The Six Immortals Chapter 1: Wan Snake Cave, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter One: Ten Thousand Snake Caves

Tianyu Great World, Qingyang Mountain, rain and mist, fairy mountains like a dream, and picturesque green shades.

A weak figure, busy in the medicine garden, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand from time to time. He is Bi Fan.

Looking at his thin body makes people feel very pitiful. Unfortunately, no one in this world will sympathize with him.

Bi Fan has been an orphan since he was a child. He was adopted by a bad old man who nursed the medicine garden at Qingyangmen, Qingyang Mountain. He didn’t know what his parents were.

The old man’s surname is Bi, and he also followed his surname.

Now, Bi Fan has been wasted fourteen years old. Due to malnutrition, he seems to be only eleven or twelve years old.

The horrible old man who adopted Bi Fan returned to heaven the previous year, and Bi Fan’s life is even more difficult.

The status of the medicine boy in the medicine garden is very low, not much better than the sweeping aunt and the cooking aunt.

In contrast, pharmacy nurses need to have certain professional knowledge, the tasks are arduous, and the pressure is great.

If you can’t complete the task, you will be punished, and all the benefits you deserve may be cancelled and you will be busy.

When the old man was still alive, he was able to complete tasks occasionally and received some rewards, among which was the pill of strong body pill.

Bi Fan has seen Qiangshen Pill, but he has no blessings to share.

Every time the old man gets a strong body pill, he has to dedicate it to Zhu San, who manages the medicine garden, just to make things difficult for the coming year.

The old man is not good to Bi Fan, he just calls him as a servant.

But as soon as the bad old man left, Bi Fan’s troubles ensue, not only Zhu San making things difficult for him, but other medicine boys also wantonly bullying him.

“Bi Fan, take care of this Eupatorium for me. If you have any questions, you can look good.” This is still relatively mild.

“Fool, Baizhihua is handed over to you, if something goes wrong, you know!”

Bi Fan was skinny, and Mu Na did not speak, and was called a “stupid” by other medicine boys. This was his first nickname.

Actually, Bi Fan is not stupid at all, nor is he not speechless, just pretending to be stupid can make him suffer less.

One day, Bi Fan helped a medicine boy named Daniel to take care of a vermilion fruit, and accidentally damaged a leaf.

After Daniel learned of this, he went to Bi Fan’s medicine garden.

“Fool, what did I say to you? If you hurt Zhu Guo a little bit, I will scrap your arm.”

Speaking, Daniel rushed towards Bi Fan, very fast, Bi Fan had no time to dodge, and one of his arms was grabbed by Daniel’s strong and powerful hand.


Da Niu yanked hard, Bi Fan’s slender arm was dislocated, and Bi Fan was trembling with pain, and he didn’t dare to complain.

“Forbearance, forbearance…” Bi Fan kept chanting this word in his heart.

In this world, strength comes first.

Bi Fan is weak, even much weaker than ordinary people. It is most appropriate to describe it as weak.

Being bullied all the year round, he learned the word ‘forbearance’.

What can I do if he can’t bear it? He tried to resist, but was beaten by a group of drug boys. He was seriously injured and lay down for a month before he fully recovered.

Since then, Bi Fan has become more dull, more lonely, and more ‘silly’.

Bi Fan must always help other medicine children to take care of the elixir, especially those with harsh living conditions. Those medicine children force Bi Fan to take care of them.

In order to take good care of other medicine children’s elixir, he failed to complete his annual task.

Two years later, it is not without any benefit. At least he has learned a lot. He knows a lot more about the names and growth conditions of many elixir than other medicine boys.

Qingyang Gate, in the eyes of secular people, is the fairy mountain blessed land, but to Bi Fan it is hell.

He wanted to escape Qingyang Mountain, which is steep and steep. He is too weak to go down the mountain at all.

Every year, what Bi Fan fears most is the day of handing in the elixir, because he not only has to hand over the elixir of other medicine boys to them in good condition, but also pays his share of elixir to Zhu San.

Bi Fan has not completed the task for two consecutive years. If this year’s task is not handed in, the consequences will be serious.

Zhu San had already spoken. Bi Fan didn’t hand in the elixir on time and amount, so he unloaded him.

Bi Fan was exhausted and failed to complete the task. His task was originally much heavier than other Medicine Boys. In addition, he had to help other Medicine Boys to take care of the elixir. To complete the task, it was simply a fantasy.

Thinking of Zhu San’s fierce appearance, Bi Fan’s heart trembled.

Zhu San is as fat as a wax gourd, walking swayingly, with a fierce face, and often beats and scolds the drug boy. The drug boy in Qingyang Mountain is not afraid of him.

Zhu San has already begun to collect the elixir, which means he will come to Bi Fan’s pharmacy in the nearest one or two days.

There is a process for the growth of the elixir, and Bi Fan has nothing to do. He can only sit and wait for punishment, and can only pray that Zhu San will not keep his promise.

Bi Fan stayed up all night, and early the next morning, he heard the noise outside.

