The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe Chapter 1: The Beginning of Conferred Gods

Haotian replaced the dragon robe he wore on weekdays and the Taoist robe taught in the Zixiao Palace. Except for the heaven, he passed through the nine heavens and went straight to the chaos. Now Hongjun Dao ancestor is in harmony with the heaven and the purple. Xiaogong has also followed the reclusive trail, even the saint, without the call of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, can not find the place of Zixiaogong.

But Haotian is different. Haotian has been with Hongjun since he was born, and Zixiao Palace is like his home. Although Zixiao Palace is now reclusive, Haotian can rely on special induction. , To find the place of Zixiao Palace, in the prehistoric times, apart from Hongjun Daozu, even the saints did not have a deep understanding of the Zixiao Palace.

Walking in the chaos for a long time, Haotian suddenly stopped, bowed and bowed to the chaotic void: “Disciple Haotian, if you have something to ask Dao Ancestor, please also ask Dao Ancestor to show up.” The chaotic void seems to be nothing. No, but Haotian knew that Zixiao Palace was in front of him, but now he disappeared.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the chaos, and Zou Ran appeared in a huge palace. It was the Zixiao Palace that was heard by three thousand people in the past. As soon as the Zixiao Palace appeared, Haotian’s face showed joy. , Entering the Zixiao Palace, I saw Hongjun Daozu sitting on a high platform, Haotian quickly knelt down and said: “Disciple Haotian, I have seen Daozu.”

Hongjun opened his eyes, looked at Haotian without sorrow or joy, and asked softly: “Haotian, before I canonized you as the lord of the heavenly court, and ordered you to manage the land, you will not stay in the heavenly court, suddenly come What is wrong with me?”

When Haotian heard this, he immediately complained: “The disciple was ordered by the Taoist ancestor to re-establish the heavenly court, but there are not many hands in the heavenly court, and the disciple is not deep in Taoism and shallow virtues. It is really difficult to shock the immortals, so , Making Heavenly Court unable to restrain the primordial monks so far, so the disciples are here to inform Dao Zu, hoping that Dao Zu can let the disciples of the Four Teachings of Man, Interpretation, Interception, and the West follow my orders, so as to suppress the majesty of the Heavenly Court.”

When Hongjun listened, he was silent for a while, and then he said: “I know about this, you go first, I will take care of it.” God listened and wanted to say something, but still held back , Bowed to Hongjun again, and then drove the cloud back to the heaven. Haotian knew that even if he said anything else, it would be useless. Presumably Hongjun had an idea in his heart, so he could only wait for the news.

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun sat quietly for a long time, watching Haotian return to the heavenly court, before he moved, pinched the symbolic seal in his hand, shot out, and went straight to the land, but to inform Ming He, Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nüwa, Houtu, Jiying, and Zhunti are eight people. Above the jade talisman, there is the position of the Zixiao Palace. With the jade talisman, they can find the trace of the Zixiao Palace.

In a short while, the seven saints of Styx and Honghuang all arrived in the Purple Cloud Palace, but Hou Tu did not come, only her evil corpse and the Taoist, after all eight were seated, all seven of them looked towards Dao Zu Hongjun, guessing why Dao Zu Hongjun called them this time, only Styx took it calmly, without him, just for the purpose of enshrining the gods.

Yang Chan went to save her mother. Of course, Styx knew that, and it was precisely because of this that Styx bestowed the Baolian Lantern on her for self-defense. She would definitely meet Yang Jian when she went, so Styx also counted this point, and Yang Jian split the mountain. Saving the mother was also the fuse of the Conferred God, which exploded Haotian’s dissatisfaction and anger towards the saint sect and his disciples in one fell swoop, and the Conferred God war would begin from this.

Lao Tzu saw Hongjun Daozu sitting where he hadn’t spoken for a long time, so he asked: “I wonder if the teacher is looking for me to wait, what’s the matter?” Lao Tzu’s question is exactly what all the saints want to ask. , Hongjun will recruit them all. The last time it was to establish the Three Emperors and Five Emperors for the Human Race, but this time he didn’t know what was going on, and he didn’t know whether it was a good or bad thing.

When I asked, Hongjun said: “This time I call you here for three things. First, Haotian just came to see me, saying that the heavenly court is short of manpower and it is difficult to manage the sentient beings of the three realms. I ordered the disciples of Ren, Chan, Interception, and Western Four Teachings to follow his orders.”

What Hongjun said, Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Western Second Sages couldn’t help frowning, and they hated Haotian. They didn’t expect Haotian to have such arrogant thoughts, but they did. Forgetting all the causes, Haotian might not have made such a move if it were not for their disciples to rely on the status of saint disciples and disrespect the heavenly court.

