The Sovereign’s Ascension Chapter 2103: Tianlun Tower!

How is this possible!

The many sage elders of the Bai family on the eaves of the main hall were all dumbfounded.

In the direction where they were looking, the Tianlun Tower, known as the third sacred peak of the Tiandao Sect, rose into the sky.

In an instant, time and space were in that area, and there was an unimaginable distortion.

Hundreds of miles around the ground, whether it was a mountain or an ancient temple, all collapsed in.

This kind of collapse is not a hole in the ground, but a collapse of the space where the ground is, swallowing the ground and all the buildings on the ground.

Then it was all broken up a little bit, and the ripples caused by time were even more terrible. Dozens of towering mountain peaks nearby were completely eroded by time.

When the strong wind blows, the sky is full of wind and sand.

What a terrible scene!

The thirty-sixth level of the sky in that area has long been pierced through, and the endless starlight tilts down like a waterfall.

The Tianlun Pagoda, which is several hundred meters high, rises slowly like a mountain, and as it rises, terrifying energy fluctuations continue to be transmitted.

Even where the Orchid Courtyard is located, there are many cracks in the ground.


In the Orchid Courtyard, many of the semi-sages who presided over the formation have not yet reacted, and they have suffered severe injuries one after another.

“How did Tianlun Tower move?”

“Tian Lun Pagoda is the treasure of time and space, not to mention the strict guards, even if there is no guard, the emperor realm strong can not easily conquer it.”

“This is weird.”

“Ancestor, what do you do now?”

Many sage elders of the Bai family were unable to understand the scene before them, and looked at the ancestor of the Bai family, the sage of Tianhua.

The Venerable Tianhua was also extremely surprised. This scene was too horrible, and he himself was greatly impacted.

In his inherent impression, Tianlun Tower is like the two divine peaks of Tiandaozong, and no one can shake it.

“Look… it’s the girl from the Wang family.”

At this moment, Qiyu Shengjun exclaimed.

I saw a figure standing in the void above the Tianlun Tower, which was hundreds of meters long, and the countless lightning above her head tore through the void.

There is also the starlight like a waterfall, impacting back and forth, making the space she is in a splendid splendor.

She stood in the air with a solemn expression, as majestic and terrifying as a god.

“What is this girl doing?”

The Heavenly Lord frowned slightly. Up to now, he has not linked Tianlun Tower with Wang Muyan.

I didn’t expect that Tianlun Tower was manipulated by Wang Muyan.

You Orchid Courtyard, Sovereign Gangfeng, Sovereign Absolute Might, and Sovereign Junyang who were injured stand together, their expressions are quite depressed.

Just now, they all used their methods, but they still couldn’t break the Orchid Sword Star Array, and their morale was frustrated extremely seriously.

Suddenly seeing this scene, the Lord Gangfeng was stunned on the spot, and then he was overjoyed.

“Hahaha, Yufeng old ghost didn’t lie to me!”

Holy Lord Gangfeng smiled and said: “Take back all the elders of the Yejia Sage and the Half Sage, and Mr. Ghost will also explain together, ready to rush in at any time.”

The Lord of Junyang didn’t know what to do, but he still did what he said.

Holy Venerable Gangfeng touched his beard and looked at Tianlun Tower, his wrinkled face was full of smiles.

In the Youlan Courtyard, all the elders of the Bai family and the ancestors of the Bai family were all in shock, and they didn’t know what the floating sky of Tianlun Tower meant.

“Ancestor, I have to let someone stop that girl, this Tianlun Tower seems to be for the Youlan Courtyard.” Qi Yu Shengjun said worriedly.

He felt that the eyes of Wang’s girl were very wrong, and he kept staring at Youlan Courtyard, which made his hair creepy.

“You mean, this Tianlun Tower is manipulated by the girl of the Wang Family? This is impossible…” The Heavenly Venerable was somewhat unable to accept it.

Because of his strength, wanting to control Tianlun Tower is a foolish dream, how can a little girl do it.


But the facts did not allow him to think too much, and he saw Wang Muyan’s hands facing the sky, and countless lightning bolts fell from the sky.

Under her control, the Tianlun Tower continued to rise into the air, banging banging, and soon the Tianlun Tower broke through the layers of the sky and came to thirty-six days away.


Thirty-six days away, countless space-time particles visible to the naked eye turned into colorful light beams and gathered towards the Tianlun Tower.


Soon, I heard Wang Muyan shout, and the Tianlun Tower 36 days away fell like an arrow.

The speed at which it rises into the sky is so slow that it can be seen with the naked eye, but the speed at which it falls is so fast that even the holy realm can’t be seen clearly.

“Not good!”

The face of the Heavenly Venerable Master changed drastically, and he rose into the air, wanting to personally host the Orchid Sword Star Array to block the Tianlun Tower.


It was too late. In a flash, the Tianlun Tower, which fell like lightning, smashed the stamens of the Orchid Sword Star Array.


The sky is full of flowers and the stars are shattered.

The energy shroud that hung over the Orchid Garden collapsed at the touch of a touch, and the stamens were completely wiped out, and many semi-sages who presided over the formation were severely injured on the spot.

It’s not over yet!

Destroyed the Tianlun Tower of the Orchid Sword Star Array, like a giant|something smashed into the main hall.

The sages of the Bai family were all frightened, and they had no time to think about it, each of them released their dazzling sacred brilliance and used their physical skills to avoid them.

For a moment when the Orchid Sword Star Array blocked them, they managed to escape, but the main hall was unavoidable.


The Tianlun Tower shattered the majestic main hall on the spot, everything, whether it was the formation attached to it, the various ancient trees that grew, or some captive spirit beasts.

