The Sword Deity in Tokyo Chapter 154: A district overlord!

I will be the overlord of the Sword Immortal Chapter 154 A District in Tokyo! [600 monthly ticket plus more] audio novel online listening

At the start of the competition, Jingshan Qilang’s smile faded away, and his face became solemn.

Although he usually laughs, he takes kendo more seriously than anyone else. Otherwise, he will not be more powerful than Saburo and the others.

Of course, it’s nothing compared to the pervert of Kuro. According to what the master said, the other party has already understood the sword intent, and has even almost reached the sword intent.


As soon as the game begins, after the two salute, Kimura Kazuki realizes that Shichiro is a little different from the other’s brother.

The other party’s qi together is continuous, not short of breath like Saburo and Goro. And the constant sound was a burden to his ears. Kimura Kazuki smiled, he thought that this Shichiro would be the same as before, that would be much less interesting. Now it seems that the opponent is still a bit strong.

Like Saburo and Goro, Jingshan Qilang quickly shot after shouting. Of course, with the lessons of Saburo and Goro, he didn’t do his best when he shot, and he left extra strength in his hand to prevent the opponent from raiding faster than him.

Kimura Kazuki discovered that the bamboo knife in his hand also made a harsh sound when Jingshan Qilang slashed. It’s not the sound of breaking air that is fast enough to a certain extent, but the noise that drives the air flow.

It seems that the Jingshan Qi Confluence has indeed achieved a certain level of use of sound and airflow.

The harsh sound of the bamboo knife slashing, the chorus of qi in Jingshan Qilang’s mouth, the two intersected like a magic sound, making Kimura and Shu feel restless, but he was quickly suppressed by him. Obviously, the Jingshan Qi Confluence, which can be passed down to this day, has not been eliminated, and it does have a certain strength.

Blocking Jingshan Qilang’s blow, Kimura Kazuki did not attack. Instead, he entered a defensive state. He wanted to see if Jingshan Qi Confluence had other novel moves.

Jingshan Qilang was blocked in one blow, but did not enter the defense, but attacked again. After the Jingshan Qi Confluence begins to be displayed, it is a burden to the body. Therefore, Jingshan Qi Confluence also pays attention to quickly solving the battle. Once it enters the state of dogfighting, it will basically be defeated.

“Is this really a high school student”

“The first time I saw a kendo match into a dogfight”

“The speed of swinging the sword is so fast that I can’t see it clearly.”

“Come on, Sakura Nine Generals”

The palms of the audience were sweating as they watched the game.

As soon as Jingshan Qilang’s offensive started, it did not stop. The breath in his mouth was long and continuous. The speed in his hand is not slow, but what makes him anxious is that every attack he makes is blocked by the opponent. Can’t find the other side’s flaws at all.

It seems that the other party can’t hold on anymore.

Seeing that Jingshan Qilang’s hands have slowed down and his qi together has become intermittent, Kimura Kazuki understands. It seems that the Jingshan gas confluence is also a kind of explosive flow.

Thinking about it, he shouted, “Face.”


Jingshan Qilang heard the sound, but he didn’t react, and he was half slow. Because Kimura Kazuki was taciturn and didn’t make any sound, and now he suddenly made a sound, he felt his hands numb, and the bamboo knife in his hand was picked up. The shield trembled, and the yellow bamboo knife hit the face.

Three judges raise red flags.

“Winner, Sakurajiu High School, Kimura Kazuki”

Jingshan Qilang has a black question mark on his face. What’s the matter, how did I lose?

When Jingshan Qilang ended up with a bewildered face, he saw Jingshan Jiulang’s face ashen and said, “That guy is stealing from our Jingshan Qi Confluence.”


At the same time as the question, Jingshan Qilang suddenly became enlightened. The moment Kimura and Shuqing were drinking, he really felt a little strange and felt that his entire reaction ability had decreased. However, he quickly denied it again, “No way, he just had a fight with me, so he can learn it and the sound he makes doesn’t seem like it’s converging with our Jingshan Qi.”

“Don’t forget, both Saburo and Goro used chi sound.”

Hearing this, Jingshan Ichiro couldn’t help squatting in the corner of the wall to draw a circle. He was the only one of the five who had yet to grasp the essence of Jingshan Qi Confluence.

