The Whispering Verses Chapter 1663: Infiltrate

Mr. Green put down the pen in his hand and looked up and down at Shade outside the counter, unable to believe this fact:

“It’s really amazing. That lady, you usually treat men without pretense. It seems that you really have something special… Yes, there is a way to contact us. She is a regular customer of ours. You If you have anything to do with her, you can leave her a letter. This lady will send a letter every day to tell you the progress of her search for the key. You can ask the messenger to send your letter back. ”

He and his sister, Ms. Helena Green, have a respectful attitude toward Meghan. The information exposed at this time shows that their relationship with Megan is closer than Shade thought.

[Haven’t you already begun to guess that they are the two remaining ordinary people of the sixth generation, the grandchildren of Maria Edwards, the youngest daughter of the third generation? 】

“She” whispered softly, and Shade nodded:

“Okay, I’ll write now.”

Shad borrowed pen and paper and mentioned the water ghost, the tomb robber and Bad-Eyed Barry in the letter. Since Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals has considerable influence in the local area, it is natural to borrow the power of the Witch’s followers to find clues.

As for the owner of the pen, the unknown mysterious figure Dulute Giles, Shade still needs to find out through another channel.

In fact, the process of knowing the identity of Durut Giles is far simpler than Shade thought. That was the next day, Saturday morning. Shade originally did not plan to come to the Green Lake area today. After all, there was a very important “spoils sharing meeting” in the afternoon.

But Lesiya sent a letter early in the morning, hoping that Shade would go to Michaela Blast Furnace City to confirm some of the contents of today’s negotiations, so Shade entered the basement after breakfast.

After coming out of the back door of the hotel, he gave the boy in the trash can a few pieces of bread as usual. Then he left the garbage alley, thinking about asking the hotel owner if Meghan’s messenger had arrived before setting off.

But the witch’s messenger hasn’t arrived yet, but another letter has been delivered:

“Mr. Watson, you just happened to be here. This is a letter sent from Michaela Blast Furnace City. I was just thinking about whether to keep it on the counter or send it directly to your room.”

Ms. Helena Green smiled and said to Shade who came down from upstairs – after talking to Mr. Solon Green last night, Shade pretended to go back to the room to rest.

“Michaela Blast Furnace City?”

Shade only had one acquaintance there for the time being. He opened the letter and found that it was indeed from Professor Boulanger. The professor of geology and folklore agreed to help Shade find the owner of the pen in Willendale City in the fishing village tavern on Thursday, but Shade did not expect the results to come out so soon.

In two days, the letter may not be able to be delivered from the City of Glass to the Royal Capital.

He sat down at the table and opened the letter. The professor was polite at first, and then talked about Durut Giles:

[I asked my local colleagues about this name, and then learned that Durut Giles had been here two years ago. He is a lecturer in history at the College of Saint-Fabry in Willendale. I have written to Willendale to investigate whether he is still teaching at the College of Saint-Fabry. The result will be available next week. 】

“History lecturer?”

History and folklore in this world are both very “dangerous” subjects.

Professor Boulanger also thanked Shade for introducing Captain Rades to him at the back of the letter. After having professional bodyguards, their activities in Delrayon on the north shore of Green Lake were much smoother than before.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

The professor has been conducting research and inspections in Green Lake City recently. If he is lucky, Shade might be able to bump into the professor and his group.

The relevant clues about Durut Giles have come to an abrupt end here. The rest depends on Professor Boulanger’s investigation. Of course, Shade did not put all his hopes on the professor. He also plans to ask the Duchess to entrust Miss Sylvia in the parliament tomorrow when he visits the duchess, who has been very busy recently, and will also conduct an investigation together in Willondale City. Although Margaret’s power may not necessarily be able to penetrate deep into the academic circle like Professor Boulanger, it is at least very convenient to find people on a large scale.

Because he had to go back for a meeting in the afternoon, Shade did not waste too much time in Green Lake City. After getting on the carriage, we went straight to the border checkpoint. There was also an incident during the border crossing. At that time, Shade had just said goodbye to the coachman and showed the soldiers in the border camp the special pass given to him by Captain Rades.

The soldiers immediately led Shade to the exit where there was no need to queue up to register, and then they heard someone complaining loudly:

“Why can he not queue up?”

Shad turned to look at the queue. The person speaking was a young man who looked about the same age as the stranger’s body. He looked at Shad with wide eyes:

“We are all citizens of Delarian, this is not fair!”


