The Universal Plugins For Online Game Chapter 962: Doomed

The mighty chaotic airflow was split open by an axe, and the endless blood of the demon splattered in the sky and dripped into the chaos. A shield that transformed into various forms of demons appeared on his body.

The Demon God of Variety finally used his defense treasure, which was nourished by the primordial spirit. This treasure is extremely powerful in defense. It was forged from the body of the Demon God. Under the axe of the gods, he collected the remaining body of the demon god, and in the long process of re-cultivation in the future, he used it to cast it. Above the mind, the shadow left behind, he chose without hesitation to refine such a defensive treasure.

The various phases evolve layer by layer, like the resurrection of the demon gods in the chaos, and the remnants are howling and howling. The Yangtze River Delta, rising from the sky, with a slight movement, seems to have the power to cut through chaos; some demon gods are shaped like nine heavenly beasts, and their huge wings cover the sky and the sun, and the fanning between them stirs the chaotic airflow

Wandering around the chaotic land, I have collected a variety of demon gods. I don’t know how many. The remnants of the once powerful demon gods, even a ray of spiritual sense, have the mighty power to shatter the world. This is the demon god.

The remnants of the raging demon gods have evolved avenues, and the colorful avenues have swept through chaos, but at the moment of the ever-changing demon gods, they only want to escape from this place.

He doesn’t want to face it again, the power of the God-opening axe, the last time he was lucky enough to save his life under the axe of the God-opening God, and even destroyed his companion treasure.

This time, there is no treasure to stop the disaster, and he has no doubt that if the divine axe comes, he will be directly reduced to ashes, truly dissipated in the chaos, and his body and spirit will be destroyed.

Although he has already shrunk his body, there is still a thousand-zhang-sized, mysterious tortoise-like demon **** who dances with all four feet at the same time, escaping into the distance.

The divine axe that opens the sky, solidifies time and space, and imprisons all the avenues, even chaos, will be affected by it. This is a truly invincible divine axe.

All the avenues were directly turned into ashes by the divine axe, not even a little wave was stirred up, and there was no power, so let the Kaitian divine axe stay for a while, this is the Kaitian divine axe, sharp and unparalleled, with real strokes The power of breaking the chaotic world and opening up the world.

Although the divine axe in Lin Fan’s savage body was not the divine axe that opened the heavens, the wisps of the remnant souls of the demon gods had already broken even the physical body. The power of the axe is just an idiot’s dream. Even in the heart of the ever-changing Demon God, he never thought of using these powers to resist the power of the axe. All he wants is to buy himself a little time and let him have A chance to escape.

The divine axe with infinite divine power swayed gently, rejoicing at the rebirth of its own.

Rotating the nine-turn Xuan Gong, Lin Fan’s wild magic body completely stimulated the power of the divine axe. The divine power penetrated the sky, and it was a chaotic world. He couldn’t hide his sharpness. The cloud in the middle, with a light drink, is the power of thunder, the sun and the moon in both eyes, and the stars on the forehead are shining.

The savage body that Lin Fan cultivated is still far from the real state of achievement.

At that moment, the strength of the savage real body will be able to match the beauty of Pangu, the pioneer of the world, breaking all methods with one force, and nothing can stop it.

Even so, Lin Fan’s savage body still showed his unparalleled fighting power, and the divine axe in his hand kept moving forward. Generally, it dissipates in the air and is classified into chaos. This is the home of the devil, and it is also the fate of the devil. Only the strong who break the realm of birth and achieve the realm of the great saint can truly escape this terrible cycle of fate. .

Whether it is Pangu, who created the world, or the old ancestor of Shi Chen, who was secretly manipulating the vicissitudes of the prehistoric world, he went all the way to break his destiny.

At this time, the Variety Demon God was frantically moving forward, without the slightest pause, time and space were banned, and chaos was frozen. He could only rely on his powerful body to move forward, as long as he escaped Now, under the shackles of the God Axe, he has the hope of turning around and leaving, with a glimmer of hope of escape.

Behind him, constantly flying out, all kinds of heaven and earth spirits, Daluo’s fine gold, iron mother, sunflower water essence, etc., each of which is between heaven and earth, a rare top-quality heaven and earth Treasures, some of them are rare gems in the chaos.

