The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 197:

[Park JungAh, 60th floor: The danger of the tutorial of Hell difficulty seems to have been conveyed for sure. The newbies who came into this round say they’ve been informed about it. In fact, there are no newbies who came to Hell difficulty.]

[Lee HoJae, 35th floor: I’m glad.]

[Park JungAh, 60th floor: I am relieved that things proceeded better than I thought. I thought the government might not believe what we said, or something unexpected might happen.]

[Lee HoJae, 35th floor: It may be because the outside situation is also abnormal. People outside may accept this phenomenon better than us, who have lived ordinary lives. Some of the contestants have come out after clearing tutorials from other countries.

I wrote it down and then I found that Park JungAh already knew the information I had.

She even knew much more than me.

But she said she agreed with me.

We peacefully chatted about the hardships and joy of recent life.

Park JungAh said that she thought about stopping the climb to 100th floor and taking a break when she reaches at the residential zone on the 60th floor.

She said she had been tired of doing the challenges and managing work at the same time. As the population in the tutorial increased, the problems also increased too, so she wanted to have a rest.

Although she is busy, it seems that she is living a peaceful life and enjoying the residential zone.

She told me about small things in everyday life, like planting a flower in the house and living a regular life.

I also temporarily stayed on the 30th floor.

But I couldn’t share the same feeling as hers.

However, just listening to her daily life became a vicarious satisfaction.

There was a strange satisfaction from hearing others doing what I couldn’t do.

It’s not bad.

While I was looking at the message window, a hole opened up in the sky and a demon appeared.

“Newbie, Olphon want to see you.”

Yes, of course.

He would appear soon.

I sent a message to Park that I would contact her later.

Park replied that we could chat again in the evening because business hours were nearing.

I turned off the message window and looked at the demon.

“Just follow me obediently. It’ll good for you.”

The content of the invitation was a bit different from before.

Is the treatment different from that when Orphean was indiscriminately beating organizations that are influential?

Perhaps he wanted me to be his subordinate.


After I nodded my head obediently, the devil used a gate magic.


I had seen that before.

Space magic is the field that I am most interested in.

So I got a lot of information about space magic from the holy sword.

“Is that magic able to remain for a while even if the user is dead?”


Those were his last words as I sever his head.

He had done his job, so it was time to let him go.

I could see the space on the other side of the gate magic.

Interestingly, I could see Olphon and other demons.

They were flustered and angry because I killed that demon who led me.

I walked through the gate and moved to the space on the other side.

The gate that appeared in the sky gradually closed behind my back.


This was the second time I meet Olphon.

Olphon seemed like a little more nervous than before.


My strength and mana are not as good as our first meeting.

Even though my strength is less than before Olphon is more cautious and alert.

It seems that he is on guard against me because he couldn’t read my upper limits like KiriKiri had said.

“You are a funny guy. Among the many demons that have passed through here, there are many who breezed through the preliminary area like you. There are even some who are able to reach the foot of the Demon king. However, there are also many fools who showed hostility towards me and died.”

His speech was long.

I don’t want to have a meaningless conversation with him.

“What are you doing newbie?”

I want to experiment on something from before.

It was the technique that I tested in the residential area of the 30th floor.

The technique, I’ll call it “Yeodeuleum Pyo”  or maybe “Sibam Boom”, was made by aura of fist-size.(TL & PF’s note: Yeodeuleum Pyo and Sibam Boom is the tempname of the new technique. The korean words are meaningless so we just transliterate these two words.)

When I used it earlier, It didn’t infuse a lot of mana because the power was too vicious.

If I was well prepared and infused all of my mana, what would happen?

“Stop, newbie.”

Olphon stood up while the surrounding demons started to build defence net.

The demons at the far end began to quickly flee from their seats.

My aura mastery only increased one level, but what I got in the process is enormous.

I found a way to avoid damage from the power of the light sword, therefore I am able to apply it to other techniques.

Especially, this Sibam Boom technique which integrated the technique that the holy sword told me and the light sword.

“What do you want, newbie? State your demands.”

Of course, this technique is extremely dangerous because I am able to kill myself,

So I spent all of my time on this technique the 31st floor.

I couldn’t see Olphon now.

The aura, which is rapidly rotating around me, is emitting blinding lights, so the view between the demons and me was completely blocked.

There is strong clamor and vibration inside my body.

I couldn’t endure for a long time.

I could have added more power, but this is my limit for now.

I open my mouth before the aura exploded.

Please support our original translation on wangmamaread.

It was a pity that the noise was so loud that no one could hear me.

“Art is”

I really wanted to say this line.

“An explosion.”

Aura escaped from the tornado-like rotation speed.

The protruding aura stretched out dozens of meters and swept the era like a giant blender.

I abandoned the control of some aura at that time and then the aura burst out in every direction.

The exploison looked nicer than I thought from the inside.

This is real art.



