The Sovereign’s Ascension Chapter 2015: It’s a big game

The latest website: The morning sun breaks and the mountain breeze is cold.

Lin Yun glanced at the Phoenix Blood Sword Soul left by the Heavenly Sovereign. This is a good thing and must be obtained.

“Ye Qingtian, today must be divided!”

Wang Muyan stared at Lin Yun with beautiful eyes, gritted his teeth.

Lin Yun smiled and said: “It seems that my sister is really just a sweet mouth, without me in my heart.”

“My sister is very angry now!”

Wang Muyan stared her eyes.

“How do you want to compare?” Lin Yun said.

Wang Muyan said: “It’s easy, let’s try it out and see who has the stronger sun, moon and dragon seal.”

Lin Yun pondered: “Okay, I actually have this intention.”

In the early morning, the sun was shining, and the two stood facing each other ten meters apart, staring at each other looking for flaws.

Wang Muyan only has the cultivation base of Nine Yuan Nirvana, but a mysterious power is still sealed in the opponent’s body, and Lin Yun dare not look down on him too much.

“Buying the playboy, please be merciful, my sister has always loved you.”

Wang Muyan smiled, and then took a step out.


Almost at the same time, Lin Yun also stepped out, and the two of them changed their ten fingers and condensed the seals of the Shenlong Sun and Moon.

Their handprints are almost exactly the same, but the artistic conceptions are quite different. Lin Yun has the background of the Ssangyong Eucharist, and the power of the Shenlong erupts almost instantaneously.

Two sword stars each deduced the sun and the moon. He first had the dragon and then the sun and the moon, and then he exploded his great galaxy sword intent.


The two sword stars of the lunar sun, under the control of the Shenlong Sun and Moon seals, kept turning, 36 galaxies agitated in the sky, hundreds of miles of clouds were disturbed and riddled with holes.

As soon as this print was printed, the weather changed!

Wang Muyan was not the case. She had the sun and the moon first, and the blood moon bloomed in her eyes, and her beating heart was restless in her body like a big sun.

Her hands are surrounded by dragon shadows, rushing in circles toward the crossed hands, and the twin dragons are merging.

The heart is the sun, the eyes are the moon, she turns the dragon with her bare hands, she is inviolable like a **** in the bloom of light.

“This demon girl, it’s really not easy, she must have practiced the Sun Moon God Technique before.”

Lin Yun took a look and knew that Wang Muyan had been prepared long ago. If he hadn’t been able to rely on it, it would have been calculated today.

“Shenlong Sun and Moon Seal!”

“Shenlong Sun and Moon Seal!”

The two successfully condensed at the same time, and then each pushed forward. The two great seals collided in the air, and a loud noise erupted.

A terrible wave of energy swept towards the four directions, and bang, the mountain within a hundred miles was directly flattened.


The light was exhausted, blood spilled from the corner of Wang Muyan’s mouth, and she stepped back a hundred meters, with an incredible look in her eyes.

“How is it possible!”

Wang Muyan was shocked. She looked up and saw Lin Yun hung in the air, with a radiant light and majestic elegance.

He is a dragon, a sun and a moon, and a peerless sword that pierces the sky.

I have not seen him seriously practice, but this Shenlong Sun Moon Seal has been perfectly integrated into his own kendo and Ssangyong Eucharist by him, which is incredible.

Is this a genius?

Wang Muyan was not convinced, she moved her fingers again, and the first change of Shenlong Sun Moon Seal broke out.

“The sun and the moon alternate!”

The mood of the sun and the moon that she mastered constantly alternated. For a while, the weather changed and the sky was bright and dark.

“Blood reflected in the sky!”

Lin Yun’s long hair fluttered in the wind, his expression calm and unhurried, the endless night suddenly fell, and Wang Muyan’s vision was instantly obliterated.

It’s getting big after a while

Dark, pitch black, like eternal night.

What’s the matter?

Wang Muyan was shocked. She didn’t remember that there was such a mood among the nine changes, so she was stunned on the spot.


At this moment, a bit of blood burst into the night. It was such a splendid blood, and the night sky couldn’t hide it.

That is the last pride of Huanghuang Sun, it is roaring, it is howling, it can’t cover me this day!


Wang Muyan vomited blood again, and Lin Yun’s vision crushed over, shattering her dragon sun and moon seals.

“The sun and the moon are the same day!”

Wang Muyan was not reconciled. She gritted her teeth and displayed the second change. The light of the sun and the moon bloomed at the same time, and the blood moon and the big sun flew out of her body.

They blended in the void, deriving a terrifying heavenly power, and she was half like a god, reaching out to the void above her head.

Void is invisible, but her hands are as white as jade, but it seems to be directly pulling the sky up.


Then violently stretched out his hand and smashed it, Tianwei rolled, like a mountain being thrown by Wang Muyan.

Lin Yun didn’t rush, and the sun sword star turned into a golden sky.

The sky curtain is like a lake made up of gold lacquer. The lake surface is as smooth as a mirror hanging upside down from the sky. It is a deep gold, without radiant light, only endless tranquility.

With one finger, the Taiyin Sword Star turned into a silver lake, cold like snow, cold and lonely, and at first glance it seemed that the whole world was quiet.

“Pretend to be a god!”

Wang Muyan’s eyes are cold, she doesn’t believe it, this time Lin Yun can successfully resolve it.


But the next moment, Wang Muyan was stunned, her stunning face was full of shock.

How is this possible!

This is simply unimaginable. This scene completely surpassed her expectations. The scalp she saw was numb, and she was almost stupid.

