The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe Chapter 68: Let go

Soon after, Dayu succeeded in controlling the waters and became the last of the three emperors and five emperors. He set up a Jiuding for the Terran to suppress the fortune of the Terran, which made the fortune of the Terran reach its peak. After the Dao, the three emperors and the five emperors of the Terran have been completed. , And his son Qi started the era of Human Race’s “Family World”.

In the holy land of the human race, a mountain of high mountains, Mu Sen indifferently overlooks everything about the human race. Today’s human race has truly reached its heyday, not worse than the original Lich races, and among them , How much effort Mu Sen put into it, it can be said that without Mu Sen’s efforts, how could the human race be as powerful as it is today.

Nowadays, there are as many as a dozen quasi-sages in the human holy land, and there are hundreds of Da Luo Jinxian, not to mention the others. The human holy land has truly become a holy land for the humans. It can be said that 90% of the humans The above-mentioned elites and geniuses are all concentrated here. If there is no problem here, then the human race will never have a day of decline.

The human race outside the holy land now lives and works in peace and contentment. After the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the human race can be described as rapid development. With the recommendation of time, various talents will appear in the human race, and the human race will continue to develop further. it is good.

This is the situation that Mu Sen has always been looking forward to. From the time Nuwa created human beings to the end of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, in just over 20,000 years, the human race has grown from weak to strong, and has now become the protagonist of heaven and earth in one fell swoop. The most powerful race among them, it sounds like a dream.

When Nuwa created a human, Mu Sen was cut out by Styx as a human race. At that time, he was just an ordinary human race without any cultivation base, but now, his cultivation base is equivalent to the pinnacle of the quasi-sage. At the pinnacle of Fate Star, and he is already comprehending the Tao of Hunyuan, I don’t know when he will be able to prove the Hunyuan. The speed of cultivation beyond this level is enough to make the primordial beings ashamed. Speaking of it, this is like a dream.

Sit on the top of a mountain, overlooking the prosperity of Human Race. At this moment, countless images flood into Mu Sen’s heart. This scene shows how Human Race has come to this day, how it has achieved today’s strength, how Standing on the top of the prehistoric.


Among the mountains and forests, a woman made up human beings, creating a number of peculiar creatures of 129,600. The woman named it’human’. The new human race didn’t know anything about this world. They were at a loss as the woman left, but there was not a trace of confusion in the eyes of one of the celebrities, on the contrary, the eyes were full of firmness.


Human is a new life, living a life of fluffy blood drinking, and is plagued by disasters, and at the same time facing the attack of wild beasts. At this time, a man brought fire to the human race and taught people how to make fire and how to use fire. Barbecue food, how to use fire to drive away beasts, people have said goodbye to the life of fluffy drinking blood, and entered the era of fire.


When people have fire, the ethnic group begins to grow, but the same problem comes with it. Rain can extinguish the fire, and the fire cannot be carried far away. People can only live around the fire, so a man I brought the house to the human race, taught people how to build a house, how to use the house to withstand the severe cold and wild beasts, and people have entered the era of dwelling.


When people have fires and houses, tribes begin to form slowly, but when the cold comes, people can only curl up with the fire inside to keep warm, they can’t go out hunting at all, and they have to face poisonous insect bites. , A woman brought clothes to people, taught people how to make clothes from animal fur, how to use clothes to resist the bitter cold and poisonous insect bites, and people have bid farewell to the era of unclothed clothes.


When people have fire, houses, and clothes, the human race has entered a period of development, but the human race is weak and unable to defeat the powerful beasts, let alone those monsters and even the demon races with successful cultivation, the human race is facing A new problem, and at this time, a man brought people the martial arts practice method. Since then, he has practiced martial arts to strengthen his body, and his ethnic strength has improved by leaps and bounds.


When the human race embarks on the path of cultivation and grows stronger, disasters will follow. The demons slaughter the human race wildly, and the human race can be said to be full of corpses. For a time, the human race is dead and injured, and it is almost facing extinction. disaster.

But when the human race was lost and helpless, the four human races led countless human warriors to rise up and fight against the monster race. With the power of the human race, they killed almost all the monster races that slaughtered the human race. Since then, the human race has become powerful From now on, no one dares to look down upon Terran.


When the Lich suffered both defeats and withdrew from the prehistoric stage, the human race began to step onto the prehistoric stage with a strong posture. The prehistoric races all evaded. After ten thousand years, the human race once again walked out of the coast of the East China Sea and occupied the richest prehistoric stage. The place.


When the human race encountered a bottleneck in its development, the human race established three emperors and five emperors to solve one problem after another for the human race. The human race developed rapidly under the governance of the three emperors and five emperors. In just a thousand years, the human race has developed to another peak .


Nowadays, humans set up the Dragon Gate, and the carp crossed over and turned into a dragon to travel clouds and rain for the human race and stabilize the waters. From then on, the human race is no longer restricted by the heavens and the Sihailong family, and has truly achieved self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and self-sufficiency. Power, disdainful of the prehistoric hundreds of races.


When this scene flashed in front of Mu Sen’s eyes, Mu Sen smiled, this is a proud smile, smiling for the strength of the human race, this is a satisfying smile, being satisfied with the achievements of the human race, this is also detached Smile, so much effort has been devoted to the laws of the human race, now that the human race has reached the peak, it is time to let go.

Mu Sen stood up, patted the dust on his body, jumped up, jumped onto a cloud, and flew back to the Temple of Human Ancestors. Here are the Suiren clan, Youchao clan, Jianyi clan, Musen and Cangjie The place where he lives, and next to it is the palace of the people where the three emperors and five emperors lived.

At this time in the Renzu Temple, the Suiren clan, Youchao clan, Jianyi clan, Cangjie, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors all gathered here. Obviously they were discussing matters. Seeing Mu Sen came back, Sui Ren clan said: “Four brothers, Where have you been? Do you know something big has happened to Human Race?”

Mu Sen said with a smile upon hearing Suiren’s words, “You mean that Yu’s son seized the position of the co-lord of the human race and established the Xia Dynasty. I know about this, but what’s so anxious about it? It’s normal. “The establishment of a country is inevitable, how can it be blocked by manpower.”

The Suiren family saw that Mu Sen didn’t take this matter to heart~ said anxiously: “Fourth brother, do you understand the seriousness of the matter? The demise is the co-master of the human race chosen by my human race. Now that Qi established the Xia Dynasty, wouldn’t it be that the co-lord of this human race always belonged to the Qi family?” Speaking of this, Dayu, one of the five emperors, also showed embarrassment. Who made Qi his son? .

Speaking of this is not the end, the Suiren clan continued: “Not only that, now among the human race, with the support of Kai, it has already overshadowed other sage sects. For a long time, I am afraid that the human race will be the sect. Teaching is respected, and then the sages of the Shang Qing Dynasty can completely interfere with the affairs of my human race.”

After Mu Sen listened, his smile on his face remained unchanged, and he reached out and patted Suiren’s shoulder, and said softly, “Brother, don’t get excited. It has been more than 20,000 years since Human Race has developed. We watched him go from weak to strong. , But can we watch him forever? It’s time to let go.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, let go? They have thought about letting go and let the race develop on its own, but they didn’t expect that the word was actually spoken from Mu Sen’s mouth. The Suiren asked with some uncertainty: “Fourth brother, what did you say?”

Mu Sen smiled and said: “I said it’s time to let go. Human Race cannot always develop under our blessing and interference. Now that Human Race has opened a new era, then we should also learn to let go. Eagles always have to learn to fly by themselves.”

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