The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 59: The Betrayed Dmitri

Under Ivan’s relatively objective explanation, Annan finally figured out what happened at that time:

Fu Fu and Dmitri played a total of three gambling games.

The results of the first two bets were a one-to-one draw.

The third and final bet was originally the one in which Dmitri had the greatest advantage——

This is a gambling game similar to a variety show.

The rules are simple.

Dmitri himself selected one person as his “assistant”. The rotten man will ask them two questions at the same time – one about Dmitry and the other about his chosen assistant. Both of these questions must be questions they know the answers to.

If the answers given to these two questions are the same and neither of them lied, it is considered a victory.

If the answers given are different, it will be considered a failure. Once it fails, the “person with the correct answer” will have to pay a price, that is, bear the curse of [Heirless], while the “person with the wrong answer” will not have to pay any price; and if the two people’s answers are consistent but both lied, Then the two of them have to bear the curse of [No Heir] together.

——After hearing this, Annan understood.

This is a gamble that tests people’s hearts.

If both people are right, they win; if both people are wrong, they fail; if one person is right and the other person is wrong, the right person loses.

This is not a gamble that simply tests “tacit understanding” and “understanding”.

It is a test of “trust”.

——Standard prisoner’s dilemma.

In particular, the assistants were appointed by Dmitry himself.

Even if you are a close friend, you will probably feel resentful once you learn about the price you may have to pay after you are involved.

It is better to say that if the relationship was closer – for example, a “relative” like Maria or Annan, then he would not be chosen as his assistant at all.

Not even a one in ten thousand chance. Dmitry could not afford to fail.

The other way around…

If you are selected as an “assistant”, it means directly telling the other party that you are a “friend who can be discarded.”


Annan suddenly realized the key issue.

——So, why Bella?

It is not surprising that werewolves, especially werewolves born from the Hand of Winter, were selected as assistants in the ceremony. After all, the fundamental mission of the Hand of Winter is to protect the blood of the Winter clan. Taking risks and completing tasks is part of your duty.

The Hand of Winter is unlikely to have any descendants anyway.

Because they have too many secrets.

When the Hands of Winter retire, their daily lives will be monitored.

Whether you are traveling, buying groceries, or entertaining friends, as long as you have contact with other people, you will be investigated. Traveling is something you don’t have to think about. When you want to leave the city, you must get the signature of the mayor and be accompanied by the three Winter Hands. And this is the group that is judged to be relatively safe and has made great achievements in the hands of winter.

More hands of winter will not lead to a happy ending. Their last task is usually to guard the tomb of the Winter clan to prevent the bodies with divine blood from being stolen – from this point on, they cannot leave. The only good thing is that they can be buried together with the members of the Winter family who have protected them all their lives.

But needless to say, their families were unable to worship them.

Being able to become the instructor of the new Hand of Winter and continue to work in Frostwhisper Province until death is considered the best outcome.

To die during a mission is the greatest luck.

At least that way, they will become [heroes] and be remembered.

As Michelangelo once mocked:

——[Hand of Winter] is a giant.

Because giants are a race that “has no vision when they are young” and “cannot speak when they grow old”.

They are not fighting for justice, nor do they need to follow the law.

First of all, they want to protect the bloodline of the Winter clan, secondly they follow the orders of the Winter clan to arrest and kill designated targets, and then they punish the villains. Therefore, the Hand of Winter is undoubtedly the “blind one”.

Having the Hand of Winter as your assistant should be the best choice.

But the premise of this is that both parties should have a more thorough knowledge and understanding of the other party. Otherwise, even if you don’t take the initiative to betray, if you don’t know the answer to the question, you will still be a failure.

“Because Bella and Dmitri…were lovers for a time. They even reached the level of discussing marriage.”

Ivan Lendong revealed shocking news.

When he said this, he glanced at Dmitri again.

Annan couldn’t help but widen his eyes.


A werewolf?

How is this BestMatch?

The eldest son of a noble grand duke fell in love with a lowly, fatherless and motherless werewolf girl…

Annan felt like a story of at least 300,000 words appeared in his mind.

However, in order to save Dmitri’s face, Ivan did not go too deep into this issue.

But Annan already knew the end of the story.

“…but in the end, Bella chose to betray?”

He didn’t quite understand.

What is this picture?

Since two people decide to get married, if one of them lacks fertility, wouldn’t the final result be the same? They can only choose to tide over the difficulties together – and this happens to be a last-ditch battle with no answer.

“And Bella deliberately chose the wrong answer… As a result, Dmitri paid the price for his trust.”

“Then what?”

“Then Bella was investigated by the Hand of Winter. Although this is an unfortunate thing, it can also be considered a good thing…”

Ivan raised his head, glanced at Annan, and then at Dmitri, who had his head lowered.

“If it hadn’t been for this, we wouldn’t have discovered…Bella’s teacher and former ‘Thumb’ Vladimir of the Hand of Winter had already betrayed Winter.”

“…betrayal, winter?”

Annan murmured and repeated.

——He remembered.

If the guess is correct, this “Vladimir” is the “Thumb” who recruited Bella into the Hand of Winter in “Nightmare: Wolf’s Kiss”.

No wonder he would ask you loyal to the Grand Duke?” Such a weird topic.

Loyalty without trial and training is meaningless and unworkable.

——Unless the answer he wants is not “loyalty”.

But “disloyal”.

“What did they do?”

Annan asked.

Ivan paused his cane.

The Duke of Winter replied slowly: “They used Bella to steal Demetri’s body fluids to create a spell that can control and tame frost beasts without the need for ‘winter blood’.”

Annan asked curiously: “So, how far have they completed it?”

“Unfortunately, they have succeeded.”

Ivan reached out and touched the ravine on the scepter and answered slowly.

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