The Six Immortals Chapter 280: Cave Teleportation Array, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 280 Cave Teleportation Array

Bi Fan and the others are walking, and suddenly they feel hairy in their hearts,

“It’s not right, is there any danger ahead.” Bi Fan stopped quickly,

When Duan Yufeng saw Bi Fan stop, he knew something was going on, and asked, “Sovereign Bi Fan, did you find anything?”

“Do you feel chilly?” Bi Fan asked back,

“Nothing.” Duan Yufeng shook his head,

The other three powerhouses all shook their heads, apparently nothing was found,

But Bi Fan feels very strong, there is nothing wrong with it,

“Go ahead.”

They have no other choice. They must continue to go deep into the Forbidden Jedi, hoping to discover something, for the treasures of the King Grade artifact level.

The deeper the Forbidden Jedi, the more likely it is that treasures of the King Grade artifact level will appear.

The further you go, the stronger Bi Fan feels,

He contacted Titan Unfeeling: “Brother Unfeeling, do you feel bad.”

“Sovereign Bi Fan, has something happened? We have not found anything here. We are still moving forward. Should we stop.”

“No need for the time being, I will go ahead and see the situation, you can slow down.” Bi Fan said quickly,

I haven’t seen clearly what it is, and there is no need to make a big fuss,

What’s more, with Bi Fan’s current strength, as long as he doesn’t meet a strong Hongmeng supreme level, he can easily evacuate,

Even if you encounter a strong Hongmeng supreme level, Bi Fan has so many cards, the possibility of getting out is still very high,

After thinking about it carefully, Bi Fan went on to set off.

Greek Mink found a mineral vein on the road, and Bi Fan didn’t collect it.

He always feels gloomy in front of him. He doesn’t know what it is. If he doesn’t figure it out, he will never feel at ease.

He speeded up, and soon he clearly felt that there was a strong devilish energy not far in front,

This magical energy also has a familiar smell, like the breath of abyssal hell,

The abyss **** lives in a family of demons, and the demons have a good relationship with the immortal family, so they have to guard against it,

Feeling this breath, Bi Fan is eager to figure out what is going on,

He contacted the Titans unfeeling and asked the strong of the Titans to come and meet,

Not long after, the strong of the Titans came over, and the Titans asked unfeelingly: “Sect Master Bi Fan, what happened?”

“Not far ahead, there is a strong demon energy, like the breath of the abyss hell. I have been to the abyss hell. I am very familiar with this kind of demon energy. I am worried that the strong demon clan will act. They are stronger than the undead clan. It’s very likely that they will unite. If they act, it will be extremely detrimental to our Hongmeng Huangyu.” Bi Fan immediately said his thoughts,

“The demons are very powerful, and their strength is far higher than that of our Titans. In the ancient times, there were strong men of the supreme level of Hongmeng. They did not participate in that battle. Now there may be more than one class of powerful people of the universal. If they join forces with the undead strong, the threat to Hongmeng Huangyu is too great.” The Titan exclaimed in despair,

Bi Fan said: “The devil family is indeed very powerful, but if they unite with the undead strong, then they are the objects we want to eradicate. No matter what, we must find out and not let the devil family’s conspiracy succeed. “

“Dying his life to accompany the gentleman, Bi Fanzong will mainly take a trip, and we will accompany the Titans to the end.” The Titans said unrelentingly and boldly,

The strongest of the Titans are the most outspoken. They value loyalty. If they are strong from other races, they must have many concerns and look forward to the future.

“Well, there is nothing scary for me to be accompanied by a hero of the Titans. We set off together and must figure out what happened.” Bi Fan said loudly,

So they continued to set off and went straight to the most devilish area,

They are very fast, plus there is no obstruction, and they get there soon,

What they saw was a cave with a radius of thousands of meters, surrounded by tacit understanding, and bottomless,

The cave appeared in the Forbidden Jedi, which is really strange,

The devilish energy is very strong, but I haven’t seen any strong people appear, and there are no signs of treasures appearing,

Bi Fan specifically asked Long Mink: “Geek Mink, do you feel if there are treasures under this cave.”

Greedy Diao and Diao Chan’er both felt for a while, Greedy Diao shook their heads: “There are all demonic energy below, and there is no sign of the birth of a treasure.”

“I don’t feel anything, but this cave is not bottomed, I can’t feel it below.” Diao Chan’er frowned,

“Sect Master Bi Fan, what to do now, we all listen to you, you give an order, we will act with you immediately.” Titan said desperately,

Bi Fan pondered for a moment, and said: “No matter what the situation is, let’s go down and have a look. You all enter the Dragon God Mansion, and I will go down alone. This is safer.”

For the sake of safety, Bi Fan still made two-handed preparations.

He left half of the strong, led by Tu Yidao, staying outside,

If the cave is a trap, he can also use the spatial black hole to come out, and Tu Yidao can be rescued at any time,

Of course, Tu Yidao went into hiding, near the cave,

If something happens here, Tu Yidao can know it for the first time,

Tu Yidao knows, it is equivalent to Bi Fan knows, he will naturally have a solution, so he won’t be at a loss,

After making preparations, Bi Fan jumped directly into the cave,

He descended quickly, hoping to know what is deep in the cave sooner,

It’s just that the cave is very deep, and the more it goes down, the more devilish energy will be, and the feeling of anxiety in Bi Fan’s heart will become stronger.

