The Universal Plugins For Online Game Chapter 430: Slaying the Dragon

“Thank you for the cultivation of the boss. The subordinates will do their best to kill the dragon for the boss.” Pingzi said excitedly.

“Well, that’s it, hurry up, destroy the blue dragon, break through the city lord’s mansion, and capture the dragon city.” Ye Naihe nodded, and then said lightly.

“Yes, boss, I’m about to arrive at the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion.” Pingzi said.

Afterwards, Ye Naihe hung up the communication.

“Hehe, as long as he can become a superior person, it doesn’t matter if he is a younger brother or not! Boss Niubi, it is not ashamed to be his younger brother!” At this time, Pingzi pouted, in his heart, thought silently.

Soon, Pingzi arrived, not far from the City Lord’s Mansion.

At this time, Pingzi had already seen the domineering Qinglong.

“Is this the divine beast Qinglong? No wonder it was so powerful that it was able to destroy the Ye family and so many elite players.” At this time, Pingzi looked at Qinglong and thought in shock.

“Oh, it’s a pity, if such a green dragon could be captured and used as a mount, it would be great!” At this time, Pingzi looked at the blue dragon again, and then he couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

“Forget it, why do you think so much? As long as I kill Qinglong, I will get 100 million gold coins. With 100 million gold coins, how many beautiful mounts can I play?” After that, Pingzi shook his head. , In my heart, I forgot all the last trace of reluctance.

“The law of balance!” Hirako roared directly.

Suddenly, Qinglong suddenly became weak.

And, even the ability to fly is gone at this time.

Suddenly, he fell from the sky and lost most of his blood.

At this time, Qinglong actually only had more than 1,000 HP.

Hirako’s law of balance is really amazing.

“What’s going on? How did I become so weak? Even me, when I was first born, wasn’t so weak, right?” At this time, Qinglong said in shock.

At this time, in the city lord’s mansion, the chief commander and the chief steward were affected by the law of balance and became weak.

And, just now, they all saw that the guardian beast, the Azure Dragon, actually fell from the sky.

“No, Lord Qinglong was also affected by that very arrogant, attribute decaying skill. He didn’t even have the ability to fly, and fell from the sky to the ground.” At this time, The chief commander said in despair.

“What should I do? What should I do? Could it be that the city owner’s Dragon City is about to be occupied by the enemy? The glory of our Dragon City, just like this, is buried in our hands, alas, the two of us , why don’t you just commit suicide and die for the city!” At this time, the big housekeeper also said in despair.

“No, suicide is a cowardly act. Even if I am so weak at this time, I will die on the battlefield. The glory of a soldier can never be insulted!” At this time, the commander shouted.

“What else can we do with this weak body? Can we kill the enemy? Running out is just a death sentence, and we can also increase the enemy’s merits in battle. There is nothing at all, any Meaning.” At this time, the big butler shook his head and held on to the big commander who was about to rush outside, and said helplessly.

“No, even if I die in battle, I will never commit suicide. People who commit suicide are cowards. I am a soldier, and I am definitely not a coward.” At this time, the commander shook his head and said very firmly.

“That’s it, that’s it! Since you want to die, I won’t stop you. We two old fellows, let’s go and fight side by side!” At this time, the big butler couldn’t convince the big commander, so he had no choice but to help said.


At this time, in the vicinity, there is no Ye Naihe’s subordinates, only Pingzi.

However, at this time, Pingzi didn’t dare to go up to fight Qinglong alone.

Because, the Qinglong at this time, although affected by the law of balance, all attributes are the same as him.

Also, just now, Qinglong fell from the sky and fell to the ground, becoming even weaker.

However, even so, Hirako did not dare to go up and challenge Qinglong, who was many times weaker.

Actually, it’s not Pingzi, he is a person who is greedy for life and fears death, but because as long as Pingzi dies, the law of balance here in the City Lord’s Mansion will directly fail.

Pingzi didn’t dare to gamble, because he couldn’t afford it.

In case, if he loses the bet, it will take a long time for him to run to this place from his resurrection point, which is Ye Cheng.

Because, at this time, Dragon City’s teleportation array was closed when it entered the siege battle.

Only after the siege is over, can the teleportation array be activated again.

Furthermore, Pingzi also knew that as long as he died, Ye Naihe would not even think about it and take Longcheng.

Because, without his law of balance, there is no one who can check and balance the powerful Qinglong.

At that time, it will be a one-sided massacre.

I’m afraid, at that time, Ye Naihe might not be able to resist and kill him.

Therefore, at this time, Hirako, no matter what happens, will not play in person.


At this time, Ye Liangchen and the others were very anxious.

Because, the very mighty and domineering blue dragon that flew in the sky just now, for some reason, fell from the sky.

Just now, it was because of the existence of that blue dragon that those who attacked were blocked outside the City Lord’s Mansion.

At this time, Qinglong unexpectedly fell to the ground from the sky.

That means that Qinglong must have been hit by some irresistible factors at this time, which caused Qinglong to fall from the sky.

That shows that at this time in Longcheng, it is really the moment of life and death.

As long as the enemy occupies the core hall of the City Lord’s Mansion, then the Dragon City will become someone else’s.

“Brother Ye, this is already the fastest speed.” At this time, Kong Cheng said helplessly.

At this time, Kongcheng thought:

“If you have a chance, be sure to get a pair of artifact shoes. This movement speed is too slow.”

“Why don’t I go first?” Ye Liangchen said at this time.

Because Ye Liangchen’s movement speed at this time is the fastest among them, so if Ye Liangchen runs at full speed, then he can quickly run to the city lord’s mansion.

“Okay, Brother Ye, hurry up, otherwise, if Longcheng is occupied, we will lose face and see the boss of Fanchen.” At this time, Kongcheng said eagerly.

“Okay, then I’m leaving!” At this time, Ye Liangchen was direct, like an arrow from the string, and quickly disappeared.

At this time, Ye Naihe’s people rushed to the gate of the city lord’s mansion again.

“Quickly attack Qinglong!” At this moment, Hirako shouted.

Suddenly, everyone set fire to Qinglong.

Suddenly, Qinglong was like this, useless, and was killed in seconds.

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