The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe Chapter 19: Jun Tian’s Worry

“Uh…” Daoist Juntian snorted, and a blood stain came out from the corner of his mouth. He stretched out his hand and wiped it. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, he once again met the chaotic beast that had killed him, but in the middle of the fight However, Daoist Juntian fell into trouble everywhere, not because of his injuries, but because Daoist Juntian adopted a defensive defense.

However, this scene fell in the eyes of other people, but it was also very anxious. Taoist Yanxuan saw that Taoist Juntian had been in a defensive state, and he was also quite worried. Taoist Juntian had been injured, but he was just as fierce as Chaos. The beast hurts, it can be said that the injury is added to the injury. If it continues, if the Taoist Juntian loses, then it is likely to lead to a complete defeat of their side. Thinking of this, Taoist Xunyuan said anxiously: “Friend Juntian, your injury Doesn’t it matter?”

When Daoist Juntian heard this, he said: “It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about me, this beast can’t help me.” Hearing Daoist Juntian’s answer, the other talents were a little relieved, but they were also worried. Dao Jun Tian could not last long, after all, the injured Dao Jun Tian faced a chaotic beast of the late Hunyuan period. Although he had already suppressed part of his strength by the heavens, he should not be underestimated.

In a hurry, other people can only actively take the offensive and try to find a breakthrough. This is naturally seen by the Taoist Juntian. In fact, he is not suppressed by the chaotic beast, but he actively chose to defend himself. , Just because of distraction, the Chaos Ferocious Beast seized the opportunity, now Juntian Daoist’s defense is temporarily flawless, for a while, the Chaos Ferocious Beast can’t help him.

Generally defending against the attack of Chaos Beasts, Taoist Juntian also began to think about countermeasures. If it is as he just guessed, then this Chaos Beast tide is not the most dangerous, even if they solve all the invasions. The chaos and fierce beasts were of no avail. The snipe and the clam competed, and the fisherman benefited. He still understood the truth.

It’s just that Daoist Juntian doesn’t understand. If Styx is really pushing all this behind the scenes, then what is his purpose, to kill him, Taoist Tonghua, and Taoist Yanxuan? It shouldn’t be. Even though they moved their hands in the land of law chaos and Styx, Styx did not suffer at all. Is it necessary to spend so much time on this matter?

If the target is not the three of them, then what will Styx’s target be? Dao Juntian thought hard, but he was puzzled. Could it be that there is something in the world of five elements that Styx needs, but he can’t come and seize it alone. That’s why he came out like this, distracting part of the power of the heavens? I have to say that Daoist Juntian did get it right, but unfortunately, what he didn’t know was that what Styx wanted was these five worlds.

Since this is the case, it can’t be dragged on like this. Although I don’t know what Styx wants to capture, the anxiety in Juntian Taoist’s heart is real. No matter what, we can never let Styx succeed. , But now, they are all dragged here by these chaotic beasts, unable to get out, maybe at this time, Styx has already sneaked into the world of the five elements.

Quick battle and quick decision, this is the only way Juntian Taoist can think of, but with their current strength, they can’t quickly solve these chaotic beasts. The only thing they can rely on is the five worlds of heaven. If you suppress The Chaos Fierce Beast’s power of heaven is stronger, then they can quickly solve these Chaos Fierce Beasts.

We can only rely on the Dao of Heaven. Thinking of this, the Taoist Juntian immediately let go of his spiritual thoughts to contact the Dao of the Wufang World, and want to seek their help, but no matter how he contacts, the Dao of the Wufang World is always There was no response. To be precise, Juntian Taoist’s spiritual thoughts were not connected with the five worlds of the heavens at all. Has the heavens disappeared?

The complexion of the Taoist Juntian suddenly became extremely bad. Between the world of the five worlds, the power of the Taoist Juntian sensed was very small, except that the chaos they are fighting now has a powerful power of the sky, the rest There is not much power of the Heavenly Dao in the five-party world at all, and the Dao Juntian naturally feels a little frightened in such a weird situation.

And when his mind swept to a place, Daoist Juntian’s face suddenly became extremely ugly, and his eyes became a little dull. With this change, even his defense was almost broken by the chaotic beast. Fortunately, the Taoist Juntian is in the realm of Hunyuan after all, and his mind is strong, but he recovered in an instant, but his complexion did not improve at all.

The Five Elements World has disappeared, how is this possible? Daoist Juntian had a look of disbelief in his eyes, but the facts were true, and he couldn’t doubt it at all. Not only was the Five Elements World disappeared, but even the Heavenly Dao disappeared inexplicably. What happened? Questions arose in Juntian Taoist’s mind one by one, but they had no clue.

Suddenly, Daoist Juntian’s eyes lit up, as if he had guessed the key point. Is it him? He is here, and it must be the person they met in the land of the law chaos. Although he does not know his surname and first name, the strength of that person is indeed terribly strong. It is just that the Taoist Juntian is puzzled by what is that person. What methods were used to make the Five Elements World and the Five Ways of Heaven disappear?

