The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball Chapter 392: That was for Planet Hongshan

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Time flies, and months pass by.

With the passage of time, the stomachs of Xiling and Myers gradually grew larger, and a weak life was born in them. Xia Ya’s delighted looks at, they looked like a big belly, except for the hours of practice in the gravity chamber, and the rest of the time accompanied them.

Because this is the first pregnancy, both Xiling and Myers are a little uneasy, and they are very careful about what they do while touching their belly.

“Xia Ya, what do you say our children should be called?” Xiling leaned on a soft cushion, and there were special people around to take care of it.

Xia Ya smiled, “If it ’s a boy, it ’s Xia Qing, and the girl ’s name is Mei Fei … well, it ’s called Sylica. can . “The Saiyans have a name but no first name, like Son Goku It is rare to name the son Sun like that.

However, after all, Xia Ya has a previous life memory, and gave the child a surname according to the habits of the previous life.

Xia Qing and Mei Fei, Xiling chanted these two names softly. Although they feel a little strange pronunciation, they are pretty good.

Myers leaned in and asked strangely, “These names sound like our names.”

“Are n’t our children better pronounced like that?” Xia Ya smiled.

Myers nodded, not entangled in this issue. Next cares about Shaya ’s cultivation. Do n’t look at Shaya ’s practice for only four or five hours a day. Without refining, sometimes it seems to be less effective than gains.

Xia Ya spends two hours each morning and afternoon training, and the rest of the time to do some small exercise, combined with the method taught to him by Whis, battle force growth rate is not slower than the original, but because of the cultivation of sentiment, spiritual level Made a better breakthrough.

“Unfortunately, we have no way to practice for a year, and you will be pulled down more.” Myers said softly, but there was a smile on his face.

For female Saiyan, once pregnant, battle force will inevitably stagnate for a period of time, which was the case when Rebecca gave birth to Laret.

Gently rubbing on the soft Myers hair, Xia kissed them on their foreheads, “I will take you out for a walk when you give birth to our children.”

“Hey, say it.”

“Uh.” Xia Ya assured two wives.

At this moment, the communicator sounded “dū dū dū” and picked it up to see the message sent from Shareen. Now at this time, he has to be with Xiling at home, there is no big deal, Shareen will not send him a message.

Shareen, what’s the matter?” Xia Ya asked Shareen at the other end of the communicator.

The voice of Shareen came, and it seemed really anxious. “Sir, Xia Ya, the patrol policeman came to us, and he seems to have brought an important mission message. He must talk to you personally.”

“Let Jacques wait for a while, and I will pass quickly.” Xia Ya frowned slightly, ended the call, and turned to looks at Xiling, said: “Jacques is here, maybe it’s the Galaxy Patrol organization again, I will take a look . “

“Go, don’t wait for a long time.” Xiling puts on Xia Ya’s clothes.

Nodded, Xia Ya walked towards the **** investigation center, and soon saw Guck’s spacecraft parked on the empty open plaza. Guck was sitting on the spacecraft’s wing and looking away.

When Xia Ya came over, Jacques jumped down quickly, “Xia Ya, you immediately followed me to Master Zuno, there are very important things.”

“Wait, what the **** is going on, and who is that Zuno?” Xia Ya frowned and asked, now he really didn’t want to leave Planet Hongshan at this time.

Gacton paused and said the story: “This is the case. The agents of our patrol organization found a twisted wormhole in a constant galaxy not far from Planet Hongshan. That constant galaxy All life in here has disappeared. As a responsible Elite, I will be responsible for investigating this matter. “

Xia Ya ’s eyebrows were raised, impatient with Jaco ’s uncharacteristic character, “You tell me the point!”

“Heng galaxy has disappeared, and then an ice cube flew out of the wormhole, you see!” Guck immediately shortened the side branch, said critically, and took out a photo.

Photo of looks at, Xia Ya found that there was some black shadow in the center of the ice block, and his face became grim. “Is there a person in this ice block?”

Gark nodded and his orange eyes lighted up, “Yes, this ice cube is coming in the direction of Planet Hongshan, and this ice cube is melting a little bit, um, when he arrives at Planet Hongshan, it should be almost Melt out the light. “

“Also in other words, is this possible for Planet Hongshan?”

Xia Ya’s face sank, and things were very clear. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, some people took Planet Hongshan as the target of the attack, which made Xia Ya intolerable.

Remember that a few months ago, Bardock predicted that there would be a big event near Planet Hongshan. This is exactly what happened.

“Do you know what is in the ice cube?”

Gark shook his head, “I don’t know, so we have to go to Master Zunuo to understand the situation. He is an ‘unbelievable person who knows everything’. He knows everything in the world, and can will definitely puzzle us.”

Planet Hongshan is currently closely watched by the Galaxy Patrol Organization. There is a little bit of trouble. The Galaxy Patrol Organization will send Jacques to come to understand the situation. I am afraid that it will have a huge impact on the Galaxy. This is really because the strength of the Planet Hongshan is too strong. formidable must serve them to the point of the Galaxy Patrol Organization.

“Master Zuno?” Xia Ya stunned.

Suddenly, he remembered that he seemed to be living in a mysterious planet, who was specially paid to solve puzzles. Ability is a bit like the divination mother-in-law on earth, but Ability formidable is countless times more than divination mother-in-law, can knows the whole universe All things. I remember that Bulma in original work made a special trip to Zuno’s planet in order to find the whereabouts of super dragon bead.

“No hesitation, you tell me the name of that Zunuo’s planet, and I will immediately pass movement.”

Compared to the speed of Garc ’s spacecraft, movement is more reliable. There is a star map of the entire seventh universe in Shaiya ’s mind, but the name needs one by one to find it.

“Oh good! This is the name of Master Zuno planet …” Garg immediately said the name planet.

Xia Ya searched by name and quickly found the location of Zuno’s planet. “We’re gone!” After finishing, he took Guck and disappeared in an instant movement.

The distant Zunuo star.

This is a planet full of Japanese style. Because of Zunuo ’s magical Ability, knowledge seekers from far away bring gifts to come to ask for advice, but Zunuo ’s request is very weird. Not everyone has can to achieve their wishes.

With a bright flash of light, Xia Ya took Guck to the Zunuo work hall, and saw a tall figure, like a Japanese samurai, sitting on a “bowl” -like aircraft.

This look … somewhat funny.

ah, the Order of Time!” Zuno shouted when he saw Xia Ya, and immediately expelled everyone around him.

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