The Steward Demonic Emperor Chapter 1312: Quasi-no-superior, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Demon King Butler!


His expression changed drastically. Kun Peng looked up at the familiar figure, his face twitching: “You actually left Jingyue Xiaozhu. Could it be that your love has been solved?”

With a grin, the Emperor of Heaven curled his lips disdainfully: “The love of the emperor has already fallen into my hands. With my power, will you be unable to untie the love? It’s just that you flies are too annoying, I haven’t been completely Refining those emperor ways, you will come to your door, as a last resort, you have to solve you first.”

“It’s just…you want to go one by one, or do you want to go together?” The Sword Emperor sneered all over his face as he hooked his fingers.

The beard shook slightly, and Kun Peng also let out a laugh: “In the face of a character like the Emperor, if you fight alone, you will be too majestic…”

“Hypocrisy!” Yang Tian gave a haha, and the emperor gave Kunpeng a sideways glance: “Old man, you are still the same as before…No, it’s that the human dross is heavier than before. If you want to fight in a group, you will be a group. Fight, what nonsense, come on!”#_#67356


It was just a step, and the emperor was in a trance, and he was now among the five beasts.

The pupils couldn’t help but shrink, and the five beasts were horrified. They didn’t even notice it. So hurriedly shot, Jin Yan, Qing Yan, Qilin Jin… all hacked towards the Emperor of Heaven.

However, the Emperor of Heaven didn’t care about it at all. When he shook his body, it suddenly turned into a black shadow and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already reached the sky above the little third son, revealing his white teeth, and his mighty power was permeating. “You are the son of a unicorn, hahaha… Sorry, I killed your father. What’s more, you will die in my hands too!”


One finger poked the back of the ancient tee, but as if dozens of mountains were pressed down, the ancient tee was pressed into the ground immediately, and the whole earth burst open.


A mouthful of red blood spurted out, and the face of the ancient tee turned pale immediately.

“This is…the emperor’s evasion technique, and the overlord’s endless divine power?” His brows trembled fiercely, and Kun Peng was shocked: “He has already refined the two emperors’ imperial ways. , Has the magical powers of the Second Emperor!”

“Yes, now even if you don’t use Kongming Divine Eyes to fight hand-to-hand with you, this emperor won’t work hard!” He smiled strangely, and the emperor raised his head proudly.


But at this moment, a pitch-black sword light flashed by steeply, taking his head straight.

With his eyes slanted, he glanced lightly, the Emperor of Heaven moved his fingers together, flicked to the side, and with a touch, the black light burst, and a sword force blinked and rushed to Jiantong, immediately knocking him out. Fell to the ground. At the shoulder position, blood was already bursting, and it flowed all over the ground.

The imperial soldier’s body was so strong that he was actually injured?


Unable to stop taking a breath, Kunpeng was already trembling with horror: “This is definitely not the sword of the sword emperor, his sword can not be so powerful. Even if he personally uses the sword, he will not be so easy to use the sword. Jiantong was defeated so badly!”#6.7356

“Ha ha ha… Yes, this is not the sword of the Sword Emperor, but it is also his sword. You know, I am the one who has absorbed Zhuo Fan’s great transformation skills, including his World Destroying Sword. Comprehend. And the greatest function of the Heavenly Demon Great Transformation Art is to merge the ten thousand ways into one. The sword of the sword emperor, plus Zhuofan’s sword, that is, the combination of the heavenly sword and the demon sword, plus the use of this seat personally, it becomes This is the strongest sword in my hand. Now I want to kill you, don’t use too many methods, hahaha…”

The complexion became more gloomy, Kunpeng and others felt that the sword emperor now is more terrifying than before. Even if there is no effort, it is a joke, and they can be crushed to death like ants.

Taking a deep breath, Kunpeng stared at the emperor closely, and roared: “The original holy beast, reverse the universe!”

As soon as the voice came out, Kunpeng had already made a scream, showing his true body, Qingtian Kunpeng, a hundred feet long, soaring for nine days. Dragon Ancestor, Haiao, Que’er and the others also turned into animal bodies.

The ancient tee reluctantly stood up, shaking his body, and also turned into a unicorn.

In an instant, the holy beast roared, shocked the sky, and caused the world to tremble. Those imperial domain cultivators covered their ears, fled with their legs, and no longer participated in this master showdown.

Only the emperor, still staring at them coldly, with contempt and noncommittal.

Swish swish!

Huge body, but very flexible. The five sacred beasts formed a circle, enclosing the entire emperor, and kept spinning. The powerful force formed a whirlpool, enveloping the Emperor of Heaven, keeping it from moving a bit.

Looking at all this, the emperor is calm and comfortable, always with mockery at the corners of his mouth.

Kala Kala!

The power of the colorful sacred beasts roared in the forehead of the emperor. Suddenly, but after hearing the sound of fragmentation, an extremely terrifying black power suddenly appeared in front of the heavenly emperor.

“This is…”

“Hehehe…Yes, it’s the power of exterminating the world you have always wanted, this time we will give it to you in one breath!” A **** glow crossed the corner of his mouth, and Kun Peng shouted loudly.

The other four beasts also have cold eyes, staring at him closely, with hope shining in their eyes. I hope that the combined forces of the five great sacred beasts, the power that is close to the supreme peak, can severely damage him.

