The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire Chapter 2: The first appearance of the system

   “Hahaha, hahaha, you also have today.” Zhong Yu saw the wolf’s end and felt very comfortable. Lying on the tree trunk, he took a few breaths and looked down, but found that there was an endless plain below. Looking at the area of ​​about tens of square kilometers, the stream that Zhong Yu had just passed by began to flow slowly. Entering the plain and irrigating the plain, the grass around the plain grows very fertile, and almost people have their waists high.

   Zhong Yu rested for a while, slowly stood up, and climbed up the cliff. It seems to be due to excessive blood loss, a little weakness in the body, and constant tremors in his hands. Several times and three times, he almost fell, but Zhong Yu persisted and escaped from the wolf’s mouth. , Is it still going to die in this kind of place? How can it be! This firm belief flashed in his heart and made him climb up.

   finally lay on the cliff, breathing air fiercely. The turning movement just now almost exhausted his energy. He had just suffered a serious injury and exerted a lot of strength. Let Zhong Yu’s life possibly disappear at any time.

   lying on the ground feebly, moving his fingers, exhausting all the strength of his whole body, Zhong Yu faintly felt that his body was about to collapse, and as his vitality passed, Zhong Yu’s consciousness was slowly blurred. In his mind, he recalled a question, why am I here? I’m going to die, so unwilling!

   I seem to have crossed into another world. Before I start a glorious life, the flower of life will slowly wither. Sure enough, am I not the protagonist in the legend? I don’t have the legendary bastardness. I’m still a scumbag, a handy grandfather, Golden Finger. I’m still a stubborn otaku. No one will know if he is dead, except for his parents, who cares about his disappearance. Woolen cloth! Destiny, I really like to make fun of people. I just thought I had a big opportunity in my life, but I changed such a joke for myself.

   Just when Zhong Yu’s consciousness is about to dissipate and you slowly can’t feel your body, suddenly, a “ding” sound rang in his mind, which made his meaning sober up and his consciousness suddenly sobered up a lot. . “It is detected that the host’s life is passing, the system is being repaired, and the repair is complete. The Empire Conquest system is starting, loading, and loading is complete.” Hearing the voice in his ear, Zhong Yu felt a surprise in his heart, a yearning for life Slowly burned in my heart. what? I remember that there was no sound from anyone around. Thinking of himself coming to this place inexplicably, Zhong Yu couldn’t help but say, “Who? Is it a god? If it is a god, please save me!”

   Zhong Yu’s ear came out again that sound, mechanized. “Don’t be afraid of the host. I am an empire conquest system. I was created by an unknown powerful existence. I heard the host. Your voice specially created me to assist the host to conquer this other world.”

   The body slowly recovered, and the wound on his body was gone. Is it true that God is joking with me? A grateful joy appeared on Zhong Yu’s face, which was a celebration of his near death. Slowly he calmed down his excitement.

   This day is thrilling, and it is more exciting than your usual life in your life. You said that the brief history of life is full, and you come to this inexplicable place again, it seems like a different world. Zhong Yu was already exhausted, unable to think about so many questions.

   Thinking back to today’s experience, I cried and laughed, not knowing how to express my feelings. At the same time, there was a period of fear in my heart. How could I be so careless and came to a strange place, as if it were still a primeval forest, and walked away so carelessly. Seeing such a fierce beast, he almost lost his life, it’s okay. not dead.

   As expected, is the alertness of the otaku so bad? We must strengthen our guard in the future.


   A few hours later, Zhong Yu hid on a tree more than ten meters high. He just lay down and rested at ease, feeling a trace of security in his heart, restoring his strength in a relaxed manner, but recalling the sound just now in his mind.

   Empire conquest system, unknown powerful existence, another world. Zhong Yu also recalled these voices. There was no life-threatening danger. As a professional otaku, where did he not know that he had encountered the legendary crossing? My luck is not so bad. Am I the legendary son of destiny, the beauties of another world, waiting for the arms of the uncle, and the ants of the other world, crawling obediently at the feet of Uncle Zhong Yu!

