The Unconventional Legend Chapter 96: But Yunyan

Zhunti sighed and said: “At the beginning, the general trend of Jiediao Wanxian came to the world long ago, but it is an indisputable fact that the disciples of Jiediao’s disciples are always doing harm to the world. However, it is an indisputable fact to accept but not teach, and teach but not restrain. If things go on like this, it is inevitable to cause an imbalance between the world and the earth.”

“Jiejiao was already the world’s largest religion back then, and those with hair and armor have strong ability to reproduce offspring and reproduce very quickly. If they continue to expand, they will inevitably be overwhelmed and imbalanced.”

“The amount of calamity is precisely because of this.”

“It is the original intention of the gods to measure the calamity, and it is to bring down your Jiedi! You Tongtian, as the leader of the Jiedi, can you stay out of the matter?”

“With this series of changes, there was the matter of enshrining the gods, the three religions entered the robbery, and the heaven was enshrined.”

“Since the Three Religions have set off a major reshuffle of the world, I teach in the West. I don’t know how to enter. It’s just the last part for you. But if we really don’t come in, we will really be excluded from the chess game. It is more in line with the interests of Western religions to stop the teachings from declining.”

The introduction showed a trace of sorrow: “So there was the war of conferring the gods that year. My two people went to the East, and three thousand red spirits returned to the West. The Four Saints will punish the immortals.”

“In the course of your teaching, how many people have been killed by those with high levels of Taoism? Those who have been killed in the flesh have also entered the list of gods; what is the fundamental loss?”

“Of course there are innocent kindnesses that perished in the war, and they are not even a few. But how did the real high-level people hurt their muscles and bones?”

“Even if your senior brother Shangqing was relegated, but for so many years, you took away your four Zhuxian swords, precious treasures, have seen anyone use them for so many years? Those things are the same as your senior brother Shangqing The spirit and mind are connected, and when you move your mind, you will take it all back! Is this the way of the defeated?”

“Explain and teach those high-level disciples, are there any losses? It just created some human grievances, nothing more.”

“In particular, Lao Tzu Taishang, Big Brother Sanqing, I teach three thousand popular scholars from the West who are so easy to be swept away from the calamity of my Western teachings, we will teach them, and prepare to serve as the backbone… But too The Qing Daoists used the barbarians to control the barbarians in accordance with local conditions. They would protect the great apprentice Duobao, who had been protected early, and use the Huo Buddhism to lead the gang…the gang…”

Zhunti sighed, the words seemed unsustainable.

After all, they were all pragmatic Western disciples back then…

“What’s more, your second brother, Yuqing Daoist, saw the movements of Taiqing Daoist, and he learned a lot, like copying a bowl, and drove away some of his disciples who agreed with our Western teaching philosophy. To occupy a prominent position, to divide and motivate me to teach luck and incense.”

“For so many years, Western teachings have flourished; however, the worship of incense, the disciples of the teaching disciples and the disciples of the teaching disciples account for 90% of them!”

Then quoted a bitter smile: “Even if they have the name of Western religion on their faces, how can they change their roots? Everyone is innate and has been going all the way to the present. There are boundless calamities, but can this foot be changed?”

Everyone coughed and avoided answering.

Perhaps something else can be changed, but this foot… can’t really be changed.

This is an undeniable fact!

It’s like an ordinary person, no matter how prosperous you are in the future, you can never change who your biological mother is!

The leader of Tongtian was stunned, and he felt that there was no rebuttal, or even questioning, about the quasi mentioning and quoting the two.

Then said indifferently: “However, the original intention of the Western teachings and teachings is to spread ideas and save all living beings; no matter who is used by name or name, it doesn’t matter.”

“Since it has become a reality, we don’t care about a little fancy name, so this period of cause and effect will continue in this way, but in the final analysis, everyone is still just calculating and getting what it is.”

“That’s it.”

“The past, the so-called truth, is that, that’s all.”

“The ultimate purpose of the tribulation of the gods is not to confess the gods. The core of the true calamity is to defeat the religion, to pass the saint to the sky, and to restore the balance of all living beings. And the three of you are in the same heart, but you can’t bear to let you The Holy Throne was destroyed, so Taiqing Yuqing made the heavenly secrets, please move the Taoist ancestors, blind the Tongtian Linghui, so that he will be trapped in the real body, avoiding the detection of the heavens to the greatest extent, and turning to increase the weight of the disaster.”

“Otherwise, with the wisdom of the heavenly saints, how can you not be aware of what is wrong with this divine measure of calamity?”

“Doesn’t the so-called Three Religions Conferring Gods have a plan early? How come they have turned their heads at the moment of implementation? Isn’t there a reason for this?”

“The root cause is not that the core of measuring the robbery is easy to become a killer, resetting the heaven, sweeping the face of the sky…”

“Sanqing saints are worthy of being the strongest saints. Under some manipulation, he just turned a calamity into a game like children’s fun.”

“On the contrary, it was me who followed the lead brother, because several times I used the honor of a saint to forcibly cross the red dust guest, which compromised my aura!”

“And the final result of the enlightenment of the gods and calamity, the heavenly court resurrected, the interception of the religion disappeared, the heaven and the world concealed, the West was prosperous, of course, the interception of the disciples was released, and the western incense was used to transport the original hostility of the heaven and the religion. After eternal life, come back again.”