As soon as Shade was about to speak, the soldier who showed him the way spoke:

“Sir, please ignore him. He just saw a lot of noble carriages passing through the border, and he didn’t dare to say anything. He only dared to speak when he saw that you didn’t look like a rich and powerful noble, and you didn’t have any companions around you. .”

After the bearded soldier finished speaking, other patrols who heard the voice and came over had already come over to handle the matter. Two of them directly dragged the young man who spoke out of the team, and then dragged them to the other side of the camp.

During this time, no one else in the queue said anything. Shade just watched this scene, and then left with the soldiers.

From the border checkpoint to Michaela Blast Furnace City, you still need to take a carriage with seven or eight people per trip. By the time Shade arrived in the City of Glass urban area, it was almost ten o’clock in the morning.

When we entered the city, we encountered a parade passing by. Probably because Shad looked like a Delarian, when he stood there and watched the team pass by, someone actually waved their fist at him from a distance.

Of course, Shade will not be angry about this. He sees this as a symbol of the slow approaching of the carriage of history. As for what the outcome of this matter will be, he actually doesn’t care at all. A foreigner doesn’t have a strong sense of belonging to any country. He just hopes that even if a fight breaks out, it won’t have too much impact.

The negotiation venue of the City of Glass is also in the city hall, but unlike Green Lake City, the city hall of Michaela Blast Furnace City, which has a more prosperous economy, has a more imposing appearance. In fact, it can even be said that it is a bit too grand. In the square in front of the city hall, stands a pure glass statue of King Louis III – the first king who unified the southern territories and established the United Kingdom. . Behind the statue protected by the display case, at the top of the thirteen steps is the city hall porch supported by marble columns. The area there is even enough to park two carriages side by side.

The main body of the city hall is divided into five floors. On the uppermost floor in the center of the building, there is a steeple-like attic with a tower structure to store copper bells. The overall building is grand and luxurious. It looks more like an opera house or a bank than a city hall. And this appearance also well illustrates how developed the industry and commerce of the City of Glass is.

After all, only enough taxes and fees can support a government department building of this size.

The city hall building covers a large area, but it also assumes more functions. During the meeting, only a small area of ​​the City of Glass’s city hall was closed, while other parts were open for business as normal.

Xia De didn’t have time to wait until the meeting ended at noon to look for clues, so after looking at the building in the square, he turned and walked to the alley beside.

He did not have the architectural drawings of the city hall, but fortunately MI6 did. When Shade inquired about local information, he got all this information from Miss Carina.

It is not difficult to enter without being discovered. Various methods including sewers can be used. Shade’s last choice was to go through the back door of the city hall’s backyard, lie down under the carriage, and enter the yard with the carriage. Then he lowered his hat brim and entered the interior of the building. He went directly from the first floor to the fourth floor through the stairs on the side that were not often used.

As I approached the fourth floor, I felt the elemental reaction of the Ring Warlock, which meant that the church sent people here to protect the safety of the participants. But this was not a problem for Shade. He closed his eyes and felt his heartbeat. He knew that the unknown ring warlock was sitting on a chair against the wall in the corridor beside the stairway. So he changed into clothes for formal occasions and waited patiently for ten minutes. A few minutes later, when someone else came upstairs, Xia De pretended to look familiar, waved enthusiastically and said:

“Good afternoon, why are you here?”

While the other party showed a puzzled expression, Shade patted the other party on the shoulder:


The thaumaturgy took effect immediately, and the stranger was completely controlled by Shade. Shade softly apologized to him, and then entered the corridor on the fourth floor where many meetings were held while talking to him.

The two of them walked along the corridor to the bathroom at the end. Shade asked the person he manipulated to sleep for a while, then looked in the mirror in the bathroom, fixed his clothes, and then left normally. Get out:

“It’s easy…Lecia asked me to see the results of today’s negotiations on arms export trade in conference room 404.”

He wore shiny leather shoes, a crisp suit and a black tie. He held a notebook with a black leather cover in his hand and a gold pen stuck on his chest, so even if there were other people in the corridor, no one doubted his identity.

He looked at the house number and came to the door of the conference room. The door of the conference room was closed. Because the sound insulation effect was very good, even Shade couldn’t hear what was specifically said inside. But after closing his eyes, he was sure there was no janitor inside the door. According to the arrangement of the heartbeats, there were about ten people sitting on both sides of the long table. One person stood up and was probably talking. In addition, there were more than twenty people sitting by the wall.

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