These are the ever-changing demon gods. During the long years, he has collected some precious treasures and carried them with him. He wants to rely on these precious spirits to refine an attacking treasure in the future, so that he can attack and defend as one. The real galloping chaos has no scruples.

At this moment, the greatest hope in the heart of the ever-changing Demon God is that these spirits can block Lin Fan’s wild body for a moment, or even a breath of time is enough to let him escape.

As for whether these treasures will be broken, or even destroyed, the Demon God of Change doesn’t care in his heart. The various treasures of heaven and earth that were extremely important in his heart in the past are far less important than his life at this moment.

As long as he can escape his life, he will definitely have a chance to make a comeback in the future. If his life is gone, it is delusional to talk about treasures, and even some innate spiritual treasures are thrown away by him. He is just extravagant hope, These so-called indelible treasures can resist the axe of the gods for a while.

A choice between treasure and life, no treasure is as important as one’s own life, and the ever-changing devil is a decisive powerhouse. Otherwise, he would not have been able to, and resolutely chose to use the companion treasure. prevent disaster.

At the time of the opening of the sky, there were even some demon gods in their hearts who had a glimmer of extravagance, and were reluctant to use treasures to block disasters. It is the soul that is destroyed, the real man and wealth are empty.

The Variety Demon God looked at the ray of light in front of him. In the eyes of the gods, he couldn’t help showing an ecstatic look. As long as he had one more breath, he would have enough confidence to escape the imprisonment of the God-Opening God Axe. , flee away.

At this moment, he even began to fantasize in his heart that when he made a comeback in the future, he would definitely take Lin Fan’s soul and refine his soul. He would take revenge and kill all the creatures related to Lin Fan. Let Lin Fan taste the endless suffering.

Just when he was a little caught in the fantasy of the future, the light of a divine axe flashed from him.

“It hurts!” This was the last perception of the Variety Demon God. Immediately, his eyes dimmed, and there was no longer a trace of vitality. A thunder sounded out of nothing in the chaos, rolling the chaos of the chaos. Flow, as if chaos is screaming.

“Chaos screams, the devil falls, the tears of the avenue!” In the chaos, in the floating Chaos Heavenly Palace, there was a voice that seemed suspicious and emotional, filled with boundless majesty, as if the chaos of chaos Lord, the ruler of heaven and earth, a vague figure flashed through it, looking up into the depths of the chaos, his eyes seemed to have crossed the boundaries of time and space, looking through the endless void, Xuan’er’s figure disappeared without leaving a trace, Only a long sigh showed that his mind was not as relaxed as it seemed.

Above a high mountain, a white-clothed God Lord stands on the top of the mountain. His seemingly thin figure hides a mighty power that shakes the chaotic world. Sword eyebrows and star eyes, sweeping the chaos, the tyrannical spiritual sense, stirring up endless waves in the chaos.

“The Variety has fallen! Pan Gu is indeed the head of the Chaos Demon God, even after his death, he cannot be profaned. Sooner or later, the deity will come, the world opened up by Pan Gu!” There was a hint of sadness, even if the ever-changing Demon God fell, he never frowned, as if it had nothing to do with him, this is the ruthless God Lord.

A thousand feet of red dust, the constraints of the heavens and the earth, for him, it is just a passing glimpse. Only by breaking into the realm of the great sage and becoming the supreme sage, that is his true pursuit.

Whoever blocked his way to truly break the shackles would have to bear his wrath. The God Lord did not move, wandering in chaos with the mountain peaks.

This mountain seems simple and unpretentious, or even nothing, any outstanding place, but it can’t be damaged and worn away by the chaotic airflow, it is eternal and the same.

The Lord of God stands with his hands behind his back. Behind him, the kingdom of the gods flashes. All the gods are singing.

“The devil has fallen, the avenue weeps, such a scene has not been seen for many years!” Above the head of the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, a dark lacquered magic pot appeared, frantically swallowing, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth , rolling chaotic air currents, and falling strips of immortal divine light.

Standing under the magic pot, the lord of all demons is majestic with heroic hair, sharp eyes, and pillars of demonic energy are formed behind him. Maybe it’s luck, maybe it’s fate, when the sky opens, be cautious The incomparable Lord of Ten Thousand Demons escaped a catastrophe from the Heaven-Opening Divine Axe.

