The Twelve Zodiac Guardian Gods Chapter 281: Beautiful space (Part 1)

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Two huge spaceships quietly left the United States v3 military base. At this time, the United States is still in the middle of the night. The people do not know that their fate has decided to set sail on these two ships. Above the spaceship.

Mechanics of the United States and the strong men from all over the West are on the first spaceship, while the Zodiac Corps, the Holy See, the Guardians of Greece, and members of the Dark Council are on the second ship. Before departure, all the nuclear bombs were already in place. According to data from the United States and the United States, the flight took about thirty-six hours to reach the intended location. At this time, the intercontinental missiles on the ground of various countries are ready to be launched at any time.

In order to prevent conflict between the Holy See and the Dark Council, the Qi Yue led the Chinese Zodiac Legion and the Greek Guardians to cross the position between these two parties, but this inevitably made the position of Qi Yue and Yumu very Close, as the leaders of their respective parties, they are all sitting at the front, Qi Yue is Leng Er on the left, rain eye on the right, and Pope Marty, on the right of the rain eye.

The spacecraft was sent into space with a rocket booster. At that moment, the strong lateral thrust, even these powerful people, was a bit unbearable. Fortunately, the gravity adjustment system inside the spacecraft of the United States and the United States is good. The situation did not last long.

Qi Yue closed his eyes and quietly regulated Cloud Power in his body. Cultivation is the best way to improve his strength. Since these days, his ability to control his emotions has improved his effectiveness in practice. .

Qi Yue, can we talk about it?” Yu Pudi’s voice suddenly sounded in the heart of Qi Yue. That is the transmission of spiritual power. Even as strong as Leng Er and the Pope, it is impossible to hear on the side.

Qi Yue still closed his eyes and quietly replied in his heart: “What can I talk about?”

Yu Eye was silent for a while before saying: “Qi Yue, can you first let go of the hatred between us and let us talk as ordinary friends? The tasks to be performed, neither you nor me, have Absolutely be able to cope with the past. Since that is the case. Why can’t we discuss the countermeasures honestly? “

Qi Yue said: “Okay. You said.”

Although his answer is very simple, it made Yu Yu breathe a sigh of relief. To be frank: “The situation of the United States and the United States is irrelevant. As the world’s largest country and the most powerful country, they must spare no effort to protect the earth. But the strong four parties on our spacecraft may not be all In this way. At least when you really need to contribute, I am afraid that you and us will go all out at all costs. “

Qi Yue said: “I approve this point. What do you think?” Yu Mi is right. For the selfishness of the Holy See, Qi Yue has a deep experience. Once there is a danger, Marty is absolutely impossible to lead His men rushed to the front. As for the Dark Council, maybe they will do their best in the early stage, but only God knows how they will do it at all costs.

Yu Eye said: “Nuclear weapons are our main reliance this time. But. If we still exhaust all nuclear weapons and still can’t achieve our goals, what are your options?”

Qi Yue was shocked, “So, do you feel something?”

Yu Eye shook his head and said, “No, I ’m just making a precautionary judgment. We have to be prepared with both hands.”

Qi Yue said: “If that happens, we can only do our best for the earth. By then, we can only rely on our own power.”

Yu Eye said: “The emergence of an asteroid made me understand the smallness of manpower. Compared with the vast universe, we are still far behind. Qi Yue, if there is a problem in the end, you can Do you believe me again, let us the guardians of the East and the West cooperate fully to maximize their strength? I have a special skill. I can transfer the impact of enemy attacks as much as possible. If this skill can be obtained The powerful energy support may have a certain influence on the direction of the asteroid. “

Open your eyes. Qi Yue turned his head to look at Yu Eye, “Do you want me to use energy to support you? Yu Eye, why do you make me believe in you again?” Can’t hear them. At this time, everyone in the spaceship was very nervous, quietly converging their energy, so that their state could be optimized to face the task after dozens of hours.

There was a bit of bitterness on Yu Eye’s face. Looking at the burning eyes of Qi Yue, he shook his head gently. “I have nothing to make you believe me.”

Qi Yue closed his eyes again, “I agree to cooperate.”

Yu Eye thought he had heard it wrong, “Do you agree?”

Qi Yue said indifferently: “If it really reached that level, and even the homeland of the entire human race would be destroyed, what is the point of the hatred between our private individuals?

Yu stunned for a moment, and the two began to talk closely, discussing the ultimate method that might be used in the end.

It took a full hour to reach the final agreement. Both of them calmed down and re-entered their respective cultivation state.

As the spaceship shook violently, it finally broke free from the atmosphere and entered space. Through the thick alloy glass window, you can see the darkness outside. The starlight in the distance looks a little blurred, but the universe is so beautiful. However, the people on the two spaceships now have no intention to appreciate it.

Suppressed feelings permeate everyone’s heart, and also permeate every government of the earth. The disputes between various countries have quietly stopped. If the earth ca n’t be saved, what effect can those disputes have? A faint light flashed, and the spaceship accelerated again after exiting the atmosphere. Separated from the booster rocket, and flew into the distant unknown space at the highest speed that human technology can reach.

Thirty-six hours seems to be a very long time, especially in the anxious and depressed waiting, this time has become much longer.

Qi Yue‘s practice was awakened by the broadcast in the spaceship. The spacecraft’s control is completely controlled by the most elite elites in the United States, and it is also responsible for contact with the earth. Pass all the latest news to everyone here.

