The Strongest Violent Soldier Chapter 1273: I’m crazy, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the strongest madman!

Chapter 1273 I am crazy

The ancient martial arts of many countries not only want to destroy the mercenaries of the brothers, but also kill the popular world.

Actually, they are also afraid, the popular methods make them frightened. But they don’t believe that under the current world situation, Huaxia still dares to attack them. If Hua Xia dared to attack them, then, Hua Xia became a target of public criticism, and everyone shouted and beat them. After all, it will cause the return of the true heritage of the ancient tribes in those countries.

This is the situation that Mei Guo and many countries want to see.

This is what they rely on.

Many countries changed, Wang Meng was notified by Fengshen for the first time.

Wang Meng was a little surprised, but he also felt reasonable.

Madan, you are only allowed to bully me, and we are not allowed to fight back?

The king was furious.

Wang Meng called the golden monkey…

Fengxingtianxia has computer talents inside, and every group has them, but they are not as good as the golden monkey technology. Long Feiyu won’t work either.

The golden monkey got an order from the boss, but he was so happy. Since the boss disappeared, the Brotherhood Mercenary Group has kept a low profile. Now, the boss is back, and the blood is back.

The Ancient Armed Forces of the Eighteen Nations came to the Middle East and rummaged through the Middle East, but did not find the target of the popular world and the brothers’ mercenary group.

The brother mercenary suddenly disappeared without a trace.

While popular all over the world, it also disappeared in the Middle East.

The Eighteen Kingdoms believes that Brother Mercenary and Fengxing Tianxia may have known that they are here, afraid, and ran back to China.

The Eighteen Nations Music.

It’s no wonder they think so, even if they face the condemnation of the ancient nations of the world, they have to run away.

Guwu of the Eighteen Kingdoms did not find Fengxingtianxia and the brothers’ mercenary group in the Middle East, so he yelled at Fengxingtianxia and the brothers’ mercenaries as a tortoise.

It’s just that their verbal abuse hasn’t stopped, booming! Over the eighteen countries, long-lost fireworks appeared again.

The military bases of the Eighteen Nations that have just been restored have been hit by missiles again.

The source of this missile is the exchange of missiles from 18 countries. I hit you, you hit me. And it’s not voluntary!

Fools know this is the revenge of the brother mercenary!

This scene is too familiar.

But the Eighteen Kingdoms was so angry that all the gangsters died, so brother mercenaries would dare to do this?

They don’t know that the murderer is not dead, this is the typical revenge of the murderer.

People never make noise when they can make noise, but brother mercenaries never make noise when they can make noise.

Who can stand this?

The eighteen nations united to attack China, which once said that the Brotherhood Mercenary Group was not a terrorist organization.

Faced with a group of noisy crows, Huaxia faintly uttered two words: Evidence!

Eighteen countries are dizzy, how can they have any evidence?

The Eighteen Kingdoms was furious, looking for the brothers and mercenaries and the popular world like crazy, wanting revenge.

In the beginning, they acted covertly, and then it became public. Don’t care anymore, look anxious, love what’s wrong.

In the past, the country was always bluffing when looking for an opportunity. It’s rare that this time it ran behind the multinational fart like a dog, but didn’t say a word. Obviously, he didn’t gain wisdom without doing anything. Now he has learned to be smart, and he has learned how to bite a dog and not bark.

Many countries have been busy for a while, but Mao has not been found.

Not only did the eighteen countries think that the popular world was scared away, but many countries concerned about events in the Middle East also believed that the popular world was gone.

Just, will the popular world run?

At this time, the popular world is preparing to form a group to implement guerrilla tactics.

Fengxingtianxia, ​​together with the two commanders and deputy captains, Wang Meng and Fengling, are only over a hundred people. Wang Meng believes that this number is just right for guerrillas. Moreover, it can also better play the role of traveling dragon formation and play a quick battle effect.

Wang Meng formulated a rigorous combat plan, under which circumstances and what tactics were used, he did a detailed analysis.

Faced with the condemnation of Guwu from many countries, Wang Meng’s tactical objective is to never close combat if he can use high-tech weapons.

This is to avoid and reduce the casualties of the team members in combat.

