The Righteous Player(s): I will move forward

In the deepest night, before dawn.

The deep black night sky cracked like a collapse——

The brilliance of dawn slants down from it.

In the crack between light and darkness, a huge and glorious figure stood silently above the clouds high in the sky.

It can only be seen roughly, it seems to be the shape of a human being. On the front, back, left and right where his head is roughly, there are four kinds of radiance condensed into elements: “wisdom”, “understanding”, “victory” and “glory”.

He looks like the projection of a giant under the bright sun, or like a huge obelisk with light from all sides.

He is approximately at the chest level, burning with golden flames. The flame spread from his chest to his whole body like a circuit diagram.

And those huge hands that seemed to be able to touch the ground directly from high in the sky were shining with golden hope.

His four-sided rainbow-colored light became brighter and brighter, eventually illuminating the entire night sky.

——The sky is full of strange lights, like the Holy Spirit showing off his power.

Only a thousand suns can compete with it.

Everything is just like the portrait that Zhi Ji drew for Annan in the past.

How to deal with immortal enemies?

——The answer is simple.

Even Dusk himself gave Annan a hint——

I saw the glowing shadow slowly stretching out its hand. He held Dusk tightly bound by the radiant chain with both hands, and slowly raised it to his chest, in front of the fire.

Then, its chest opened, revealing a cross-like gap.

Countless golden fires of justice suddenly rolled up, molding countless chains of light into shapes like chrysalis shells.


He made a rumbling voice: “As long as the sun never sets, dusk will never come.

“——You will be burned by me forever.”

“…the third dawn is extinguished like fire.”

Dusk gave out its last roar: “Even the sky train is not eternal!

“When your fire goes out, I will still——”

Before its words ended, the light-casting furnace, which was based on the Heart of Justice and obtained from the Fountain of Light Realm, rumbled shut again, sealing its intelligence and words in the fire.

This is the power Annan obtained from the light world with his “first wish: to seal the dusk”.

“Who disturbs me? No one can disturb me.”

He calmly declared: “I will follow this path until the end.”

After the Dusk body, which can pollute all gods, was finally banned by Annan.

The gods appeared next to them one by one.

In fact, they had already noticed all this at the first time. But because of the Twilight Species’ restraint on the gods, they could not come directly to contact the worms.

But they did their best to provide help and support to the “Six Hundred Stars” – giving them layer after layer of benefits.


Wearing a monocle, Sir Silver chanted loudly: “We, our new colleagues, our savior, our sky train!

“Our God of Ascension and Hope——”

“——How should this world call you?”

After a very brief pause.

The huge glowing shadow gradually closed in, and the outer shell attached to it and slowly formed.

The final Annan is almost the same as before he ascended to the gods.

On the contrary, the overwhelming sense of presence disappeared, and the pupils that ignited from time to time and exuded brilliance turned back to their original light blue.

“I am the ‘gatekeeper'”

Annan replied: “From now on, you should call me ‘gatekeeper.'”

Just like Janus, the patron saint of Rome, the door **** with two faces, one looking at the past and the other looking at the future.

He is also the gatekeeper of the Heavenly Palace… He opens the door every morning, so the morning light shines on the earth; he closes the door every dusk, so darkness falls on the earth.

“I am the **** of sublimation, the **** of hope, and the **** of justice. I am the guardian of the world, the **** of good beginnings and good ends who links the chariot driver and the chariot, and the watchman who guards the past and the future.”

“Our gatekeeper!”

Miss Good Luck said loudly: “From now on, the last day of every month will be your holy day!”

The sublimation ceremony was completed and the worm was completely sealed.

Annan’s nearly impossible mission finally ended successfully.

As the gods began to applaud.

Following this is “Stars.”

Then came the people who still didn’t know what was going on——

Ecstasy permeates the whole world, and the light of hope shines like the morning sun on the earth.

The Sixth Phase Purana cannot carry a god’s journey across time – Annan felt a suction coming from the past of history, urging him to leave quickly.

The old grandmother came over and straightened Annan’s collar.

Her voice was full of pride: “Our savior…it’s time to set off.”

“Then…what should you do?”

Annan asked subconsciously.

Gods can exist beyond the first history, so… what about others?

But it was beyond Annan’s expectation.

Everyone had smiles on their faces and no fear.

“Yes, what will happen?”

Salvatore crossed his arms and chuckled: “There is no doubt that it will become better than our time.

“We are all your heirs.”

“You can do better than us.”

Kafni said firmly: “Reduce the most pain and eliminate the greatest contradictions. Make the world better than it is at this moment and make people happier – you can definitely do it, just like we do. The same.”

“Go back, gatekeeper.”

Miss Good Luck comforted: “If people in the past want to, I can let them hear all this again in their dreams.

“The experience gained should not be forgotten, nor should the feelings generated. But no matter what, they all deserve more.”

“I don’t want to remember this.”

Kafni smiled and said: “I would rather I was still the carefree girl.”

“Me too.”

Si Anke nodded slowly and said in a deep voice: “The separation between people is painful.

