The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball Chapter 4: Selma planet

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Selma planet is located in the southern star territory of North Area. It is a low-level planet. So far, there are only some primitive races on this 33planet, and no traces of civilization appear.

Because the target of Saiyan loyalty is Frieza, all missions released by Vegeta Star are for Frieza forces.

This time is no exception. The tasks of Xia and Xiling are to eliminate the primitive race on Selma planet, and then transfer Selma planet to Frieza ’s forces for sale.

Frankly speaking, the Saiyan family is just Frieza’s thug that’s all, and it is still the kind that can abandoned at any time.

Unfortunately King Vegeta didn’t even know that the most uneasy thing about King Frieza’s loyalty was the Saiyan. If it weren’t for the Saiyan to be of some use now, more importantly, there would be no characters that made him eye-catching. Otherwise, I’m afraid the most wanted to destroy Saiyan is Frieza.

In the face of the upcoming mission, Shaya is very excited, because he will soon leave Vegeta Star, and this will be the first step of his strong person road.

As for the tasks assigned to him by Vegeta, he felt that can was slow, and he did not care about it. After leaving Vegeta, there was still something can that could control him, and when he wanted to Isn’t it the final decision to hand in the task?

“Well, can first went to the Selma star for a while, and after a few years, the body was solid and then can went to other places in the universe. Will it go to the earth first, or Namek first? Very good choice. “

Xia Ya’s heart is bubbling with beauty, and she has begun to figure out how to arrange the time for Next.

Soon, the day when Charya and Xiling departed arrived.

On this day, the couple Rebecca personally sent Charya and Xiling to Vegeta Star spaceport on the other side of the imperial city.

This is a modern spaceport with a radius of several kilometers. It is the main channel for Vegeta to communicate with outer space. On a few square kilometers of land, a huge building like a lighthouse is located around the spaceport. On the open space of the building siege of the lighthouse, there are depressions made of each and every one rubber material. Each depression is a landing point for a spaceship.

Just a few moments after they entered spaceport, there were dozens of spherical aircraft successively landing or rising from the landing point of the spacecraft.

“Xia Ya, wait for Selma planet to pay attention to safety. Do n’t relax your vigilance because it is a low-level planet. When you are in danger, you can escape. Do n’t fight hard.”

Adrien said seriously, looks at Xia Ya said.

Since the annihilation of Adri ’s squad, Adri ’s view of mission and life has changed.

Seeing Xia Ya nodded, he told his daughter Xiling: “Your power is not as good as Xia Ya, then do n’t be naughty and listen to Xia Ya more.”

“Got it!” Xiling blinked his eyes and smiled.

Little Ya should take good care of Xiling, come back early after completing the task.” Rebecca looked sad and stepped forward to hold the two of Xia Ya in his arms.

“I will take care of Xiling.”

Xia Ya nodded seriously, then stepped into her own aircraft.

This is a small spherical aircraft, and when Xia Ya lay in, the door of the aircraft closed automatically. Through the cyan glass surface, Xia Ya saw the Rebecca couple standing nearby and waving their arms at them.

Xia Ya couldn’t help raising a few sad feelings of parting, and her eyes were a little hazy.

Waving his hand at the outside of the spaceship, Xia Ya pressed the start button in the spaceship, and suddenly a downward force slammed onto the body, and the entire aircraft seemed to rise straight up with a huge force. .

After a while, he has left the atmosphere of Vegeta and entered the vast and dark universe.

Because the speed of the spherical aircraft is extremely fast, a long white light is left behind the spacecraft.

Through the spaceship glass, Xia saw that the dark red-colored Vegeta star was flying away at a very fast speed, and soon became a little light in the field of vision and disappeared.

And not far away from him, there is a similar spherical aircraft followed closely, that is the spacecraft Xiling rides, at this time Xiling the whole person is attached to the spacecraft glass, small face looking east and west, looking involuntarily Looking at him.

“It seems that this little girl is a little nervous.”

Xia Ya smiled, sent a message to Xiling through the spacecraft communicator, and then entered sleep mode.

The distance between Selma and Vegeta is very long. The spacecraft needs to fly for seven months before can arrives. You need to know that the planet is only one month away from Namek. that’s all.

The Selma star is just a low-level planet. According to the division of planet in the universe, planet with a maximum battle force of less than 1000 is classified as a low-level planet, and the highest battle force between 1000 and 10000 is an intermediate planet, and the highest battle force Those above 10000 are advanced planet.

So the battle force of the creatures on the Selma star should all be below 1000. With Charlie and Xiling now 410 and 370 battle forces, as long as you are careful, there will be no danger.

According to estimates, it will only take a few years for Charya ’s battle force to exceed the highest battle force on the Selma star.


In the vast and immense universe, countless planets/stars twinkling in the dark starry sky, like a huge picture scrolling slowly.

At night, two bright lights flashed quickly and disappeared quickly. They were two milky white spherical vehicles.

In the blink of an eye, it has been seven months since Xia Ya and their departure from Vegeta Star, and the destination Selma star is close at hand.

The sound of “Beep”, the spacecraft automatically released the sleep mode, and Xia Ya slowly returned from Awaken during sleep.

A giant blue sky is in sight.

“That’s the Selma star?”

Xia Ya thought with a surprised face. Compared with the color of Vegeta dark red, the color of Selma is more elegant and beautiful.

The Selma star is located in a 2-star system system. It has two stars. Most of the day is daytime. The unique planet position also creates a different view of the Selma star.

The atmosphere of the Selma star is azure, and the ocean area accounts for less than 40% of the entire planet. The rest is all land area. Except the ice and snow land of the two poles, the rest of the place is growing with vegetation. A beautiful planet full of green.

On this day, the sudden roar broke the tranquility of the Selma star sky.

I saw two spheres with red luster suddenly falling down from the sky one after the other, “Boom” two consecutive loud noises, the violent impact splashed the sky and the sand, and soon Make the sight dim.

A large area of ​​forest was destroyed by the impact. A strong shock wave spread from the impact site to the surroundings. Countless tall trees were bent to the ground and the whole tree was uprooted.

Gradually, the smoke composed of sand and dust dissipated, and the exposed sand and stone that had become almost unrecognizable, nearly 100 meters square, appeared before the eyes.

In the middle of the exposed sandstone, there are two 30-square-shaped circular impact craters with a depth of five meters. In the center of the impact crater, two spherical aircrafts are half buried under the sandstone. Through the sand and stones there was a ray of smoke.


The hatch of the aircraft was opened, and a child wearing a battle suit with a tail behind him drilled out of it.

Gently patted the dust on the body, Xia Ya coughed twice, and then movement went to another aircraft, knocked on the compartment of the spacecraft, and found that the Xiling spacecraft actually fell down and the door. Being pressed underneath, he turned the spaceship over and exposed the door.

With a click, the hatch opened and the Xiling was also drilled out of the spaceship.

“Brother Xia, is this our destination?”

Xiling covered her lips and scattered the dust around her, dissatisfied frowned.

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