But he is already riding a tiger and must continue to go deep into the cave.

The cave is very deep, and Bi Fan keeps descending. Several hours have passed, but he hasn’t finished yet.

At the beginning, there was the gravity influence of the Forbidden Jedi in the cave, but as it gradually deepened, the gravity continued to weaken until it disappeared,

Without the influence of gravity, Bi Fan’s strength has doubled and his confidence has been restored a lot.

Falling down for a while, Bi Fan and the others are finally down to earth,

The darkness below does not affect Bi Fan’s vision. They can see clearly. The bottom of the cave is very spacious, and there is a huge teleportation array in the center.

Needless to say, there must be some strong people who use the teleportation array to enter the bottom of the cave,

For the time being, Bi Fan does not know what the situation is, so he did not destroy the teleportation array,

No matter what, the most important thing is to figure out the situation clearly, and we will talk about other things later,

He considered for a moment, set up a teleportation point, and then directly entered the teleportation array. He wanted to see which different time and space the teleportation array was connected to,

Entering the teleportation formation, the next moment he appeared in a familiar place, it was really an abyss hell,

Fortunately, there is no strong demon family near the teleportation array, otherwise he teleported over and was immediately discovered.

Abyss Hell, Bi Fan was deeply impressed, because he has been worried about the demons, and has made a detailed understanding of the situation of the Abyss Hell,

Of course, this has something to do with the Hell Hell he has been to. The place he has been is naturally very familiar.

It is confirmed that the other side of the teleportation array is the abyss of hell, and Bi Fan knows that the demons will take action,

The demon clan started to take action, which also shows that the immortal clan will soon have a big action, maybe it is a large-scale invasion of Hongmeng Huangyu,

The endless starry sky, Hongmeng Huangyu is regarded as the highest different time and space in the surrounding area, but it is hard to say that there is no other different time and space on the same level as Hongmeng Huangyu,

If the undead powerful people occupy such a turf, the development will naturally be rapid, and the impact on Hongmeng Huangyu will be very large.

Even if these are fictitious, the immortal race can invade countless different time and space, and can quickly increase their strength, which is not comparable to other races.

Up to now, although Hongmeng Huangyu and the Undead have no winners or losers, no one knows the specifics,

Seeing that the demons are eager to act, it must be the immortal family that has moved,

Bi Fan considered for a while, and had a desperate discussion with the Titans, and decided to stay in Abyss Hell for the time being, to understand the movements of the demons and, if possible, to destroy the actions of the demons,

Bi Fan did not stay away from the teleportation array, so he lurked near the teleportation array to see what was going on,

Moreover, he got in touch with Tu Yidao. If you have anything, you can tell Tu Yidao at any time and let him wait for an opportunity.

With these preparations, Bi Fan asked the spirits of Dragon God Mansion to pay attention to the situation outside, and they all began to practice in retreat,

Although Bi Fan’s cultivation has reached the top quasi-extreme level, he still needs to keep accumulating to prepare for the powerhouse of Hongmeng supreme level.

When is the most appropriate time to break through and become a strong Hongmeng supreme level, Bi Fan is not clear, he is not in a hurry, just keep accumulating strength anyway,

The stronger the strength, the easier it will be to break through to become a strong Hongmeng supreme level, and after the breakthrough, the combat effectiveness will become stronger,

For the strong of Hongmeng supreme level, it is already extremely difficult to upgrade the cultivation base. It depends on the previous accumulation, whoever has strong accumulation, after the breakthrough, the combat effectiveness will be stronger.

Bi Fan’s own accumulation is extremely strong, but he still dare not easily try to break through the cultivation base,

Without a last resort, Bi Fan is not ready to break through the realm,

He keeps practicing now, he will still make some progress, although it has been slower,

It’s always better than after becoming a Hongmeng supreme powerhouse, it’s hard to make progress in the cultivation base.

In this case, it is better to practice for a while while the cultivation base can be improved.

At that time, he will break through and become a strong man of Hongmeng Supreme, and he will be the top figure among Hongmeng Supreme,

With this idea, Bi Fan practiced harder and didn’t let up at all.

Titan Jueqing and other three super-top quasi-extreme powerhouses, only Titan Jueqing has not yet attacked the Hongmeng Supreme-level powerhouse, he still has a chance, and Titan Extinction and Titan Despair have failed to attack, and they will all be defeated in the future. There is no chance to become a strong man of Hongmeng supreme level,

Each cultivator has only one chance in his life to attack the strongest of Hongmeng supreme level. If he succeeds, he is the most respected existence of Hongmeng Emperor and Infinite Time. If he fails, he may fall, and if he is lucky, he will be able to live. After that, it’s difficult to make progress,

Fortunately, the strong who survived are at least the super-top quasi-extreme-level strong, and their status and strength are only below the Hongmeng Supreme-level strong.

The strong with bad luck fell directly when breaking through. That would be miserable. The cultivation base of tens of millions of years was destroyed once, and even his life was gone.

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