And Jingshan Jiulang’s words also surprised everyone. Could it be that Kimura and Shu can learn the secret skills of Jingshan Qi confluence with only three battles

Although he said that, Jingshan Jiulang also suspected that he was well versed in the confluence of Jingshan Qi, and knew that the sound made by the Qi sound was a loud noise like a thunder. As if thunder and lightning exploded in the ear, and the loud sound can make people look dazed for a moment, and even people who are not in good health will sit directly on the ground like the referee before.

He asked Jingshan Qilang how he felt just now.

“I don’t feel anything, I feel that the other party is just calling out his hitting part” Jingshan Qilang said, but frowned, “But just after the other party called out, I felt strange, and the body’s response seemed to be slow. .” That feeling is very strange, and he has not yet recollected it.

Jingshan Jiulang’s face was heavy, and it seemed that he did not feel wrong. He practiced Jingshan Qi Confluence and was extremely sensitive to sounds. The clear drinking sound of Kimura and Shu just now, although not like the confluence of Jingshan Qi, has the same effect.

But he just wasn’t across from Kimura and the tree, so I don’t know how it feels. While vigilant in his heart, Jingshan Jiulang was notified to play before he thought about it.

At this time, everyone realized that it seemed that Jingshan Jiulang was the last person in Xuening High School.

“Kuro, don’t lose.”

“If we lose, Master will probably beat us when we go back.”

“Don’t worry, how could Kuro lose, but he understands the sword intent”

Under the confidence of Xuening High School members, Jingshan Jiulang played.

General Sakura 9 vs General Xu Ning.

The audience at the scene was extremely excited at this moment. Unexpectedly, the mediocre Sakurajiu High School seems to be about to kill.

And the members of the Sakura Jiu Kendo Club off the field, at this time, the palms of the hands are already bulging and unconscious. Bei Daohe and the others were even more flushed and extremely excited.

I really want to win Yuko thinking, she looked at Chiba Shiori who was staring at the side, and suddenly said, “Shori, do you like Kimura-kun?”


“Haha, it’s nothing.” Yuzi looked at Chiba Shiori’s panicked eyes and sighed in her heart. She didn’t expect the goddess of Mingxiu High School to be seduced by someone from another school.

Xia Wei is holding a mobile phone and taking pictures of Kimura and Shu in silent mode. She felt that the figure of the senior standing on the field and defeating the kendo club members of Xuening High School one by one was really handsome. Now she has infinite confidence in Kimura Kazuki.

Jingshan Jiulang came on the court, before the referee announced the start of the game. He said in a low voice, “Kimura-kun, are you also good at qi harmony?”

While being scrutinized, Kimura Kazuki also scrutinized each other. He didn’t expect to meet a high school student who understands sword intent in the Tokyo prefecture preliminaries. The opponent’s sword intent is sharp and restless. Moreover, there is still a meager spiritual energy in the opponent’s body, but it is too rare. It has not even reached the first level of foundation building, and it can only be regarded as touching the edge of repairing the chain.

But even so, the other party can be regarded as a genius in this era of the end of the law.

“If what you want to ask is about the clear drink I just had.” Under Jingshan Jiuro’s nervousness, Kimura Kazuki smiled and said, “It’s indeed your qi hedao that inspired me.”

Jingshan Jiulang clenched his fists, he let out a sigh of relief. The other party admitted it, but it made him relaxed. He looked at Kimura Kazuki and said slowly, “I will make this game over in an instant.” After that, he stopped talking. Kimura Kazuki’s learning ability terrified him, so he didn’t plan to entangle with each other.

Kimura and the tree are noncommittal, the other party wants to end quickly, but he does not agree, the other party should be the last person in Xuening High School, so this game has to be entangled.

At the moment when the referee announced the start of the game and the two finished salute, Jingshan Jiulang had already held half of his body’s spiritual energy in his mouth, and in the next instant, he burst out.

This sound is just a huge qi together to others, but it is like a thunderous roar in the ears of Kimura and Shu, as if the eardrums are broken. The next moment, Jingshan Jiulang took out his knife, and the sharp blade broke through the air at an extremely fast speed. The sound of breaking the air and the harsh sound rose, and the two were entangled, forming a sizzling sound, as if a sharp point was aimed at the ear and stabbed and turned.