“This pain encourages people to grow. The loneliness in the middle is more like a knife, carving scars deep in the soul. But if I say, do I want to experience such pain again in order to gain this growth… My answer is, Never.

“Pain deserves to be remembered, but it should not be praised. Now there is an opportunity to change all this, and we are all looking forward to it.”

“…I understand.”

Annan nodded slowly.

While the world has become such a beautiful place, not everyone has paid the price.

The reason why people can be happy is precisely because these “players” who initially followed Annan, transformed into the “stars” that guard the world and paid the price.

This is not a painful separation and choice.

It is a long-awaited reunion full of expectations.

“I understand…

“Well, bye.”

As Annan finished speaking.

He turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

It is different from the previous feeling of chaos.

His consciousness was extremely clear this time, and he was traveling upstream along the timeline.

At this moment, Annan suddenly felt something.

He followed the familiar light and looked over.

On the other side of endless time, he saw another figure.

It looks very similar to myself.

The pure black waist-length hair is not composed of many strands of hair, but is shaped like the night sky… The eyes are silver-gray, like swirling gems. There was a quiet, gentle smile full of motherhood on her face.

That is the skycar driver looking towards the future in the historical past.

She also seemed surprised that someone appeared on this road.

But the two of them understood everything just by meeting their eyes.

[In the future, there is still such a possibility…]

The driver of the sky carriage murmured softly.

[The end of this future is better than any future I can see]

【——The future crane, can I entrust you with my hope? 】

As he spoke, the chariot driver stretched out his hand towards Annan.

Hearing these words, Annan finally understood everything:

Ya Weng said to Annan that the chariot driver “was not killed by anyone.”

The moment before she sent Sisyphus to the light world, she saw “another future”; she thought that it was “actually a good thing that she could die at that time”; she claimed that she was “influenced by the future” “attack”, but this is unclear, there is no explanation, and it does not require other gods to avenge themselves.

The reason is simple.

——Because in a sense, she committed suicide.

Annan didn’t hesitate and took his hand.

“I am the God of Hope, you can trust me.”

【That would be great】

She said.

The next moment is linked to “hope” and the divine eye of the crane driver used by Miss Good Luck to build the “system”.

A stream of light travels from the past to the future, lighting up the entire river of time.

The past chariot driver gradually shattered, and the fragments attached to Annan through the passage of light. The countless closed “eyes” on Annan’s body gradually disappeared, and his skin no longer had any defects.

With the injection of power from the “Heaven Chariot Driver”, Annan’s eyes and hair have become exactly like the Heaven Chariot Driver. He has also grown a few years older, becoming roughly what he looked like in his youth.

[With just the power of the sky crane, you cannot perfectly control the direction of the world]

[Then, I will hand over all the higher-level power to you – belonging to the “Heaven Chariot Master”]

【Now that you have my existence, Dusk, who was born in my belly, will never betray you】

[In this way, the concept of being a chariot driver is sent to the future. Even if I die here, this concept will not be taken back by the light world]

[A truly wonderful future, all the possibilities needed – achieved here]

The gentle voice of the crane driver gradually drifted away.

And Annan fell back to his original era again.

At this moment.

Only seven days have passed since Annan left this world.

Kafni stood alone in Noah’s garden.

In the sea of ​​silver-purple flowers, she stared at the sun.

Soon, her pupils were filled with tears.

Even she herself didn’t know if it was because the sun hurt her eyes or what.

At this moment, she suddenly heard the sound of something landing behind her.

She turned around and found in shock——

Annan’s robe floated down from the sky alone.

At that moment, Kaifni’s mind went blank.

She didn’t know what was happening, and even her feet seemed to be rooted, and she couldn’t move at all. She just stared at everything in a daze.

She didn’t even want to think about what happened, she just felt that the world was getting farther and farther away from her…

The next robe with residual warmth fell to a position almost as high as her, and blew onto her body, blocking Kaifni, who was as motionless as a doll, frozen in place. vision.

“——Looking directly at the sun is bad for your eyesight.”

A familiar voice sounded from behind the robe.

Tears burst out of Kaifni’s eyes immediately.

She hugged Annan through her robe and cried loudly.

At that moment, the fear, grievance and despair that seemed to fall into **** suddenly poured out.

Just like her current age.

That is the fragility of a real, strong yet weak girl.

“Just kidding…”

Annan smiled helplessly and hugged Kaifni with her backhand: “Don’t be afraid, I won.”

“You…are back…”

Kafni said intermittently while sobbing.

This was the first time in her life that she cried so bitterly.

Annan stroked Kaifuni’s hair gently and ran her fingers through the hair.

He looked up at the sun.

In the depths of the silver-gray pupils, the light of hope shines.

“I’m back with a new mission.

“I want to make this world a better place.

“Better than an infinitely better future.”

Better than the time without me.

To make everyone happy.

That is the ardent expectation from the past and the future.

That is the light that was passed out by Annan, but was finally passed back.

“Now I do have such power.

“I will swear… never to fall, never to despair, never to forget.

“I will move on—forever.”

(Complete book)

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