The Truth of Magic Chapter 586: Ernest!

“Spell Truth ()”

Following Zhao Xu’s words, it was obvious that May, who was still a little girl in front of her, couldn’t understand what was happening at this moment.

She just stared blankly at the big brother who had just lost the dragon.

After Zhao Xu smiled at his innocence, he also reacted.

When she met Ernest in May in her previous life, she had already become a shepherdess, apparently because of the dragon invading the town this time, May lost her parents’ support.

In this kind of countryside, there is no parent to rely on and the family’s property is burned out by the fire. Under such conditions, it is not easy for May to grow up to be a girl by herding sheep.

In fact, in May of history, I did not encounter Zhao Xu. It is very likely that he was swooped and vomited by the giant dragon, passed out in a coma, and was lucky not to die.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Xu also sighed.

Even a strong man like May who once stood on Arthur’s peak also has a past that is extremely fragile and does not want to recall.

While Zhao Xu was thinking about it, he couldn’t help but doubt another point-why did he see the original May in Antinoya’s memory line?

Where is the actual Antinoya now?

It stands to reason that looking at the appearance of May who is less than six years old, it is estimated that it will take another seven or eight years to meet the rumored Ernest.

That was also the key time point when the opponent officially appeared in Arthur.

Therefore, many ancient historians who study ancient mysterious history and theology and religion have raised a suspicion that Ernest is a powerful wizard from other “heavens”.

So the other party passed on to Arthur the immense knowledge of magic that could not be accomplished by one person.

Before Ernest, Arthur already had magic, and knowledge was not a system at all, and they were scattered and not formed.

So Emperor Ernest was never the inventor of magic.

Strictly speaking, magic itself imitates the “ability” of powerful mythological creatures, which is why most of today’s spells and spells use dragon syllables.

But when Ernest appeared, he added a lot of spells and even sorted out the eight major schools of magic.

His status of magic is like creating words for a set of languages.

In an instant, Zhao Xu got in touch with the key point of Antinoya becoming a legendary mage at the age of 20.

It stands to reason that she was in contact with Ernest and became a legendary mage in just over ten years, so it is very likely that the other party has not been born at this moment.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu stretched out his palm directly and made a fist at the void!

Then arcane energy gushed out, and then it surrounded Zhao Xu’s whole body like a goddess scattered flowers.

The four-ring spell “biological positioning”!

The invisible exploration halo pushed toward the surroundings, and Zhao Xu turned his body little by little to face Arthur in all directions at the moment.

As long as Antinoya is within the range of the spell, the moment he faces the opponent, he can successfully sense it.

This spellcasting material is a spell of hound fur. It can target a certain group of creatures, or even specific creatures, provided that the caster must observe the opponent closely.

As for Zhao Xu, who has been facing each other day and night for a few months with Antinoya, this is not a problem at all.

It’s just that he wandered around for a whole circle without receiving any feedback from the spell.

Antinoya is not in this world.

In other words, she is now protected by spells that block prophecy, such as “evasion detection”.

Even the “transformation” that simply changes the body or the “illusion” of illusion can deceive this spell.

Of course, flowing water will also block the effects of spells, so if Antinoya is swimming in a stream at this moment, Zhao Xu will be fine.

However, Zhao Xu, who realized his preliminary judgment, didn’t care. He stood up slightly and looked up into the distance.

The lake under the sun shines like an ice surface, and the harvested wheat fields are like a quiet and beautiful garden nursery glowing with golden gleams, and the mountains farther away are mysteriously shrouded in gray and thick fog that descends to the sky. Unpredictable.

The clouds in the sky are intertwined and continuous, as if a brocade ribbon is spreading everywhere.

All of this is in sharp contrast with the flaming town in front of you. The manor with golden wheat ears emits billowing black smoke, and the air seems to be wailing.

Along with the collapsed buildings, the ground also shook, and eventually the suspension bridge in the town began to collapse and become ruins.

Zhao Xu witnessed the history of Madam May’s family collapse.

So he can also wait for Madam May to experience a turning point in her life.

