the greatest advantage.


The water ghost’s normal eye stared closely at Shade, and there was a flash of the evil god’s holy symbol in his eyes. The suffocation feeling was instantly felt by Shade, but then the suffocation feeling disappeared.

The two continued to fall deeper into the water. Shade held the ice spike with his left hand and tried to wrestle with the water ghost to pull it out, while mocking:

“Don’t you know where my [Underwater Breathing] comes from? I once witnessed the figure of your master, and then realized the ability of [Underwater Breathing].”

“You blasphemer!”

Bali, the water ghost, endured the pain of being burned all over his body and increased the intensity of piercing the ice thorn through Shade’s chest. At the same time, the abnormal fluctuations in his spirit also caused further reactions in the relics. The dense ice extended towards the Chain of Sin and wrapped it up, trying to extinguish the eternal fire.

As for Shade, his entire upper body was covered with thin ice, and a large amount of cold air spread towards the lake from the two falling people.

Empty, indifferent, the meaning of the world is disappearing from Shade’s heart, but because he is still in the process of fighting for his life at this moment, he does not care about this. What he cares about is that the corpse in front of him will truly die:

“Desecrator? If conditions do not allow it, I would even like to take you to Coldwater Port to see if the Scarlet Order is interested in transforming you into a murloc!”

With the cold words, the light of the thunder spear in his hand became more dazzling, and at the same time, Shade’s body began to emit silver light. But this was not the usual soft light, but the unusually cold silver moonlight.

It’s just that this moonlight seems to be closer to the essence of real moonlight. Because the moon itself is so lonely and cold.

“After twenty years of hard work, I will never fail like this. I am not willing to accept it, I am not willing to accept it!”

As light appeared on Sha De’s body, the water ghost became more and more crazy. The coldness in the ice on his body has made it impossible for the two of them to make movements other than speaking or blinking. The black iron-colored light that represents the element of whispering flashes with a faint light visible to the naked eye at the bottom of the deep lake.

The cold white light and the deep dim light are mixed together. If the heart is not dealt with in time, the entire Green Lake may be frozen.

“Twenty years! How many twenty years can there be in life!”

The ice spike further entered Shade’s chest.

“You have no life! You are dead! You were resurrected as a water ghost by your companions!”

The cold moonlight had an even more inaccessible sense of holiness, and the water ghost’s face actually began to melt in this light. The balance of victory is shifting towards Xia De.

“Death! Death is just a new beginning, and you will eventually be abandoned by everyone and sink into the unknown abyss! Didn’t you notice? Why haven’t we touched the bottom of the lake yet! Green Lake , is it really that deep?”

Xia De tried his best to look down. It was a bottomless dark abyss. Boundless terror poured into his heart as he stared, but the indifference and emptiness in his heart made him completely ignore this abnormal emotion. He no longer cares about anything, and he doesn’t care where he will fall. There is only one thought in his empty heart——

“All I want now is for you to return to the deepest death!”

Instead of trying to swim up, he grabbed the water ghost and continued to fall. The moonlight became colder and colder, and the water ghost’s face melted under the silver light also looked more and more terrifying. Even the most terrifying corpse was not one-tenth as terrifying as his face at this time.

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