The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball Chapter 749: Obuni

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Several years ago, I felt that the high-end combat power of the Tenth Universe was too scarce. After consideration, Charlie had selected dozens of talented battle personnel from the lower realm to enter the God of Destruction world. God Inauguration Planet practice, Obuni is one of them, now has taken a solid step in God Inauguration Planet.

can will enter the 288th floor in a few days.”

Obuni has roughly estimated that spiritual will continue to work harder. The more difficult it is to reach the higher level, the more difficult breakthrough will be. The 288th floor, if you want breakthrough, you already need to be close to the Super Saiyan level 3 power.

He cherishes this opportunity very much, so he has always tried his best.

The magic of God Inauguration Planet is not only reflected in the strengthening of power, but more importantly, the improvement of its own dimension. Each practice is actually a sublimation of physical body and soul. Feel the mysterious Ki of God Inauguration Planet, the potential buried in Obuni is being opened a little bit.

He is very grateful that he has the opportunity to be selected by Master God of Destruction, and has achieved such great progress. He is very grateful to Xia Ya and Ke Si.

Time passed, when Obuni entered the 288th floor, the scene in front of me changed.

The ice fields in the ice and snow were instantly replaced by hot flames, the blazing sun was empty, and there was an endless gray desert in front of you. Every wind came with heat, and it seemed to be drying people alive.

Sweet was dripping from his cheeks, and Obuni flew towards the interior of the desert.

For a master like Obuni, the desert is not a big deal. In a flash, can leaps, but the desert in God Inauguration Planet seems to be endless. When the energy in Obuni is mostly consumed, the yellow sand is still See no end. An extremely heavy feeling came to my heart, and my lips had already begun to dry.

Suddenly, when Obuni‘s consciousness is a bit blurred, the surrounding scene has changed again.

He suddenly entered a valley with lush vegetation, bamboo forests all over, small bridges flowing, and gurgling streams flowing down the stone steps with moss, making a sound of “ding ding dong dong”, beside green trees and blue stones, take a ride In a bamboo building, the valley like mortal world fairyland is divided from the desert outside.

With suspicion in his heart, Obuni walked towards the bamboo floor.

When the Obuni approached, the door opened and a young man with red hair came out. The silver eyes were as flawless as Haoyue, revealing a supreme charm throughout the body. Anyway, when Obuni saw the other party, from There was a huge oppression on the soul.

A trace of surprise emerged from Obuni‘s face. He recognized the identity of the other party and bent his head respectfully towards the other party.

“Master God of Destruction, why are you here?”

Obuni recognizes that the awesome presence in front of him is God of Destruction of the Tenth Universe, the most noble **** in the entire universe.

Xia Ya smiled at looks at Obuni. At a simple glance, everything on Obuni was undoubtedly revealed, nodded: “Very good, the power is much stronger than a few years ago.”

“This is because the place God Inauguration Planet is really magical and benefits a lot from now on.” Obuni said seriously and respectfully.

Beckoned, let Obuni come over, and the two sat on either side of a stone table.

Xia Ya said: “Although our tenth universe ranks well in all universes, the number of masters is really too small. If there is a conflict between universes in the future, it will be very bad for us.”

The comprehensive strength of the tenth universe is strong, but the parameters considered are unfair. It is undeniable that civilization level and the force index are important parameters to measure how a universe develops. However, if you only calculate average value, you will actually miss it. a lot of things. As the tenth universe is now, all the comprehensive values ​​look good, but pulling out strong person and looking at it, it is very cold in all universes.

Obuni generally knows his own situation. Because of this, the God of Destruction talents in front of him will open God Inauguration Planet and let a certain number of mortal world strong person enter cultivation. He immediately stated: “We must continue to work hard to achieve the expectations of Master God of Destruction as soon as possible.”

With a wave of hands, Xia Ya smiled casually, “Obuni, have you been practicing in God Inauguration Planet for more than six years?”

“Yes, Master God of Destruction.” Obuni replied.

“Well, it’s been a long time …” Xia Ya murmured and said: “For more than six years here, your family must be a little worried. This time I came here to give you a holiday and go back to reunite … If you are in a hurry, you ca n’t hurry. If you change your mindset, you might have a better breakthrough. “

Xia knows that Obuni still has his own family in the home star. After so many years, it is time for the other party to go back to visit.

“Master God of Destruction, thank you very much.” Obuni lowered his head and grateful.

In fact, in the most recent year, he missed his family more and more. It was only because of the rare opportunity of this practice that he stressed the emotions of Sijia. Now Xia Ya has such an arrangement for him that makes him have an indescribable taste in his heart.

Xia Ya smiled, he was still very satisfied with Obuni.

This warrior who cares for his family is exactly what the Tenth Universe needs.

Instructed to Kesi, let her take Obuni back to the home star to reunite with her family, while Charlie wandered on all levels of God Inauguration Planet, and by the way, saw several other soldiers who practiced on God Inauguration Planet. Although not as outstanding as Obuni, the progress is also obvious.

Xia Ya ca n’t require every battle to advance by leaps and bounds. After all, there is not much life in formidable in the universe. Sometimes long life does not represent the power of formidable. Masters of the tenth universe want get stronger, and they need certain time.

At the highest level of God Inauguration Planet, this is the smallest part of the whole God Inauguration Planet.

In the small area at the top, there is only one divine platform rotating there, floating the glory of light purple.

God Inauguration Planet is a test field used to cultivate God of Destruction. When ordinary life reaches this level, it is generally in the state of Divine Realm second floor. But for now, God Inauguration Planet is a cradle for newcomers. If you put the tester each and every one into God Inauguration Planet, maybe can will soon cultivate strong person.

Of course, in accordance with the principle of Ning Que without overuse, Xia Ya will not abuse God Inauguration Planet too much.

A ray of radiance lights up beside him, and a small figure of Kers appears beside him. “Master Xia Ya, I have sent Obuni back.”

“Um.” Xia Ya nodded indifferently, “In the future, give those practitioner proper vacations. The Tenth Universe wants to develop strong person, and it will be a very long thing if it is not in a hurry.”


“Let us Next to complete the task of God of Destruction.” Xia Ya laughed.

“Okay, let me choose a target.” Kers smiled in the corner of his eyes, turned over the planet he had searched for, and identified a planet.

The crystal ball above the scepter lights up green and lush, and a planet appears in the void.

“Planet of Sand Mist, planet controlled by the dark magician, has violated the rules of the universe for many years and disrupted the order between yin and yang. Even before, there have been bad events in which the king of the world was killed because of it.” Introduction, as if entering the working state, the expression has become different.

Xia Ya’s eyes flashed cold, “Just this planet.”

“Master Xia, we will pass by immediately, it will take about 12 minutes.”

Xia did n’t let Xia use the instant movement, but showed a big space shift. Xia shrugged and agreed with Xia ’s insistence. I saw the colorful ray of light flashing a few times, the top of God Inauguration Planet was empty, only the lonely Shentai was turning for years …

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