The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 85: You are never a lonely savior

Sir Yin’s unexpected words made Annan stunned for a moment.

He was really not mentally prepared for this answer.


Annan has subconsciously believed that the difficulties he encounters and the enemies he sees can only be solved by himself.

But looking at Sir Silver taking over this trouble skillfully.

This actually made Annan’s mind go blank… For a moment, he didn’t know what to say.

Should I thank you? Or should I refuse Sir Silver’s kindness? Or are you trying to get yourself involved?

Seeing Annan’s confused expression for a moment, Sir Silver chuckled and couldn’t help but touch Annan’s hair.

He whispered softly: “Annan… Do you think that the world has not had any major events for a long time, and you are just lucky?

“Of course the responsibilities of gods are not just to support the Great Barrier. After all, the Great Barrier is something that only exists in the Third Age… What we have to do is to watch the world together. But on the other hand, gods are not Everything can be done, everything can be changed… all we can do are only things within our power, and people will not desire it so simply.

“Just like you, as the Grand Duke, your people must hope to live a good life immediately – or to be more precise, they hope to have a generous income while lying at home without having to work, and live without any disease. An unexpectedly comfortable life; they also hope that they will not meet anyone they are bored with, and no one will hate them; they imagine that they know nothing and have nothing, but can have a better relationship with the opposite sex.

“But you also know…how is this possible?”

Annan couldn’t help but nodded.

Yes, he knows.

——This is impossible.

Because people are eager to achieve success overnight and immediately reach the best future in their hearts.

They don’t care about the process, the principles involved, and they don’t care about the difficulties they will face in the process of achieving this dream – but they will be very concerned about whether this difficulty will cause any trouble in their current lives. .

Excellent leaders can only balance long-term goals with current needs… However, even the best leaders can never meet all the needs of everyone.

Unless you let Master Yuanmeng read it for an infinite month.

“When people pray to us, they don’t think about how well we can do it, or why we don’t do it. They only think about whether we can do what they want, and if not why Didn’t do it.

“Is this a bad trait of human beings? I don’t think so…it’s just because people are mortal.”

Sir Silver said calmly: “There are only a handful of sages who can make their thoughts last forever. For most people, their lives are so short… If you miss it if you don’t pay attention, it will end. .

“You are now close to the level of God, so I will sit here and explain it clearly to you. Just like when a child has grown up, his father will talk to him about life.”

Sir Silver said, pushing up his single-frame glasses and showing a gentle smile: “You don’t think… you are the brave man in fairy tales, and the whole world can only count on you to defeat the devil, right? You know, even in the stories of brave men, there are still some tasks that do not need to be done by the brave man himself.

“And since you have a greater mission, it is not your turn to do the small tasks of picking fruits and sending love letters. Of course you can do it, but this should not become your task or your purpose.”

Sir Silver spoke words that were gentle but shocked Annan’s heart: “Listen up, Annan. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You can never be omnipotent, let alone handle everything perfectly all the time.

“Nothing is ever done, Annan.

“You are indeed the savior of this world. But you are not a handyman, and you have to do everything yourself. We are not just wooden people who can’t do anything. Why are you the only one who can save the world, and we are the only ones who can save the world? Can I just watch?

“In the final analysis, if there really is such a world, only a certain person can save it…and in this case, everyone put down the work at hand and did not do their part for the ‘brave’ Instead, he just waited for salvation to come, and even caused trouble for the ‘brave’.

“Then it would be better to destroy this world altogether.”

Annan realized it.

Just like Sir Silver said before.

This is a kind of arrogance in my heart.

Although he didn’t say it or show it…he regarded himself as the “protagonist” of this world. Any trouble will eventually become his trouble; and only he can solve these troubles.

“…I understand.”

Annan nodded.

He responded very seriously: “I was wrong about this.

“I did think…if everything around me was just a game, a book, or a movie, then I would undoubtedly be the protagonist.

“Since I am the ‘protagonist’, others can only be ‘supporting roles’. So they can’t do anything and can’t do anything well. In the end, I am the only one who can solve everything myself… no matter it is a big or small matter. .

“Just like the Great Lord, Zhuogenbao and Blue Star.”

More like a tool than a savior.

He did do this before.

The reason why Annan treats the players as tool people… In a sense, he regards himself as a bigger tool person. Just like a contractor.

It wasn’t until now that Annan realized…

He can’t always handle everything himself.

The reason why Annan delegates power to the Principality of Winter is essentially because Annan does not care about the authority of the Principality of Winter…not because he understands the principle that “the result of ‘doing everything by yourself’ is ‘life will not last long'”.

“…I understand.”

Annan nodded.

His eyes seemed to become brighter: “I leave this matter to you, Sir Silver. I will deal with some of my personal matters first…

“If there is anything you need my help with, you can tell me. If I can help, I will do it.”

“That’s how it should be.”

Sir Yin smiled happily and gently stroked Annan’s long, smooth hair: “This is a ‘friend’. There are comings and goings, borrowings and repayments. I know you are a good person and don’t like to take advantage of other people. It’s cheaper…but you can also trust your friends more.”

Annan opened his mouth, but still didn’t say anything.

He just lowered his head and was quietly touched by Sir Silver. Unexpectedly… and for the first time in a long time, I felt a slight sense of peace of mind.

——In fact, Annan also understands this truth.

Annan has known for a long time that instead of making friends by helping others, it is better to ask for help from others to gain more favor. A small request that is not troublesome and a sincere thank you can bring the relationship closer to each other more easily than flattery.

…but that’s when Annan saw other people as tools.

Annan did this consciously when they were not familiar with each other.

For example, players who have just come to this world.

In the beginning, whenever Annan encountered any trouble, he would hope that everyone would solve it together.

When Annan really regarded them as friends, he began to think about how he could solve problems independently without asking for help from his friends; how he could give them more benefits…

For example, Annan did not tell Salvatore and Hugo about this problem. He didn’t tell Maria or Dmitri either.

But I was alone – plus a summon, and sneaked over to ask Sir Silver.

During the whole process, Annan never thought about the possibility of “finding other people to help.”

“You can handle your private affairs with peace of mind. If anything happens, I will let the Faceless Poet notify you as soon as possible.”

Sir Silver whispered gently: “Occasionally, you can trust others more. Believe in your friends… they are not fools who are useless without you.

“After all… you are not a lonely sun **** like Mr. Yao.

“You are the light of lights and the father of stars.”

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