The Sovereign’s Ascension Chapter 1447: Holy Mountain Cultivation

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Chapter 1447

Sacred Mountain of Jianzong.

It is a sacred mountain filled with sword intent. From a distance, the sacred mountain is like a sacred dragon entrenched on the ground.

The straight mountain is tens of thousands of kilometers high, straight into the sky, like a holy sword that can split the chaos of the sun and the moon standing between the sky and the earth.

It’s vast and magnificent.

Lin Yun stayed at the foot of the holy mountain for a while, looking at the mountain, still shocked.

Calculating the time, Ye Ziling and the others have been cultivating in the sacred mountain for about half a year. They have been cultivating for half a year in such a treasured ground, and they dare not imagine how diligently these people have cultivated.

The most important thing is that there is guidance from the saint every day, which is really enviable.

After checking the identity, the guards let it go.

Lin Yun entered the sacred mountain of Jianzong, and came to a cave mansion with a light car.

It was a valley with a deep environment. The valley was full of peach blossoms, and the petals were holy and immaculate, with a charming fragrance and lingering light.

The ground is covered with petals, layer after layer, and it makes a rustling sound when stepping on it.

Not seen for half a year, those sacred peach trees are still beautiful.

In the depths of Taolin, Lin Yun saw Yao Guangjian Sage, bowing his hands: “Disciple, I have seen Master!”

In Shitaizhong, the sword sage Yaoguang is still writing and painting, with a leisurely look, without the anxiety and tension that is about to come.

“Tell me, how did you spend the past six months.” Yaoguang put down his pen, looked at Lin Yun and laughed softly, with a kind look in his eyes.

It’s not like a disciple meets a teacher, it’s more like a family gathering.

The Sword Sage Yaoguang has lived for a long time, and now that the deadline is approaching, he has already seen many things indifferently.

If it weren’t for the pressure of Jianzong’s rise, he was actually not that persistent about life and death.

The swordsman does not believe in fate and fears the sky, so naturally he will not be afraid of death.

He has a very special feeling for Lin Yun. The other party not only came out of Xuanhuang with him, but also came out of the High Heaven sword pavilion, and he might be his last disciple.

Lin Yun was very nervous. After calming down for a while, he briefly explained the experience of the six months.

Yao Guang was listening, and couldn’t help laughing several times. When he heard about the Five Peaks Grand Ratio, his expression on Lin Yun had other meanings.

He whispered, “Seven Peaks of Jianzong are in the same line. Everyone is a disciple of the same discipline. They can compete for high and low, but they can’t be enemies.”

“The disciples must remember Master’s teachings.”

Lin Yun nodded, he felt similarly about this.

Whether it is the head teacher or the others in Jianzong, Lin Yun feels from his heart that Jianzong is different from other sects.

His human touch is much more important. Maybe because of the swordsman, everyone is going straight to each other.

There are not so many conspiracies and tricks, and there are arrogant people in their hearts, but they can also accept a gambling, and if they lose, they lose.

“You can use the Tianshui sword technique again.” Yaoguang looked at Lin Yun and said: “Master will help you to see.”

Lin Yun was delighted, he just meant it.

I immediately drew my sword out of the sheath, and displayed the profound meaning of Tianshui one by one in this peach forest.

There is water in the cloud, the moon in the water, the moon in the sky, and the fairy in the sky!

Cloud, water, moon, and sky, four different artistic conceptions overlapped and intertwined under his sword, evolving into each other, and more than 100 kinds of visions appeared in the blink of an eye.

When the sword reaches the end, the vision is as beautiful as a fairyland, which makes people intoxicated.

Yun Poyue comes to flowers and shadows, there is also you in the world if there is a month.

I see the world from the sky, you and Mingyue are stunning!

When the last two swords were cast, Yaoguang’s eyes were surprised, and he lost his voice: “This is no longer the Tianshui sword technique.”

Lin Yun returned the sword to its sheath, and said, “Master, please indicate it.”

“Master said to you at the beginning that above the realm of transformation, there is also the subtle, and above the subtle, there is deification. You don’t have to doubt that you have cultivated this sword technique to the realm of deification. This makes Master very strange. , With your kendo attainments, it is impossible to practice swordsmanship to this level.” Yao Guang said in a deep voice.

“What kind of kendo attainments do you need?” Lin Yun said.

“Five-Rank Sword Intent, which is the sky!”

Yaoguang glanced at Lin Yun. Of course he could see that Lin Yun’s sword intent had reached the level of half-step fifth rank.

The meaning of the fifth grade sword is the sky?

Lin Yun muttered to himself, but he didn’t understand it.

Knowing the name is very important, but how to interpret these two words is the real key.

It’s like the key to the sword intent of the gods. I’m in the sky with the gods. Heavenly Sword Intent, there must be his profound meaning, to be the key to the swordsman to open this door.

“Let’s not talk about the fifth-rank sword intent, I have seen longing in your swordsmanship.” Yaoguang looked at Lin Yun with a serious expression.


Lin Yun is a bit at a loss.

