The Tutorial Is Too Hard Chapter 179:

< Tutorial 31st Floor (6) >


The festival of various magics in front of me .

The key is breaking past this and doing the most damage to the demons in front of me .

The holy sword went around the volley of magic and will take the small fry off to the side, so I just need to deal with the demons in the middle .

The main perpetrator of these magics and also those that are recovering the quickest from the effects of the explosion .


I swung the soul sword filled to the brim with aura and I cleared up a fireball coming towards me .

Before the fireball lapsed, it exploded as if it were natural .

As I was expecting it, I lowered my upper body to evade it and kept on running .


It wasn’t just one or two magic spells that were flying at me .

There were tens just in my view .

The would be magic hidden behind other magic, and those that were hidden through special means from sight .


It’s been a while .

Memories of the 1st and 2nd floor popped up .

I really thought I was going to die then .

Obviously, there is a vast difference between the me then and now .

But there’s also a vast different between the arrows from then and the magic missiles here .

If I’m hit properly, I’m definitely dead .

If I’m hit, I need to make sure it just grazes me, and sacrifice the parts I don’t need to minimize damage .


I also have a constraint that I need to reach the demons while dodging the magics .


I raised my focus .

It wasn’t as much as the God’s Power of Time Confinement which was closer to time freezing, but I can do something similar with just my concentration all the time .

I located and counted each magic that I could see within the slow moving world .

And I calculated the velocity and course of those magics .


If there was one good takeaway, these magics were unfolded by the demons taken by surprise .

I won’t run into death disguised as life while making my way through the cracks between the magic spells .

I didn’t think they would be able to create a trap on a united front during that short time .

It wasn’t an underestimation of their intelligence .

It was an assessment of the attitude they showed towards me before this battle .

And I trust my judgement .


As soon as I stopped concentrating, the magics flew towards me .

I crouched and lunged forward .

The magics flew dangerously close to my body .

Out of them, the sharp ice spear grazed my arm, but I was fine .

It was bearable .


The next moment, while I was charging at the enemies, I used blink for a step forward .

It was just one step, but the effect was outstanding .

While moving at high speed, using blink made me suddenly stop in place .

In front of me where a web of magic without any sort of gap .

But the magics didn’t reach my body and went off in a separate direction .

This was the one spot that magic wouldn’t touch my body with just enough space for this moment .

In barrage games, the key is to find these points and get to them safely .


I made my way forward again .

The wall of magic evaporated slowly, and a gap appeared .

This is the hard part .

I was already halfway towards the demons from where I began .

Even now, the demons were spewing magic .

The barrage would be thicker as I get closer .


There was a safe route .

But that was a longer path .

If there is a right path, there is a need to take it no matter now dangerous and painful .


A magic that seemed to be of the wind-type was flying towards me at high speed .

To be specific, there was nothing else besides the wind magic flying towards me from the front .

Everything else was aiming towards my escape routes .

If I can force myself through the wind magic, it’s an open road .

Not that its easy .

I don’t know which **** demon cast that magic, but that’s a super high-level magic .

The wind blades were rotating from the magic core in the middle .

It’s basically a drill with blades of wind .


But I need to break through it .

If I go around, it would take too long .

I would be stumbling back, making the path here completely moot .

So, I need to break it .


Using a proper technique is not possible .

I don’t have the minimal amount of time to initiate a technique .

Just before, I was twisting my body with abrupt acceleration and abrupt breaks to make it forward .

It wouldn’t make sense to overwork my magic circuit .

My position is awkward .

I can’t be sure I’ll be able to muster the strength .

Just as I’ve evaded the magic missiles, I need to dodge again after breaking through this .

I need to prepare for that .

And after that as well .


There’s only one way .


[Iron Wall]

[Talalia’s Wings]


I wrapped my body in Talalia’s wings and Iron Wall which raises the defense of my body temporarily .

I haven’t don’t this in a while .

I thought it was something that I wouldn’t have to use again .

I curled my body so that Talalia’s Wings would cover it completely .

I used my arms to cover my chest and head, and legs for my midsection .





I used blink to collide straight into the wind magic .

There was no chance of winning colliding against the wind blades .

I slammed against the magic core in the middle with my body .


Right after the collision, there was an explosive sound and shockwave, but I couldn’t feel anything besides a thud .

I didn’t hear or feel anything .

My consciousness shook .

My sight was uneven as though I were drunk, and my hearing was completely dead .

My sense of balance was in danger as well .

I didn’t have a way to know how much damage I took .

But I stood on the ground, and there was a wide-open path in front of me where the extinguished wind magic was .

I ran along the path .

I couldn’t recover the temporarily paralyzed senses .

Hearing, midsection, right shoulder, under the left knee, all of the magic circuit and the ones I couldn’t verify weren’t able to send me information .

The few senses left were whispering untruthful information to me .

The wavering vision and sense of balance .

