The Silly Alchemist Chapter 292: Ice and Fire (3)

Phoenix with its hot flames, flying with wings spreading, and a Afterimage with you outside, you can imagine what its speed is Rank!

However, if this is just a Fire Phoenix, then the name of this Magic seems a bit inconsistent. This should be called Fire Phoenix Flurry or something.

Next, the situation appeared to make people understand that it turned out to be a hundred birds chasing phoenixes. After the fire phoenix, in the mist of the mist, flying out one after another!

Yes, the reason why the bird is called Chaofeng Phoenix is ​​not because of this fire phoenix, but the small firebird that follows. Although these little firebirds are less powerful, the attack line is very tricky.

And this hundred bird phoenix is ​​not originally Magic, but Seventh Princess‘s original creation, inspired by the rotating ice blade of Ye Lanyu.

naturally, when Seventh Princess created this trick, Ye Lanyu said very disdainfully, you are so shameless that you copied my trick! !!

“Ice lotus !!!”

Ye Lanyu cast a Magic delete ice lotus when it was not there, why is it called an ice lotus? I believe everyone will soon understand, just look at the formation of the ground Magic around Ye Lanyu.

The ice thorns protruded from the ground, spreading rapidly outside with Ye Lanyu as the center. After encircling her, the ice thorns began to extend toward Seventh Princess.

In the vicinity of Ye Lanyu, the shape of ice thorns is like a flower. This is the origin of the Magic name!

This kind of Magic can not only attack, but also play a very good defense, making it impossible for people to approach, and they can control the ice spike attack, unless someone can break the ice spikes of these defenses.

Next, Seventh Princess also cast a Magic resistance, attack … “

That’s it, the two people started a gorgeous and dazzling Magic competition. You come and go and make the scene become fierce …

Is this necessary?

Zhen Xiaoyan is powerless. Do you resist common enemies or internal conflicts? I know you will fight at such times, but this level is too much!

As for Ye Lanyu, the two will be guilty in front of the enemy. This situation does not happen once or twice, so Zhen Xiaoyan is not strange, and there is no problem. The problem is that the limits of the two seem to be a little out of control.

However, at this time, Ye Lanyu and Seventh Princess are fighting one hand and the other hand, they are still fighting against the enemy, so those people have not taken any advantage.

If it wasn’t for the Ye Lanyu two, they would not be so quiet and would not take the opportunity to sneak attack. Since it can do such a thing as besieging a girl from Ye Lanyu, it would not matter if it was a sneak attack!

Unfortunately, Zhen Xiaoyan shouted at the two of them: “Young Lady Lanyu, Princess Her Majesty, you should solve those people first, so it will be more convenient for you to fight, you can go to Bo more!!”

The current solution is to let the two of them solve the deceased person first, so that the winner will be decided sooner.

If you want to prevent the two from continuing to fight, there is no way to do it, unless Ye Lang can appear. In that case, the two can forget everything, but now Zhen Xiaoyan thinks that muddle headed Divine Doctor is not Ye Lang and Ye Lang Prodigal‘s personality Admission fee will be paid, even the rich will not accept it.

If they know that muddle headed Divine Doctor is Ye Lang, then the current battle between the two will not occur, and they would have run in to see Ye Lang long ago!

Actually, even if they doubt, they will do the same, they will directly confirm instead of staying here, but the problem is that they see the medical consultation just now, which makes them deny the fact.

If they know that muddle headed Divine Doctor is Ye Lang, they will definitely ask, why do you want to receive the consultation fee, and it is good if you do n’t spend the money, why do you want to collect it?

Little Yan is right, Little Qi, we will solve the garbage first, and then find a place to fight it!” Ye Lanyu nodded, agreeing with Zhen Xiaoyan‘s proposal, one hand is really unhappy .

“Hmm!” Seventh Princess nodded in agreement.

At this moment, the two of them withdrew the attack on the other at the same time. It was a tacit understanding. Even if they did not stop, they stopped at the same time.

The time where the two have been together for so long, this tacit understanding has already been cultivated. The next thing can better explain their tacit understanding.

“Ice Dragon Dance!”

Fire Dragon-like dance!”

Ye Lanyu and Seventh Princess teamed up to launch their tricks. The ice and fire double sky is not a fixed one. They will cast different moves according to different needs.

The only difference is that the Magic of the two will be intertwined, forming ice and fire, which are extremely contradictory!

Everyone sees Binglong dancing with Fire Dragon, but they cancel each other out because of each other’s characteristics. This situation is very strange, and they are also very charming.

The fusion of ice and fire makes people see a picture that will never be forgotten. I believe that everyone present will not forget that there were two girls who sent such strange Magic.

And in the vicinity, many people stopped their things and looked at the flying ice dragon and Fire Dragon in the air, and the large number of ice Fire Dragon!

“Ah ………”

Ice Fire Dragon hit the ground gorgeously. To be precise, it should pass through the duke’s hands and the duke himself, and then hit the ground.

All the people attacked by Bing Fire Dragon screamed. No one can resist the power of Magic and lie on the ground horizontally … “

At this time, someone should have applauded to celebrate these people falling to the ground, but at this moment no one is doing it, because everyone is shocked by this Magic!

Not only the contradiction of Magic, but also the power of Magic! !!

Look at the potholes on the ground. This is near the muddle headed hall. The materials used here are very sturdy. Even Expert is difficult to destroy things here, and the joint Magic of these two girls can actually Make these pits easily! !!

“Okay, it’s resolved, let’s continue …” “Ye Lanyu didn’t even look at the Duke’s people, and said to Seventh Princess, coldly frosty air appeared on both hands.

“Continue, whoever is afraid!” Seventh Princess said lightly, and there was a flame in his hand as well.

“Ah!” Zhen Xiaoyan sighed. At this time, she felt that things could not be changed, and she could only wait while waiting for them to finish.

However, with two people being evenly matched, and knowing each other so well, it is estimated that this fight will hit the night! !!

“I’m going to prepare dinner first!” Zhen Xiaoyan made a decision and decided to leave first and let the two of them continue to fight, just after lunch. (To be continued


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