Under suspicion, Daoist Juntian could only carefully search every corner of the Five Elements World with his spiritual thoughts, and finally found a little clue in the original place of the Five Elements World, although the Five Elements World seemed to have disappeared. But for some reason, there are wisps of power of the five elements floating in the chaos, as if it had leaked from somewhere.

The Five Elements Realm has not disappeared. The Taoist Juntian immediately guessed the key point. It was not that the Five Elements Realm disappeared, but the Five Elements Realm was banned with supreme mana, and the Five Elements World was also banned together. The way of heaven, I am afraid that the way of heaven discovered the invaders before coming to the Five Elements Realm. As a result, what means was used to completely block the connection between the Five Elements Realm and the Five Elements World.

In just a few breaths, the Taoist Juntian basically guessed it, the Hunyuan is immeasurable. At this level, as long as you have a little clue, you can basically follow the vine and guess the generality, but even if you guess, it is useless. If they can’t solve the Chaos Fierce Beast as soon as possible, then there is no way to break the game. Although I don’t know what is happening in the Five Elements Realm at this moment, it is definitely not a good thing.

Being able to sneak into the Five Elements Realm in a strong and silent manner, and trap the heavens in the Five Elements World in the Five Elements Realm. Styx’s strength is even more terrifying than Juntian Daoist thought, so it seems that Styx induces Chaos Beasts Attacking the Five Elements World, forcing the Wufang Tiandao to disperse part of the power of the Tiandao, after the disaster, he sneaked into the Five Elements World, is there something in the Five Elements World that Styx needs?

The Five Elements Realm is nothing, it is just a product created by the formation of the Five Elements World in the Innate Five Elements Great Array. After their unbroken elements, there is the Five Elements Realm that is full of power of the Five Elements today, even if the Five Elements Realm is destroyed. Now, it’s a big deal to open up another one. As long as the five-party world is not destroyed, the power of the five elements gathered in it will be continuously replenished.

The destruction of the Five Elements Realm can only be regarded as a big loss, and they can still accept it, but the Taoist Jun Tian is worried that if something goes wrong with the Tao of the Five Elements world trapped in the Five Elements Realm, it is There is a big problem, the way of heaven is damaged, and it will naturally have an impact on the five-party world, and no one can predict what adverse consequences will be caused in the end.

There must be no problem with the way of heaven. This is the only idea of ​​the Taoist Juntian now. It is because the heavenly way of the world of five elements is strong enough, and Styx does not dare to rush into it, and then there will be the present scene. Once the way of heaven is not sufficiently deterrent With the power of Styx, Styx will be able to break into the Five Elements world unscrupulously. At that time, even if they have eight Hun Yuan, the Taoist Juntian has no confidence in being able to resist Styx. At that time, what will happen to the Five Elements World, I’m afraid it’s only Between Styx’s thoughts.

Thinking of this, Daoist Juntian was also anxious. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, he immediately turned back and attacked, and attacked the chaotic beast with the most violent attack. This scene also surprised the others slightly. Daoist Juntian suddenly became powerful, and suddenly he suppressed that chaotic beast. What is it that made Daoist Juntian suddenly change.

The Taoist Juntian naturally felt the doubts of everyone, but now there is no time to explain anything, so he can only say anxiously: “Everyone, a quick fight, this time the Chaos Beast Tide was deliberately done, I’m afraid It was the person we met in the Chaos Beast Lair, but now, that person has successfully sneaked into the Five Elements Realm, it must be why.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard However, Taoist Juntian ignored the shock of everyone, and continued to speak: “I just checked, the Five Elements Realm has been banned with great magical powers, and even the Five Elements World Heaven’s Dao has also been banned. I’m afraid that person might have some earth-shattering conspiracy, so don’t keep your hands anymore, quickly solve the chaotic beast, and then follow me to the Five Elements Realm to find out.”

Just as soon as the Taoist Juntian finished speaking, he shot directly, and saw a wave of his big sleeve, and a golden light shot out from his sleeve. Only in an instant, he shot the chaotic beast directly. It turned out to be a handle. The golden flying knife was a middle-grade innate spirit treasure, directly inserted on the head of the chaotic beast, and the chaotic beast roared with pain, and his eyes were even more fierce.

However, Daoist Juntian obviously couldn’t give the chaotic beast a chance, coldly spit out a word: “Boom!” Hearing the sound of “Boom”, the golden flying knife suddenly burst open. The head of the chaotic beast was blown away in an instant. Before the chaotic beast could slow down, a long sword pierced the remaining head of the chaotic beast.

When the chaotic beast of the late Hunyuan stage died, Taoist Juntian also breathed a sigh of relief, but there was some dismay in his eyes. After all, the flying knife was one of his few innate spiritual treasures, but Now, he couldn’t take care of it anymore. He put away the corpse of the Chaos Fierce Beast, and Taoist Jun Tian once again slew other Chaos Fierce Beasts at the Chaos Yuan level.

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