The Universal Plugins For Online Game Chapter 521: Vengeance is coming

“I don’t know the boss, have you started? In what posture? I really want to run over and take a peek, but if I get caught by the boss, if I find out, I will definitely be beaten to death. After all, the boss is in the sister-in-law. Doing business, if I peeked, the boss will definitely kill me.” At this time, Lin Daniel thought in his heart.

At this time, Lin Yue was also in her heart, thinking in a distraught:

“What is Xiaofan doing? Could it be that Xiaofan has taken a fancy to Sister Ruyu and is ready to force her to take possession of Sister Ruyu?”

“How can Xiaofan do this? Even if he likes sister Ruyu, he can’t use force on other girls, right? He’s just a beast! No, I can’t, just watch Xiaofan, change Become a scum, I must stop Xiaofan and bully Ruyu sister.” At this time, Lin Yue thought in her heart.

Immediately, Lin Yue, who was lying on the bed tossing and turning, couldn’t sleep, got up straight away, put on a white gauze skirt, and walked out of the house, towards Ye Ruyu’s room.

However, at this time, Lin Yue was more and more flustered.

“What if Xiaofan has already started now, and he’s doing something, what should I do! Should I continue, or should I leave?” At this moment, Ye Ruyu thought in shock.

At this time, Lin Yue has arrived, Ye Ruyu is at her door.

However, the scene in front of her made Lin Yue feel very speechless.

I saw that at this time, Ye Ruyu’s room had a large wooden bucket filled with water, and Ye Ruyu was hiding at this time, and there was no face in that wooden bucket at all. .

“This is? Sister Ruyu, what’s wrong with you? Why are you yelling so loudly, is it Xiaofan, he bullied you? Don’t worry, Xiaofan will definitely take responsibility and treat you well. Yes.” At this time, Lin Yue nodded directly.

“Sister Yue, help me!” At this time, Lin Yue saw Ye Ruyu’s cry for help.

“Xiao Fan, what are you doing? Are you bullying a girl like you?” At this time, Lin Yue directly criticized and educated Fan Chen.

“Hehe, it’s okay, it’s okay, I think Ruyu looks like me, very much like a husband and wife, so ah, I want to marry Ruyu and let me be my woman.” At this time, the world stopped. He came down, smiled, and said softly.

“Okay, have you had enough trouble? Really, it’s outrageous!” At this time, Lin Yue really did, and after glaring at Fanchen, she said immediately.

“Okay, okay! Ruyu, take a shower, I’ll go back first, but remember, you are my Lin Fan’s woman, you can’t like other men!” At that time, Fan Chen nodded helplessly and said.

Afterwards, Fan Chen glanced at Ye Ruyu, and immediately left here.

After Fanchen left, Lin Yue said to Ye Ruyu:

“Sister Ruyu, did Xiaofan bully you?”

“No, no! I’ve been hiding in the water all the time and never went out.” At this time, Ye Ruyu replied.

At this time, after Mortal went back, he went straight to sleep.

In the dream, Fanchen dreamed a lot of things that he felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

“Game? What is that? And why do I dream of those things? It’s so strange.” At this moment, Fanchen woke up, lay in bed, and thought silently.

Just now, Mortal had a dream, this time, he dreamed of himself, in a place called Earth, playing a game, and, as if he played it, it was quite amazing!

“The world? A game that can pull people’s souls into it? Maybe in the future, after my cultivation is restored, I can get one to play.” At this moment, Fanchen thought in his heart.

After thinking about it, the mortal world went to sleep again.

As for cultivation?

Cultivation is impossible, and it is impossible to cultivate in this life.

Because, as long as the mortal body refinement formula reaches the first level, it can run automatically.

Now, the mortal world is in a state of cultivation all the time!

Otherwise, how could it be possible for the mortal world to cultivate the Body Refinement Art to the 60th floor so quickly, which is equivalent to the realm of Qi training!

Of course, if you take the initiative to cultivate, it is still faster than automatic operation and cultivation.

However, for the mortal, the speed of his automatic operation is enough.

As for the time spent cultivating, Mortal Chen said it was unnecessary.

In the past life, in this era, the mortal world was a practice that worked day and night, day and night.

At that time, Mortal’s cultivation speed was indeed much more powerful than it is now.

However, the mortal world at that time was much more tired than the mortal world today.

