The Sacred Ruins Chapter 1367: Earth in reincarnation

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The Soul River, the Earth Mansion, the four poles of floating earth, etc., are these connected together just the tip of the iceberg?

How can the face of Chu Feng stay the same? For a moment, he was cold from head to toe, feeling the horror of a seed strangely, and he was about to drown Sun and Moon Star River.

Not to mention others, even the end of the Soul River is extremely terrifying, and there are terrifying secrets. It has not been opened by people since ancient times. Even the Emperor was killed there but ignored it.

If you think about it this way, if these places are intertwined, there is a special relationship. Once resonating, these s are all ruptured, and at this time River, this ancient history will be broken and no longer exist.

Chu Feng horrified, what kind of force is this, is it a natural product of , or is it artificially made?

For a time, he thought of the man in the mouth of No.9, the supreme existence, which had broken the sword forever, once had to reinvent the samsara and resurrect his former deceased.

Because, in that era, only that person was almost left, and all friends and relatives were almost dead. Only he stood alone on the top of the mountain, which was very desolate and chilly.

However, he didn’t build his own reincarnation in the end, but accidentally discovered and excavated broken marks from the ground, and he didn’t know how many years since his time.

Let ’s think about it now. Everything about reincarnation and about the mansion is ancient and terrifying. They have disappeared, but after a few epochs, they may reappear.

The youth spoke again and sighed: “There is a person who is strong and fearless of everything. He has the opportunity to penetrate everything. However, too hastily, he left, although has returned, but it is even more Anxious to leave, I think maybe because precisely found something, so I started to solve it, without looking back, sitting alone in the copper coffin, watching the bloodshed of all realms, crossing the sky, leaving the dust, and the solitude disappeared! “

Chu Feng was surprised. The person said by this young man is a lot like the person he was thinking of just now. don’t tell me is the same person?

“Who is that person you are talking about?” he couldn’t help asking.

“Naturally is my contemporaries, otherwise, how do I understand.” The young pupils shining brightly, this time exudes an amazing brilliance.

That’s the recognition of the same kind. It’s a pity that you will never see him again. He’s just a lone spirit and he just came out and let it go.

The brilliance that belongs to him has long been dim and forgotten.

And what about that person? Even more gorgeous, but now, it has disappeared for several eras, who can tell his past? Perhaps the strongest immortal enemy remembers.

Is this a seed regret, or a glorious seed?

“The whole world is silent, since that man’s last sword was empty, so that an era has been dimmed and ended, the whole world is in trembling. Unfortunately … there is a catastrophe after all.”

The young man is not unnatural, nor does he have any resistance because the man hides his splendor, on the contrary, he is appreciating the man ’s former glory.

Chu Feng was convinced that it was that person who struck out a sword, which was amazing in time and overwhelming the ancient and modern times, consistent with the description on the 9th.

“I won the title of the 10th. When the 11th met him, he was convinced to take it by mouth. I really wanted to walk alongside him with a section of road. Unfortunately, there is no chance.”

In the end, some were only a little sad.

Chu Feng was also silent for a while. Such a person won the title of the 10th, and could stand side by side with the sword-breaking man mentioned on the 9th. It was a bit bleak and a little sad.

You do n’t have to think about it. This is a person who was once extremely proud. He is a hegemon, and his ending and ending are not very good.

The fog of history is tossing, there are too many pasts that make people feel ups and downs, or sadness, or regret, or the blood has not died, but they are all old things.

Chu Feng is naturally unwilling, want to know everything behind this, what soul river, mansion, four-pole floating earth, ca n’t wait to dig it apart, to see a real.

However, he was disappointed, and some words of the youth made him splash his head like cold water.

“Do you think that I can penetrate the essence behind? I just come out and let go of the wind.” He said mockingly.

Talking lightly, but how heavy is it for such a person.

“Who held you?” Chu Feng asked.

“At present, there are humanoid rules, walking dead, fog, and many other complicated things,” the youth told him calmly.

Then he told the truth again, and he said to himself: “I used to ask myself, is it still me after reincarnation? I do n’t know. But I can be sure now that I am in seed status, only part of me . “

What do you mean?

“We are all walking dead, we are all crippled ghosts, we ca n’t change anything, we are released from the wind, we are also looking for the lost materials, the lost soul factors, etc., we want to find the real self. But , Can we find it? is very large and fragmented, but it is still in the world of , no matter what, it is still the world, but our fleshly body, rotten, our main body soul light, dissipated, pure material The reincarnation may have reached the other end of the universe, becoming dust, becoming a real dragon, or even you in front of you. “

When Chu Feng heard this, he felt a little hairy. He understood the meaning of this person, mocking the fate of reincarnation, and lamenting the reincarnation of matter.

Perhaps, it may be a little bit, after the disintegration of the strongest in ancient times, there will be some material reincarnation in later generations.

Even Chu Feng feels that his fleshly body and his soul light may have been rotated by factors from some people in the past, but this is not a fateful reincarnation.