All the ash was annihilated, and it was swept away in an instant.


The entire Orchid Courtyard was shaking violently, as if the heavens and the earth were turned upside down. Amidst the dust, there was a circle of visible energy ripples spreading out in all directions of Tianlun Tower.

“Stop it!”

The Holy Venerable Tianhua finally reacted. If all the aftermath is swept away, I really don’t know how many people will die.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, more than a dozen holy realm powerhouses each defeated the aftermath that hit them, and their faces looked extremely pale.

The aftermath of time and space barely blocked most of it, but the remaining small part still showed strong power.

The main hall of Youlan was tens of miles around, and all of them were razed to the ground at this instant.

In the billowing dust, all the familiar buildings, the palaces floating in the air, and the upside-down mountain peaks are all annihilated.

In the endless smoke and dust, only a few hundred feet of Tianlun Tower stood proudly, overlooking all directions, releasing an invincible edge.


The Orchid Courtyard is not a courtyard. If the Orchid Courtyard is placed outside, it will occupy a larger area than the average super sect.

At this moment, it was chaos, with collapsed buildings everywhere, scattered stars, and burning flames.

Under the night, the Orchid Courtyard is like a fairyland on weekdays, and the scene at this moment is like the end of the day.

“This… how is this possible?”

The faces of the sages of the Bai family are pale as paper, and the legs and feet of the sages of Tianhua are trembling, and there is no trace of blood on their faces.

No more!

It’s all gone!

The main hall of the Orchid is their last retreat. There is an ancient teleportation array inside, which can send them all away at a critical moment.

I can’t retreat now, everything is over.


Without giving them much time for consternation, the four great saints of the Ye Family led a large number of holy realm powerhouses, as well as a larger number of semi-holy elites, and launched a general attack towards the dilapidated Orchid Courtyard.

In front of them, there are three bronze corpses that are as high as one hundred feet, and every step they take is like a mountain shaking.

The three bronze corpses all have the aura of the peak of the holy realm, which is controlled by Mr. Yejia Keqinggui.

This Mr. Ghost is a corpse repairer, a remnant of the corpse-refining door that has been wiped out a long time ago.

For a time, Youlan Courtyard was completely in chaos, and blood and fire were everywhere.

Just now, there is still a good situation, nothing exists, all disappeared.

On a mountain peak.

Blood Rain God Son Zhao Tianyu and Gu Yuxin stood side by side, they looked at the Youlan Courtyard in the flames from a distance.

Gu Yuxin looked excited, and his eyes were extremely excited.

“The leader has come?” Zhao Tianyu asked. ,

Gu Yuxin nodded solemnly: “However, the avatar of the leader needs to be condensed before it can truly regain its strength. The **** son can rest assured that I have prepared enough blood and everything is in the plan.”

Zhao Tianyu’s elegant and handsome face did not fluctuate much. He looked at the flames of the Youlan Courtyard with a very emotional expression.

He whispered: “The third courtyard of the Heavenly Dao Sect is said to be built by gods in the Middle Ages. The Orchid Sword and Star Array can even slay the emperor realm powerhouse, but it is still broken.”

Gu Yuxin is also quite emotional: “Fortunately, the goddess has taken action, otherwise Yejia will not break it at all.”

Zhao Tianyu whispered: “So the formation is unreliable, it’s really reliable, only people.”

To sit back and relax with a set of formations is always the most stupid idea.


A figure fell in front of them, it was Wang Muyan who had just finished manipulating the Tianlun Tower.

Wang Muyan has a cold face and a noble and glamorous temperament. You can see a faint divinity lingering between her brows.

It’s completely different from the coquettish and feminine temperament of the past.

Whether it was Zhao Tianyu or Gu Yuxin, Wang Muyan felt a pressure on Wang Muyan.

“Where are you ready?” Wang Muyan said.

“No hurry.”

Zhao Tianyu was very calm, and said in deep thought: “After you are sure you want to use it, let him know to come over.”

“Their people?” Wang Muyan quickly understood.

Zhao Tianyu nodded.

Their people are the demons.

If possible, both Zhao Tianyu and Wang Muyan hope to participate as little as possible in this matter.

“Now the Orchid Courtyard is in chaos, there should be no one paying attention to Shengxianchi. Let’s keep a low profile, and don’t be too eye-catching, lest Ye family knows it too.”

Zhao Tianyu continued.

The three of them didn’t speak, they approached the You Orchid Courtyard, and in a short while they entered the You Orchid Courtyard.

The Youlan Courtyard is indeed in chaos right now, everyone in the Ye Family is very powerful, and they keep pushing the Bai Family back.

The ancestors of the Bai family and others blocked the front, trying to cover the disciples and saints of the Youlan Courtyard to retreat behind them.

In this level of fighting, in addition to the semi-sage, there are some self-protection the semi-sage is slightly affected, it will die.

In half a time, the Orchid Courtyard suffered heavy casualties.

Just the three hundred-zhang bronze corpses at the top, three holy kings and strong men have to reluctantly contend.

The father and son Gangfeng and Junyang have not taken any action yet, so they only let the remaining two sages take action, forcing the Bai family to retreat continuously.

In this chaotic situation, Zhao Tianyu and the three people came to the foot of the mountain where the Saint Xianchi was located as if they were in an uninhabited state.

“It looks like everyone is gone.”

Gu Yuxin looked at the quiet mountain with a smile on his face and a relaxed expression.

“Go up.”

Zhao Tianyu walked forward first, he was very cautious, and the speed was not very fast.

At the same time, Ye Guhan and others at Xuan Nuyuan were also completely shocked by the movement.

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