The Strongest Violent Soldier Chapter 231: Kill!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the strongest madman!

Dongfang Jin’s mouth spurted blood, not vomiting, because his internal organs had begun to fester and melt, and the pressure in the cavity sprayed out the blood melted from the internal organs.

The blood sprayed was not red, it was weird blue.

After the blue blood was ejected, it disappeared in the blink of an eye before it hit the ground.

In three or four minutes, the 1.8-meter-old Dongfang Jinquan melted from head to toe completely, and the whole person completely disappeared, and there was no bones left.

On the ground, only a puddle of crystal clear blue liquid evaporating quickly.

Within less than a breath, the blue liquid volatilized in the air without a trace.

Dongfang Jinquan is dead, extremely strange, and there is no trace.

Although Dongfang Jinquan martial arts is strong, but he can’t help but the strange and peerless poison of Vengeance Poisonous Mushroom.

Dongfang Jinquan was so frustrated that he didn’t even have a chance to resist, and he didn’t even know who the murderer was.

Vengeance poison mushroom is a kind of peerless poisonous mushroom, very rare.

This substance is highly toxic and extremely toxic, and it can be fatal by smelling it.

As long as flesh and blood creatures smell the smell, from the outside to the inside, from the outside to the inside, they begin to decay and melt at the same time. The flesh and blood body cannot resist at all, and it can only turn into a blue liquid and volatilize in the air. Exhausted, leaving no trace.

The Vengeance Poisonous Mushroom is very strange. As long as it is separated from the rhizome, it will evaporate when midnight comes, and the time will not change a little.

The smell of Vengeance Poisonous Mushroom is very strong. As long as it is flesh and blood, it is the target of its entrustment.

This thing will not emit a deadly aroma when it is not separated from the rhizome, nor will it be fatal. Once the rhizome is detached, it is the time when a highly toxic eruption occurs, especially at midnight, when the toxicity reaches its extreme.

The ancients called it Vengeance Poisonous Mushroom, because if you kill it, it will poison you.

There is nowhere to find the place where the revenge mushroom grows, and there is nothing to investigate. It seems that this thing does not pick a place, but it is absolutely rare.

Wang Meng discovered by chance in the field while waiting for the target to appear with the squirrel. Just pick it up at will, in case of accidents.

The vengeance poisonous mushroom that others dare not touch, Wang Meng is fearless. He is the descendant of the medicine clan. He knows the way to pick the poisonous mushroom. If he is poisoned to death, what is the descendant of the medicine clan?

The preservation of the poisonous vengeance mushroom is extremely unintentional, and special utensils are necessary. But this is only for others. For Wang Meng, it is extremely simple, just wrap the poisonous mushroom with the soil under the roots of the poisonous revenge mushroom.

It’s just this simple method, no one knows except the medicine family!

The reason why Wang Meng wanted to poison Dongfang Jinquan was because he had read Sai Yang’s memory and knew that Dongfang Jinquan’s martial arts was the highest among the Eastern clan. Strength is not yet an opponent.

Wang Meng peeped into Dongfang Jin Quanshi secretly and felt his power.

Wang Meng knew he was not his opponent.

Wang Meng is not an opponent, and Fengshen and Lynx are even less opponents.

Wang Meng was afraid that when he started the operation, his comrades, Bobcats and others would die under this old man, so Wang Meng had to get rid of him.

God-sent opportunity!

Doing so will surely startle the snake, but the opportunity is not to be missed and never come again, there will be no shop in this village

It’s difficult to kill Dongfang Jinquan again in the future! The price of blood will inevitably be paid, but now it is easy, because Wang Meng has the poisonous poisonous mushroom in his hands!

Wang Meng is a decisive person who never misses an opportunity!

At the moment of Dongfang Jinquan’s death, Wang Meng once concealed in the window. When Dongfang Jinquan was weak, he quickly flipped through his memories.

Dongfang Jinquan was dying at that time, there was no time or chance to find Wang Meng.

Dongfang Jinquan is dead. Although no one will find a clue, his sudden disappearance will inevitably cause chaos and the godfather’s vigilance.

Golden Farm, Wang Meng can’t stay, but he can’t just leave.

Since he peeked into all the memories of Dongfang Jinquan, Wang Meng also made a decision. That is to kill one less ancient warrior, and one more ancient warrior of the Eastern clan, and one less danger.

Wang Meng rushed to the next target. During the attack, Wang Meng made contact with Fengshen.

Fengshen agreed.

Fengshen brought the mysterious Chinese troops, and they did not notify the Myanmar side that it is impossible for them to stay in Myanmar for too long. If your identity is revealed, it is an international incident. Although the two countries have a good relationship, but your army secretly sneaked into my territory, who would be happy? Moreover, the information provided by Wang Meng has determined the true footing of the godfather. As for whether there will be remnants, it can only be done slowly, the main characters are dead, and the remaining remnants can only be regarded as grasshoppers, and they will not be able to jump for a few days.

Originally, Huaxia didn’t even think of destroying the Eastern Family in one action, because it was impossible.

Cut off hands and feet is also one of the ways.

Once the godfather died, the foundation of the Eastern family was completely gone.

What else can the elderly home owner do? Just rely on him, and rely on him, after all, time is not forgiving.

So, once the main force dies, the danger is basically eliminated.

At this moment, Fengshen is also in action.

Without delay, Wang Meng wants to kill the dozen or so members of the Eastern family.

