The Steward Demonic Emperor Chapter 384: Ghost King, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Demon King Butler!


Beside a waterfall with beautiful mountains and clear waters, a piece of black smoke blew by. When it stopped, it was the black leader who had condensed into a figure. But now he is a little rickety, panting heavily, seeming to be very weak.

He also had an eighteen or nine-year-old man in his hand, and he had completely fainted at this time.

Without looking at him, the black leader went straight to the waterfall, puffed his hand into the turbulent water, and then saw his arm turn, but he heard a crisp sound, it seems It was like turning something like a mechanism, and the waterfall that had flown straight down gradually slowed down, and finally closed off completely.

A vortex appeared in the center of the pond below, and it sucked up all the water at a speed visible to the naked eye. A stone gate covered with moss was exposed ten meters below the pool.

The man in the black collar was pinched down, and he turned on a convex stone next to him, and the stone gate rumblingly opened a gap.

After the black leader walked in, the stone gate was automatically closed again, and the nine-day waterfall fell again, and soon the small pond was filled with water…

In a dark small path, the black-clothed leader stumbling forward, the man in his hand seems to be faint and heavy, even so bumpy, there is no sign of lucidity.

Not long after, a dim candlelight appeared in front of him. The black commander took a deep breath, his feet stagnated a little, he seemed to hesitate, but quickly speeded up his pace and walked over.

This is a dimly-lit secret room, roughly no more than a few dozen flat. Except for some instruments of torture placed on the side, there is only a golden curtain, gently placed in the middle, dividing the room in two.


The commander in black threw the man to the ground casually, then bowed to the ground in the direction of the curtain, and sighed: “The subordinates are not doing things well, so be punished!”

“Why, did it fail?”

A majestic old voice sounded behind the curtain, which seemed to be a little surprised: “I didn’t expect it, even if you go out in person, you will fail! Alas…”

The brows trembled slightly, and the black-clothed leader remained silent, bowed his head and sighed.

Suddenly, the black-clothed leader suddenly felt a trance in front of him, and his feet were soft, and he fell down immediately. The person behind the curtain was startled and wondered: “Why, you are still injured?”


At this moment, a black shadow flashed by, and before the person behind the curtain walked out, he had already taken the lead in front of the black collar, took out a pill, and fed it up.

After a while, when he saw his breath gradually becoming even, he took a breath, let go of his heart, and the body wearing a hat turned to the direction of the curtain and said: “Don’t worry, senior, he is not a serious problem, just It’s been hit hard, it needs some time to cultivate.”

“What, hit hard, you will be hit hard?”

The person behind the curtain seemed completely unable to believe that this was true, and was shocked: “Who, who has the ability to hit you now? Even the ancient three links should not have this ability.”

The people behind the curtains seem to understand the ability of the black clothes to lead, changing between reality and reality, and unpredictable. Although he can’t help the little monster of the ancient tee, the brute force of the ancient tee should also be ineffective against him.

But the curtain man can’t figure out how, even a character who can’t do anything with the ancient three links, how can the whole Tianyu get him?

The black leader groaned a little, but he sighed: “It’s Zhuo Fan!”

“What, is he so capable?”

“Ha ha ha… more than that, the old man went here this time, and he just hit his palm!” Unable to laugh, the black-clothed leader shook his head and said: “This little guy, it’s really not easy. There are many methods, and he has a wide range of knowledge. The old man thinks that the secret technique of five hundred years ago has been lost, and no one in Tianyu can know the real body of the old man, but he sees it through and is endlessly played. If not, the old man caught a cloud The family is a shield, I’m afraid this old life will really be lost to him…”

The black leader sighed and sighed, now that I think about it, there is endless fear in his eyes.

Perhaps he never dreamed that he, who has been riding in the sky for hundreds of years, would fall in front of Zhuo Fan, a brat boy, and lose his face and lose his face in the evening!

“Zhuo Fan, really is a monster even scarier than the ancient three links!”

Finally, the black commander sighed and said: “Except for the brute force of the ancient tee, there is no weakness in the whole body. But apart from the brute force that is no less than that of the ancient tee, Zhuo Fan’s body is up and down. I can’t find a weakness at all. This is the first time the old man has encountered such an opponent in his life!”

The man in the hat holding him by his side heard it, nodded slightly, looked at the curtain and said: “The predecessor said it is true. I have never seen Zhuo Fan before making a move. It is really unimaginable. He is already strong enough. At this level, oil and salt do not advance. No matter how seniors confronts the enemy, they are resolved by him one by one, which can be called perfect! In the end, I don’t know what secret technique is used to trap seniors, almost killing seniors. The old man knows he does not know. The enemy, dare not come forward, and can only harass from the side. Fortunately, seniors can escape to life, it is really gratifying!”

“Oh, it turned out that it was you who helped me. I said, how could he be distracted and let me escape with flaws. With this kind of virtue, the old man will come back!”

The black leader solemnly clasped his fists to the man in the hat, but the man in the hat chuckled and shook his head, noncommittal!