I saw Lin Yun turning his hands and screaming softly: “Invert Yin and Yang.”

The next moment, the golden sky and the silver lake turned directly upside down.


At this moment, the world seemed to be turned upside down, and the whole world in Wang Muyan’s eyes turned upside down.

The yin and yang are reversed and the world is in disorder.

Tianwei, who was smashed by Wang Muyan, immediately disappeared invisible in this distorted space.

On the contrary, it was Lin Yun, who struck with a palm in the air, the sky and the earth turned again, and a giant palm mingled with the sword intent of yin and yang arrived.


Wang Muyan’s internal organs were torn apart by the shock, and her cyan robes were torn, exposing large areas of snow-white skin. The devil’s figure is undoubtedly obvious.

She was pale and terribly pale, without any blood, and looked extremely weak.

“Let’s stop here, Your Royal Highness.” Lin Yun whispered.

The two changes are over, and the winners and losers have been separated.

“It’s not over yet!”

Wang Muyan refused to admit defeat, she sacrificed the third change of Shenlong Sun and Moon Seal, and shouted coldly: “Sun and Moon Reincarnation!”

This is an extremely mysterious change. The sun and the moon are not simple alternations. Between reincarnations, it seems to evolve into a real world.

The foundation of this world is Wang Muyan herself. As the sun and the moon turn, the years seem to grow endlessly.

Some years have fallen on Wang Muyan, and it seems that ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Ten years of coercion overlapped, Wang Muyan broke out with an aura comparable to a semi-sage, heaven and earth must surrender.

Good guy, what a genius.

Lin Yun’s eyes lit up. This is not a real time change, it is just a simulation, but even so, it makes people watch

‘s breathtaking.

Under the reincarnation of the sun and the moon, the years seem to really stack together.

Lin Yun, who didn’t plan to do it, saw Lie Xinxi, his fingers changed, and his third divine dragon sun and moon seals bloomed with it.

“The sun and the moon are concentric!”

Lin Yun gave a soft drink, and the two sword stars of the lunar sun were branded on him at the same time.


The golden and silver rays of light shone, and the double sword stars, under the blessing of the handprints, turned into a sun and moon god’s clothing and appeared on Lin Yun’s body.

It was a fairy-like armor, the golden and silver patterns were extremely gorgeous, the sun and the moon were imprinted in it, and the dragons bloomed behind them.

Thirty-six galaxies, turned into Baizhangxian Ling, wrapped around the arm, the ling cloth floated up and down, soaring up and down around Lin Yun.

At this moment, he is even more elegant than the legendary sword fairy, not eating the fireworks in the world, peerlessly out of dust.

The sun and moon god’s clothes were added to his body, and Lin Yun’s ten-yuan Nirvana’s cultivation base instantly skyrocketed, and his body was filled with unimaginable majestic power.

The power seeped out, causing the floating thirty-six immortals to shine and dance.

“Good job!”

Lin Yun smiled, looking at Wang Muyan who struck, and flicked her finger.

Thirty-six Baizhang fairy silks flew out, spreading like a fairy, bursting like a ray of light, piercing the sky.


The Shenlong Sun and Moon seal on Wang Muyan’s body instantly exploded and collapsed when she touched it. Before Lin Yun could see it clearly, the other party flew out like a meteor.


Looking up again, Wang Muyan was already hundreds of miles away. A mountain peak was directly smashed. For a moment, Wang Muyan, who smashed the mountain, went away and flew hundreds of miles to break three peaks one after another.

Then he fell heavily on the ground, smashing a huge pit, and before he could hum, he bounced out and landed in a mountain forest.

Lin Yun couldn’t see clearly, he could only see from a distance, the ancient trees in the mountain fell one after another, and thick smoke kept rising.

This is too exaggerated, the ground is still shaking, I don’t know what happened to Wang Muyan.

“It’s a big game.”

Lin Yun opened his mouth slightly, and was stunned.

I just saw Lie Xinxi. He didn’t stop his hand for a while, but he didn’t expect this move to be so powerful.

Wang Muyan is already hurt. The third change seems to be strong, but in fact it is just illusory.

“Hehe, other people are just arguing, you are determined to live and die. My sister is full of you in my heart, my sister is full of love, my sister has a sweet mouth, you are good, a scumbag, right? “

Little ice phoenix was in the Secret Realm of Purple Kite, laughed, and jumped up directly, saying that he was distressed, and his face was full of schadenfreude.

Lin Yun was too lazy to care about her, and chased her out directly into a light.


But soon, he turned back and put away the box containing the Phoenix Blood Sword Soul.

“I almost forgot Phoenix Blood Sword Soul is the most precious treasure, more rare than the Sacred Pill of the Lunar Sun. It is important to save Wang Muyan, but the baby must not be forgotten.

Lin Yun packed the box and chased it again.

If this really killed Wang Muyan, Heavenly Dao Sect would not have a place for him.

First blasphemy|the saint, and then beat the saint to death, he may never be able to tell.

“There is something, Lin Yun, your sister is about to be killed by you, and you are still thinking about the Phoenix Blood Sword Spirit, you are a real scumbag.” Xiao Bingfeng said with a smile.

Under the Tianlun Tower in the distance, Tianyi Shengjun looked at this scene, staring dumbfounded.

He originally wanted to chase after him, but after seeing Lin Yun chasing him, he hesitated for a while and finally didn’t move.

After a long time, he was startled and said: “Are the young people’s movements so big now?”

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