In a group fight, Wang Meng is not an opponent, he is singled out, except for the dead Dongfang Jinquan, Wang Meng is not afraid.

The members of the Eastern family are not weak, but they met Wang Meng.

Wang Meng left Dongfang Jinquan’s residence and went straight to the nearby Dongfang Yan’s residence.

The defensive arrangement of Golden Farm is tight on the outside and loose on the inside. Except for some secret guards and institutions near the palace, the residences of other people are not defensive. This is mainly because the members of the Eastern family are self-reliant and don’t put anyone in their eyes at all.

The ancient warriors are very arrogant because they are different. Ordinary people, even special soldiers, don’t take it seriously.

At this time, Dongfang Yan had just returned after arranging things and was taking a shower.

Suddenly, the bathroom door was suddenly opened.

Tongfang Yan was startled, but he rushed to his chest with a tingling pain before he moved, and instantly lost consciousness.

As soon as Wang Meng’s steel needle was shot, Dongfang Yan’s head flew up with a wave of a military stab in his hand.

Dongfang Yan is dead. It stands to reason that people have entered the room. He will not feel unconscious, but his hearing is blocked by the sound of rushing water.

Wang Meng strode away and rushed to the next goal…

Most of the ancient oriental warriors in the Golden Farm were already asleep at this time.

The martial arts of these people are far worse than Dongfang Jinquan.

Wang Meng acted like the wind, he shot without mercy, and killed the Quartet.

These people have died, and they don’t know what happened.

In order to go smoothly and to make a quick battle, Wang Meng started from the weak and the weak.

With the unexpected assistance of his anesthetic steel needle, he successfully eliminated seventeen oriental tribesmen.

When the darkness comes before dawn, there is one last goal left.

Wang Meng decided to pick a big one to start, because he didn’t want to alarm this big man because of his loss in the assassination. He now has no revenge mushrooms in his hands.

Wang Meng’s final goal is on a person, this person is the second most powerful person besides Dongfang Jinquan, Dongfang Jinwen.

Dongfang Jinwen is the eldest brother of Dongfang Jinquan. His martial arts is not very outstanding, but because of years of immersion, it ranks not low in the Eastern family, second only to the patriarch and Dongfang Jinquan.

It’s just that people are getting old, their abilities are declining, and people are becoming lazy.

If it weren’t for him to belong to the Eastern clan, and forced by the situation, Dongfang Jinwen, who is in his seventies, would have been able to survive for a long time, how could he come out to serve as a thug for the young patriarch?

No matter how powerful a master is, he can’t bear the erosion of the years. After the meeting, Dongfang Jinwen came back, didn’t even take a shower, and went to bed.

People say that the older you get older, the more you sleep, but the older you get, the more you sleep.

This is related to the Eastern family’s exercises. The Eastern family’s internal exercises are similar to tortoise-breathing exercises, which rely on sleep to replenish energy.

For martial artists like Dongfang Jinwen, sleep more to extend their life.

Even though Dongfang Jinwen was asleep, Dongfang Jinwen woke up as soon as Wang Meng opened the door.

“Who?” Dongfang Jinwen jumped up from the bed, rushed directly to the door, and slapped Wang Meng with a palm.

Strong palm wind, great momentum.

Wang Meng secretly praised, the old guy is really alert and his skill is not weak.

Wang Meng doesn’t need to flash, he punches Dongfang Jinwen’s palm.

The text of the Eastern Jin Dynasty hasn’t used all its strength yet, because this is a golden farm and outsiders can’t come in. He was afraid of hurting his own people by accident, but seeing Wang Meng’s move, he knew that he was not his own.

Since he is not his own, Dongfang Jinwen’s subordinates are no longer merciful, and are very strong to save only one point in case of accidents. All nine points of strength are poured into his palms and slapped down.

Dongfang Jinwen also felt that Wang Meng’s breath was not weak, and he did not dare to be careless and concentrated on it.

People are getting older and quieter. The age of arrogance has long passed. Even when facing ordinary people, Dongfang Jinwen will be more careful, not to mention that Wang Meng’s punch is magnificent, which is obviously a practicing family.

Bang, fists intersect.

Wang Meng was shot and flew out, his internal organs turned over, Wang Meng almost vomited blood.

Dongfang Jinwen succeeded with one blow, but his expression changed drastically, because when he pressed his palm on Wang Meng’s fist, he felt a pain in the palm of his hand, and his entire right arm instantly lost consciousness.

Dongfang Jinwen knows that he is not good, this must be a hidden weapon!

“Death!” Dongfang Jinwen roared and stepped out of the door in one step. He wanted to detoxify after a quick battle.

However, he also quickly mobilized the saved internal force and poured it into his right arm, trying to prevent the spread of the anesthetic.

It’s just that this anesthetic is too domineering. Just as Dongfang Jinwen stepped outside, his upper body was completely anesthetized and he lost consciousness. That internal force could not stop the spread of anesthetics.

If it weren’t for his good internal strength, his lower body is probably numb at this time, then wait for death.

At this time, Wang Meng stood steadily in the courtyard, only five steps away from Dongfang Jinwen.

At this time, footsteps and noises sounded in the distance around, and the beam of the bright flashlight flickered under the night. It was obvious that Dongfang Jinwen’s roar just now alarmed the patrol team.

Dongfang Jinwen’s wrinkled old face was full of horror, and a pair of deep-set eyes stared at Wang Meng, his momentum continued to rise, but instead of attacking, he suddenly turned and ran.. ….

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