Kimura and Shu frowned, and I have to say that the sound of the other party’s use of spiritual energy broke through the limits of the human body. If he hadn’t used his spiritual energy to protect his ears, he would have been knocked to the ground long ago, and he would have been sitting on the ground dumbfounded.

But under the aura ear shields, the combination of the other party’s qi, the sound of breaking the air and the harsh sound of the bamboo knife waving, the fusion of the three sounds is still uncomfortable. Fortunately, this sound is only aimed at him, otherwise, he is really worried that the referee next to him will be directly injured by the sound

Put the bamboo sword on the front, and the next moment the two swords meet.


When the two bamboo knives touched each other, a strange sound was heard, as if two iron swords collided, making a noise of drums. This voice pulls the spirit, but Kimura Kazuki has a strong spirit, and there is no difference. But this also made him slightly startled. He didn’t expect that the voice of the other party just now was just a feint, and now it is the real offensive.

However, Jingshan Jiuro underestimated the strength of Kimura Kazuki.

The last spiritual energy in his body, guided by the bamboo sword, poured out at the moment of collision, shaking the air and the opponent’s bamboo sword, affecting the opponent’s spirit. The next moment, he didn’t hesitate, slashed down, he shouted, “face” when he thought the opponent would definitely lose


This blow was blocked again.

How could it be possible that the four Jingshan brothers, who were watching the game off the field, couldn’t help being shocked.

Jiro Jingshan looked incredulously at how Kimura and Shu could react to each other

It’s my turn.

As if feeling each other’s emotions, Kimura Kazuki smiled. The movement in his hand was extremely fast, he blocked the opponent’s knife, and did not directly defeat the opponent while the opponent was stunned. Instead, the bamboo knife hit the opponent’s small arm, neither slow nor fast

And Jingshan Jiulang reacted, raising his arm, directly blocking the attack. While he was relieved, he saw Kimura Kazuki’s bamboo knife slashing again.


Jingshan Jiulang blocked again.

bang bang bang bang

However, Kimura Kazuki’s offensive continued like a torrential rain. But Jingshan Jiulang blocked them all. Even he couldn’t believe it because he didn’t see the speed of the opponent’s shot clearly, how could he block them all

At this point, the audience’s eyes widened, they didn’t expect the last game to be so exciting. After resisting Jingshan Jiuro’s offensive Kazuki started to attack for the first time. You must know that in the previous game, the opponent has always been defensive and counterattack. They thought it was the genre of Kimura Kazuki.

But when Kimura Kazuki started to attack, the unparalleled speed turned the bamboo sword into an afterimage, making the audience feel familiar

“This is Rachel”

“Liusheng Feijian Liu”

“Nani, Sakura Jiu is the descendant of Yagyu Feijian style”

“Rachel ah ah ah”

Because the players were wearing kendo uniforms and masks, everyone didn’t know that Sakura Jiu was the handed down of Yagyu Feijian.

You must know that many people have already watched the previous show, knowing that S Rachel’s Kimura and Shu will participate in this year’s Jade Dragon Banner Competition, and many fans are looking for each other. But I don’t know Kimura and Shu’s school, and I don’t know which division they are in.

Now they didn’t expect that Kimura Kazuki was actually in Division A, and they were the nine generals of Sakura.

Now that they found each other’s figures, they were all excited. They stood up, as if they had met fans of their idols, and they were in an unbearable mood.

At this time, Jingshan Jiulang on the field was complaining. He had already reacted. It was not that he could resist the opponent’s attack, but that the opponent let him resist the attack.

While shocked, Jingshan Jiulang retreated again and again. In the end, his footsteps were already messy, and he sat on the ground uncontrollably


As he fell to the ground, he heard Kimura Kazuki’s voice and the feeling of being hit in the face.

“The winner, Sakurajiu High School, Kimura Kazuki I announced that the first place in the a division is Sakurajiu High School”

When the referee pronounced the verdict, a roar erupted from the entire A Division.




I am a swordsman in Tokyo

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