I felt as though I would end up rolling on the ground from a wrong step .


It would be normal for anyone to lose control of their body and collapse on the ground .

Even ones stronger than me, of higher level, better swordsmanship, and with multiple various skills .

Nobody can run straight in this situation .

But I can .

Because I’m used to it .

I’ve been through the pain and chaos multiple times .


And at the end of the advance, I prepared the next step .


I closed a vast amount of distance between the demons and me .

The things blocking my path weren’t magic missles .

Shields, barriers and trap magics .

I had no intention of breaching each and every one .

I didn’t have the skill .

I’ll just explode everything .

The demons behind the magic, as a set .



I made a diagonal slash with the soul sword while keeping my running pace .

What does it matter if my body isn’t normal, or if I can’t feel the mana along the magic circuit .

The trained swordsman should know how to make a precise slash with their eyes closed .

I can also, without being able to feel anything from the magic circuit, can finish my skills .


“Die in flames you shits!”


Light Blade(光剣), 2nd form – Slash .


[The God of Light is Cheering!]


The maximum force I could output unfolded right in front of the demons .

Even if they made magic shields and barriers, I definitely poured enough destructive power to surpass it .

The space filled with ominous black and red was filled with a white flash I crerated .



The light blade’s 2nd form, slash .

It looks simple, but once you get into the details it’s not a simple technique .


The light blade’s stab creates light and heat through the friction of aura and sends the explosive energy along with the one-point stab towards my front .

And the slash is a continuous stream of energy .

Unlike the stab which creates a flash and explosion for one moment, the slash needs the energy to be maintained from start to end .

The line, not a point, radiates a larger area with energy .

It spreads it over a larger area, but because it makes use of the fast blade movement and  holds the energy instead of exploding it over a specified amount of time, the impact becomes greater .


If you hear until here, it’s a magnificent technique .

It’s more amazing when you use it yourself .


It explains its own might when you look at how it sent Olphon and the demons besides him to **** equally .


Just that the difficulty of employment is too high .

It’s hard enough holding the energy at its zenith, but you also have to swing it .

In the process, you have to govern the energy from going wild when it is amplified .

You also can’t forget to send it forward while you’re holding the energy .

And making sure it all heads forward while the aura particles go every which way .

It’s an insane difficulty .

But no matter what happened, I succeeded again this time .


The result was the giant craters and the tens of thousands of tokens to prove it .

The tokens Olphon and the demons under him have gathered .


From seeing the mountains of tokens, you could fathom how many demons they exploited and killed .

Good for me .

Thanks to that, I don’t have to go around collecting, and can just gather the tokens I need here .


[You have cleared Tutorial, Hell Difficulty 31st floor . ]


[All status ailments and injuries will be healed . ]


[You have gained 6000 points for clear rewards . ]


[You have gained 6000 Points for first clear rewards . ]


[There are multiple Gods showing interest . Gained 7200 Points . ]


[There are multiple Gods showing negative reception . Minus 1300 Points . ]


[All of the Gods in the The Hundred God Temple are observing you . ]


[A small number of Gods wish to gift you a special skill instead of giving you extra rewards . ]


[Current Vote Poll: Agreement 1 vote . Disagreement 0 vote . ]


[You have acquired Aura Mastery Lv . 3 . ]


[Aura Master lv2 . has been integrated into Aura Masters Lv . 3 . ]


The clear message appeared .

After finishing the battle, while I was gathering the tokens the dead Olphon and demons dropped into my pocket’s, the message suddenly appeared .


The travel portal appeared beneath my feet .

I first checked the extra rewards .

It’s been a while since I’ve received a skill as an extra reward .

It was unexpected since I’ve been getting points or useless items of late .


Aura Mastery Lv . 3


The magic circuit skill had turned into Aura Master Lv . 1 after surpassing skill level of 30 .

Not so long ago, I had raised Aura Master skill to level 2 .

And I’ve received the level 3 this time as a gift .


…to be gifted a skill just one level higher .

The **** is this .

Stingy .

If you’re gonna gift, gift big .


The vote results for extra rewards were one yes and zero nos .

So, put it in another way, one **** wanted to gift an extra reward, and they agreed to it themselves .

And since nobody disagreed, it passed .

Who was that, the agreement?


[The God of Light announces it was him!]


It was the God of Light .

I’ve gotten an offer to become the apostle of the God of Light after clearing the 26th floor .

I didn’t know much about the God of Light, so I waited to hear KiriKiri’s advice before making a decision .


[The God of Light announces it was him!]


It seems that he wanted to appeal himself because of that, and gifted the skill as an extra reward .

If he’s gonna gift, why not go big and gift a God Power .


[The God of Light announces it was him!]


Argh, I got it . I KNOW .


Stop it!


[The God of Light announces it was him!]


[The God of Light announces it was him!]


[The God of Adventure is displeased . ]


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