The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 225:

Translator: JiuJiuBa

Proofreader: GodlyCash

Before heading out, I check my clothes and subspace bags .

Nothing is missing .

“Are you going out?”

Park Jung Ah asks me while lying in bed .

Park Jung Ah is still bedridden after a week .

This is taking longer than I expected .

I made a miscalculation because I’ve never experimented on anyone aside from myself . Park Jung Ah has also been pushing herself before this which had caused a lot of stress and fatigue .

“Um . I’ll be late today because I have things to take care of . ”

I’ve been consistently patrolling daily, but today I’ll return late .

I took the wet towel on Park Jung Ah’s forehead and replaced it with a new one .

“Do you want me to buy anything before I return?”

There are many small street vendors near the dormitory .

Even though there was contention in the previous tournament, the Japanese are conducting their business in earnest . .

After their business became prosperous, Koreans and Australians followed suit and began to sell their own food .

Food quality improved as a result of the rising business competitions . .

Points were used as a form of currency and the food was inexpensive so even newbies can afford them .

Park Jung Ah told me to buy as much as I want .

I exit the room after saying that I understand . .  

[Is it time to finally start some shit?]

This is the first thing Ahbooboo asks right as I leave the room . .

“Start some shit? What did I do?”

Ahbooboo doesn’t answer .

His silences strangely makes me feel bad .


The frog happily greets me as I exit the front door of the dormitory .

“Ah, Good morning . ”

I walk along the main road with the frog in tow .

I feel like I’m walking a large dog .

Many people played with the frog during our walk .

Some were Koreans and others were foreigners .

The frog has become a small celebrity among the challengers in this residential area shared by challengers from the South Korean, Australian, and Japanese servers . .

It’s a monster, it doesn’t attack people, you can feed it, it can respond to you, it’s absurd .

No one would hate that .



A girl from from a distance calls the frog who in turn responds to her vehemently .

The frog is quite famous .

So I’ve also become famous .

As the owner of a cute frog…… .

My public image has become quite different .

We arrive at a huge square after continuing along the street for a while .

There are two portals on this square .

One is connected to the residential areas of challengers from other countries, the other is an entrance to the tournament .

This tournament has attracted challengers from all countries on earth .

The tournament is huge because the tutorial system has summoned players from every country to participant .

Not all servers and residential areas are as peaceful as ours .

There are also some dangerous servers .

Some residential areas have conflicts between each server while other residential areas have  different alliance factions in strife with each other .

Some of them are in discord because of past or recent international situations that happened on earth .

An example of this would be the relationship between North and South Korean servers .

Fortunately, there is no real war between them .

Regardless, there’s a monster crisis ongoing on earth, The players gathered here are key figures who can deal with the situation and bring hope back home .

Some servers say that they’ll stop any bloodshed at all cost .

The American server is a prominent example of this . .

Some servers are trying to mediate disputes, while others are establishing military alliances with other servers to prepare for war .

Those servers vowed to war if something happened to their allies which in turn made it difficult for others to wage wars .

This is the case with Latin America, West Asia, and the Middle East .

South Korean server policy adheres to the idea that so long as the rules are not violated, they will not initiate an attack .

I have never united with any other country whose alliances were in constant turmoil .

South Korea was accused of being stubborn at the joint conference involving the nations of the world . But our delegate, Mr . Kim, left them only one sentence: “We have a player who has reached the 50th floor of Hell difficulty” .

That’s me .

As a result, other servers became very grateful for the South Korean server’s noninvolvement policy .

Since then, Korean server has been recognized a neutral area so joint conferences are held every day in the Korean residential area .

Not only that, other servers seem to have learned that the South Korean server has a safe residential area so many people who live in dangerous areas come over . .

They bought street food, some would even move here .

As the population grew, so did the street market in the area .

The center of the city is starting to resemble a shopping mall . No matter where you go, it’s crowded and bustling .

Although everyone welcomed this atmosphere, the leaders of South Korea, Japan, and Australia are very busy maintaining security everyday .

“Hyung! Here you are!”

There is a man shouting at me from a corner of the square .

It’s Lee Hyung Jin .

It’s inconvenient to walk around with a big frog in tow in the bustling square .

Somehow, I successfully reach Lee Hyung Jin .

“Hyung, let’s get in . The others are waiting . ”

As Lee Hyung Jin said that, I enter the tournament stage through the portal .

[You have entered the Tournament Stage – The Field of Survival . ]

The Field of Survival .

It’s the stage with the most challengers recently .

However, it’s not quite the same as the 12th-floor of Hell difficulty where a person must survive in extreme conditions .

Ten teams who enter the field of survival must capture instance dungeons every hour while the system calculates and ranks their cumulative points .

With each ranking, the team with the lowest score will be eliminated .

Only the team that maintains the highest score until the end wins the rewards .

Many players prefer this because it’s safer than other stages allowing them challenge with ease and have the chance to win even with relatively weak power .

When I move to the waiting room, I find three people were waiting ahead of me .

Some I know and some I don’t know .

“Hyung, it’s been a while . ”

“Yes . ”

Lee Joon Suk greets me first with an energetic face .

I’m here because of him and Lee Hyung Jin so it’s natural that he greets me .

There’s another person I know .

It’s Lee Jin, the person I met as soon as I entered the tournament .

“We meet again!”

Lee Jin is very happy to see me again .

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