“This is an unconscious behavior. Even you can’t control it. It combines the people you miss into your own swordsmanship, so you have no intention of inserting the willow, and you have been promoted to a state of beauty that you could not reach. “

Taoguang explained quietly.


Lin Yun felt a little pause, and suddenly understood.

I see the world from the sky, you and Mingyue are both stunning, who is not Su Ziyao.

“This is a good thing. Do it first. I will tell you about the fifth-grade sword intent.” Yaoguang glanced at Lin Yun and said in deep thought: “The sky in the sky is the sword intent, which inherits the gods. The profound meaning is ten words. , I am the sky, the sword is the dome, the man and the sword are one!”

Lin Yun’s eyes flashed brightly, and for a moment, he felt that he had caught something.

“I am a man, man is the sky, the sword is the sky, and the sky is also the sky. The man and the sword are united, and the sky and the sky can be combined to be above the sky… The word sky is actually inseparable. I will take the last sentence of the sword of the gods, I am swords and transforms the sky. But there is a difference between me for the sky and my swords for the sky… If the sword flies too high, people cannot control it, after all, we still have to unite the sword with man. , With the sword…”

The Yaoguangjian saint talked and explained a long paragraph.

Lin Yun suddenly understood. He pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said: “The disciple understands.”

Yaoguang shook his head slightly, noncommittal.

He doesn’t think Lin Yun understands. When he truly understands, it will never be the current state.

“Are you going down the mountain?”

Yao Guang said suddenly.

Lin Yun said in surprise: “How did the master see it?”

“The saint masters the rules of the holy path and can perceive the changes in the world. I don’t know what you are thinking, but I can see that there is a haze in your emotions. You can talk to me.” Yaoguang said. .

Lin Yun thought for a while, and he didn’t hide the matter of the dragon bones.

“No wonder.”

Yao Guang is clear.

If it’s something else, Lin Yun might have taken the initiative to say it. The Dragon Bone is really big.

He can think of other treasures, even treasures that are more precious than the dragon bones, he can easily take out.

Only this **** keel is indeed a bit troublesome.

Of course, if he must get the dragon bones, he is not without it.

After all, he is one of the three great sword masters and has many connections that ordinary people can’t imagine. When Lin Yun saw Master pondering, he quickly said: “Master, the disciple wants to do it himself.”

Yaoguang glanced at Lin Yun and stopped saying: “How long will you go down the mountain.”

“About a month.”

“Then you will practice here this month.”

Lin Yun was stunned for a while, a little unresponsive.

If you remember correctly, Master has only five years of life, and one month is reserved for himself, which makes Lin Yun a little confused about how to respond.

“Don’t worry about being a teacher, this month you will be practicing in the holy mountain, and your Xiaoyao Nine Swords should be well practiced!”

When Lin Yun saw this, he had to accept it.

I only hope that Master can break through and compete with the emperor as soon as possible, Lin Yun said silently in his heart.

For the next month, Lin Yun will cultivate in this sacred peach forest.

Practice swordsmanship during the day and exercises at night, occasionally playing the purple jade **** bamboo flute, and try to integrate Tianshui swordsmanship into the way of music.

The sky and the earth are wild, wind, fire and thunder!

This is the sword technique left by the Southern Emperor. Just the Thirty Six Swords already possesses the power that is not inferior to the inferior ghost-level swordsmanship, even worse.

For the second sword, Lin Yun also has many expectations in his heart.

There are thirty-six strokes in the sky, and seventy-two strokes in the ground. The ancient characters on the ground have twice as many strokes as the sky.

However, it is relatively easy to practice.

Because after the Tian Thirty Six Sword was successfully cultivated to the Transformation Realm, Lin Yun mastered certain tricks of this sword technique.

In addition, his current sword intent is not comparable to before, reaching an unprecedented half-step sky sword intent.


In the peach forest, Lin Yun holds the sword as a pen, and every sword light from his sword condenses into black and white ink, which lasts for a long time in the void.

Compared with the Huanghuang Tianwei of the Thirty Six Swords, the seventy-two swords in this place seem to be more mysterious, and the space covered by the sword light of each sword becomes a lot heavier.

“What is going on?”

After waiting for the 72nd sword training to reach Dacheng, Lin Yun became more and more surprised.

“This is gravity.”

Yaoguang appeared out of thin air, picked up a branch randomly, and used this sword technique towards Lin Yun.


After a stroke, Lin Yun frowned slightly, and this space became like a quagmire that made people sink into it.

Lin Yun’s face changed drastically, as if fleeing immediately.

Swish swish!

Ke Yaoguang’s wrist flicked, ink and ink sword lights appeared one after another, Lin Yun felt that his body style was getting slower and slower.

Legs are as heavy as lead stone, and it is difficult to move them.


The soles of his feet were a little bit on the ground, and he wanted to rise into the air, but he was sucked back in an instant.

His body hit the ground hard, and immediately vomited blood, his face looked extremely pale. The eight thousand purple-gold dragon patterns on his body swam at the same time, banging, his arm stuck to the ground, with all his strength, roared, the dragon screamed, and then he barely pulled it out.