“Just received the latest information, the speed of the asteroid flight has been reduced by 8%. The direction of progress remains unchanged.”

After hearing this news, the people in the spacecraft could not help but breathe. The slower the asteroid flight, the better for them, so that they can have more time to complete everything.

However, the bad news appeared immediately after the good news, “The asteroid ’s operating mode has changed due to the influence of some uncertain factors in the universe. The original straight flight has become a self-rotating flight. Please prepare for it. . There are still two hours, we are about to enter the attack position, waiting for the asteroid to arrive. “

Rotary flight? The light in Qi Yue‘s eyes flashed. Although he had not learned any advanced knowledge, he also understood what rotary flight means. The occurrence of rotary flight will inevitably reduce the impact of the nuclear bomb’s attack power on the direction of the asteroid. After all, even if you attack the same position, the asteroid was shifted to the right when you last attacked, maybe the next attack will shift the asteroid to the left. If this is the case, the threat that an asteroid can generate will increase substantially, and it will become even more unpredictable if it can successfully deviate from its orbit.

Turn your head around. Looking at Yu Eye, Yu Eye is also looking at him, and the communication in the eyes of the two people sees the persistent belief from the other’s eyes. Regardless of the ending, they will stick to the last moment.

The atmosphere on the spaceship has become more dignified, but the situation on the earth ’s side is now even more unbearable.

In order to be able to launch intercontinental missiles in a unified manner, the major powers communicate directly through satellites without time difference. At this time, the President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense both listened quietly to the reports of their men, and the look on their faces became extremely heavy.

Ministry of Defense Shen Sheng said: “The rapid rotation of asteroids will greatly weaken the effect of intercontinental missiles launched on our planet. Now, we are afraid that we can only hope for more warriors in space operations. . “

Although the president can barely keep calm. But the light in his eyes had already begun to flicker. After all, facing such a crisis. It is absolutely impossible to say no worries.

“No matter what, now the plan has no time to change. Pass the message to the warriors in space operations and order them to bombard them in one direction no matter how the asteroid rotates at the beginning of the mission. “This is one of the good strategies decided in advance. Although the trauma to the asteroid itself will be greatly reduced due to the dispersion of attacks, it is currently the best way to deal with it. Only by bombarding in one direction can the direction of the asteroid’s progress gradually change and finally reach the point of deviation purpose.

Yan Huang Republic also got the news at the same time. The intercontinental missile is ready. The President of the country is quietly waiting. All the locking devices have been set up through the US satellite. Now, in front of him is a huge red button. On this button, all Yan Huang Republic intercontinental missile launchers are connected.

Every country is waiting for that moment to come, and at this moment, the warriors in space operations have also begun to prepare.

Wearing custom-made space suits, the strong fours are each preparing their own work. At this time, their location is the abdomen of the spaceship. When the mission is ready to begin, they will be sent out from here. . The spaceship is very huge, not to mention that there are only more than a thousand people, and even if it is ten times more, it will not feel crowded. At this time, the Eastern Guardians showed their true strength before the other three aspects.

After each member of the Chinese Zodiac Legion puts on their respective space suits, there is a large amount of surplus space suits prepared before them, which makes the other three parties wonder. What makes them even more strange is that, in addition to the 12 zodiac guardian warriors, the other members of the 12 zodiac teams did not equip themselves with prepared nuclear bombs.

Qi Yue stands at the forefront, according to the pre-preparation, most of the nuclear bombs controlled by the Eastern Guardians are still not equipped, and at this time there is the last hour before their arrival at their destination.

Yu Eye’s anxious voice came, “Qi Yue, is there something wrong with you? If you can, I think it should be able to help you share some.”

Qi Yue shook his head, and a calm voice rang in the ears of every soldier in the Zodiac Legion, “Call of Order.”

Golden light, flooding the abdomen of the spaceship without warning, a huge pressure suddenly erupted from the guardians of the East. The sudden pressure caused the dark council, the Holy See and the guardians of Greece. They changed color at the same time, and subconsciously focused their eyes on the guardians of the East. At this moment, their pupils were completely contracted, and some of them were not firm enough to even be born in exclaimation because of everything they saw.

On the side of the Eastern Guardian, it has completely turned into a golden ocean. A total of 120 golden giant birds appeared quietly beside the 120 Zodiac team members. No wonder the Eastern Guardians occupy half of the entire spaceship’s belly, but what are these giant birds?

The dark council is at a loss to know the answer. Only Leng Er has seen Xiaopeng summoned by Qi Yue. The shock in the eyes of Yu Yu and the Pope cannot be described in words. At that time, during the battle of Dali, Yu Eye once personally played with the golden-winged Dapeng carving. The ten thousand-year-old beast finally died on the ultimate unicorn arm of Qi Yue. That’s just one! However, there are more than a hundred of them now. No wonder Qi Yue is always fearless, such a strong comprehensive strength, even if the Greek guardians plus the Holy See and the dark council, may not be able to contend with these Eastern guardians. Mysterious East, how much shock can you bring?

The members of the 12th Chinese Zodiac Squad all looked very calm. After a long period of training, they now bear in mind the command of Qi Yue. No matter what kind of task they have, they only need to do one thing, that is to comply Orders, follow the orders of the respective captains, but also follow the orders of King of Zodiac. Everyone started to move quickly, putting those special cosmic suits on their envoys.

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The evening update is coming, ** coming soon, huh, everyone, please vote for Primary Three, thank you.

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