Although he doesn’t understand why he entered this world, it is likely that Antinoya has not yet been born.

But he doesn’t care anymore.

Magic is like the wind, with him by his side, and he is fearless in any world.

Think about it, Zhao Xu slightly bent over and said to the little girl, “May, I’m sorry I have to go to the future to see what has happened, so I can’t stay here to witness your growth bit by bit. Up.”

He then gently moved the smallest day hand on the watch.

In an instant, everything around me kept moving forward like a fast frame skipping. The ruins of the small town in front of him, little by little in Zhao Xu’s field of vision, the fire was extinguished, the wreckage disappeared, the timber was transported in, the foundations, structures, and houses Gradually put up again.

In a full ten years, Zhao Xu witnessed the reshaping of this small town that had just been destroyed in history in a week.

In this process, even if he watched carefully, he saw that May’s family’s land was sold at a low price due to the betrayal of his servants, and he was eventually sold by a relative who lives outside the town and has no children. Take in.

It’s just that when the other party successfully gave birth to a child a few years later, the food level in the family in May was also declining. From the initial rice porridge to the black bread at the back, I never received a new piece of clothing every year. pass.

She helped her adoptive mother wash the knitted clothes for the big families in the small town, and she also became herding sheep for the rancher.

Even in a few years, a forty-year-old milkman in the ranch will be allowed to become the other’s wife in May, just because she gave a few gold coins to the adoptive father and mother in May.

And this time, Zhao Xu also became hard-hearted to watch all this happen.

For fear of missing the arrival of Ernest, he didn’t even dare to skip time with the watch again, just watching silently in this small town, like a stone monument.

During this time, Zhao Xu lived on the nearby grassy hills. The “Eagle Eye Technique” was basically 24 hours a day and projected on the area where the sheep were grazing in May, like The same as closed-circuit television.

Zhao Xu silently built a simple wooden house on the top of a nearby oak tree. He usually lay on the “hammocks” on the branches of the tree. He was thinking about the magic of the magic while observing the surrounding situation.

By touching this tree, Zhao Xu can observe the scene around any oak tree at an infinite distance through the unique magic “Eye of the Forest” of the Druid of the Third Ring.

No matter how far this distance is, Zhao Xu is like watching the selected plant of the same kind.

This kind of change spell is also safer not to disturb all kinds of spells that block detection.

But at the moment, May is not protected by magic, so Zhao Xu observes her, more directly to “discover” this mage’s fourth-ring arcane magic.

Even Zhao Xu used it too frequently, and he didn’t bother to use the professional ability of supernatural spells to save the materials for casting spells.

Because he has placed a bag of falcon eyes under his feet, and sprinkled with nitric acid, copper powder, and zinc powder to mix in it.

At the same time, there is a highly polished silver mirror more than one meter high in Zhao Xu’s tree house. Once the spell is completed, this mirror will show the details of the three meters around May he chose to observe.

If the priest casts this spell, he can watch it through a silver basin poured with at least 100 gold coins of holy water. As for the druids, they use natural pools for viewing.

Detection spells can see and hear the creature he specifies, but only if the target’s Will save fails, this spell will succeed.

Fortunately, before meeting Ernest in May, she did not have the possibility of a successful exemption in front of Zhao Xu.

Especially Zhao Xu’s understanding of the subject, and whether he owns the opponent’s items, all affect the difficulty of saving this spell.

If he doesn’t know anything, his save will definitely be reduced by 10 levels.

For some second-hand information, if you have heard of the other party, it will be downgraded to 5 levels, and if you have seen this kind of direct information, it will not affect it. As for the familiarity level, the difficulty is 5 levels higher.

There are even images that can be as high as 2 levels, while others’ items or clothes are as high as 4, and for body parts such as hair and nails are as high as 10.

So Arthur’s spellcasters are actually paying attention to the traces and residues left by themselves. If someone is collected inadvertently, it is like no magic protection that shields the prophecy. It is likely to have been under the surveillance of others. It will even become a primer for other spells.

