The Steward Demonic Emperor Chapter 1082: Xeon Showdown, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Demon King Butler!

As soon as the voice fell, Baili Yutian immediately flicked his sword. With the thunder blasting, purple thunders filled the sky, and a raging sword aura flew towards Zhuo Fan with a whistling sound.

The pressure that was so powerful that it was suffocating immediately caused everyone present to condense abruptly, trembling all over, and the sword aura had not yet reached, and the whole face felt like it was about to shatter right away. The red blood color couldn’t stop oozing from the skin, as if it was about to burst at any time.

Even the three peerless masters of Ouyang Lingtian have red cheeks, and there is hardly a trace of resistance. Even though they all have divine swords in their hands, the random wave of Baili Yutian is useless at all.

Invincible Sword Sovereign, invincible in the world, with a flick of your finger, everything is gone!

Its strength is the strongest in the world, and it is unstoppable. It destroys the sky with a single sword, and it is as horrible as it is. Everyone here, under this sword, seems to have a feeling of dying, but there is no way!

“Hahaha…Mr. Zhuo, the old man just saw the toy in the hands of Ling Ai. It is very powerful, but unfortunately it can’t threaten the life of the old man. As a father, at this critical moment, he should not follow Like the young lady, take out a toy, it will disappoint the old man too much!”

Seeing this scene, Baili Yutian couldn’t help laughing out loud, his eyes full of mockery. The other three sword kings watched from the side, and they couldn’t help showing their complacency, squinting at the people below, laughing wildly in their hearts.

Dare to offend the ancestor, this is the end, no matter who it is, it is not the opponent of the ancestor. Even if the Dragon Breath Pill of Tianmo Mountain can deal with the Sword King, it is just a toy in front of the ancestors, it is not worth mentioning, hahaha…

With his eyes slightly squinted, Zhuo Fan stared at the arrogant faces of the four people above against the cold wind, but he sneered and said non-committal: “Invincible Sword Master, don’t be proud. You are just the strongest among the people, but you are not invincible. Although I don’t have any toys in my hands, it’s a pity that I prefer pets. Now it happens that Master Jianzun has this kind of advice from Yaxing. It’s better to comment by the way. How about the beast!”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhuo Fan suddenly waved his palm, but after hearing a soft buzz, the space door of the space ring in his hand opened immediately.


Suddenly, a strong wind blows, and the ground shakes the mountains. Just when the swift sword aura is about to hit everyone’s heads, one is the size of a hill, and the sharp iron claw is like an arrow from the string. Shooting out, grabbing hard, grabbed the invisible sword energy into the claws. He tried harder again, but under the sound of the loud noise, the unbeatable sword energy released by the undefeated Sword Master instantly shattered into nothingness, dissipating in every corner of the world.

The black wind is bitter, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. The broad wings like a lush jungle went straight up for nine days, violently one fan, and the entire sky was roaring strong winds, breaking the rocks and breaking the mountains, breaking the sky and cracking the sky. The endless purple thunders flickered, and under the black wind swept, it also shattered into countless light spots with a crash, disappearing without a trace.

In the blink of an eye, the entire sky that was originally controlled by the Invincible Sword Sovereign was already invaded by half of the realm in an instant. A huge bird with three huge heads and burning flames on its head, covering the sky like a mountain, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

With a long howl up to the sky, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the wild momentum suddenly swept in all directions. Within a thousand miles, all the spirit beasts heard that they couldn’t help falling down, and knelt down one after another, as if they were worshipping the emperor, their whole body trembled like a chill!

“That…that is…”

The pupils couldn’t help but shrank severely. Even the Undefeated Sword Sovereign saw this, he was shocked and uttered in horror: “Is it possible that this is the legendary emperor spirit beast, the ninth-level spirit beast, three The first crow?”

Looking at all this blankly, the three Sword Kings were already completely stupid. They trembled and said tremblingly: “Old ancestor, what you said is right, this is the strongest spirit beast in the legend. Nine-level emperor, three strange crows. It’s just that most people have never seen it before, and I didn’t expect to see alive today!”

“It is incredible that there are ninth-level spirit beasts in this Heavenly Demon Mountain!”

The complexion suddenly became dignified, and the three people of Baili Yuyun looked at Zhuo Fan with disbelief, and said with anxious heart: “The ninth-level spirit beast is the strongest among the beasts. It is said that this emperor has come Where, everything retreats and no one dares to provoke. Even in the history of the five states, there has never been a rumor that a strong human surpasses the ninth-level spirit beasts, but there are many legends about the destruction of the human empire by the ninth-level spirit beasts. It’s just tens of thousands. Unexpectedly, such an emperor spirit beast would willingly obey the dispatch of human beings, but it is incredible. Old ancestors, this Heavenly Demon Mountain, really…”

Bai Li Yuyun is now full of anxiety, and his intestines are already blue with regret. Can a force that can surrender a ninth-level spirit beast, can the master in it be an idle generation?

The point is that such an unfathomable secret sect was actually offended by them. How can this be good? Maybe the masters who will appear at that time will come to the door for revenge, and even the ancestors will be difficult to hostile!

As soon as he thought of this, Baili Yuyun scorched in a hurry, and hurriedly looked at Baili Yutian.

