The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 223:

Translator: JiuJiuBa

Proofreader: GodlyCash

“Are we better than the NIS?”

Kim MinHyuk replies with a chuckle .

I look at him and shake my head .

“It’s a fact that your notoriety will fade away with time . It’s because you only periodically displayed your strength so your terror will fade with time . What’s more, the overall level of challengers has improved . As an object of comparison, you no longer appear in front of the public . The most important thing is that other members such as Jung Ah also have notoriety, which means that they have split your share . Those hired supports are just confusing the public . ”

After listening to Kim MinHyuk’s explanation, I think it made sense .

With nothing more to ask, I get up and leave .

I shake my head at the sight of Kim Min Hyuk taking over piles of documents form the inventory after he bid me farewell .

An incomprehensible passion .

The allocated dormitory is as narrow as before with only one bed and table .

I am told that there are some larger and more luxurious rooms, but the Order of Vigilance allocated the lowest class rooms for the officials to maintain fairness .

I like the room and don’t care about whether it is good or bad, so I just take it .

I left the frog in front of the dormitory .

I can see the frog squatting in front of the dormitory through the window of the 2nd floor .


The frog turns around . Maybe he heard the window open .

That’s cute because it’s like a dog .

If only the head was not a frog .

Leaning against the window frame, I open the inventory .

I pull out Ahboobooboo who was imprisoned for spitting out rude remarks .

Ahbooboo is very sad, so I comfort him for a while .

When he’s in a better mood, I ask .

“Release a blessing in the room . ”

[Why do you suddenly want a blessing?]

“To experiment with my solidified poison ki . ”

The stabilization of my poison ki crystal is nearing completion .

It’s not complete enough to give to other challengers, but it’s enough for me to use .

You can bury the solidified poison and use it as a booby trap, it works well as a grenade too .

Work on the crystal focused on changing its shape and reducing its size .

My devoted hard work causes the time to fly and soon it’s evening .

After eating the food from my inventory which served as dinner, I resume my study on poison ki crystal .

After a few hours, someone knocks on my door .

I am concentrating so I don’t check who is outside the room .

“Come in . ”

I thought that Kim MinHyuk would come in, but it’s Park Jung Ah instead .

I smile at her .

“Long time no see . ”

Park Jung Ah smiles and says yes .

“Kim MinHyuk will come later . He says that I lack common sense and intends to teach me . Why don’t we just call Jung-sik too and have a drink together?”

Park Jung Ah shakes her head .

“He’s not coming . ”


“He’s coming . I told him not to come . ”


Park Jung Ah mocks Kim MinHyuk by saying that he sometimes has no insight .

Then she comes towards me with a smile .

Park Jung Ah grabs my collar without scruple, noticing her hand movements, I understood what she wanted .

Was this her personality?

Yes, it is .

“Wait a moment . ”

I pull my hand before Park Jung Ah touches it .

I say to her who seemed very puzzled .

“We haven’t seen each other in a while, let’s catch up first…… . ”

“What? Why?”

I needed to explain the situation to Park Jung Ah who is wide-eyed and embarrassed .

Park Jung Ah looks hurt to see me avoiding her .

It was just a simple step back, but it seems to have a drastically different meaning to her .

My instincts warned me to convince her as soon as possible .

I explain my poison ki skill like rap fired from a machine gun .

Tell her how dangerous and contagious the poison ki skill I’ve been studying is .

“Then… you don’t hate me . right?”

Yes, of course .

I nod vigorously .

Park Jung Ah told me that when I stepped back, she thought I had changed my mind because I hadn’t seen her for a long time, so she felt very uneasy .

She also said that I went to Kim Min Hyuk first and then towards the dormitory directly as if she was sadly the only one looking forward to our meeting .

If thought that way, that’s true .

Although I’ve recently talked a lot, I was unintentionally ignoring her so I apologized .

Fortunately, Park Jung Ah eases and beams her smile again .

Then she asks me to wait a while and suddenly sprints out the room .

[Is this warrior your lover? ]

“Yes . ”

[My God, so it turns out that warriors can love, but I can’t . It gives a real sense of how absurd the world is . ]

“If you spout **** again, I’ll throw you into inventory . ”

However, Ahbooboo only laughs at my threat .

[She’s back, the warrior of love! So she hurried to get that, she’s quite adorable . ]

Before I could ask Ahbooboo what he meant, Park Jung Ah swings open the door .

I immediately understand Ahbooboo’s words .

Park Jung Ah has a large glass bottle in her hand .

She puts the glass bottle on the desk and speaks .

“This is a superlative elixir . It doesn’t matter, right?”

After that, Park Jung Ah comes straight to me so I speak in a hurry .

“Jung Ah, how expensive is that elixir is? Why don’t we just wait a few days…… . ”

Before I finish speaking, she pushes me down to the bed .

Park Jung Ah is clearly weaker than me, but for some reason, I cannot resist .

Was this her original personality?

Yes, it is .

“Now keep your mouth shut . Oh wait, don’t shut your mouth, leave it open and stay still . ”

[Oh my lord……]

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