Now, after the mortal world is reborn, he expresses that he will not be like the previous life.

After all, even if it is to restore the cultivation base to the level of the emperor again, it still cannot break through the eternal realm.

What’s the point of practicing hard then?

Mortal feels that the most important thing for me now is to understand, to find an opportunity to break through the eternal realm, rather than to practice desperately.

At this time, Fanchen fell asleep, but on the other side, Ye Ruyu couldn’t sleep.

“That guy is so abominable. He was taking a shower, so he broke in directly and said he wouldn’t peek. It turned out to be an open and honest look!” Ye Ruyu thought to himself at this time.

“However, that guy is really domineering. I, Ye Ruyu’s man, want to be like that.” Ye Ruyu thought to himself at this time.

“What should I do now? I’ve been seen by that guy. He knew about the crescent-shaped birthmark on his butt. It’s really embarrassing.” Ye Ruyu thought to herself at this time.

“Then why don’t I agree, how about marrying him?” Ye Ruyu was thinking in her heart at this time.

“But, wouldn’t it be too shameful to agree to marry him like this? Maybe, he would think that I’m a very casual woman, so he despised me?” Ye Ruyu thought about it, and she thought again concerns.

Actually, she thought too much.

What kind of character does Ye Ruyu have? At this moment, Fanchen probably knows her better than herself.

After all, Ye Ruyu had followed her for ten epochs in her previous life!

How old is Ye Ruyu at this time?

Not yet twenty years old!

How could she possibly know her better?

Because of Fanchen, he knows Ye Ruyu’s character and what kind of man she likes.

That’s why he is so domineering.

If Mortal behaves too timidly, Ye Ruyu will look down on him.

While Ye Ruyu was thinking wildly and couldn’t fall asleep, on the other side, Lin Yue also thought about a lot of things at this time.

“Lin Yue, Lin Yue, you are Xiaofan’s sister, how can you fall in love with Xiaofan? No, absolutely no.” At this time, Lin Yue kept hinting to herself in her heart. , can’t fall in love with Lin Fan.

However, after falling in love with someone, can you stop loving through self-suggestion?

The answer is no.

At this time, the more Lin Yue forced herself not to love Fanchen, the more she wanted Fanchen in her heart.

“Did I do something wrong just now? I shouldn’t destroy Xiaofan’s happiness. Just now, Sister Ruyu didn’t show any resistance. Instead, I accepted her advice. In the expression, I saw a trace of excitement, I am afraid, at that time, if I didn’t show up, Sister Ruyu would just give up and go to bed with Xiaofan!” At this time, Lin Yue thought to herself.

“However, when I see Xiaofan with other women, my heart hurts. Why, that woman isn’t me? I want to be your woman too, Xiaofan!” Lin Yue said in her heart Thinking painfully inside.

“Hey, for Xiaofan’s sake, don’t destroy it in the future, Xiaofan’s happiness, in this life, it’s impossible for me to be with Xiaofan, at least, if my father knew, I fell in love with Xiaofan If you do, he will definitely kill me, a scumbag who ruins the family style, right?” At this time, Lin Yue sighed inwardly.

At this time, I’m afraid it’s Daniu Lin who sleeps the best!

As long as you get close, you can hear the earth-shattering snoring outside Lin Daniu’s room.

At this time, Daniel Lin is having a sweet dream and is marrying a fairy wife!

The time passed unknowingly. At this time, the sky outside was already bright.

At this time, Lin Daniu was in a dream, and finally he was going to have a wedding with his fairy wife.

However, in the dream, Lin Daniu took off his clothes, and when his fairy wife was about to go to work, suddenly, there was a loud noise from the gate.


All of a sudden, it woke Daniu Lin.

“Huh? Where’s my daughter-in-law? Why is she gone? Could it be that I’m dreaming? Ahh!!! Who the **** is that **** who woke me up at this critical moment?” This At that time, Daniu Lin roared.

“What the hell, it was almost, it was almost, I took off all my clothes, and I almost fell asleep with a fairy, even though it was a dream, I also tried it, what is it like to be a fairy? , in the end is that **** who woke up Laozi!!!” At this time, Lin Daniel thought with great heartache.

Immediately, Daniu Lin quickly got dressed, opened the door, and walked into the courtyard.

At this point, everyone else was awakened.