However, as if he had already expected what he was going to say, Baili Yutian waved his hand abruptly and interrupted his words in an instant. Instead, the corner of his mouth curled up and his eyes fixed on the huge body. Xing Xing, a light of excitement appeared in his eyes, and he chuckled out: “For thousands of years, the old man has been looking for a rival that can be matched. He has been undefeated in his life, but he can’t find it. Although there is no coming this time. It is unwise to offend the Tianmo Mountain, but seeing this legendary ninth-level spirit beast battle really makes the old man so happy, hahaha…”

“Old ancestors, this is not the problem of the spirit beast, the key is the people who surrender the spirit beast…”

“You don’t have to say, I know it!”

Slowly waved his hand, and the excitement on the face of the Undefeated Sword Sovereign continued unabated: “There must be an expert in a force that can surrender even the ninth-level spirit beast. This time we… really kicked the iron plate. , I am afraid that even the old man will have a sore feet, but what about it? Do you three know how the Sword Star Empire was established? The old man was also young and experienced endless hardships and challenges before he reached his current position. Didn’t it mean that another strong person appeared? That’s right! For many years, the old man has been lonely for so many years, and now he feels young again. No matter how strong the magic mountain is that day, how many strong people will send out to hunt down. The old man, the old man will accompany to the end, never stop dying, just like the old man when he conquered the five states and challenged the peak, hahaha…Tianmoshan, you are so good, it is great to have you in the world, the old man will not be lonely, ha Haha…”

A burst of wild laughter continued, and the undefeated Sword Master stared deeply at the three strange crows, changing from surprise to excitement, from excitement to satisfaction.

There was a flash of light in the hand, and the Heaven Splitting Sword was finally held in his hand, feeling the thunder and purple light running in front of him, the face of the Undefeated Sword Master was full of warfare, and his body shook, and the powerful momentum became surging again. Out.

At this moment, the sky changed color again, thunder burst, the purple sea turned the sky, and the turbulent thunder light once again drove the black wind and occupied the entire sky.

The three sword kings were also forced to retreat step by step in the mighty aura of the ancestor, and they were shocked. They had never seen such a powerful force of the ancestor before!

Because no one could make him use all his strength before this, but now facing the ninth-level spirit beast, he can finally let it go!

This is probably the greatest enjoyment for a madman who is determined to advance towards the top.

When the three crows saw this, they couldn’t help but stare at him in disbelief. The complexion of the three heads instantly became heavier.

To tell the truth, even this ninth-level spirit beast has never seen such a powerful human, and it is even more impossible to imagine that such a human will emerge from the mortal rank.

The Undefeated Sword Sovereign, a well-deserved name, is an existence that even the emperor’s spirit beast is in awe of!

At the same time, Ouyang Lingtian and the others looked at these three strange crows, and they were completely shocked. They looked at Zhuo Fan’s eyes, full of shock: “Uh, Mr. Zhuo, you…your gods The mountain still keeps such a fetish?”

“Well, I used it to run errands to watch the door!” There was a solemn expression on his face, Zhuo Fan stared closely at the person and beast above, and continued to open his eyes and talk nonsense, but he felt a little respect in his heart!

It is said that the elderly are prudent, the more the elderly, the more they have, the more afraid of loss, the more they will stick to them. But this Undefeated Sword Sovereign is different. Although others are old, but their hearts are not old, at this time, they still want to challenge the pinnacle, and don’t worry about losing their own family.

Such a person…hehe, no wonder he is the undefeated Sword Sovereign!

Compared to the first person in the other four states, it is indeed much better!

Turning his head to look at the three old guys aside, Zhuo Fan couldn’t help flashing a helpless disdain in his eyes.

At this moment, he is considered to be along with the four states, and their opponents are the undefeated swordsman. But when it comes to respect, he respects the undefeated Jianzun even more.

It’s just because these four-state powerhouses encounter powerful opponents, they are timid, but the undefeated sword sovereign is excited. The difference between the strong and the weak is nothing more!

“Take a look at the door? Mr. Zhuo, what is the place of your Heavenly Demon Mountain?” After hearing Zhuo Fan’s words, Ouyang Lingtian and the others were even more surprised.

With a chuckle, Zhuo Fan didn’t speak, but continued to stare at the top. When everyone saw this, they didn’t know why. They didn’t answer when they saw him, so they didn’t ask.

Just looking at the huge figure of the three strange crows, it was even more shocked, and at the same time, the face was full of joy.

Now that this ninth-level spirit beast sits in town, even if he is the undefeated Sword Master, he will be defeated, hahaha…

Jumping beam…Joker!

Reluctantly glanced at them, Zhuo Fan couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile, and then looked up again respectfully.

Actually, he shouldn’t underestimate them, because they are also heroes everywhere, but between life and death, facing this rare Xeon showdown, they care more about their own life and death, but it is also natural.

He knew it in his own heart, so naturally he didn’t need to worry about it, but these lives are lingering, and there is no bottom in his heart.

He insisted on their strong heart, but he was too harsh.

As soon as he thought of this, Zhuo Fan’s heart was empty, but he suddenly felt that his state of mind seemed to have opened another window. In his eyes, a faint colorful haze suddenly appeared, which was dazzling.

But at this moment, everyone’s eyes are on the battle above, but no one notices this. Even Zhuo Fan himself does not know what kind of window he has opened…

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