“Not good!”

Zhu San is coming soon, and there are also many medicine boys who have come to watch the excitement.

Every time he turned in the elixir, Bi Fan was the most lively hut, because he would be punished for failing to complete the task every time.

“Asshole, it’s time to hand in the elixir, so don’t come out soon to meet Master Zhu.”

“Fool, you haven’t completed this mission. You are a waste. Living a pure waste of food.”

There are really many people who run Bi Fan, and there are more people who want to see Bi Fan get punished.

Bi Fan ran out quickly, lowered his head, his eyes flashed with resentment, which was fleeting.

Zhu San ignored Bi Fan, but took a closer look at Bi Fan’s medicine garden, and said, “Bi Fan, you are getting bolder and bolder. Today’s task has only been completed one-third. It seems that what I said doesn’t work anymore. You are seeking your own death.”

His tone was extremely cold, and his fat slap patted Bi Fan’s thin body.

Bi Fan did not hide, nor can he hide.

Zhu San is a strong man in the realm of force, and Bi Fan is inferior to ordinary people.

Don’t even think that Zhu San is too fat to walk, but once he moves, his speed is still very fast.

Before Bi Fan could react, he was hit by Zhu Sanyi’s palm.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise.

Bi Fan flew more than ten meters, fell to the ground, spouted a mouthful of scarlet blood, couldn’t move, as if he was fainting.

Zhu Sanxiu is in the realm of force, his power is as high as a marble, and his full force is enough to slap a tiger to death. He only used three points, and Bi Fan was dying. (Marble is an important refining material in the Tianyu Great World. Its density is very large. A big fist weighs a thousand jin. In Tianyu Great World, marble is specially used to test the power of cultivators.)

In the Tianyu Great World, the level of cultivators is divided into the mortal realm, the reborn realm, and the supernatural power realm. The next level is the fairy realm. If you cultivate to the fairy realm, you must fly to the six realms.

The upper six realms include the Buddha realm, the devil realm, the immortal realm, the spiritual realm, the **** realm, and the chaos realm. Each upper realm encompasses countless stars, and there is no limit to the ethereal.

The mortal stage is further divided into nine levels, the first is strong, the second is stored power, the third is force, the fourth is internal breath, the fifth is viscera, the sixth is brave, the seventh is Linghui, and the eighth With great power, the ninth transformation.

The first level is to be strong, to beat the flesh, and to strengthen the body. If you cultivate to this level, you will have two hundred catties of strength, far surpassing ordinary people.

The second step is to accumulate energy, temper the body, strengthen the muscles and bones, take the pill, accumulate strength, and cultivate to the accumulating state, the strength exceeds six hundred jin.

The third level of force, the strength exceeds a thousand catties, and it has entered the ranks of preparing cultivators.

The fourth level of internal aura, the practice of law determination, the body begins to produce qi, that is, internal aura, with qi power, explosive power is very strong, and all aspects of the body have been greatly improved. Only at this stage can you be considered a true cultivator.

As for the five levels of viscera, bravery, spiritual wisdom, great power, and transformation, it is not something that people like Zhu San can do.

As long as you can cultivate your inner breath and you are not very old, you will be accepted as a named disciple by the sect, and your status will be greatly improved.

Bi Fan is unwilling to be ordinary and has been working hard, but his body is so weak that he can’t even match the first strength, and it’s not surprising to be bullied.

“Bi Fan, your body is not suitable for cultivation, so give up.” This was what the old man said to him during his lifetime.

But Bi Fan never gave up. It’s been almost three years since the old man died. Bi Fan’s training volume has been increasing, but the results have been minimal.

“I don’t want to be a handyman forever, I don’t want to be bullied forever, I want to become stronger, I want to be a master…” Bi Fan shouted in his heart just before the coma.

“Master Zhu, Bi Fan has passed out in a coma and is not far from death. What should I do now? Do you want to throw him into the Ten Thousand Snake Cave?” A medicine boy stepped forward to check Bi Fan’s condition, gloating. .

Throwing into the Ten Thousand Snake Cave is equivalent to destroying the corpse, and it will save a lot of trouble.

Zhu Sanfei waved his hand, and the medicine boys lifted Bi Fan up and down the mountain.

There is a huge cave at the back of Qingyang Mountain. The cave is not bottomless. There are countless poisonous snakes below. The people of Qingyang Gate call this cave for thousands of snakes. Usually Qingyangmen would throw traitors and opponents into the Ten Thousand Snake Caverns, which was the most vicious punishment.

Speaking of Ten Thousand Snake Caves, even the people at Qingyangmen shudder.

Wan Snake Cave, the opening is about a hundred meters in radius, and you can smell a stench from far away.

Just smelling the smell makes people dizzy. There are so many venomous snakes and poison in Wanshe Cave.

Those medicine boys didn’t dare to get too close to Wanshe Cave. They chose the two with the strongest strength and threw Bi Fan into Wanshe Cave. Then they talked and laughed and left.

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