Shoot a man first, shoot a horse, capture a thief first, capture the king. Wang Meng placed the first hand-cut target on Mei Guo Guwu.

Because Mei Guo is the mastermind, they yell the most. Beat him down, and other countries will not dare to bluff anymore.

On this day, at midnight, the sky over the Middle East was covered with dark clouds. On the ground, the squally wind rolled up yellow leaves flying all over the sky.

The large camp of the ancient armed forces stationed by Meiguo in the Middle East covers an area of ​​more than two thousand meters and is heavily guarded.

Crack, suddenly a flash of lightning pierced the sky, illuminating the earth.

After that, the ground was dark because of the disappearance of lightning.

At this moment, suddenly, a figure shot from a distance.

This person was as fast as lightning. Following the gusty wind, he rushed into the big camp gate. The several guards Gu Wu at the gate just felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the figure disappeared.

Guwu, the guard, was very alert. He had already determined that someone had invaded and immediately sounded the alarm.

The alarm goes off, Daying the fryer.

Encourage everyone to go out and look for intruders.

Only at this time, the intruder has already passed through the camp, seeming to have passed by.

In the camp where people are chaotically looking for people, suddenly, the space is distorted, silently, but the naked eye can see circular spatial ripples spreading from the center of the camp, spreading in a radius of ten miles…….

In the blink of an eye, the entire camp disappeared from its place, scraping the ground three feet away, and there was no life.

Hundreds of miles away, Wang Meng, who was observing through the high-altitude flying bird electronic detector, nodded: “This quantity is well controlled. Next time, you can control the silent wave destruction equivalent according to the actual situation. The more precise the control, the better. Deterrence.”

“We can completely divide the soldiers overnight and kill them all.” Long Feiyu said.

“Do you think those real masters will live in the big camp?” Wang Meng said.

“Huh? Are there any fish that slipped through the net?” Long Feiyu was taken aback.

“From the past use of silent waves, the outside world will think that our silent wave destructive power will be within a hundred miles. But they don’t think our silent waves are automatically stored and supplemented with energy, and they are infinitely usable. Therefore, they think that the place that is easy to be attacked is the base camp, and a hundred miles away is the safest. But they are afraid that we will attack the base camp, so they will inevitably camp separately, open and dark. These open military camps are actually also Bait. And hundreds of miles around the camp, there must be their ambush.” ​​Wang Meng said.

“I’ll go! Use your own people as bait?” Long Feiyu felt incredible.

“What can’t they do?” Wang Meng said.

As soon as Wang Meng finished speaking, suddenly, at the northeast corner of Daying, a lot of ancient Wu Wus appeared in the northeast corner of Daying, and they rushed to Daying.

“The boss really has a brilliant plan!” Long Feiyu praised.

“Kill them?” Xu Yuan was eager to try.

“Withdraw!” Wang Meng ordered.



Everyone didn’t understand, but they all retreated after Wang Meng.

“We have to eliminate them bit by bit, so as to create their fear. If they are all destroyed today, they will send stronger powers. At that time, if we can’t beat them, it will be true. It’s going to run.” Wang Meng explained to the players on the way back.

“After this small blow, they were either concentrated or completely dispersed. Concentration is to contend. Separation is to avoid blows. Their concentration gives us the opportunity to use high-end weapons. If they separate, It also gave us the opportunity to fight guerrilla.” Wang Meng said again.

Wang Meng paused and said, “Because they don’t know that our high-end weapons are used for unlimited times. Since they are not used unlimited times, who would be willing to use them for one or two people? So after this attack, the high-end weapons Under the awe, they will inevitably disperse. Because only when we are distracted, we can’t use high-end weapons, and their chances of getting slapped will decrease. Therefore, they think that in this way, we will either run away or fight guerrillas with them. Either way, as long as we are not facing their siege at the same time, we are not afraid.”

The team members understand and admire the captain’s analytical ability.

The Guwu Camp of Meiguo was attacked, and the methods that were popular all over the world were used, which shocked the world.

Isn’t it popular in the world? Still in the Middle East?

The ancient armed forces of various countries in the Middle East suddenly became highly nervous.

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