Actually, he said this to let the two of them know that he has also worked hard and has done something, so you know it. It will be good in the future, just think about me.

As for what will be reported in the future, he doesn’t expect so much…

Sitting silently behind the curtain, for a long time, the man said: “Where are the others?”

The black leader looked dark, and sighed: “Hey, they are all dead…”

“Is it your mouth?”

“No, it’s Zhuo Fan!” His eyes narrowed slightly, and the black-clothed leader gritted his teeth: “This person is really ruthless. Apart from anything else, he didn’t even leave a living mouth. It saves the old man! “

“Hehehe…He is not saving you trouble, he is telling us that he doesn’t want to tear our faces with us now, so let us not trouble him!” The curtain man chuckled and said coldly.

After the two listened, they were stunned, and they were all unclear. Therefore, the curtain person continued: “With Zhuofan’s cunning, if you really want to track down, how can you not leave a living? Since he is determined If the idea is to be completely destroyed, it can only prove that these people are useless to him. He already knows who we are in his heart, but he doesn’t want to be clear.”


The two were startled and panicked.

At this moment, the curtain suddenly opened, and the emperor walked out from the inside wearing a golden dragon robe, a pair of dragon eyes surged: “It’s not just him, presumably after the death of the high priest, Zhuge Changfeng and The cold and impermanent scheming will soon be suspected to us. It’s just that everyone still maintains a balance and does not want to tear their faces and make others profit. Otherwise, in the court today, how could the ever-hostile Emperor Sect and Zhuo Fan each other Support? I was afraid of me, so I took the opportunity to eat them!”

“This Zhuo Fan, I really didn’t see it before. With such a big heart, he can stretch and bend, and even his previous opponents can forget the blame, unite, and he is really a man of great things!”

The emperor sneered repeatedly, but there was a hint of murder in his smile.

The man in the hat took the hat, and it was Sima Hui, one of the Othellos, one of the dragon guards.

Looking at the emperor deeply, Sima Hui murmured: “Your Majesty, now Zhuo Fan wants to take the Yun Family to Fenglin City. What should I do? The first team of Ghost Guards has been wiped out. Senior, he was seriously injured again, and he could not do anything for a short time. The three masters of the Luo family and Zhuofan, I wonder who can stop them?”

“This is what I am angry about, huh!”

The emperor flicked his sleeves fiercely, and the emperor’s face was green: “I don’t understand, the old man Yun Xuanji has no relationship with Luo Family, so how can he lose his thousand-year neutral position and follow Zhuo Fan? I think that my aura is big enough, even if the old man gave Huangpu Qingtian the fate of the emperor before, I don’t blame him.”

“Because I know that the emperor’s fate is destined for three minutes and seven minutes depends on hard work. I am the true emperor of the true dragon. I am not afraid that Huangpu Qingtian will come to defeat me. But now, he led the crowd to rely on Zhuo Fan? Who is Zhuo Fan? After he died, the first thing he did was to abduct his people from my hands. He never thought of a selfish person who would take care of his funeral. How could he entrust such a person… Cough cough cough…”

The emperor coughed violently before he finished speaking.

Sima Hui hurriedly took out a handkerchief and looked after him, but when the handkerchief left the emperor’s mouth, it was covered with red blood.

“Your Majesty, you…” Sima Hui was startled and said anxiously.

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and the emperor slowly waved his hand: “It won’t get in the way, I will definitely be able to leave a stable sky and mountains to future generations!”

Taking a deep breath, the emperor calmed down again and looked at the black leader and said: “Ghost King, as one of the four pillars, you are the most trusted and mysterious existence in the world. Anyone who has seen you People in, are mostly dead now, Zhuo Fan is an exception. It seems that numerology can’t be trusted, but you can’t believe it. That kid is probably your nemesis, you should not deal with him in the future.”

“But, your majesty…” The ghost king was anxious and looked unwilling.

The emperor waved his hand slowly and sighed: “Zhuo Fan is sinister and cunning, and his strength is incredible. If he can’t be the eye of the storm in the chaos, who can get it from Tianyu? Get him down? Well, it all depends on my deployment.”

“In the past, I just wanted to raise a tiger and bite with those fierce beasts to consolidate my country. But who knows I raised a dragon, a dragon that even I can’t control! Zhuo Fan…hehehe , It has really become a combination of the ancient three links and Zhuge Changfeng, and it has become my confidant!”

The emperor let out a long sigh, a deep light flashing in his eyes.

The King of Ghosts and Sima Hui took a deep look at him, and they both nodded helplessly. Zhuo Fan’s strength and insidiousness made them all feel helpless!

After all, in terms of conspiracy and tricks, people are at the same level as Tianyu’s three wise stars, so would they be easily fooled? When it comes to force, people can’t beat the ancient three links with two fists, and all kinds of strange arts are dumbfounded even the ghost king, who is neither human nor ghost, how can you fight?

An all-round talent like Zhuo Fan with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physicality really makes all his enemies feel like a dog bites a hedgehog. There is no way to start…

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