If this is replaced by someone else, without his astonishing physical body, I am afraid I would have been kneeling on the ground and unable to get up.

Even the flesh is squeezed into a pool of blood!

It’s terrible!

Lin Yun was terrified. He urged eight thousand purple gold dragon patterns to finally break free on the ground. With a thought, the Golden Crow Holy Wing unfolded instantly.


This time, Lin Yun rushed even higher.


The speed at which it can fall is faster than before. Yaoguang doesn’t know when he has already swung seventy-two swords.

An ancient sky character appeared behind him, bursting out with an incomparable light. Kacha, Lin Yun’s opened Golden Crow Saint Wing was directly torn in half.

In the blood, Lin Yun landed on the ground with a bang, and the sound of broken bones continued to sound.

“Master, I can’t hold it anymore!”

Under the superimposed layers of gravity, Lin Yun was stuck in it, unable to move his limbs at all, and even more painful.

“The swordsman just wants to escape, how can I hold it, hold your sword, come again!”

Yaoguang’s voice is still kind, but with a hint of coldness.

Lin Yun got up in frustration. He didn’t expect the Seventy-two Sword to be so strong, and he didn’t expect the Master’s strength to be so terrifying.

Even if the realm is suppressed by the **** pill, it makes him helpless.

What’s even more uncomfortable is that his will collapsed too quickly. He felt that he was fighting against the master, but he did not expect that this was a duel between two swordsmen.

“You come first, use seventy-two swords!”

Yao Guang said lightly.

This time Lin Yun took the initiative, Yaoguang resisted with the branches, and the two figures kept changing in the peach forest.


Under the sword light of the ink and wash, the crimson Taolin looked particularly cold, and the two figures criss-crossed.

Various sword lights collided constantly, erupting a sharp sword sound.

In this constant fight, Lin Yun’s mastery of the seventy-two swords of the earth has become more and more sophisticated, and Yaoguang also deliberately pointed Lin Yun.

It seemed to fight him, but in fact, he showed him all the profound meanings in the twelfth sword of the earth.

Two hours later, each of them pierced a sword, and at the point of the sword, an ancient word for the earth was condensed.


Amidst the loud noise, the peach blossoms in this peach forest were blown away, leaving only the bare peach branches.

Not over yet!

The two of them seemed to have a sharp heart, each raised his left hand, and after a while, there was an extra word of heaven on the left hand.

There seems to be two sky curtains, rising up like a big sun in the palms of the two, and then each bombards each other.


The next moment, the sky is spinning and the earth is spinning, and the void is staggered. Lin Yun is shaken by a hundred meters, but his eyes are shining brightly.

“Thank you, Master!”

Lin Yun knelt on one knee and saluted with a sword.

Yaoguang stood with his hand in his hand and smiled: “Master can only teach you to this step. You still have to master it yourself. This sword technique has many mysterious aspects. If Practicing to the microscopic realm is much better than the ghost-level high-grade swordsmanship.”

“Remember, the word heaven and earth do not exist alone, you have to think about it afterwards!”

Lin Yun bowed and said: “The disciple must remember Master’s teaching!”

“Get Lin Yun nodded and slowly got up.

Ten days later, Lin Yun, who was sitting cross-legged in the peach forest, opened his eyes and exhaled a long, turbid breath.


There is a burst of light on his body, and a star is once again condensed in the sky of the golden star in the purple mansion.

This sacred cave mansion is indeed not comparable to the outside world.

It hasn’t been a month since Lin Yun has been practicing here, and his realm has broken through, reaching the realm of three-star Celestial Pill.

Thinking about leaving soon, Lin Yun felt reluctant to give up.

But if you don’t leave, you have to leave. Master has to retreat after all. The five-year period has always been a string in Lin Yun’s heart.

He really hopes that Master can survive this catastrophe and fight the emperor.

Lin Yun got up and walked slowly in this peach forest. After a while, he went to the depths of the peach forest and stood quietly behind the master.

“Are you leaving?”

Yaoguang put down his pen and looked at Lin Yun with a smile.


Lin Yun nodded with a heavy heart.

Yao Guang said in deep thought: “Do you know why it is so difficult to cultivate?”

“Because the Netherworld Sea became a land of battles of gods and was shattered by the gods, it is no longer possible to absorb enough Nether power between the heavens and the earth.” Lin Yun said truthfully, this is the old man from the Nether Palace and said to him of.

“It seems that Junior Brother, I told you.”

Yaoguang smiled and said, “Don’t go to the Nether Palace this time. Before you leave, I will give you a gift for your teacher.”


When Lin Yun didn’t understand, Yaoguang pointed at Lin Yun’s eyebrows.


In an instant, countless nether powers poured into Lin Yun’s body along Yaoguang’s fingers, and then rushed frantically toward the nether flower above the purple mansion.

The Nether Sword is a masterpiece of light, frantically devouring these external Nether powers.

Lin Yun paused in his heart, Master is trying to help him break the Nether Sword Seed!

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