Zhao Xu, who is about to become numb, also routinely observes the sheep herding process with a silver mirror in May.

The secret eye spells of the Fourth Ring had already been spread out by him, doing directional patrols.

As for the area that May rarely visited, he used the five-ring “Peeping Eye” spell to lay more than 30 semi-real magic balls.

These small **** patrolled according to his instructions, and once they encountered the specified situation, they would immediately return to tell him.

Today still seems to be a calm day. Early in May, I drove the sheep to the hilly slopes to the north, repeating the day-to-day work boredly.

Maye, who is more than ten years old, has grown up, and she knows that beauty is a disaster to herself when she is accustomed to seeing the cold world. Therefore, she doesn’t clean herself very much, she always wears a gray-headed dress. , But it is even more dismissed.

At this time in May, the sheep were repeatedly grazing, and Zhao Xu was also repeating the scene of watching her grazing the sheep.

Even when the sun sets, when the sheep is driven back to the sheepfold in May, Zhao Xu will move to the early morning of the next day.

On the one hand, this long and boring wait is suffering Zhao Xu’s heart.

On the other hand, he has a faint feeling, realizing that the day when Ernest descends on Arthur is not far away, so he can’t miss the shots basically every month.

Suddenly, a burst of white light flashed on the silver mirror that had been repeating yesterday’s scene.

Zhao Xu immediately pierced his eyes and couldn’t help crying.


Zhao Xu flashed this thought immediately. Although he couldn’t imagine the impact of blinding himself through the mirror, it didn’t prevent him from starting to save himself immediately.

“Remove blindness!”

The vast removal of negative buff spells are quietly staying in the list of magic spells in the third ring.

So once the pastor reaches the third ring, he can already become an excellent doctor. By removing the disease, they can even cure all diseases.

In an instant, the soft recovery energy light group penetrated into his eyelids through Zhao Xu’s “touch”, and the original tingling sensation disappeared little by little.

Removing blindness corresponds to the effect of removing deafness. It cannot regenerate. It can restore the sight of the blind, but it can remove the damaged part.

Zhao Xu’s vision instantly recovered, and the surrounding light curtain re-projected into his eyeballs, allowing him to see everything around him clearly.

Snowflakes-like cracks appeared on the mirror that had been clearly and thoroughly reflected, and the sound of “Zila Zila” followed.

The figure of May in the mirror also shattered into countless small pieces.


The thunder and thunder suddenly sounded like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, as if shaking next to the eardrum, and almost made Zhao Xu add another spell to remove happened?

God descends to earth?

Zhao Xu kept shouting deep in his heart.

Because he raised his eyes and looked up, the whole sky has become pitch black, as if the twilight link has been directly skipped over.

At the same time, the sound of the surrounding wind continued to roar, desperately blowing on the ground, making him a little shaky on the top of the tree, and the illusion that originally covered the existence of the hut has also been terminated.

Suddenly, a mysterious whisper came from all around, sounding like it was coming from an inexplicable valley, and it merged with the endless thunders above the sky.

In this hill, this land that has been enveloped in the darkness of night, wandering and rippling.


No matter how cautious, Zhao Xu couldn’t hold back the entanglement and curiosity in his heart at this moment. He immediately activated the teleportation technique and went straight to the place where he finally discovered May.

In less than a second, the discomfort after the transmission energy subsided, and the familiar sense of body manipulation crawled back into Zhao Xu’s body little by little.

Zhao Xu appeared behind Wuyue, on the hill where she was grazing.

The flocks around had already been disturbed by the roar just now, and they all knelt on the ground, unable to move.

What’s even more exaggerated is that although the original life was very difficult and rough, but still maintained a noble heart and clear and clear May, at this moment, the whole body is crawling on the ground.

She seemed to be kissing the land.

But all the people around knew that she was kneeling and worshiping the king who came to this world.

Zhao Xu also raised his head slightly, summoning all the courage in his heart, trying to look at this man who had come to Arthur and was destined to leave more than a fifth chapter in the book of Arthur’s history of magic. Man——


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