Although the five sages of Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Jiuying and Zhunti are angry, they are inconveniently in the Zixiao Palace at this time. Only the three of Styghe and Nuwa Hepingxin don’t have any In response, although Styx established a religion, and the entire Asura clan is considered to be a member of the Asura sect, the Asura clan basically will not leave the sea of ​​blood, and naturally cannot provoke the heavens.

And the two families of Lich represented by Nuwa’s peace of mind have now lived in seclusion, and the elites in the clan basically will not leave the place of seclusion. Now Haotian directly confronts the four religions, and they are also happy to take it easy. , You only need to watch from the sidelines, anyway, this matter does not involve them.

Hongjun can naturally see the mentality of the saints, so he said: “Secondly, when the human race established the three emperors and five emperors, the human, the interpretation, the interception, and the Western four religions assisted the human emperor when he committed murder and robbery. There is cause and effect in the red dust. Third, as today, the calamity of the earth is coming again. There is no one in the heavenly court, but it is necessary to establish a ranking of the gods for the driving of Haotian. The end of the gods and the calamity are measured.”

The amount of calamity, the saints were greatly surprised, how so fast, from the end of the last amount of calamity to the present, but in about 20,000 years, another amount of calamity has come, it is too fast, but it is also a bit strange. The amount of robbery this time came very calm, far less dangerous than the previous amount of robbery, but their disciples were all in the robbery, which made them a little bit distressed.

Looking at the distressed expressions of the saints of the Four Sects, Styx sneered in his heart. The current situation was as long as the division of the emperor’s teachers. He had expected that there will be today. At the beginning, all the saints really thought him. It was because of the pressure of all the saints that they gave up and gave up the six masters of the emperor. In fact, that was just the trick of the Styx generals and led them to the bait.

Among the three emperors and the five emperors, the emperor and the earth emperor are to solve some important problems for the development of the human race. After that, the human emperor needs to unify the human race, and naturally they must carry out a military revolution, and the five emperors in order to maintain the unification of the human race, this is a matter of war. Indispensable, so Styx only took the first two human emperor teachers, and the rest was given to the Four Sects.

Hongjun doesn’t care about the minds of the sacred minds, and then said: “There are catastrophes in all living beings in the world, just like the secular people, who cannot escape from the life and the dead, they will evolve from the cycle of reincarnation. People, when they reach the heavenly immortals, they are able to live and die without entering reincarnation. However, the cause and effect cannot be broken. The causation of all beings between heaven and earth must be completed, otherwise, they will accumulate and eventually form a calamity.

At the time of the secrets of heaven are chaotic, so the immortals need to fight for the vitality. This time the gods are divided into three levels. Those with deep roots will become their immortals; Shinto, with shallow roots and humanity, still following the reincarnation, after you waited for the brothers to discuss, fill in the disciple’s name on the list of gods, which is also a way out. “

When I heard this, I hurriedly asked: “Teacher, I don’t know how many people does this deity need to be on the list?”

This time is the most critical. This calamity arose because of the entrustment of the gods, and it will also end because of the entrustment of the gods. You only need to make up the number of people required for this list of gods. Maybe this calamity can be passed quickly. In the past, although it was a bit tricky, it was not indispensable.

Hongjun didn’t even look at Lao Tzu, and replied directly: “The deities are the eight righteous gods. They are in charge of the divisions, and the cloth is in charge of Zhou Tianxingdou. There are a total of three hundred and sixty-five, and there are eight more. There are two thousand gods and eighty-four thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to which the righteous **** belongs, a total of 86,356 people. This is one of the three books of heaven, earth and man. Just go above it.” I saw something in Hongjun’s hand, which was the book seal of the gods that day.

All the saints have a list of denominations, although their eyes are hot, but now they don’t have the thoughts. Not to mention the two thousand gods and 84,000 heavenly soldiers, even the three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods can’t get together. Wait, all the saints could not help but consciously or unconsciously glanced at the Master of Tongtian, who is known as the Kingdom of Ten Thousands of Immortals. Not to mention that there are three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods, even two thousand gods can gather together, as for the eighty-four. Thousands of soldiers and generals, when the time comes, just bring some people to make up the number.

When the Lord Tongtian heard Hongjun’s ninjutsu, his face suddenly became cold, and he noticed that all the saints looked at him intentionally or unintentionally, and his face suddenly became more gloomy. With the large number of conferred gods, I am afraid that among the four religions, only the teachers and teachers can make up. They don’t look at themselves, but who can look at. 8)

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