“If not, why would Senior Brother Shangqing appear here today? Shouldn’t you still be in confinement!”

Then he sighed: “Brother Yuqing, now that Senior Brother Shangqing has passed the calamity, he is also re-establishing the teaching. The disciples in the past have all returned. Why did the original spiritual shielding have not been lifted?”

Yuan Shi said with a straight face: “This is set by the ancestor of Taoism, how can we go there.”

Then the lead: “Since everything has been said today, should the disciples of Brother Yuqing also return?”

Yuan Shi said indifferently: “Just as Brother Dao said, where they are and what their name is, they have been preaching for the Western religion for a long time. Whether they return or not is not necessary.”

“It’s like this. Although he has returned to the teachings, his Buddha’s name will endure forever! He is still spreading the teachings of Western religions for you. Whether you return or not, for this world, for What is the difference for all sentient beings from generation to generation?”

Then sighed, Yuan Shi’s words were to attack the shield of the son with the spear of the son.

After such a long time has passed, it has long been unclear who is right and who is wrong, who wins and who loses.

In this world, there has always been right and wrong.

For their realm, when will there be such a constant victory and defeat?

Everything is nothing but smoke.

Rise and destroy, it’s just a game.

However, one thing is different.

The roots and feet have not changed. Those of you disciples are attached to us and enjoy the incense of sentient beings, but you are constantly strengthening your own background.

Although Western religion seems to be prosperous, it has only shouldered a reputation.

Seven percent of the benefits go to you!

Zhunti wanted to speak, but the lead stopped him, and shook his head, no longer need to say.

What we are asking is that the doctrine is spread to the world. As for who will spread it, we don’t care anymore.

Why bother.

According to each one’s needs in this way, is the way to balance. If Western education can get the name, and then get all the benefits, it would be another wave of immeasurable calamities that have broken the balance.

And these things do not really need to be explained word by word.

I understand everything that I understand. If I don’t understand, let him go.

The Master Tongtian actually appeared trembling, and questioned Yuan Shi: “Second! Why didn’t you talk about this before?”

After Zhunti and the introduction broke the whole story of the year, the spiritual shield in Tongtian’s mind was naturally relieved.

After all, after all, it is meaningless to block.

Master Tongtian only felt a clearness in his mind, and there were too many things in an instant, clear and clear flow slowly through his mind.

“Who is your second child?!”

Yuan Shi rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction.

It seems that he has broken his own image, so he straightened his face again and said indifferently: “In the beginning, I really wanted to beat you. If you don’t fight, how can your thoughts be accessible? I will say that he and the sage will enter. Hong Chen, don’t I and Big Brother have walked the world in person?”

“Just to beat you!” Yuan Shi had a straight face.

Tongtian: “…”

Tongtian’s body trembled more and more, and he muttered: “Back then, my disciples…”

Yuan Shi said with a straight face: “When you and I were established and sanctified, I warned you that although you can benefit temporarily, but you will suffer backlash for a long time, but you don’t listen, you tell me The generation of “hairy with horns and wet eggs” is unbearable and only talks about it.”

“There is nothing wrong with you intercepting a ray of life for sentient beings. However, there is something wrong with a disciple or a disciple of a disciple who kills lives and slaughters spirits.”

“In detail, in the absence of enlightenment, a tiger can roar in the mountains and forests in only three to five years, dominate one side; even do harm to the other creatures; but the human cubs are not counted until they are eighteen years old. Adult. And the combat power is far from as good.”

“However, once the people with hair and armor, once they have cultivation base, open their wisdom, and slaughter the miserable lives, they will never be in the world. You can guarantee that you will not be able to eat people, but what about their descendants?”

“A turtle lays dozens of eggs at a time, several times a year; a mouse lays dozens of eggs at a time, twelve times a year, a snake, a year… You taught your apprentice, how could it not teach it? Of the future generations?”

“So, who is the ultimate karma?”

“Then I re-established the teaching…why?…”

“This time is beyond our ability to Yuan Shi sternly said, “But this time has turned into a catastrophe, and the world is unified. In the end, there will only be a family of spirits who belong to the great The world of contention. Your return from teaching is also a matter of course, the front line of vitality, the fight for vitality, the same is the heaven and the earth. “

“Heaven and earth are united, and the sky is cleared, only the souls are left…”

“Yes, since it is the Qingtian tribulation, then countless people in the past are all over here.”

“And for a long time, the people who have been contaminated most by grievances and grievances are the dragons, phoenix, unicorns, asuras, liches, and Western religions, and naturally there are humans.”

Yuan Shi said with a stern face: “This kind of Qingtian robbery, it is not surprising that the saint fell at the end of the battle.”

“So it is convenient for you to return now.”

Tong Tian took a deep breath: “But I’m back now, now that I understand the cause and effect…”

“Understanding has no effect, and the potential is irreversible. What’s more, you still don’t accept it in your heart.”

Yuan Shi sternly said: “You can let go of the entanglement in your heart for countless years, you can let it go, but can your disciples let it go? If you can’t let it go, how can you clear the sky?”

“The ruthless avenue is the rule, and all the souls have emotions and grievances. The world of great controversy is the time when cause and effect ends.”


[There are so many things, maybe everyone thought it was water, but I sorted out such a line from it, but it was really exhausting.

As far as the family is concerned, everyone has read it, just smile and scold it, don’t take it seriously. 】

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