The Sovereign’s Ascension Chapter 2337: I have 1 sword, please enlighten me

Destroy Jianzong, kill Yaoguang!

Following Tianxuanzi’s order, the mighty crowd flew towards Jianzong like lightning.

The speed of the strong in the holy realm was extremely fast. By the time the sky was completely bright, the huge team had already arrived at a place thousands of miles away from the gate of Jianzong Mountain.

Tianxuanzi was sitting on the Purple Gold Dragon Throne, on the left and right were the Headmasters of the Three Sacred Lands and the Seven Sages of Montenegro in the first row.

Behind are the affiliated Great Saints, Saints, and a larger number of Saint Monarch monks.

After that, there are more semi-saints. It is difficult for semi-saints to participate in this level of fighting, so they can only build momentum behind them.

Before the feast of the green dragon, the strong in the holy realm seldom walk…

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“I’m a loser who pays little attention to whether the sun is shining or not because I don’t have time.

“My parents can’t provide me with support, I don’t have a high degree of education, and I am alone in the city looking for a future.

“I looked for a lot of jobs, but I couldn’t get hired. Maybe no one likes a person who is not good at talking, doesn’t like to communicate, and doesn’t show enough ability.

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“I only ate two pieces of bread for three whole days. I was so hungry that I couldn’t sleep at night. Fortunately, I paid a month’s rent in advance and could continue to live in that dark basement without going outside. Withstand the extremely cold wind in winter.

“Finally, I got a job doing night vigils in hospitals and morgues.

“The night in the hospital was colder than I imagined. The wall lamps in the corridor were not lit, and it was very dark everywhere. I could only rely on the little light seeping out of the room to help me see my feet.

“The smell there is terrible. From time to time, the dead are sent in body bags, and we cooperate to help him move into the morgue.

“It’s not a very good job, but at least it allows me to afford bread, and I can use my free time at night to study. After all, no one wants to come to the morgue unless there is a body to send or Of course, I don’t have enough money to buy books, and I don’t see any hope of saving money.

“I have to thank my former colleague, if it wasn’t for his sudden departure, I might not even get such a job.

“I dream of being able to rotate the day, now I always sleep when the sun comes out, and wake up at night, making my body a little weak, and my head throbs occasionally.

“One day, the movers brought in a new corpse.

“Listen to someone else, this is my former colleague who left suddenly.

“I was a little curious about him. After everyone left, I pulled out the cabinet and quietly opened the body bag.

“He was an old man with a blue and white face, wrinkled everywhere, and looked scary in the very dim light.

“His hair is not much, most of it is white, all his clothes have been taken off, not even a piece of fabric is left for him.

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“I saw a strange mark on his chest, blue and black, I can’t describe the specific appearance, the light at that time was too dim.

“I reached out and touched the mark, it’s nothing special.

“Looking at this former colleague, I was thinking, if I go on like this, will I be like him when I get old…

“I said to him, tomorrow I will accompany him to the crematorium, and personally take his ashes to the nearest free cemetery, lest those responsible for these things find it troublesome, just find a river and find a wasteland and throw it away .

“This will sacrifice my morning sleep, but fortunately, it will be Sunday soon, so I can make up for it.

“After saying that, I packed the body bag and stuffed it back into the cabinet.

“The lights in the room seem to be getting dimmer…

“After that day, every time I sleep, I always dream of a big fog.

“I have a premonition that something will happen in the near future. I have a premonition that sooner or later something that can be called a human will come to me, but no one wants to believe me. , the spirit has become abnormal, I need to see a doctor…”

A male customer sitting in front of the bar looked at the narrator who suddenly stopped:

“And then?”

The male guest was in his thirties, wearing a brown tweed jacket and light yellow trousers, with flat-pressed hair, and a simple dark bowler hat in his hand.

He looks ordinary, like most people in the tavern, with black hair, light blue eyes, not good-looking, not ugly, lacking obvious features.

The narrator in his eyes is a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, tall and straight, with slender limbs, short black hair, light blue eyes, but profound facial features, which can make people’s eyes shine.

The young man looked at the empty wine glass in front of him and sighed:


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“Then I’ll quit my job and go back to the countryside, and come here to brag with you.”

As he spoke, a smile appeared on his face, with a narrow smile.

The male guest was taken aback:

“Are you bragging about what you just said?”

“Haha.” There was a burst of laughter around the bar.

The laughter stopped for a while, and a thin middle-aged man looked at the slightly embarrassed guest and said:

“Outlander, you actually believe Lumian’s story, he tells a different story every day, yesterday he was an unlucky guy whose engagement was broken off by his fiancée because of poverty, today he has become a corpse keeper! “

“That’s right, what are you talking about for thirty years on the east side of the Serenzo River and thirty years on the right side of the Serenzo River, and you only know nonsense!” Another tavern regular followed up.

They are all farmers in the large village of Kordu, wearing black, gray or brown jackets.

The black-haired young man named Lumian supported the bar with his hands, stood up slowly, and said with a smile:

“As you know, this is not a story I made up, it’s all written by my sister. She likes to write stories the most, and she’s a columnist for a weekly newspaper.”