Translator: JiuJiuBa

Proofreader: GodlyCash

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

The level up notifications showed up in a row.

My current level would become meaningless when I leave the 35th floor.

The explosion, which lasted a while even after the level-up notices ended, had finally faded.

There were no living demons in this burning region.

Even their corpses had burned away.

What remained burning on the floor were flames, inside a giant crater, that had torched everything.

There was no bomb like this around.

When I leave the tutorial, I could be treated as a strategic weapon.

People can load me into a bomber and launch me into the middle of monsters.

The technique was successful.

I was not concerned about the power of this technique, but I worried about how much it hurts me.

My hearing and sight were not damaged nor did my mana circuit stagnate.

My body was throbbing and there was blood in my throat, but this was because my body was too weak at this moment.

It was unavoidable.

I cleaned myself up and quickly left from the site.

My body couldn’t withstand the hot air here or the flames on the ground.

I left as soon as possible, but my body was burning everywhere.

I didn’t recover from the damage I had suffered after level-up.

* * *

There was some time left after I killed Olphon and other demons.

I was doing nothing for a while.

It was a little awkward because there was time left.

Especially since entering the 35th floor, I’ve immersed myself in things every moment.

If I had an inventory, I would have been eating snacks, but I didn’t.

What a pity. I opened the community window while chewing on jerky.

While I was doing this, I recalled the old days.

In the early days, I checked community as my daily routine, but recently I had never opened the community window.

A hot topic was being discussed on the community.

This was a normal occurrence.

If some hot topic appeared, thirsty challengers would rush to it blindly and talked about it as if the topic was the most concerning thing for every challenger.

This time, the topic was the possibility of growth of melee weapons.

The topic was interesting.

Warriors who only use melee weapons are usually less favored.

It is more dangerous and less powerful than focusing on skills.

What’s more, their role in team battle is faint because they’re not a tanker.

Rankers like me who entered in the early rounds lacked the options and focused on the weapon, but the challengers who entered later were encouraged to use skills.

This tendency became more prevalent as Lee Jun-seok, who mainly used an electric skill, became famous.

However, there were always challengers who preferred melee weapons such as a spear or sword.

People could safely level up with weapons at the very beginning and people with weapons were more powerful on solo stage. So, even this method fell out of meta gradually. It had its own advantages and demand.

These challengers recently called themselves as warriors.

I thought carefully and found that I also belonged to that group, so I read one of the posts. 

There were a lot of opinions saying that warriors should play a better role in the team play, but warriors found their own ways.

There were some users in the AOS(MOBA) games who used off-meta characters and mastered them. It was the same as the warriors’ situation.

It reminded me of the Japanese challengers wearing Japanese swords as fashion during the competition.

The hot topic in the community now was that we had to rethink the possibility of the warriors’ growth potential.

The melee weapon was known to be weaker and weaker in the latter half of the tutorial. However, if you observed the people that mainly use melee weapons, it was not true.

I agreed with that.

This place is different from the earth.

Only by burrowing into swordsmanship and mastery of mana could one gain more strength than other people.

I also gave a comment to show my support to the claim.

People were surprised that I commented.

I appear in the community for the first time after so long. I seemed to be treated like a legend among the challengers who didn’t experience the competition or grand conference.

I enjoyed the attention from the community more than I thought.

I also read other posts.

The warriors shared the basic rules, know-hows, and their experiences, which were quite novel.

Some said that your mind should be like a mirror or a peaceful lake. Some said that you should treat your weapon as part of your body. Some said that you had to wield your weapon ten thousand times a day to reach the acme of the martial arts.

Most contents seemed to be copied from martial arts magazines or comic books.

It was funny, but I disagree that I should treat my weapons like my own limbs.

In the tutorial, you could obtain and repair your weapons as much as you want and through inventory, you could change and use them at any time.

You don’t have to take one weapon as your partner.

The body of challenger is the most powerful weapon. However, the community disagrees with that notion.

I wanted to comment and express my opinion, but I found that this idea would be difficult to accept.

I talked a lot about how to actively exercise and grow body.

There were few challengers who actually took the advice.

I closed the community window.

The people I saw in the community looked happy.

Maybe because the crime rate and death rate decreased rapidly, tension and fear disappeared from people’s communication.

Even the concern about clearing the tutorial had disappeared. Now, people could enjoy it like a game.

It was not bad.

This was rather good.

It is only during perilous situations where the peaceful mind becomes a hindrance. 

If there was no danger, it made sense to relax.

Excessive tension and fear would only eat people’s spirits.

They didn’t need excessive tension and fear.

Kim Min-hyuk said that he wanted the tutorial become a place where everyone could pass through comfortably one day.

I was thinking about what he said was just like this.

If so, It was going really well.

The community looked very pleasant.

I don’t need to be jealous of them.

The path I walked was my choice and I was willing to accept this ascetic.

I don’t regret it.

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