The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 87: Emergency situations and new plans

According to Annan’s original opportunity, he planned to go to the Sporation Mill.

Wait until a certain level of preliminary testing is conducted to confirm that there are no problems. He will be taken to the bone raising ground by Nefertari before July 1st.

——This is the original plan.

However, after receiving the news from Annan, Nefertari took the initiative to greet him.

When Annan and Isaac had just entered the underground from Noah and before entering the subway… they were directly stopped by Nefertari waiting at the subway door.

“Don’t go to the sporulation mill just yet.”

She gently held Annan’s shoulders and whispered.

As a native “underground person”, Nefertari is obviously not suitable for the subway, an environment that is already very close to the ground.

When you rise to this height, it’s like having altitude sickness.

Her face was always red and her speech was a little weak. It was like she had a fever…but she was clearly not infected by any disease or curse.

Nefertari also stretched out his other hand to cover his eyes. This is to block out natural light.

At this height, there is no longer a luminous dome composed of light ants.

People obviously relied on lights to keep them illuminated.

Although for people on the ground, this brightness is actually relatively dim. It’s probably like a study room with all the lights turned on at night – this level of brightness.

If it’s daytime, you won’t even notice that the lights are on under the sun.

But this brightness… is already quite dazzling for Nefertari.

Even with her hands blocking the light, she still narrowed her eyes unconsciously. The red halo in her eyes was like a street lamp in the rain.

And Nefertari’s long red hair and eyes shining with fire also surprised the people around him who were about to enter the subway – this kind of luminous eyes was very special to the Noahs. Hard to meet.

They couldn’t help but cast curious glances at Nefertari.

But when they saw that the person next to her was Grand Duke Annan, they nodded politely to Annan, withdrew their gaze and left quickly.

After all, those who can use the subway in Noah cannot be completely uneducated.

They must have heard about the characteristics of the underground people in books or at the wine table, but for most of them, this was the first time they saw it.

Annan watched them go away and was not in a hurry to get on the bus.

After the subway departed, he turned back and asked Nefertari.

“Why…something happened to the sporulation mill?”

“Not really.”

Nefertari shook his head and hesitated: “Or, at least, it’s not a bad thing.”

“That’s a good thing?”

“So be it.”

The red-haired girl with flaming eyes nodded: “The teacher sent a few senior brothers over to help me build some kind of defense facility at the Sporadic Mill.”

“Defense facilities?”

Annan was a little surprised.

With a structure like that of an underground city, what can be repaired?

Even the city walls have no meaning.

Even if you build a thick city wall, you only need to dig through it from above or below…

Unless the entire eggshell completely covers the city.

But in that case, even if the cost is not taken into consideration… it would be equivalent to cutting off the possibility of underground city expansion.

Moreover, it is entirely possible for the enemy to come in on the subway…

In underground cities, attacks on subways and tracks are absolutely not allowed. This is a more serious crime than murder underground.

After all, all cities, in principle, only have the right to use the subway. The real ownership of the subway is the two goddesses who created the underground city.

Although the two of them rarely return to the underground city, their priest is still underground. And once the subway is damaged, it means that the entire underground city, and even the logistics of the world, will be stuck.

Then it is no longer a matter of offending the underground city…

Given this situation, almost all underground cities have completely abandoned the use of defense facilities.

This is also the reason why Neuser, as a digger, had to patrol the streets every day.

“I stood aside and looked at it for a while, and found that it was probably some kind of high-strength mirror barrier for defense. It cannot resist most damage. But after it is turned on, it can protect against incoming damage from the outside. High-intensity light flow… Whether it is special light flow with high temperature, high energy, and high penetration, or light with other attributes attached, it can be effectively blocked.”

When Annan heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

Hey guys, is this protection against lasers and rays?

And such a clear and unabashed light strategy…

Although he had advanced to the gold level, Annan was still instinctively startled when he heard this thing.

