The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 61: Bishop Daryl

After paying the entry fee for more than 20 people, Annan and his party successfully entered Roseburg.

Of course, it must have been paid for by Salvatore. After Annan stared at Senior Salvatore for a moment, the senior retreated – obviously embarrassed to go out with such a young child and ask him to pay.

Annan has now begun to seriously consider whether to hurry up and get some money. At least it should be enough for daily expenses.

Always use Salvatore as a villain. Even if the other party doesn’t mind, his own performance will have problems sooner or later.

Let’s just say he is stingy.

How can any nobleman live such a poor life…

“Excuse me——”

Suddenly, Annan heard someone outside the carriage shout: “Is that Master Geraint in the carriage?”

Who is it?

Annan’s heart moved, but he didn’t say anything.

He looked at Salvatore, who understood it and said loudly: “I am Salvatore Black Tower. Who are you?”

“I am the Bishop of Silver Lord, Daryl. My dear son of the Black Tower…”

The man outside the car said with a smile: “I think you may have heard of me.”

“…I have indeed heard of this name. He is the bishop of Roseburg and is said to be very capable.”

Salvatore looked at Annan and asked in a low voice: “Go down and take a look?”

“You can go take a look, maybe they are here to help us.”

Annan said solemnly: “After all…this matter is related to that person.”

Salvatore understood.

Annan glanced around and motioned for the players to come closer to him.

In fact, Salvatore had already made an agreement with Annan, and Annan would decide what to do after entering the city.

Soul-stealing wizards are experts at manipulating people’s minds. Even without using spells, they are usually good at it.

After all, Salvatore has murderous intentions towards Gerald, and Gerald should also know about it… This means that he is likely to use Salvatore This murderous intention led him to make mistakes.

And Annan didn’t know Gerald at all. This means that he cannot be induced by the other party and can always remain calm – especially when the two have conflicting opinions, Salvatore will begin to reflect on whether he has been unknowingly influenced.

This was the strategy Annan and Salvatore discussed on the carriage while they were on the road.

Naturally, the whole process was broadcast live in real time by Jiu’er who stayed beside Annan.

On the one hand, the players are nervous and excited about the strength of the enemy they are about to encounter…on the other hand, they are also convinced that “Don Juan is the protagonist of this game”.

Although the cover of this game is Don Juan, there are always exceptions.

For example, a game where a poster girl has no sense of existence…

But look, is it possible for ordinary people to be so smart when they are twelve or thirteen years old? Do ordinary people behave so calmly and calmly when they are twelve or thirteen years old?

Annan’s wise words convinced the players to wait for the plot kill…

After all, they have been exposed to the extraordinary power of this world many times now. They have also realized that although they can easily defeat the private armies disguised as bandits, their combat effectiveness is almost nothing compared to those of extraordinary beings.

In their entire team, there are only two extraordinary people.

——So, I should have just come here to run around, do some miscellaneous work, and clear out monsters, right?

The end must be a series of CG cutscenes, where young master Don Juan and the panda-eyed senior show off their powers, right?

The foot men thought very optimistically.

Annan’s ideas are completely different from those of the players.

He just said silently and coldly to the short girl beside him: “Protect me, Jiu’er – protect me with your life.”

“I know how to do it! Um…eh?”

Jiuer responded briskly.

But she paused, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in her eyes.

She said without hesitation, extremely firmly and smoothly: “Don’t worry, Master. I will never let any attack come close to you——”

…Every time he saw this scene, Salvatore felt very incomprehensible.

How did Don Juan find such a group of loyal guards?

But in fact, Annan just sent Jiuer a temporary task.

[Temporary mission: personal guard]

[Mission requirements: In Fort Ross, always protect “Don Juan Geraint” personally and block any incoming arrows, spells, poisonous wine and daggers; before this mission fails, no need for any resurrection The cost and regardless of the number of resurrections per day]

[Special needs: The final reward is issued based on the satisfaction of “Don Juan Geraint”]

After seeing this task requirement, Jiuer understood.