However, it is clear that the Emperor of Heaven is noncommittal about this.

“The power of destroying the world…hehehe, if I saw this in ancient times, I would be very excited. It’s a pity that I don’t need it anymore!”

“Destroy the world thunder flame pupil!”


A terrible thing happened. The emperor’s left pupil suddenly flashed through the pitch-black thunder flame, and the four golden halos on the right pupil shone brightly: “Thunder flame air shock!”

Boom boom boom…

The violent energy burst one after another. The same is the power of destroying the world, the temporarily synthesized power of the five sacred beasts and the already mature power of the Emperor of Heaven oppose each other, immediately forming an incomparable shock wave, and instantly blasting the five beasts out. The horrible blackness swept a thousand miles away, and everything it passed was instantly turned into nothingness. Some imperial domain powerhouses who had not had time to run far also disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But in an instant, thousands of miles away, there is no more life at all.

Shaking his body and pointing at the Emperor of Heaven, Kunpeng’s mouth was hung with blood, and he looked a little weak: “This is Zhuo Fan’s World Destroying Lightning Eye, you…you…”

“Yeah, didn’t I just say that, everything about him has been absorbed by me!”

A ridicule crossed the corner of his mouth, and the emperor exhaled: “Speaking of my brother, I finally did a good thing for his brother. I can actually bring back this world-destroying power. It won’t be a waste of my years of tolerance. Keep his chess piece to this day. And this power belongs to your five sacred beasts. Then, now, I will use this power to perfect you and send you to the west. It is also considered the fallen leaves to return to their roots, ha ha ha…”

An evil flash flashed in his eyes, and the Emperor suddenly shouted: “Then start with you, cunning Kunpeng, Lei Yan broke through the sky!”


The terrifying thunder flame turned into a pitch-black flame column with a radius of several tens of meters, so steep that it shot towards Kunpeng’s huge body, and it was almost there.

Seeing this scene, Kunpeng was shocked, and his heart sank suddenly.

It’s over, in the end, it’s still going to die in the hands of the emperor.


However, just when the flame column was about to hit him, it suddenly exploded and splashed in all directions.

The eyes trembled slightly, and the emperor stopped immediately and stared closely. When Lei Yan dispersed, what appeared in front of him was a familiar figure.

Wearing a white robe, wafting in the wind, a palm was gently stretched forward, and after blocking the horrible flame column, it slowly fell, revealing the two pupils that are indistinguishable from the emperor.

“Father!” Gu Santong and Que’er saw each other. They were overjoyed and called out one after another. When Kunpeng saw it, he couldn’t help yelling: “Zhuo Fan, you are finally back!”

“No, he is not Zhuo Fan!”

However, after taking a deep look at him, the emperor sneered and shook his head: “Brother, you have resurrected with the remnant soul of Reincarnation Avenue and Zhuo Fan. Only this time, you are Is there sentimental heaven, or the avenue of nirvana?”

There is no expression on the face. Zhuo Fan’s eyes are calmly like lake water. He looked at the Emperor, but he showed a slight smile. He shook his head and said: “My Lord, I think you have misunderstood, I’m Zhuo Fan. It’s not Brother Ling. What I cultivate is not the way of heaven, but the way of magic!”

“Your current power, isn’t it the sentimental way of my brother?” The brows trembled, and the heavenly emperor’s eyes were puzzled, “Even if you are in a relationship between previous and subsequent generations, in the final analysis, you are not the same person. If one comes back, there must be one. Disappear. My stupid brother said he would come back to stop me, how could he disappear? And how could you get this power?”

With a slight smile, Zhuo Fan doesn’t comment: “You’re right, he disappeared, and I’m back, just because he thinks I can stop you more, even if you reach the supreme realm, when he can’t help but I can stop it!”

“What do you mean?”》≠miào》≠bi》≠gé》≠,

“I mean, the supreme realm is equivalent to the legendary god. But the gods and demons are opposed, and the only ones who can drive the gods down are demons!” The corner of his mouth curled up, and Zhuo Fan looked up at the sky and said in a daze: “God To destroy the world, you must return the world’s clarity. But the devil comes from the human, and you will not be allowed to do so. The gods and the devil are opposed from the beginning, which is the will of heaven. Although Master Jiuyou said that he gave the emperor’s way to his brother, But I feel that, in the dark, my brother made the wish to prevent you from destroying the world before he fell into the magic way and became the me now!”

“Hmph, then why do you stop me? Only the magic way, how can you set foot on the supreme realm?”

“Is this…”

Xin Ran crossed the corner of his mouth, Zhuo Fan murmured leisurely: “I can’t tell, but it seems that I touched another door. Since ancient times, no one has touched the threshold, including you and Ling brother. Same, ha ha ha.”

The face shook, and the Emperor of Heaven took a deep look at him: “Another door? Huh, nonsense, you can’t even reach the supreme realm, but now it’s only the supreme supreme, so what is the higher realm? Zhuo Fan , I don’t know how your way is different from my brother’s sentimental way of heaven, but listening to the way of heaven is ruthless, the general situation is set. When I set foot on the supreme, it will be the opportunity to destroy the world. Now you have also brought the way of reincarnation , Just to my liking!”


As soon as the voice fell, the huge eye pupil in the sky was born again: “Hand over the last one, Zhuo Fan!” ^_^67356

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