After finishing speaking, he turned his body sideways, spread his hands to the foreign guest, and said with a bright smile:

“It seems that she wrote really well. Xingwen app

“I’m sorry I misunderstood you.”

The ordinary-looking man in a brown tweed jacket was not angry, so he stood up and responded with a smile:

“Very interesting story.

“What’s your name?”

“Isn’t it common sense to introduce yourself before asking others?” Lumian laughed.

The guest from a foreign country nodded:

“My name is Ryan Coase.

“These two are my companions, Valentine and Leah.”

The latter sentence refers to a man and a woman sitting next to each other. Xingwen app

The man is twenty-seven or eight years old, with yellow hair covered in some powder, not-so-big eyes with a color darker than lake blue, wearing a white vest, blue tweed jacket and black trousers, going out It was obvious that she had been carefully groomed before.

He looked quite indifferent, and he didn’t pay much attention to the farmers and herdsmen around him.

The woman looked younger than the two men, her long light gray hair was tied into a complicated bun, and she wore a white veil as a hat.

Her eyes were the same color as her hair, and she looked at Lumian with an undisguised smile, as if she was only interested in what happened just now.

Under the light of the gas wall lamp in the tavern, this woman named Liya showed a pretty nose and beautifully curved lips. She is definitely a beauty in a country like Kordu Village.

She was wearing a white non-pleated cashmere tight skirt, an off-white small coat, and a pair of Marsil boots. There were two small silver bells tied on the veil and the boots respectively. Ding Dang Dang, very eye-catching, making many men look straight.

In their eyes, this must be a fashionable dress that can only be found in big cities such as the provincial capital Vigor and the capital Trier.

Lumian nodded to the three strangers:

“My name is Lumian Lee, you can call me Lumian directly.”

“Li?” Liya blurted out. Xingwen app

“What’s the matter, is there something wrong with my last name?” Lumian asked curiously.

Lian Cosbailia explained:

“Your surname is scary, I almost couldn’t control my voice just now.”

Seeing the puzzled faces of the surrounding farmers and herdsmen, he further explained:

“Anyone who has been in contact with sailors and sea merchants knows that there is a saying on the five seas:

“I would rather meet those pirate generals and even kings than meet a man named Frank Lee.

“That person’s surname is also Li.”

“Is he scary?” Lumian asked.

Lian shook his head:

“I don’t know, but since there are such legends, it must not be bad.”

He stopped the topic and said to Lumian:

“Thanks for the story, it’s worth a glass of wine, what would you like?”

“A glass of ‘Green Fairy’.” Lumian was not polite at all, and sat down again.

Lian Coase frowned slightly and said: Xingwen app

“‘Green Fairy’… absinthe?

“I think I need to remind you that absinthe is harmful to the human body. This kind of wine may cause insanity and make you hallucinate.”

“I didn’t expect Trier’s trend to spread here.” Liya next to him added with a smile.

Lumian said “Oh”:

“It turns out that Trier people also like to drink ‘Green Fairy’…

“For us, life is hard enough, there is no need to care about a little more damage, this wine can make our spirit more relaxed.”

“Okay.” Ryan sat back and looked at the bartender, “A cup of ‘Green Fairy’, and another cup of ‘Spicy Heart’ for me.”

“La Xinkou” is a famous fruit shochu.

“Why don’t you give me a cup of ‘Green Fairy’ too? I told you the truth just now, and I can tell you the exact situation of this kid!” The first person to expose Lumian’s storytelling every day The thin middle-aged man shouted dissatisfied, “Outsiders, I can see that you still have doubts about the truth of that story!”

“Pierre, you can do anything for a free glass of wine!” Lumian responded loudly.

Not waiting for Ryan to make a decision, Lumian added:

“Why can’t I say it myself, so I can have an extra glass of ‘Green Fairy’?”

“Because they don’t know whether they should believe what you said.” The middle-aged man named Pierre smiled proudly, “Your sister’s favorite story to tell children is ‘Wolf is Coming’, always Those who lie must lose their credibility.”

“Okay.” Lumian shrugged his shoulders, watching the bartender push a glass of light green wine in front of him.

Ryan looked at him and asked:

“Can you?”

“No problem, as long as your wallet is enough to pay for the wine.” Lumi Anhun didn’t care.

“Then have another cup of ‘Green Fairy’.” Ryan nodded.

Pierre suddenly smiled:

“Generous outsider, this kid is the most prankster in the village, you must stay away from Five years ago, he was brought back to the village by his sister Aurora, and he has never been seen again He left, you think, before that, he was only thirteen years old, how could he go to the hospital to be a mortician? Well, the nearest hospital to us is in Darliege at the foot of the mountain, and it takes a whole afternoon to walk.” 星文app

“Take it back to the village?” Liya asked keenly.

She turned her head slightly, making a tinkling sound.

Pierre nodded:

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“Then, he took the surname ‘Li’ from Aurora, and even the name ‘Lumian’ was also taken by Aurora.”

“I forgot what it was originally called.” Lumian said with a smile after taking a sip of absinthe.

It seems that he is not at all inferior or ashamed of his past being exposed like this.

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