The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 37:

[Round 3, Day 0, 07:40]
My eyes opened instantly .
At some point, I started to immediately wake up as soon as I’ve had a specific amount of sleep .
Was it the result of my superhuman growth?
It was convenient that I no longer needed an alarm now .
After setting the quick clear of Tutorial as my goal, I reduced my sleep time to only 2 hours .
Since the Waiting Room could recover my body to perfect condition, it made sleep unnecessary . The act of sleeping was just routine at this point .
The reason I continued to keep that 2 hour sleep was for mental health and in preparation to have a functional lifestyle in an outdoor environment within the Tutorial .
With the extra 2 hours I’ve gained from reducing my sleeptime, I began to make a walkthrough from floor 1 to 3, remembering all the traps I had to go through .
It was for others who entered Hell Difficulty mode after me .
There may have been no one who entered this Round, but that wouldn’t be the case forever .
I’ve also began to research with others in the Community by sharing information .
[Lee Ho Jae, Floor 4: So I’m saying, don’t just stab your arm, but dig through it while trying to search for nerves . Your resistance skills go up faster that way]
[Kim Sang Shik, Floor 5: I’ve heard of many retarded things recently, but your method takes the cake]
What was the problem with that?
It was not like I was telling them to heat the arrow in fire as well .
Some information wasn’t accepted, but with many people actively participating, the process of gathering and analyzing have gotten much faster .
This was especially the case for those who were worried about their families .
Until now, sharing information was mostly done by the Rankers, as if to tell their stories and brag about the rewards they had gained .
With more information being released, more people became confident enough to advance through the Tutorial .
The greatest benefits went those in the lower floors – Floors 1 and 2 .
It was to be expected, as almost all the factors in those floors had already been analysed and noted .
Those who specialised or had occupations in martial arts or sports released their training tips as well .
Those really came in handy .
Especially the tips released by a personal trainer . The exercises that could be done without equipments were like rain in the desert sands .
In the Tutorial world which we were all kidnapped into, we followed its instructions out of necessity, as the system requested it, but those who truly advanced through it were only a few ranker, including me .
But, most of the people have realised the importance of clearing the Tutorial .
They may not put their lives on the line yet, but at least it gave them a reason for doing so .
There were also those who didn’t jump to clearing like others, but instead supported others in their cause .
Not everyone had the same determination, but everyone was starting to ride the bandwagon .
And, these new information would help accelerate the growth of those who weren’t so dedicated .
The Tutorial Walkthrough started without an issue .
[Round 3, Day 1 . 00:00]
I stood on the portal as soon as Round 3 began .
The portal’s light surrounded me, as I was immediately moved to the stage .
As soon as I had confirmed that the teleportation finished, I ran .
With the Wind Spirit’s Blessing’s 2nd effect, acceleration, my speed sped up at an exponential rate .
Had I been too rash?
I began to wonder, as the winds began to screech in my ears .
However, I saw the Goblin Instructor before I even finished that thought .
I had gotten used to that warcry .
I’ve even become quite fond of him, due to the continuous battles I’ve had in the last few days against him . Now, it was time to say goodbye .
First, I had to reduce this speed .
The Wind Spirit’s Blessing may be effective while on the move, but I was still not used to fighting with such speed .
I closed the distance by blinking into the striking range of the Instructor .
His axe swung immediately .
A quick reaction as always .
Maybe he knew about my Blink skill already .
There was no need to wait for the axe .
In fact, I ran forward and raised my shield to the axe .
With the strike hitting much closer than intended by the Instructor, there wasn’t much impact on the shield .
And without stopping, I stabbed the sword into his right shoulder .
All in a single motion .
I couldn’t take the sword out easily, but at least it would make one of his arms useless .
The Instructor screamed once more and swung with his right arm .
It seemed he would use his size if it came to it .
I use my arm to maintain distance from him while taking a quick step backwards .
And threw out a low kick as well .
Now, with my superhuman body, I would perform the impossible feat of doing a low kick whilst traveling backwards in mid air .
There was a theory about the Strength Stat in the Community – that Strength didn’t just improve strength in arms and legs, but in all the muscles in the body .
This included muscles that were usually difficult to train like the waist or joint muscles .
If it was not in the form of Stats, these muscles weren’t easy to improve along with stabilizing or improving the movement of the person .
Therefore, improving the Strength Stat was of utmost importance .
In conclusion, strength was best .
That’s how the theory went .
There were many who were for it and against it . Due to a lack of evidence, everyone eventually moved on from it .
I was the same, but I did think that some of those facts were in fact correct .
Because of the difference in height, my lowkick landed on the knee joint of the Instructor .
With a sound you shouldn’t hear coming from a body, the kneecap poked out the skin .
The match was over at this point .
In fact, the match was over before it had even began .
As the instructor lost his right leg, which was used to support his heavy axe and injured shoulder, his stance broke immediately .
I smacked the instructor’s face as he began to collapse .
Then pushed his chest while his head was stretched backwards, knocking him over .
I quickly took a mount position and threw a punch .
The instructor tried to block it by raising his arms .  
As he wasn’t in a normal state at this point and having still had a sword stuck in his shoulder, he was struck in the head .