This sense of tension made Annan immediately alert.

He trusted his instincts.


Nefertari looked worried: “When I talk about light, I think of you…and you, Your Majesty. The only organization that I can think of that is ‘related to light’ is you.

“And we will prepare for the transplantation of the holy bones next month. At this point in time, I have to consider… is the teacher going to take action against you, Your Majesty?”

I don’t want you to get hurt by this.

“So I made an excuse and slipped out early.”

Nefertari said so.

This was not a decision based on the friendship between the two.

But she relied on her own rationality to judge, “Annan can’t have anything happen here.” She believes that as long as Annan is alive, he can bring “greater good” to the world.

For this reason…

“Don’t be too nervous.”

Annan comforted me gently: “Maybe he just wanted to prevent me from attacking you, so it would affect you?

“If he had attacked me earlier, maybe it would have worked. But now…”

As he spoke, he showed off the gold necklace around his neck.

Nefertari suddenly opened his eyes: “You have… reached the gold level??”

She looked shocked.

Annan’s sister Maria Winter was called a “monster” because she advanced to gold at the age of eighteen.

And that is even the inheritance of the Daughter of the Storm. She has been the son of the tower from a long time ago… As long as she reaches the level, she can directly advance to the next level.

Annan advanced to gold at the age of fifteen without any inheritance…

“Is this a record-breaking thing?!”

Nefertari was surprised and happy: “Should I say congratulations?”

“You can if you want.”

Annan shrugged and narrated in a euphemistic way: “But since you said so… then what happened to the sporulation mill, I will send someone to investigate. If this mirror enchantment can be reversed , it might be a cage specially prepared for me.”

“It is indeed possible,” Isaac nodded, “Then where should we go now?”

“We’re still going to do the subway, but to the United Kingdom.”

Annan replied: “Over there in the winter, my message to them was ‘I’m going to the sporulation mill’; I also said the same thing to Noah. All the gods and all the people thought I was going to Go to the underground city… But now, I quietly went to the United Kingdom without any reason or goal.

“This should be a move beyond the source of Professor Gray’s intelligence. No matter what his subsequent response is, part of his intelligence will be exposed.

“If he can learn that I have gone to the United Kingdom, it means that he has some special means to bypass my immunity to fate-based rituals and spells and directly obtain information about me; and if the Sporadic Mill Further turning it into a trap means that he really wants to attack me.”

No matter what the purpose of setting up this barrier is… Annan will face the situation of “not knowing what the opponent’s backfield cards are” when he goes to the Sporadic Mill at this time. His actions will be limited.

As a result, Annan completely changed from light to dark and gained the initiative.

On the contrary, the actions of Professor Gray and his team will be exposed and they will be observed by the “players” sent by Annan.

As Yin Jue said——

Annan needs to have more confidence in them.

“We are not going to the United Kingdom without doing anything. We will not waste time… After all, the underground city can be entered from the metropolis of all countries, and it does not necessarily have to go from Noah to the Sporadic Mill .”

Annan narrowed his eyes: “Fufu is underground in the United Kingdom right now. And I happen to have something I want to ask Yaweng…”

That was about a certain sister of Yaweng who ran away from Annan.

No matter what, I have to tell Ya Weng about this…

And the news from Sir Silver also made Annan a little concerned.

He told Annan that this matter would be settled soon. Then Annan might as well go to the United Kingdom for a vacation first… wait until the dust settles over Sir Silver’s side, ask what the specific situation is, and then revise the plan.

Because Annan suddenly thought of something.

If we say that Professor Wolf is the mirror of Professor Gray, it is almost equal to the half body of Professor Gray. In the name of this similarity, Professor Wolf can almost steal most of the power from Professor Gray.

And Professor Gray’s ceremony itself is to imitate “Professor White” Chiron.

So, what kind of power did Professor Gray steal from Chiron?

As the densest gathering place of centaurs, the United Kingdom may be able to give Annan some answers.

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