Chu Feng said: “Don’t say anything, how can I listen to people more and more, there is reincarnation everywhere in the world, I am one with the dust of the universe, I have a relationship with celestial fairy billions of years ago, and I share the soul light matter, and I and the sea The total was exhausted … “

“The most terrifying thing is, I ’m afraid that I ’m not the remnant of the past, not the normal lone ghost, but a fragment of the standard soul light that was engraved after being modeled, and was released as hard work. ‘S bees are working, constantly’ picking honey ‘, collecting a soul light that a person called the Ten-Crown King is scattered in the world of . “

Chu Feng didn’t answer, but he also felt a chill. He felt that if he really had such a , he would never go to the capital if he died!

“Well, I was very worried about the man who had left in a hurry. In the end, because of what he was doing, he was so hurried that he went on the road alone without looking back. I was most afraid that he would use it as bait and throw himself into reincarnation. . “

The youth sighed.

Chu Feng was surprised, a little surprised. The trajectory of the person who never forgets on the 9th is like this? impossible! Because the No. 9 is convinced that he is still alive, and the strongest mark is resonating, it also implies that the person has sent back a message. The person is still walking on the forefront of the road, but it is too far!

The youth shook his head again and said, “It shouldn’t be like this. If he died, his sword will immediately disappear from Between Heaven and Earth, and he is still strong enough to make certain seed rules resonate and make some enemies stunned. , Beware of his sudden reappearance! “

Unconsciously, the darkness passed, and the fish belly became white in the east, and then a ray of sunlight shone, and the mountains and rivers were bathed with a layer of pale golden luster.

However, there is still blood flowing between the mountains and rivers, Chu Feng still sees the other side of the world, Scarlet Land is borderless, there are burn marks and fire.

“The sun …” At this moment, the pupils of Chu Feng contracted. He saw that the sun was not turning planet, but a dead body, which was burning and flowing fire essence.

“This is very large, a piece of floating Continent, during the daytime, the sun you see is ruled by rules, and now you see some remains hanging in various places, there are powerful people, there is gold Heavenly Beast , Too many, some are still old people, huh! “

The youth stared at empty.

Chu Feng is deeply chilled. The sun is rising, but it is such a scene. It is different from the normal sun. It is actually a corpse.

In the distance, a terrible golden beast rose from the mountain forest. It was majestic and powerful, with golden light shining, but there were also a stream of death aura flowing to the ground.

Do n’t even think about it, its evolutionary level used to be terrifying and extremely powerful.

Looking at the earth again, the flames haven’t gone out, and the blood hasn’t dried up. It’s accompanied by the new city of the world, like yin and yang, reality and illusion.

World of the Living is just a piece of Continent …” Chu Feng sighed.

It is vast and endless, after many ups and downs, some eras are very bright, and the world is hegemony, and some eras are broken, dim and silent, changing and changing.

The youth looked at the color of and sighed: “I’m leaving, the lonely ghost, the time to release the wind is limited, it’s time to go back. Before leaving, can you tell me something about you? What special experience, I always feel that you have some eye contact. “

When Chu Feng moved, he was shocked when he learned about Earth on the 9th. At this time he directly mentioned that he came from the small world of the dead’s Earth.

“What are you talking about, what’s your name?”

Sure enough, the young monarch was shocked, so discolored for the first time, and then stared at Chu Feng.

“Little world of the dead, Earth!” Chu Feng replied, and this name surprised the youth.

“How is it possible, there is Mount Tai, there is Kunlun?” the youth asked hurriedly.

“Yes, have you been?” Chu Feng asked.

“The two people before and after, and the two peaks, were all connected there. Before the original Mount Tai was cut off, it was the place of sacrifice. I don’t know how.” The man whispered.

Chu Feng was amazed and said: “Wait a minute, what are you talking about, what age did you come to, and in the past there were Mount Tai!?”

“I should be surprised, what age is this, and at least some ancient history has passed, why now you still know it is called Mount Tai, there is Kunlun?” The young man looked serious.

So many years after he was released, he knew a lot about future generations, so he was shocked.

Chu Feng scalp numbness, he had already vaguely known some anomalies from the mouth of No. 9 and others, suspected that similar things are happening, even a planet and a universe are repeating and reincarnate.

Also, someone is reinterpreting that piece of ancient land!

“Who are you?” the young man asked.

“Who am I?” Chu Feng asked himself, and then he shouted again: “I am the ultimate Chu!”

“What is the area now and what is the background?” the youth asked.

Chu Feng feels that the situation is serious, tells about Earth in detail, and even tells the story of culture accumulation, local customs and customs.

“It’s exactly like the past, how is it possible! Who are you ?! No, it should be said, who is performing all this, really bold , what he wants to do!” The youth exploded, unprecedented seriousness.

“You said, everything there is exactly the same as in a certain era?” Chu Feng asked, and then there was a cold from head to toe, like falling into the Yanfu Land!

Happy New Year, brothers and sisters, I wish my family happy and complete! In the new year, I wish you all good health and good luck in everything, good luck!

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