My punch went in between his arms and struck cleanly into his face .
His head had hit the floor hard, before bouncing back into the air .
He was completely dazed .
Forget moving, he probably wasn’t even conscious at this point .
No need to tire myself out at this point .
I grabbed onto his head and chin and twisted them .
The end .
The difference in speed had created this outcome .
It had not just increased my chances of dodging and accuracy like in games, I could also perform multiple actions during my attack .
Another way to explain was that there was no way I could lose, as long as there wasn’t too much of a difference in other factors . However, those situations were extremely rare .
The instructor’s body twitched for a moment, then began to fade away completely .
Sadly, his axe disappeared with him
I wish that was a drop that I could get from killing him .
The birthstone did not drop this time either .
I wiped the oil from the instructor’s hair onto my armour and took my sword back .
And I marched on forward .
I knew what the next challenge was .
I didn’t complete it, but I had scouted it out of curiosity .
The next challenge was also goblin, but this time, not 1 but 5 of them .
1 to 5 goblins .
That sounded about right .
Seemed to be a good increase in difficulty as well .
However, advancing in such a linear way was not how Hell Difficulty did it .
These 5 goblins had made a trench to wait for their enemy .
There was even a wooden roof on top of the trench .
The lineup was 2 spearmen, 2 archers, 1 goblin with a weird staff .
I guess the goblin with a staff was like a wizard or a shaman .
Considering that a trench was used to reduce the amount of exposure from bombardment, I could imagine that staff goblin would fire something in a straight line, similar to a gun .
I could easily pierce through arrows and spears from a trench .
The problem was that the users of the bow and spear were Hell Difficulty special muscle goblins .
I would have to get into the trench as quickly as possible and fight in close quarter combat, surrounded by 5 muscle heads, in an arena called the trench .
I guess there was no need to fight with a disadvantage this time .
They even had the mystery weapon called the staff .
I used the Blink skill 3 times in a row straight up .
Wow, that was quite high .
If I didn’t have the memories from the 3rd Boss room, I would have gotten cold feet for a second .
[Talaria’s Wings]
The crystal wings spread behind me .
And the gliding effect took place .
I began to glide through the air, as if paragliding .
The winds hitting my face felt refreshing .
Instead of this dark Tutorial Corridor, I would have liked to fly above a field or on the beach in sunlight .
I should try that out in Kirikiri’s hills after finishing Floor 4 .
[God of Adventures feels satisfied]
. . . Hm, it had been a while .
He hadn’t made much of an appearance after giving me the the wings .
To be honest, I thought that was because he was embarrassed by the description for Talaria’s Wings .
Just as before when I tested it, there was no noise from flying .
Maybe it was because I was gliding using a skill and not actually flying using wings .
I raised my altitude, sticking close to the ceiling .
The corridor of Tutorial was dark .
Even with night vision, it was still dark .
I wouldn’t be detected easily, unless I was closeby, especially since I was not even in their sights .
I could begin to see the trench .
Usually, being on standby in this situation would have meant that the goblins would slack off or play around with each other .
But these goblins were constantly on guard, looking for intruders .
Thankfully these goblins weren’t looking to the sky as well .
As long as they didn’t look up, I wouldn’t be in their field of vision .
Plus the wooden roof on top of the trenches made flying above them even easier .
First, I remained in the air and looked at the position of the goblins .
It wasn’t easy because of the roof, but with continued effort, I eventually found out .
[You have received Sneak Lv . 1]
Oh . An unexpected reward .
I should try to grind my Sneak skill later .
I managed to bypass the trench in secret .
I began to wonder what would happen if I went on, ignoring the trench .
I let that thought slide for now .
It’d be annoying if I got detected later and got pincered from the front and the back .
I lowered my attitude towards the back of the trench .
The Glide skill allowed me to take flight in which ever direction I wanted .
Such a convenient skill .
There was an exit at the back of the trench just like the one at the front .
The formation of the goblins was:
2 spear goblins,
2 archers,
and a staff goblin .
The staff goblin was at the very back .
As soon as my feet touched the ground, I immediately folded my wings and jumped into the trench .
The staff goblin quickly turned around, but it had been too late .
The sword found its mark – his throat .
I think I had talent to be an assassin as well .
I had already managed to take down who I imagined to be the most annoying opponent .
A good start .
The 4 at the front quickly turned around to face me .
The archer goblins ditched their bows and took out their daggers from their pockets .
The spear goblins fell backwards, as their long spears were getting in the way .
While the goblins were busy trying to make a formation, I blinked towards them, only a small distance away .
To be precise, in front of the 2 spear goblins, and in between the 2 archer ones .
[Talaria’s Wings]
I summoned my wings again .
The blue, beautiful crystal wings spread wide in both directions .
The two archers next to me were stabbed by the ends of the wings and pushed into the walls of the trench .
Since the wings had the density of a metal and their edges were sharp, I could use them in offence like this .
It seemed that both archers didn’t die immediately and instead struggled .
I think I’ve suppressed those 2 for now .
I undid the Talaria’s Wings as it restricted my movement in the small trench and threw a throwing knife at one of the spear goblins as I ran towards him .

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