The Six Immortals Chapter 7: Announced the return, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter Seven  Announced Return

Back to the residence, Bi Fan began to practice on the flat ground outside the bamboo house.

He doesn’t care whether he is a wizard or a genius, he only believes that hard work is king.

The road of cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat.

This is Yu Siyan’s loyal advice to Bi Fan. This sentence is like a divine enlightenment, which has a profound impact on Bi Fan’s later cultivation.

Practicing Wanzuquan during the day, and Bi Fan at night began to ponder the Gorefiend Dafa.

Blood Demon Dafa includes all the methods for cultivating inner breath, body techniques, various exquisite martial arts, and methods for tempering physical strength.

When you hear the name of the blood demon Dafa, you will know that it is the magic way of cultivation method. Since ancient times, the Dao and the devil are not at the same time.

Bi Fan listened frequently to the story of slaying demons and defending the Dao at Qingyang Gate, so naturally he didn’t dare to easily try the Fajue in the Dafa of Blood Demon.

Although Bi Fan has only just become a cultivator, he can see that the Bleeding Demon Dafa is not comparable to the general law, and it is a pity to give up cultivation.

So, he decided to study for a while, and then see if he could practice.

After several nights of research, Bi Fan discovered that many things in the Blood Demon Dafa can still be cultivated. As long as you don’t cultivate your inner breath, you won’t be able to see that it is the magic method of cultivation.

There are many vicious and powerful moves in the Blood Demon Dafa. After practicing, they can be used to save lives at critical moments.

In the end, Bi Fan decided to study the blood demon Dafa, but he arranged the time for cultivating the blood demon Dafa in the middle of the night, so as not to be seen by others.

Bi Fan figured it out, what right way and magic way has nothing to do with him, strength is the most important thing.

He has not been brainwashed by well-known sects, and has no idea of ​​eliminating demons and defending the way. He just wants to improve his strength and protect himself.

Bi Fan has considered it, as long as he does not easily reveal the martial arts in the Gorefiend Dafa, he will not be exposed.

The Blood Demon Dafa is indeed extraordinary. Bi Fan only practiced the method of tempering his physical strength for the time being. It is obvious that the cultivation of the Blood Demon Dafa is much faster than Wanzuquan.

Tasted the sweetness, Bi Fan can no longer give up the cultivation of Blood Demon Dafa.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and Bi Fan entered the realm so fast, his fist strength had reached 999 kilograms, and he could enter the realm of military force just by a short time.

Without a breakthrough, no matter how you practice, you won’t be able to increase your strength for the time being.

So, Bi Fan began to choose the body technique and martial skill cultivation in the blood demon Dafa.

Without internal interest, unable to exert the power of martial arts and body skills, this does not prevent Bi Fanxian from being proficient in martial arts.

Furthermore, practicing physical fitness and martial skills is not without the slightest benefit, it will definitely help the enemy.

Ordinary cultivators, when they have not cultivated to the inner breath, will not be taught martial arts, and can only practice physical exercises.

On this day, Bi Fan had just taken care of the elixir in the medicine garden and returned to his residence to find that Yu Xiaofeng was dressed in white, and Qiao Shengsheng was standing there.

Yu Xiaofeng is not very old, has an outstanding demeanor, and is quite mature, especially her proud chest, which is fascinating.

Although Bi Fan was young, he knew some things about men and women, so he couldn’t help but look at it more.

“Sister Xiaofeng, what can I do for you?” Bi Fan saluted.

Yu Xiaofeng realized that Bi Fan had changed a lot, and couldn’t help but look at it a few more times: “Bi Fan, have you finished your work today?”

“It’s done.”

“Then can you help me go down the mountain and collect the supplies for the next few days? The old Liu who is responsible for transporting supplies to our Yunvfeng is sick. Yunvfeng is a woman, so I have to trouble you.”

Yu Xiaofeng speaks naturally, without any pretentiousness.

“Of course there is no problem.” Bi Fan agreed very readily.

Bi Fan is the most familiar place to pick up the supplies, it’s in Baiping. There are many houses around Baiping, where people like slaves and handymen live, and Yaotong also lives in Baiping.

Bi Fan was about to go down the mountain to see his old acquaintances. He couldn’t help but think of Zhu San, Yaotong Daniu, and Ergou, the manager of the medicine garden.

The impression they left on Bi Fan was extremely deep, and Bi Fan did not forget it for a moment.

Yu Xiaofeng looked at Bi Fan and said, “Bi Fan, get yourself a few more sets of clothes. You are growing up and want larger clothes.”

Yu Xiaofeng might just mention it casually, but Bi Fan was warm in his heart. It was the first time that he enjoyed being cared for.

“Sister Xiaofeng, thank you.”

Bi Fan has gone down the mountain. It has been a month and a half on Yunvfeng. This is the first time he has come down.

When I went up the mountain, I felt up and down, and when I went down, I was full of spirits.

“Da Niu, Er Gou, Zhu San Lao Dog, wait, I want to return to you ten times the humiliation I have suffered before.”

Bi Fan was walking on the road, shouting in his heart.

Baiping is the outermost periphery of Qingyang Mountain. All kinds of materials from outside are transported into Qingyang Mountain and stored in Baiping.

It is very lively here every day, and there is a constant stream of people receiving supplies from various peaks.

After Bi Fan arrived at Baiping, he was not in a hurry to pick up the supplies.

He strolled in the courtyard and soon reached the area of ​​the medicine garden.

Back to the place where he had lived for more than ten years, Bi Fan was in a bad mood.

This is his sad place, he doesn’t want to come back, and he doesn’t want to think about it.

But there are people he cares about here, and he has to come.

What the people like Daniel and Ergou did to Bi Fan was too much, and Bi Fan couldn’t let go.

Bi Fan decided to go to see “Old Friends” and announce his return.

Da Niu, his body is as strong as an ox, and he is strong without practice.

In the past, Daniel often beat and scolded Bi Fan and asked Bi Fan to help him take care of the elixir.

Bi Fan soon went to the medicine nursery where Daniel took care of him, and he also saw Daniel, where he was eating and drinking, enjoying himself very much.

“Da Niu, I’m back!” Bi Fan shouted.

Da Niu raised his head, his bull’s eyes widened, and when he looked at Bi Fan, he couldn’t remember that he knew such a person.

“Boy, who are you? I didn’t see your uncle Niu at dinner. I annoyed me. I kicked you to death.”

Da Niu most dislikes being disturbed when eating, and his anger suddenly rises.

“Bi Fan, you don’t recognize me.” Bi Fan smiled.

Da Niu mumbled: “Bi Fan, there is no one I know named Bi Fan, you are deliberately looking for the difference.”

In the past, people like Daniel were called Bi Fan fools, and even his real name was forgotten.

“Well, I don’t even know me anymore. I am the ‘idiot’ who is often bullied by you. You shouldn’t forget?”

“Impossible, how could you be him, you don’t look alike at all, and…the fool is dead.” Daniel shook his head.

Bi Fan said: “Daniu, do you remember one day two years ago, you broke my arm in order to test your strength. And…”

He randomly picked a few things that the big cow had bullied himself and said, these things he will never forget for the rest of his life.

“You’re such a fool!” Daniel opened his mouth wide in shock, looking like he had seen a ghost.

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