   Zhong Yu felt yy in his heart for a while, and he recovered. “System, since you are helping me to conquer another world, what role do you have! And do you have your own thoughts and feelings?” Zhong Yu thought of the systematic conspiracy theories when he was reading novels on the Internet before, and he couldn’t help being a little scared.

The mechanical sound of the    system rang in my ears again. “The system will release tasks based on the strength of the host, and the host can get rewards by completing the tasks released by the system. The host can also obtain the population by occupying the territory, so as to reap the luck value, which can be exchanged by the host. All the items in the system. In addition, this system has no autonomous consciousness and can only act according to the set procedures and will not harm the host.”

   This way, Zhong Yu felt a little relieved when he heard the mechanized sound of the system, then I have to think about it. After thinking for a while, Zhong Yu said to the system. “System, what are your main functions? Is there any mall or something, can you show it to me?”

  ” The system strategy category and exchange category, the strategy category is divided into personal panel and instant messaging. The host can view the territory and its own attributes through the personal panel. The instant messaging host can establish the system and canonize the official position. In this way, people in the same system can communicate in real time, and at the same time, it can be guaranteed that the host can control any situation in the country in a timely manner, and there will be no separatist rebellion.” The cold voice of the system paused, seeming to give Zhong Yu a period of time to digest slowly. The previous words, and then continued.

  ”Exchange category. Divided into four categories, first, character category, system, which provides military commanders, advisers, and various populations of all dynasties, and the population provided by this system absolutely maintains loyalty , Will not defy any orders of the host, and the host does not have to worry about rebellion in the future empire at that time. And the host can also build and rule his own empire through the various talents provided by the system. The host will not have to worry about no one ruling the territory at that time.” When Zhong Yu heard this, he thought to himself that this method is quite good. Why did so many families in ancient times not be able to cultivate talents to rule the world? No one in the country can do what you can’t do. That’s why they created their glorious period and can even influence the rise and fall of a dynasty.

  ”Second, weapons. The system can provide a variety of weapons. At that time, the host can quickly arm its own troops, and the quality of weapons provided by this system is much higher than that of ordinary weapons. At that time, the host can increase the combat effectiveness of his own army, and use his own to reduce casualties.” This method is also good. Provide enough weapons. In this way, the pressure on the logistics can be greatly reduced, and on the battlefield, I If a square weapon is lost, it can be restored immediately. If the enemy is, you can only fight by yourself with the broken weapon. It feels good to think about that.

  ”Third, resource type, as long as there is enough luck value, this system can provide various resources, so that the host can avoid unnecessary troubles in many cases, such as a special resource, the resource resources the host needs The place of production is too far away, or the output is too scarce, then it can be exchanged with the system through the value of air luck. “This method is also very good, just like modern? Why are the people in the Middle East countries dying poor and the national governments dying rich? It’s not that there is oil that has mastered the lifeblood of the world. With this, they have a steady stream of wealth. Even if the country is impoverished and without any industrial foundation, the heads of government can still live and be fat and fat. It is not that oil, such an important resource, is in their hands, and if you have this kind of channel, then to a large extent, you don’t have to be controlled by others.

  ”Fourth, special category, the host can draw a lottery based on the luck value. According to the host, the amount of luck value invested is different, and the rarity of the lottery items is also different. Through the lottery, the host can get a variety of It’s a special item. It may be an artifact, or it may be a worthless stinky sock. The specifics depend on the host’s character?” This is full of uncertainty, but if you get lucky, you will get the artifact or something. , Then I have to wake up from a dream.

  ”Reminder, due to the lack of authority of the host, the system currently only provides exchanges for characters in the Three Kingdoms period, and there is no exchange of any supernatural powers. All this requires the host, which can be unlocked through the luck value and the size of the occupied territory. Hope the host will work hard Complete the task and unlock more permissions.” Hearing the final words of the system, Zhong Yu thought in his heart, there are more functions, and he has to work hard!

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