The flash blocking hook. She is very good at this…

If she didn’t think this would trouble the young master, she would definitely stick close to Annan, then stretch out her arms and shout after leaving the carriage:

“Bron is here——!”

Of course, when this task appeared, she immediately took a screenshot and posted it to the forum.

And I especially liked Lin Yiyi.

Considering his impression in Annan’s mind, Jiu’er just smiled reservedly, then opened the car door diligently and helped Annan get out of the car.

Seeing this scene, Salvatore, who got out of the car, felt even more complicated.

Especially after he saw that the other guards looked at Jiu’er with envious and almost jealous looks after hearing this order, he felt even more confused.

It’s so weird, these people are really weird…

Are all the guards from the royal capital so good-looking, powerful in combat, and so reliable in their loyalty?

Are the rumors wrong?

Don Juan Geraint is not Count Geraint’s least favorite son, but his first heir?

Is his eldest son just a cover? A target used to protect Don Juan from assassination?

Salvatore could only think this way.

After getting out of the car surrounded and protected by the players, Annan also saw the person who stopped the car.

That was a man… who looked like the Silver Lord Priest.

Bishop Daryl has a generous face, kind eyebrows and big ears. He can be said to be fat and big-eared. His head was completely shaved and he always had a kind smile on his face. Although he looks very old, his skin is still delicate and his true age cannot be seen.

He was wearing the same white suit as Padre Lewis. But the clothes on the Bishop’s body have obviously endured hardships that clothes of this type should not endure – the white dress of the same style that looks particularly slim and handsome on the Bishop’s body seems to prove the excellence of the fabric on the Bishop’s body. The tolerance is the same, but the fabric on the belly seems a little tight, as if the buttons will fly out if you bend hard.

In his breast pocket was a silver pocket watch similar to that of Padre Lewis. Unlike Padre Louis, his pocket watch was smaller and looked more like a silver coin.

But compared to the Bishop’s overly majestic figure, what is more memorable is the two rows of golden teeth exposed when he smiles.

Yes, he has a whole mouthful of gold teeth.

When you smile, you will shine brightly.

Annan is very envious.

“Hats off to the silver coin, Bishop Daryl.”

Annan and Salvatore respectfully paid tribute to the bishop.

The players behind him reacted half a beat slower and followed Annan’s actions to pay tribute to him.

Bishop Daryl just responded with a smile, took out his pocket watch and opened it with a snap: “May you be loved by Yin Jue today, lovely children…”

“I’m young, so I asked directly. You can’t blame me.”

Annan made full use of every advantage he had and asked without any shame: “You stopped us, do you have something to say to me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Bishop Daryl said with a smile: “Count Geraint wrote to me in advance and told me to let me take more care of you.”

“My father knows you?”

Annan asked in surprise, a little wary in his heart.

The bishop just waved his hand and said with a smile: “Actually, I didn’t know your father, but your grandfather.

“I am your grandfather’s good friend, little Sir. If you want to call me, you should call me grandpa.”

The fat, bald bishop looked to be no more than forty or fifty years old. He smiled like a Maitreya Buddha.

“So, Grandpa Daryl.”

Although he felt that this man was taking advantage of him, Annan did not hesitate at all. He shouted without hesitation, and directly returned to the previous topic: “What do you want to see me for?”

“I would like to make a suggestion. For the sake of the son of the old man.”

The smile on Bishop Darryl’s face faded slightly, and his tone became more formal: “Alvin Barber will invite you to the banquet later… I personally advise you not to go.

“This is not your hatred. It doesn’t belong to either side.”

After his words fell, the dazzling electric light fell.

Annan blinked, and the fat bishop had disappeared.

Until then, he suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing and his chest felt cold.

The sudden thunder in the distance rolled in like wheels. Passers-by around him screamed in surprise and walked a little faster, preparing to go home to take shelter from the rain.

Annan suddenly realized——

After this strange fat man appeared.

No one passed by on the street, and he didn’t feel the cool breeze before the heavy rain at all.

Annan looked up and saw that the sky was gloomy and dark clouds were pressing over the city.

The wind is getting stronger.

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