The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire Chapter 1: Unfamiliar place

  In the dark room, clothes and socks were thrown all over the floor, and there was a rancid smell in the air.

   In the only bright spot, a man covered in a whole body is playing on the computer. The crackling sound came over,

   “Damn, it’s so boring, I don’t know what to play in the future.” Zhong Yu said.

  The glorious new Three Kingdoms XIII has finally been cleared. The screen has improved a lot, the city has been added a bit, and the hero’s personal gameplay is also much more interesting. There are too few cities, even if you add some, there are only a few dozen. Compared with the other Nobunaga series of Glorious, the city is not known how much less, and it is too difficult to unify. It would be great if there were hundreds of cities. Zhong Yu murmured.

   It seems that some great **** heard the man’s self-talk. The man did not notice. The icon of the Three Kingdoms on the computer turned into a ray of light and shot at Zhong Yu’s forehead. Then, behind Zhong Yu, a black whirlpool appeared. The space around it seemed to be torn apart. Zhong Yu, who had been trapped, had not reacted yet. What happened was attracted by a huge force behind him. swirl.

   The endless forest is full of greenery. From time to time, there were the calls of insects, birds, and the howls of wild animals, and one of the clear streams flowed slowly and hummed. Just by the river, there was a groan, looking around, it looked like a human body lying on the river.

   Zhong Yu opened his eyes laboriously, a faint pain came from all over his body, but his somewhat confused and chaotic mind became sober. Struggling to stand up and look around, he couldn’t help feeling a shock. I saw forests that had not been polluted by modern industry all around, and a stream was clear to the bottom, and a few fishes were faintly swimming happily.

   Where is this? Why am I in this place? Zhong Yu couldn’t help but come up with these questions in his heart. Turning my brain laboriously, recalling what happened before, faintly recalled that I was playing the Three Kingdoms before, suddenly, a light shot out on the computer, and then I passed out, and then I woke up here and it is here. What happened? What? What exactly is that light? Why am I here? It’s not like someone is joking with me. I’m just the same otaku, and I don’t have much money. Who would make such a joke with me? No one would be so stupid to kidnap, looking at me like this.

   shook his head vigorously, but calmed down. Thinking about his current situation.

  Looking at the surrounding environment, it’s not like China. This kind of pollution-free place, without the slightest trace of human beings, has long disappeared in China. It seems that there are all over the world, but I take myself a big living person to a foreign country. It seems that people who might know don’t have such great ability, and those who have the ability will not deal with such a small person as himself. Zhong Yu has a faint guess in his heart.

   But now is not the time to think about these questions, I still walk around to see if there are any people, and ask myself where I am.

   Walk slowly along the river, beside the woods. Walking along this river, you should be able to get out of this forest.

   The road is constantly shuttled in the forest, enjoying the beautiful scenery by the river. In modern times, you can’t see such a beautiful scenery. You can only see it after special synthesis and beautification on TV, but it’s all in How false is the artificial synthesis seen on TV? It is also a blessing to be able to see it by yourself!

   The breath of nature passed into Zhong Yu’s heart, which made him feel more comfortable when he was inexplicably brought here.

   walking happily, finally couldn’t help but hum a few tones, which seemed to have a kind of leisurely rural life.

   But Zhong Yu’s heart kept flashing, inexplicable thoughts, as if trying to figure out why he was here, his brows slowly frowned. Could it be that I crossed it? Have you ever heard of such a place on earth?

   Just when Zhong Yu was thinking about it, there was a wolf howl in his ear. Finally, there was a trembling millet all over his body, and he looked back, and saw a half-human wolf, looking at him with green eyes, his feet soft.

   But the desire to live, finally defeated the fear of wolves, and ran forward like flying legs. He and the wild wolf also followed quickly, and finally escaped through the woods next to him in a panic. The wild wolf also chased up, only ten steps away from Zhong Yu, five steps, three steps, one step, overtaken, in my heart His fear and powerlessness broke out, and his whole body was trembling. The sharp wolf claws slashed past his body, and the short sleeves bought for dozens of dollars on Zhong Yu’s body could not effectively stop the wolf claws. Suddenly, a few blood stains were caught, and a large piece of meat was torn off, and the blood fell down.

   Pain, the uncontrollable pain on his body, finally couldn’t help but howl loudly. Zhong Yu had an urge to stop and roll in his heart, but he understood that he couldn’t stop now. Stopping was dead. I diverted my attention, cursing the wolf constantly on my mouth, cursing it viciously in my heart, but without stopping, I ran forward quickly, rolled a few times, and avoided the wolf’s pounce. And a trace of cruel abuse flashed in the eyes of the wolf behind, watching the prey in front hurriedly run around, couldn’t help being a little playful in his heart, and hurriedly chased up the prey that seemed to be cruel to kill, which can be obtained by himself. More pleasure, but better appetite.

  Zhong Yu was in confusion at this time, and the pain in his body constantly reminded him that the danger behind him was approaching. If he didn’t think of a way quickly, he might die at any time, what should I do? what do I do? How can I save myself? Suddenly, I finally saw a cliff in front of me.

   There is no way to go? Am I going to be eaten by this beast? Zhong Yu wandered on the edge of the cliff. Scattered eyes glanced at the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, there was a verdant green in front of him. There was a tree trunk below. Is it saved? Zhong Yu suddenly thought of a way to save himself.

  Wolf slowly came up and forced Zhong Yu to the edge of the Seeing Zhong Yu walking around the edge of the cliff, he seemed to want to find a way out. A trace of excitement flashed in the wolf’s eyes, watching the prey anxiously looking for a way out, only to find that he had only a dead end. That feeling made the wolf’s whole body tremble with excitement, and the wolf’s hairs were erected.

   “You bastard, even if I fall to death and fall off the cliff, I won’t lose your stomach.” Zhong Yu said harshly to the wolf in front of him.

   The wolf in my eyes seemed to understand Zhong Yu. The wolf’s eyes flashed a few times of anger, and quickly rushed towards Zhong Yu, Zhong Yu immediately ran forward and jumped off the cliff.

   Then I saw that Zhong Yu seemed to want to jump off the cliff, and immediately speeded up his speed. It’s fast, I’m getting closer to that **** human being, I’m about to tear it up and swallow it into my stomach. .

   was just one step away, just one step, and finally jumped off the cliff ahead of time, grabbed the trunk tightly, survived, and I finally survived. The wolf couldn’t stop his feet and jumped down. However, he was not so lucky. The four claws couldn’t catch the tree trunk, and the two front wolf claws caught the deep claw marks on the tree trunk. The two hind legs were kicking indiscriminately underneath. Hanging in the air like this, full of fear. Finally saw the ugly look of the wolf’s fear, the pleasure of revenge flashed in my heart several times, then you want to eat me, now you are going to die, I won’t let you go, and finally crawled over slowly. Standing on top of the wolf’s head, his feet slowly moved towards the man’s front paws. The man’s eyes were full of fear. He seemed to know what was going to happen next, and several wailings flashed in his mouth. , As if begging himself not to step on it, Zhong Yu looked at the pleading in Wolf’s eyes. Finally looking at the pleading in Blue’s eyes, there were a few perverted pleasures flashing in his heart, how did he step on the foot plate, and the wolf fell off the cliff with a loud sigh, fell to death, and fell into a piece of meat.

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