However, apart from Mortal Chen, Lin Yue and Ye Ruyu didn’t sleep well at this time, their eyes were sleepy, and they looked quite cute.

“What’s the matter? Who is kicking the door?” At this time, Lin Yue said suspiciously.

“Bang, bang, bang!!!”

At this time, there was another sound of kicking the door.

“Isn’t this kick bad?” Lin Yue said suspiciously.

“That guy must be, he didn’t dare to force his way in, he wanted to force us out!” At this time, Ye Ruyu said after thinking about it.

“Then do we want to go out and have a look?” Lin Yue asked.

“What the hell, what kind of dog is running here to be wild?” At this time, Daniu Lin rolled up his sleeves and walked directly towards the gate.

Daniu Lin, whose spring dream was interrupted, has lost his mind at this time.

How can someone who can come here to make troubles be ordinary people?

With Tarin Daniel, his third-rate strength, as soon as he goes out, he will be instantly killed by someone else.

“Hey, Daniel, don’t be impulsive, you’re sure you won’t be able to beat others, you’d better wait for Xiaofan to come!” At this time, Lin Yue looked at Lin Daniel, and hurriedly dissuaded him.

However, at this time, Daniu Lin could not listen to the advice.

At this time, Lin Daniu shouted:

“No, I’m just going to teach that guy a lesson, I must teach that guy a lesson!”

Speaking, Lin Daniu directly rushed towards the door.

Yes, either walked over or rushed over.

At this time, Fanchen also opened the door and walked into the courtyard.

“What’s the matter? Why are you making a fuss and disturbing my sleep, do you know?” At this moment, Fanchen said lightly.

“Xiao Fan, hurry up to the gate, someone came to make trouble, Daniel said he was going, and taught the guy who made trouble, with Daniel’s strength, where would it be his turn to teach others? Others don’t It’s good to teach him a lesson.” At this time, Lin Yue said eagerly after seeing Fanchen.

“What? You said Da Niu, you are going to teach others a lesson? Haha, haha!!! I laughed so hard, that guy, Da Niu, is still so, he has no self-knowledge, okay, I’ll go save him now At this time, after hearing Lin Yue’s words, Fan Chen couldn’t help but burst out laughing, of course, after laughing, Fan Chen decided to go out immediately and save Lin Daniel.

After all, so is Lin Daniel, who calls him the boss. As the boss, how could he allow others to bully his younger brother?

At this time, at the gate, Daniel Lin immediately regretted it as he rushed out.

Because, at this gate, it is densely packed with people everywhere.

A casual look shows that there are at least hundreds of people here.

Even if there are hundreds of ordinary people, if he beats him alone, he can’t beat him.

What’s more, how can the people who can appear in this place be ordinary people?

Among the hundreds of people, the one with the lowest cultivation base has reached the third-rate level, similar to that of Daniu Lin at this time.

And even more powerful, that is very powerful.

Among the hundreds of people, the most powerful guy was a person in the early stage of Qi training. That guy was a disciple from the outer sect. He was also a helper from the tyrant who was beaten by the mortal world yesterday.

The outer disciple is the one who helped Wang Ba’s grandfather and guarded the gate. Although he said he was the gatekeeper, he was also an outer disciple, and his cultivation had reached the stage of qi training.

“Senior Brother Wang, this big man is the younger brother of the guy who hit me yesterday. His mouth is very stinky. We must take care of him later.” At this time, Wang Ba faced the name, practicing Qi Qi’s outer disciple said.

“Young Master, don’t worry, if I am here today, I will definitely avenge you.” At this time, the outer disciple said.

Although Wang Ba politely calls him senior brother, he still has self-knowledge.

Knowing that he was just a gatekeeper, so he didn’t dare to pretend to be in front of Wang Ba.

“Uh, I’m not going out anymore, you guys continue!” At this moment, Lin Daniu looked at the group of people in front of him, and immediately hesitated, and immediately thought, go back to the yard.

At this time, Lin Daniel also knew that since those guys didn’t break in, it must be them who didn’t dare to break in. As long as he went back, he would be safe.

However, how could others just let Daniu Lin go back inside?

“Want to run? If you want to be beautiful, catch him for me!” At this moment, Wang Ba immediately shouted after listening to Lin Daniu’s words.

Suddenly, the people next to Lin Daniel swarmed up, and immediately caught Lin Daniel.

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