After the opening of the sky, he was even more cautious, not at all for the weakness of the creatures in the world opened up by Pangu, but to shake the faith in his heart, only a ray of divine soul descended, reincarnated into the prehistoric world, and tentatively set off , The endless waves, after all, hated the hands of Hongjun Daozu, and even his body was smelted by Hongjun Daozu, which took away a lot of his luck.

Although it was only a small test, the result still shocked him. The world that Pangu opened up was by no means calm on the surface. Even if it is him, his real body descends to the prehistoric world, and he will start a life-and-death confrontation with the powerhouses from all sides, and he has no certainty in his heart.

The wheel of history is rolling forward. He has witnessed the rise of the Ancestral Dragon Emperor. This Chaos King, who once reigned in chaos, was only under Pangu. extinguish.

One step at a time, every shot is earth-shattering, reversing the qi of heaven and earth, continuing the glory and glory of the dragon clan, establishing the supreme dragon court, only respecting the ancestor dragon, this is the domineering ancestor dragon.

In the heart of the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, he has also been tempted many times, and he wanted to make a move to refine the Ancestral Dragon Emperor. After all, reason defeated greed and never really made a move.

The prestige of the Chaos Sacred Dragon, perhaps under Pangu, is even more powerful than the Demon God, with three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and no one dares to easily violate its dragon power.

Although he has already died, he has become the two supreme beings of the dragon clan, the Ancestral Dragon Emperor and the Torch Dragon Emperor, his talent has not weakened in the slightest.

The speed of the growth of the Ancestral Dragon Emperor made the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons secretly glad that he did not make a move. After only one calamity of heaven and earth passed, the Ancestral Dragon Emperor once again possessed the power to run rampantly in chaos.

Indistinctly, the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons seems to have a keen sense that the strength of the Ancestral Dragon Emperor seems to have a feeling of breaking through the shackles of fate and shattering fate.

For the first time that day and the earth’s calamity passed, the strong figures between heaven and earth all appeared one by one, and there was Lin Fan, who had already become the first saint in heaven and earth.

Lin Fan’s birth surprised the Lord of All Demons.

At first, he thought that it was Pangu’s will, and then he realized that Lin Fan was not the real Pangu, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When Lin Fan used the means against the sky to impose the punishment, the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons felt that the origin of heaven and earth seemed to contain Lin Fan’s will, the eternal law between heaven and earth, the eternal law of immortality. The rules of heaven and earth seem to have undergone an inexplicable change at that moment.

At this moment, when the divine sense of the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons swept through the heavens and the earth, he couldn’t help but feel a little stunned.

A calamity has passed, and there are already in heaven and earth, six strong men in the realm of heaven, some of these strong men, even he can’t see the real origin, it is extremely mysterious.

Although the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons is known as a devil, he is also known as the first devil in the chaos, and his strength is also strong. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of gap between the real powerhouses of the real peak of the devil, and it is just a test. Dao Ancestor Hongjun lost a ray of spiritual sense at a glance. He was unwilling to try again, and he was unwilling to take another shot.

The Daoist Taixuan’s annihilation mill seems to travel through time and space, and integrates with the void. A blue sky appears above his mill. That day is like the origin of heaven and earth, with immeasurable power. , Mysterious and mysterious, Ancestral Dragon Emperor’s gaze swept from the back of Taixuan Daoist, and nodded thoughtfully, as if he had discovered something.

Sometimes, only by showing one’s true strength can one be able to frighten the powerhouses in all directions and make them dare not do it lightly. It can not only protect yourself, but also deter powerful enemies and protect your friends and relatives.

Lin Fan showed his invincible combat power in the sky and the ground. Even the powerhouses in the Heavenly Sacred Realm would look sideways. This is a kind of deterrence. Lin Fan has never fallen, but there is no one who dares to fight against his disciples. Disciples take action, otherwise they will surely bring disaster for themselves.

In the chaos, endless turbulent currents surging, Lin Fan’s savage body, stepping on the corpse of the ever-changing demon god, his expression is icy cold, he grabs with a big hand, and the body of the ever-changing demon **** is caught by him. , became the size of a mote of dust.

The art of mustard seed sumeru, absorbing all things into the dust, this is a kind of supernatural power in space, the body of a tyrannical devil, only an existence as strong as Lin Fan can suppress it with great magic power.

Otherwise, even if the Variety Demon God dies and his soul perishes, he is by no means an ant and can be easily blasphemed. Even if the king approaches his body, he will be directly killed. the power of.

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